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Jan 21, 2019

Radical body design “Primo Posthuman”

Posted by in category: futurism

Primo 3M+ is a prototype future body, a conceptual design with superlongevity in mind. Primo by design is multi-functional. It is reliable, changeable, upgradeable, and complete with enhanced senses. Primo is the new designer body.

Originally posted 2002 and excerpted from Published on February 20, 2002.

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Jan 21, 2019

After the Smartphone: The Race for the Next Big Thing

Posted by in categories: mobile phones, robotics/AI, virtual reality

As the smartphone market matures, startups are racing to predict what’s next, and venture-capital firms are spraying money into fields like virtual reality, smart watches and even implants in the brain. Here are some of the startups attracting investment.

Venture-capital investors are spraying money into fields like virtual reality, driverless cars and even implants in the brain.

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Jan 20, 2019

Utopistics, explained

Posted by in categories: futurism, government, sustainability

Utopistics is an emerging field in political science, dealing with the creation of an alternative social system or civilization with different values and priorities from the dominant ones today. Learn about it with this video:

Is there a viable alternative to the neoliberal economic consensus?

Is the nationalism and protectionism of Trump and similar politicians the only alternative?

Is another world possible?

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Jan 20, 2019

VocativVideosBillboards Of The Future Might Be Floating In The Night Sky

Posted by in categories: space, transportation

Forget highway billboards… the future of ads might be floating in SPACE.

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Jan 20, 2019

Ray Kurzweil: ‘AI is Still on Course to Outpace Human Intelligence’

Posted by in categories: Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, singularity

The Singularity is near(er)! At least, that’s what the famous inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil argues. If you’ve ever had an interest in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, or the future in general, you’ve more than likely heard of Kurzweil. Whether it’s through documentaries, his various written works, or the vast number of interviews he’s been involved in these last few decades, he’s always provided a cautiously optimistic analysis of the world of tomorrow.

His latest interview, which was conducted during last year’s RAAD Festival, was no different.

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Jan 20, 2019

Tip: This Common Pain Pill Attacks the Testicles

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Better think twice about that stuff you take for pain relief. It makes your testicles act like they’re 90 years old.

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Jan 20, 2019

Water-based Fuel Cell Converts Carbon Emissions to Electricity

Posted by in categories: business, climatology, sustainability

Carbon emissions are one of the big concerns impacting climate change, with projects from the development of carbon dioxide-scrubbing plants to businesses pledging to offset their carbon emissions being suggested as ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Now scientists from South Korea have come up with a breakthrough concept which can turn carbon emissions into usable energy.

Scientists from the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) developed a system which can continuously produce electrical energy and hydrogen by dissolving carbon dioxide in an aqueous solution. The inspiration came from the fact that much of the carbon dioxide produced by humans is absorbed by the oceans, where it raises the level of acidity in the water. Researchers used this concept to “melt” carbon dioxide in water in order to induce an electrochemical reaction. When acidity rises, the number of protons increases, and these protons attract electrons at a high rate. This can be used to create a battery system where electricity is produced by removing carbon dioxide.

The elements of the battery system are similar to a fuel cell, and include a cathode (sodium metal), a separator (NASICON), and an anode (catalyst). In this case, the catalysts are contained in the water and are connected to the cathode through a lead wire. The reaction begins when carbon dioxide is injected into the water and begins to break down into electricity and hydrogen. Not only is the electricity generated obviously useful, but the produced hydrogen could be used to fuel vehicles as well. The current efficiency of the system is up to 50 percent of the carbon dioxide being converted, which is impressive, although the system only operates on a small scale.

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Jan 20, 2019

Physicists Discover Artwork Hidden Under Picasso’s Paintings

Posted by in categories: media & arts, physics

Spectroscopy reveals there’s more to art than what meets the eye.

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Jan 20, 2019

India Is Launching the Largest Basic Income Experiment in History

Posted by in category: economics

An Indian state is launching what some are calling the most ambitious basic income program in history.

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Jan 20, 2019

Bees May Understand Zero, a Concept That Took Humans Millennia to Grasp

Posted by in categories: mathematics, robotics/AI

Brief mention of AI implications…

As a mathematical concept, the idea of zero is relatively new in human society—and indisputably revolutionary. It’s allowed humans to develop algebra, calculus and Cartesian coordinates ; questions about its properties continue to incite mathematical debate today. So it may sound unlikely that bees — complex and community-based insects to be sure, but insects nonetheless — seem to have mastered their own numerical concept of nothingness.

Despite their sesame-seed-sized brains, honey bees have proven themselves the prodigies of the insect world. Researcher has found that they can count up to about four, distinguish abstract patterns, and communicate locations with other bees. Now, Australian scientists have found what may be their most impressive cognitive ability yet: “zero processing,” or the ability to conceptualize nothingness as a numerical value that can be compared with more tangible quantities like one and two.

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