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Dec 12, 2018

2018 Geminid Meteor Shower Will Be Brilliant

Posted by in category: futurism

Don’t miss out on one of the most prolific and reliable meteor showers of the year! The Geminid meteor shower will put on a dazzling display for sky watchers when it peaks on Dec. 13. You’ll be able to see up to 100 meteors per hour. Plan ahead:

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Dec 12, 2018

Wondering what a CubeSat is?

Posted by in category: space

Here are fun fast facts about it.

Photo Credit: Canadian Space Agency

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Dec 12, 2018

Geminid meteor shower to light up Philippine skies tonight

Posted by in category: futurism

Watch out!

Visible from the Philippines, the Geminid meteor shower will be at its brightest tonight. Read about it and other sights this month and in January 2018.

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Dec 12, 2018

Check out this awesome time-lapse video of the Sun’s incredible shape-shifting atmosphere, taken by the SWAP camera on ESA’s #PROBA-2 satellite, from July to August 2014

Posted by in category: electronics

See more about #SpaceWeather:…WE_Segment

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Dec 12, 2018

Fly-Around of Jupiter by NASA’s Juno Spacecraft

Posted by in category: space travel

NASA’s Juno Mission to Jupiter will zoom past Jupiter at nearly 130,000 mph next week, making its 16th science pass above the planet’s cloud tops. More science and — of course — more stunning images from JunoCam on the way:

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Dec 12, 2018

Lunar eclipse 2019: Why a solar eclipse will ALWAYS appear just before a lunar eclipse

Posted by in category: futurism

A LUNAR eclipse will take place on January 21, 2019. But why does a solar eclipse always appear just before and after a lunar eclipse?

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Dec 12, 2018

Emotion recognition based on paralinguistic information

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington have recently explored the use of machine learning for emotion recognition based solely on paralinguistic information. Paralinguistics are aspects of spoken communication that do not involve words, such as pitch, volume, intonation, etc.

Recent advances in have led to the development of tools that can recognize by analyzing images, voice recordings, electroencephalograms or electrocardiograms. These tools could have several interesting applications, for instance, enabling more efficient human-computer interactions in which a computer recognizes and responds to a human user’s emotions.

“In general, one may argue that speech carries two distinct types of : explicit or linguistic information, which concerns articulated patterns by the speaker; and implicit or paralinguistic information, which concerns the variation in pronunciation of the linguistic patterns,” the researchers wrote in their paper, published in the Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology book series. “Using either or both types of information, one may attempt to classify an audio segment that consists of speech, based on the emotion(s) it carries. However, from speech appears to be a significantly difficult task even for a human, no matter if he/she is an expert in this field (e.g. a psychologist).”

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Dec 12, 2018

New Facebook Patent Predicts Your Location Before You Get There

Posted by in category: futurism

It’s like location tracking…but in the future.

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Dec 12, 2018

Factory robot malfunctions and impales worker with 10 foot-long steel spikes

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

A CHINESE factory worker has survived being skewered with ten metal spikes when a machine malfunctioned.

The 49-year-old, named as Mr Zhou, was working on the night shift at a porcelain factory in Hunan Hunan province when he was struck by a falling mechanical arm.

The accident resulted in him being impaled with foot long, half inch thick metal rods, the People’s Daily reported.

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Dec 12, 2018

Why Mars Is The Hardest Planet To Land On

Posted by in category: space

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