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Jun 5, 2011

Our History Shapes the Future

Posted by in categories: counterterrorism, futurism, geopolitics, human trajectories, military, nanotechnology, philosophy, policy, space


American history teachers praise the educational value of Billy Joel’s 1980s song ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’. His song is a homage to the 40 years of historical headlines since his birth in 1949.

Which of Joel’s headlines will be considered the most important a millennium from now?

This column discusses five of the most important, and tries to make the case that three of them will become irrelevant, while one will be remembered for as long as the human race exists (one is uncertain). The five contenders are:

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Jun 2, 2011

Press Release:

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

“Who can prove that my Telemach theorem is false?” (See .)

The paper shows that masses, meter sticks and charges suffer a change by Einstein’s gravitational clock-slowdown factor.

The charge non-conservation is the most baffling. It was found independently by György Darvas of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (See

Black holes suddenly have new properties (no Hawking radiation, no charge) and urmeter and urkilogram disappear. The theoretical foundations of the currently running LHC experiment are gone. The request for a scientific safety conference made by the Cologne Administrative Court can no longer be ignored.

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May 28, 2011


Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

All secret services of the planet know about my warnings against CERN.

Prof. Otto E. Rossler, University of Tubingen, Germany (For J.O.R., 052811)

P.S. The following paper submitted to CERN and the Albert-Einstein-Institut got removed from the Internet:

Einstein’s Equivalence Principle Has Three Further Implications Besides Affecting Time: T-L-M-Ch Theorem (“Telemach”)

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May 23, 2011

Self-critical Assessment of My Armageddon-preventing Results – to be Read Before the American Congress

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

Moderate climate critic Richard A. Muller emphasized before the American Congress that a fair presentation of any warning-type scientific results presupposes a fair treatment of the stance of the skeptical majority. I therefore herewith present my Armageddon scenario (of 8 percent within perhaps 5 years) to the American Congress in the requisite, maximally vulnerable manner; in 4 points.

Point # 1 – lack of publication in refereed journals –

Correct. My seminal paper of 2007 remains unprinted – even though it was accepted for publication by a refereed journal. The reason: the journal got closed down. Although it was re-opened recently under its old name, its scope was reduced so as to no longer cover theoretical physics. The journal’s name: “Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.”

Point # 2 – alleged falsity of my first major result –

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May 19, 2011

Dark Non-Sci-Fi

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

A scientist finds a new result – black holes are uncharged – and the best defense of CERN’s against the allegation that its currently running black-hole factory endangers the planet is gone. But CERN continues in plain sunlight while pretending the result is non-existent.

This would make for a grandiose Hollywood script. It could be pepped up with the side ingredient that the planet’s International Court of Crimes Against Humanity shies away from even replying, and that in contrast a Cologne court requests a scientific safety conference before the experiment can be continued: each fact a non-topic for the media of the planet in question. Sociologists will be eager to explain how such strange global behavior could arise. Or is it because CERN has the rank of a military organization given the fact that its status of absolute immunity is only matched by that of the United Nations themselves?

Much more likely, of course, is it that the unchargedness theorem is false. This is what the Albert-Einstein Institute maintains unofficially while refusing to acknowledge the problem in public. Thus, most probably, everything is fine?

This would be the case if life-saving new results either could not exist or could be made disappear by decree. “A Nobel candidate’s results published three years ago being treated as nonexistent by the planet’s establishment” has only one possible explanation: the person in question has been declared crazy by the state.

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May 11, 2011

Boat-People Planet – Affirmative Science – One Billion Starving – CERN Fits in

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

800 out of 12.000 boat people have drowned in 2 months time in unappreciated heroism. One billion out of 7 billion people go hungry every day. Science no longer yearns for the unknown. Seen against this backdrop, CERN’s refusal for 3 years to allow for a scientific safety conference in the face of a comparable risk to the whole planet (to be shrunk to 2 cm in a few years’ time with a probability of about ten percent) fits in perfectly.

Are human beings the “ten percent killers” by nature? I doubt it. A corrupt system is almost everywhere active in society, or so it appears. The past fate of Lampsacus hometown could be taken for a sign. The hometown of all persons on the Internet is an option for 17 years but remains a non-topic. This even though it is quite affordable and would boost the nation or continent or institution that installs it. And in addition would do a lot for a healthy global economy.

What has all of this to do with CERN? I do not know — except that CERN invented the Internet. But there is the more recent fact that they are hostile to new scientific results and more specifically are unwilling to admit a discussion of the safety of their – by now for more than a year running at increasing luminosity — mega-experiment. I admit that I still hope that my results as to an apocalyptic danger residing in the latter can be relativized. But so far, no one tried to achieve this goal. And no one on the planet dares take up the issue.

In ordinary life one calls such behavior cowardice: Disappearing from sight when asked to respond. A very human attitude. Especially so when a monolithic giant like one of the few legally immune world institutions is involved.

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May 10, 2011

I Need Your Advice

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

I am at a loss: I have a scientific proof that can save everyone’s life but no one listens.

The proof implies that CERN — the European Research Council – currently attempts to shrink the earth to 2 cm in a runaway process consummated in about 5 years’ time and effective with a probability of about 8 percent, if the LHC experiment is not stopped immediately.

The scientific safety conference already demanded three years ago got recently requested from the German government by a Cologne court. But the globe’s media keep silent (except for the tiny “ET-Journal,” Volume 16, pages 58–59, 2011).

Maybe the court and the present writer are both crazy? But even if you assume this, is the danger not appreciably reduced thereby as long as the offered proof stays unaddressed. (The proof has three elements: Telemach – a new black-hole theorem involving Time, length, mass and charge -, a quantum theorem protecting the superfluid cores of neutron stars, and a chaos theorem yielding exponential growth inside earth.)

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May 3, 2011

Dear Mr. President:

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

Please, declare that I am wrong if I say that my proof stands undefeated that the citizens of the U.S. are currently subject to an attempt on their lives by the European Nuclear Research Council.

(The probability that the planet will be shrunk to 2 cm in a few years’ time is of the order of 8 percent if the LHC experiment is not halted immediately, according to my calculations based on Einstein’s equivalence principle published three years ago.)

I desire nothing more than a refutation but no scientist dares come forward so far. Ask Stephen Hawking.

Only your authority can cut through the Gordian knot. I subject myself to your judgment.

Otto E. Rossler, chaos researcher, University of Tubingen, Germany (For J.O.R., May 3, 2011)

May 1, 2011

Admirable Japan: Where a Government Official Can Publicly Weep for Jeopardizing Children’s Lives …

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

… while Europe continues to suppress the risk incurred by it regarding the lives of all children on the planet. The cover-up of this proven fact must end and CERN halt the LHC experiment.

May I dare ask the people of Japan to rally behind the Cologne Administrative Court who publicly called for the scientific safety conference denied by Europe for 3 years?

Otto E. Rössler, chaos researcher, University of Tübingen (May 1st, 2011, for J.O.R.)

May 1, 2011

On the Problem of Sustainable Economic Development: A Game-Theoretical Solution in Brief

Posted by in category: economics

Dear Lifeboat Foundation Family & Friends,

Here’s an executive summary of the thesis I posted a few days ago.

Abstract: This brief communique tables evolutionarily stable strategy for the problem of sustainable economic development on earth and other earth-like planets. In order to accomplish the task at hand with so few words, we hit the ground running with an exploration of Bertrand Russell’s conjecture that economic power is a derivative function of military power. Next we contextualize the formidable obstacle presented by teleological thinking. Third, we introduce Truly Non-cooperative Games – axioms and complimentary negotiation models developed to analyze a myriad of politico-economic problems, including the problem of sustainable economic development. Here we derive, contextualize, and utilize The Principle of Relative Insularity (a unified theory of value which unites economics, astrophysics, and biology) to solve the problem at hand: In the light of evolution, Popper’s solution to Hume’s problem of induction, and within a simplified game-theoretical context, we find winning economic development strategy for Islands and Relatively Insular States (RIS) = Maximum Ecological Preservation, and Globalized Economic Military Superpowers (GEMS) = Maximum Economic Development. Surprisingly, perhaps, we also discover these inherently opposed development strategies represent a strategic equilibrium, and thus evolutionarily stable strategy at the global level. Finally, we offer a synthetic narrative in which we explore several crucial logical implications that follow from our findings, especially as they relate to central banking, monetary policy, investment strategy, leisure activity selection, political ideals, and the ancient wisdom of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Thanks for reading!