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Mar 2, 2020

How does the brain put decisions in context? Study finds unexpected brain region at work

Posted by in category: neuroscience

When crossing the street, which way do you first turn your head to check for oncoming traffic? This decision depends on the context of where you are. A pedestrian in the United States looks to the left for cars, but one in the United Kingdom looks right. A group of scientists at Columbia’s Zuckerman Institute has been studying how animals use context when making decisions. And now, their latest research findings have tied this ability to an unexpected brain region in mice: an area called the anterior lateral motor cortex, or ALM, previously thought to primarily guide and plan movement.

This discovery, published today in Neuron, lends new insight into the brain’s remarkable ability to make decisions. Flexible decision making is a critical tool for making sense of our surroundings; it allows us to have different reactions to the same information by taking context into account.

“Context-dependent decision-making is a building block of higher cognitive function in humans,” said neuroscientist Michael Shadlen, MD, PhD, the paper’s co-senior author with Richard Axel, MD. “Observing this process in a motor area of the mouse brain, as we did with today’s study, puts us a step closer to understanding cognitive function at the level of brain cells and circuits.”

Mar 2, 2020

The Rules of the Flock

Posted by in category: physics

The locusts have no king, and yet they all go forth in ranks, noted King Solomon some three thousand years ago. That a multitude of simple creatures could display coherent collective behavior without any leader caused his surprise and amazement, and it has continued to do so for much of our thinking over the following millennia. Caesar’s legions conquered Europe, Napoleon’s armies reached Moscow: We always think of a great commander telling the thoughtless multitudes what to do.

Statistical physics pioneered an opposite view. When a piece of iron is cooled down to a certain temperature (the Curie temperature), the majority of the atoms align their spins, thereby making it magnetic. No atomic general gives any commands; each atom communicates only with its neighbors, and yet there is an overall alignment. It shows us that local microscopic interactions as such can lead to dramatic global behavior, and this realization brought about a revolution in the understanding of swarm behavior.

Some hundred years ago, serious biologists still thought that the coordination of birds in a flock was reached by telepathy, and the synchronized light emission by fireflies in the Asiatic jungle was attributed to faulty observation by the observer. The introduction of physics concepts in biology has to a large extent resolved these puzzles. Flocks of birds are much more like the atoms in iron than they are like the armies of Napoleon, and the fireflies act much like a laser. Collective behavior in the world of living beings is after all not so different from that in the inanimate world.

Continue reading “The Rules of the Flock” »

Mar 2, 2020

This robot taught itself to walk entirely on its own

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Google is teaching robots to navigate without human intervention—a prerequisite to being useful in the real world.

Mar 2, 2020

Machine learning picks out hidden vibrations from earthquake data

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Over the last century, scientists have developed methods to map the structures within the Earth’s crust, in order to identify resources such as oil reserves, geothermal sources, and, more recently, reservoirs where excess carbon dioxide could potentially be sequestered. They do so by tracking seismic waves that are produced naturally by earthquakes or artificially via explosives or underwater air guns. The way these waves bounce and scatter through the Earth can give scientists an idea of the type of structures that lie beneath the surface.

Mar 2, 2020

‘It’s not just AI, this is a change in the entire computing industry,’ says SambaNova CEO

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

SambaNova, a stealth startup, has received over $450 million to build a complete computing system of hardware and software. Co-founder Rodrigo Liang tells ZDNet the stakes are bigger than the craze for AI, it’s about a multi-decade shift in computing.

Mar 2, 2020

Learning difficulties linked to poor brain connectivity

Posted by in category: neuroscience

New research suggests it’s about ‘hubs’, not specific brain regions.

Mar 2, 2020

How robots explain themselves matters more than you might think

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

A robot might be great at its job. But that’s not enough to engender trust.

[Source Image: z_wei/iStock, AlfazetChronicles/iStock].

Mar 2, 2020

Elon Musk shows off the shiny SpaceX Starship

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel

The partial rocket named “SN1” literally buckled under pressure.

Mar 2, 2020

How Neanderthal DNA might have shaped some human brains

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Gene variants acquired through interbreeding seem to give some people with European ancestry more elongated brains. Gene variants acquired through interbreeding give some people more elongated brains.

Mar 2, 2020

L3Harris wins $1.2 billion contract to maintain, upgrade space surveillance systems

Posted by in categories: military, space, surveillance

WASHINGTON — L3Harris has been awarded a 10-year $1.2 billion contract by the U.S. Space Force’s Space and Missile Systems Center to maintain and modernize the military’s network of space surveillance sensors.

The award is for a new program named MOSSAIC, short for maintenance of space situational awareness integrated capabilities. The selection of L3Harris was announced Feb. 25 on the beta. federal contracting opportunities website.

MOSSAIC replaces a previous contract that Harris (before it merged with L3) had held since 2002 to maintain the Air Force’s network of telescopes — known as the Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance System — that track objects in geostationary orbits. Now under control of the U.S. Space Force are three GEODSS sites — on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean; at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico; and in Maui, Hawaii.