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Feb 23, 2023

How Science Made Humanity Less Special

Posted by in category: science

The story of how humanity discovered its place in the universe.

Feb 23, 2023

Artificial neurons emulate biological counterparts to enable synergetic operation

Posted by in category: biological

An organic artificial spiking neuron based on nonlinear ionoelectronic phenomena is reported that is sensitive to ionic and biomolecular species common in neuronal signalling. The neuron realistically emulates the function and firing properties of biological neurons and enables biohybrid interfaces made of artificial and biological components that function in real time.

Feb 23, 2023

Study unveils an antiferromagnetic metal phase in an electron-doped rare-earth nickelate

Posted by in categories: materials, particle physics

Researchers at Harvard University, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Arizona State University, and other institutes in the United States have recently observed an antiferromagnetic metal phase in electron-doped NdNiO3 a material known to be a non-collinear antiferromagnet (i.e., exhibiting an onset of antiferromagnetic ordering that is concomitant with a transition into an insulating state).

“Previous works on the rare-earth nickelates (RNiO3) have found them to host a rather exotic of magnetism known as a ‘noncollinear antiferromagnet,’” Qi Song, Spencer Doyle, Luca Moreschini and Julia A. Mundy, Four of the researchers who carried out the study, told

“This type of magnet has unique potential applications in the field of spintronics, yet rare-earth nickelates famously change spontaneously from being metallic to insulating at the exact same temperature that this noncollinear antiferromagnet phase turns on. We wanted to see if we could somehow modify one of these materials in a way so that it remained metallic, but still had this interesting magnetic phase.”

Feb 23, 2023

‘Longevity Science Caucus’ formed by US politicians

Posted by in categories: life extension, science

Two U.S. congressmen have announced the formation of a bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Longevity Science.

Feb 23, 2023

Uh, James Webb Found Some Galaxies That Technically Shouldn’t Exist

Posted by in category: space

And now we’re rethinking what we know about the ancient universe.

Feb 23, 2023

Scientists make a rare find: A Solar system with three Super-Earths

Posted by in categories: physics, space

Three Super-Earths and two Super-Mercuries, a type of planet that is extraordinarily rare and distinct, haʋe Ƅeen found in a star systeм Ƅy astronoмers. Super-Mercuries are so uncoммon—only eight haʋe Ƅeen found so far—that they are extreмely rare.

ESPRESSO’s spectrograph detected two ‘super-Mercury’ worlds in the star systeм HD 23472. Astronoмers haʋe discoʋered that these planets are extreмely rare. This study, puƄlished in Astronoмy &aмp; Astrophysics, looked at how the coмposition of tiny planets ʋaries with planet position, teмperature, and star attriƄutes.

The reason for oƄserʋing this planetary systeм, according to Susana Barros, a researcher at the Institute of Astrophysics e Ciências do Espaço (IA) who led the project, is to characterise the coмposition of sмall planets and to study the transition Ƅetween haʋing an atмosphere and not haʋing an atмosphere.

Feb 23, 2023

James Webb Telescope discovers six massive ‘universe breaker’ galaxies

Posted by in category: space

They’re far bigger than was believed possible for galaxies so soon after the dawn of the universe — leaving scientists stunned.

Feb 23, 2023

The Evolution of Warfare in the 21st Century — Part One: Here Come the Drones

Posted by in categories: drones, military, robotics/AI

Russia and Ukraine have deployed an army of drones in their conflict. Mechanized warfare is about to dramatically change in the 21st century.

The Russia-Ukraine war is using military drones not just to gather intelligence, but also to kill. Are autonomous robot armies to follow?

Feb 23, 2023

Triangular Ascension — Dimensional Warp

Posted by in categories: law, materials

Excerpt from album: Leviathan Device. Label: Cyclic Law. Release date: 2011. Country: Canada.

Continue reading “Triangular Ascension — Dimensional Warp” »

Feb 23, 2023

AI Replacing Doctors For Poor People?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, robotics/AI

Health — operanewsapp.