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Dec 24, 2018


Posted by in categories: existential risks, life extension

Ok, the new version of my global risk prevention map is up (pdf link is in comments) and now it is accompanied by recently the published article “Approaches to the Prevention of Global Catastrophic Risks.”

Abstract: Many global catastrophic and existential risks (X-risks) threaten the existence of humankind. There are also many ideas for their prevention, but the meta-problem is that these ideas are not structured. This lack of structure means it is not easy to choose the right plan(s) or to implement them in the correct order. I suggest using a “Plan A, Plan B” model, which has shown its effectiveness in planning actions in unpredictable environments. In this approach, Plan B is a backup option, implemented if Plan A fails. In the case of global risks, Plan A is intended to prevent a catastrophe and Plan B to survive it, if it is not avoided. Each plan has similar stages: analysis, planning, funding, low-level realization and high-level realization. Two variables—plans and stages—provide an effective basis for classification of all possible X-risks prevention methods in the form of a two-dimensional map, allowing the choice of optimal paths for human survival. I have created a framework for estimating the utility of various prevention methods based on their probability of success, the chances that they will be realized in time, their opportunity cost, and their risk. I also distinguish between top-down and bottom-up approaches.

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Dec 24, 2018

Bioquark Inc — Ectocrine Technologies — Mosquitos — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, biological, biotech/medical, business, chemistry, disruptive technology, genetics, health, life extension

New program coming on-line at Bioquark Inc. ( — Ectocrine interactions (the“Ectocrinome”) represents a completely unexplored area related to human health…004155.htm

Dec 24, 2018

Bad Vibes: How Hits To The Head Are Transferred To The Brain

Posted by in categories: health, neuroscience

An Engineer Jostles Living Brains To Learn How Hits To The Head Cause Injuries : Shots — Health News A question about heading soccer balls inspired a series of experiments to understand how the brain changes shape when someone’s head takes a hit.

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Dec 24, 2018

How Indonesia’s tsunami warning system failed its citizens again

Posted by in category: futurism

The disaster hit without warning.

Many of the hundreds of people who died when a tsunami struck the Indonesian coast Saturday night were nowhere near shelter. Quite simply, they had no idea it was coming.

That’s because despite a history of tsunamis caused by volcanoes and earthquakes, Indonesia has not had an effective early warning system for years.

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Dec 24, 2018

18 Sci-Fi Movies Coming In 2019 (And 15 We Still Have To Wait For)

Posted by in category: entertainment

The year 2019 is going to be a big one for movies. There are several movies coming out in the upcoming year with all genres of film getting some big titles.

A lot of science fiction movies are hitting theaters in 2019, but fans will have to wait a bit longer for some anticipated titles.

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Dec 24, 2018

Using Bitcoin Off the Grid

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, finance, satellites

How Combining Mesh and Satellites leads to True Financial Freedom.

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Dec 24, 2018

Your next smartphone might be built with living cells

Posted by in categories: futurism, mobile phones

Joshua Hoffman, the founder of Zymergen, discusses how he’s using technologically enhanced natural processes to build cell phone components of the future.

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Dec 24, 2018

Pediatric leukemia ‘super drug’ could be less than a decade away

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Building on several years of research into a protein responsible for leukemia, a newly published paper has revealed success in slowing the progression of the deadly cancer in mouse models. The researchers suggest two new prospective therapies can now be combined into one “super drug” and progress into human clinical trials.

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Dec 23, 2018

This is the season of celebrating, and the Chandra X-ray Observatory team has prepared a platter of cosmic treats

Posted by in category: space

This selection represents different types of objects -\-\ from relatively nearby exploded stars to extremely distant and massive clusters of galaxies -\-\ that emit X-rays detected by Chandra. Each image in this collection blends data from Chandra with observations from other telescopes, creating a colorful medley of light from our universe. Take a look:

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Dec 23, 2018

How strong does a magnetic field have to be to affect the human body?

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

It’s one of the fundamental forces, and we rely heavily on them. They can do some damage too…

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