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Feb 12, 2022
How a Russian cyberwar in Ukraine could ripple out globally
Posted by Shubham Ghosh Roy in category: futurism
Feb 12, 2022
Could we really live forever as a chatbot or a hologram?
Posted by Shubham Ghosh Roy in categories: holograms, life extension, robotics/AI, virtual reality
Feb 12, 2022
Married Couple Steals $4.5 Billion in Bitcoin Heist [Bitfinex]
Posted by Raphael Ramos in categories: bitcoin, business, media & arts
A video on what happened.
What a wild ride!
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Feb 12, 2022
Longevity Molecules and Supplements | Longevity Lifestyle Series P4 | Serena Poon Dr. David Sinclair
Posted by Montie Adkins in categories: biotech/medical, food, life extension
Do you have a longevity supplement stack? I do not at this time but this might help you. Interesting that Sinclair takes C60 but I heard that was not good for you. This video is annotated with many chapters.
In Part Four of our Instagram LIVE super series, @David Sinclair & I chat about molecules and supplements for longevity! Our hope is that you come away from this conversation with tangible tips and an understanding of how these types of supplements can maximize longevity.
Feb 12, 2022
Plants help reduce toxic mercury from environment, says study
Posted by Quinn Sena in category: futurism
Plants absorb a vast amount of toxic mercury gas in the atmosphere and help reducing the pollutant worldwide by depositing the element into soils, said researchers.
The process is similar to the absorption of carbon dioxide emissions by plants, said the team from University of Massachusetts Lowell, in the US.
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Feb 12, 2022
BRIEF: A Real-life Moisture Vaporator
Posted by Quinn Sena in categories: space, sustainability
Circa 2017
(Inside Science) — On the fictional Star Wars planet Tatooine, moisture farmers erect tall white structures called vaporators to pull valuable water from the desert air. Now researchers on planet Earth have built a device to perform the same basic task. They estimate a suitcase-sized version could harvest enough drinking water per day for a family of four. The device is described in a paper published in the journal Science.
The team, made up of scientists from the University of California, Berkeley and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, expects the device to be most useful in arid regions and in areas where the traditional water supply is polluted. The system relies on the unique properties of a relatively new type of material called a metal organic framework, or MOF.
Feb 12, 2022
How Remote Workers Are Secretly Juggling Two Full-Time Jobs
Posted by Raphael Ramos in categories: biotech/medical, business, employment, neuroscience
Work remotely, work more jobs.
With the pandemic’s turbocharged acceleration of remote work options, many employees have sought to capitalize on the lack of personal supervision by secretly working two (or more) full-time jobs at once. But while there’s more money to be made, the strategy brings with it significant tradeoffs, namely mental health.
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Feb 12, 2022
Fraunhofer ISE Invents Process For Solar Panels
Posted by Liliana Alfair in categories: education, sustainability, transportation
Fraunhofer ISE has developed a process for recycling the silicon in old solar panels.
The big knock on new technology like electric cars and solar panels is that they are not recyclable. People haven’t cared a flying fig leaf about recycling stuff for the past 100 years. If they did, citizens would be at the gates of the corporate headquarters of Nestlé, Coca Cola, and Pepsi with flaming torches and pitchforks demanding they stop inundating the Earth with their endless profusion of waste products.
But suddenly, people are all atwitter about what will happen to the batteries of electric cars. Fearmongers on the internet are telling people they will have to drive their old electric cars into lakes and rivers when they stop working. The amazing thing is, people believe that codswallop and repeat it to their friends as if it were carved on the stone tablets Moses brought down with him when he descended the mountain. So much for public education making people smarter.
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Feb 12, 2022
Autonomous Airbus aces autopilot taxi, takeoff and landing tests
Posted by Quinn Sena in categories: robotics/AI, transportation
Circa 2020
Autopilot has been around longer than you think. Indeed, in 1914, just 11 years after the Wright Brothers first ushered humanity into the aviation age, a fellow named Lawrence Sperry built a gyroscopic self-stabilization system into a Curtiss C-2. It was capable, he claimed, of keeping an aircraft straight and level and pointed in a consistent direction on the compass, and he put on a spectacular public demonstration at the Seine just outside Paris to prove it.
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