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Oct 17, 2014

British Supermarket to Power Itself Solely With Food Waste

Posted by in category: energy

Brandon Baker — Nation of Change

Article image

It’s good to refrain from wasting energy, but it’s even better to procure energy from items that you otherwise would waste.

That’s the thinking behind the latest announcement from Sainsbury’s, the second largest chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom. The chain’s Cannock location will soon be powered solely by the company’s own food waste. Waste management and recycling firm Biffa has partnered with the store to use its advanced anaerobic digestion (AD) facilities and a power link that allows the Cannock store to use the waste generated from Sainsbury’s other locations.

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Oct 17, 2014

Alchemy vs Networks: The cure for ageing will come — but it will not be something physical

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, complex systems, evolution, life extension, transhumanism

Since ancient times people have been searching for the secret of immortality. Their quest has always been, without exception, about a physical item: a fountain, an elixir, an Alchemist’s remedy, a chalice, a pill, an injection of stem cells or a vial containing gene-repairing material. It has never been about an abstract concept.

Our inability to find a physical cure for ageing is explained by a simple fact: We cannot find it because it does not exist. It will never exist.

Those who believe that someday some guy is going to discover a pill or a remedy and give it to people so that we will all live forever are, regrettably, deluded.

I should highlight here that I refer to a cure for the ageing process in general, and not a cure for a specific medical disease. Biotechnology and other physical therapies are useful in alleviating many diseases and ailments, but these therapies will not be the answer to the basic biological process of ageing.

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Oct 16, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 17, 2014) — 3

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 17, 2014) — 3


LINKEDIN: Currents and Undercurrents?…ercurrents

LINKEDIN: Bart and Homer on The Iliad!…-the-iliad

LIVE SCIENCE: Is Car Hacking the Next Big Security Threat?

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Oct 16, 2014

Currents and Undercurrents?

Posted by in categories: business, disruptive technology, education, engineering, finance, geopolitics

Currents and Undercurrents?


I was reading The Economist and a notion came to my mind.

We have all have heard the Chinese adage,

“… Don’t look at the waves but the currents underneath …”

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Oct 16, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 17, 2014) — 2

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 17, 2014) — 2


U.S. Navy’s exoskeleton could make workers 20 times more productive…index.html

NEW YORK TIMES: Outside China, there is a consistent theme in Asia. It is concern that declining American power, credibility and commitment will leave the way open for Beijing to exercise dominance over the region.

TECH CRUNCH: Why The Future Of Digital Security Is Open

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Oct 16, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 17, 2014)

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 17, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

NEWSWEEK: Putin Issues ‘Nuclear Powers’ Warning Over Sanctions at

HUFFINGTON POST: Ebola Epidemic Could Lead To ‘Hunger Crisis Of Epic Proportions’ For West Africa…mg00000067

GIZMAG: Long-lasting, water-based nuclear battery developed…5;89795214

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Oct 16, 2014

Spider Venom May Save the Bees: New Bio-Pesticide Could Preserve Honeybee Populations

Posted by in category: environmental

Catherine Griffin — Science World Report
Could spiders save the bees? They just might. Scientists have created a novel bio-pesticide with the help of spider venom and a plant protein. The new pesticide is actually safe for honeybees, despite being highly toxic to a number of key insect pests.

Honeybees perform sophisticated behaviors while foraging. These behaviors, in part, are why they’re so successful. With their ability to pollinate key crop species, these insects are crucial for our food industry. And yet bee populations have been declining due to climate change and an increased use of pesticides, which can interrupt their key behaviors.

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Oct 15, 2014

Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautics!

Posted by in categories: business, complex systems, economics, engineering, information science, innovation, science

Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautics!


THE BEST Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautic Equipment Is And By American Manufacturer(S).

THE SECOND Best Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautic Equipment Is And By European Manufacturer(S).

THE THIRD Best Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautic Equipment Is And By Israeli Manufacturer(S).

Continue reading “Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautics!” »

Oct 15, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 16, 2014)

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 16, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

MOSCOW TIMES: Russia Strengthens Air Defenses With Bases in Belarus and Central Asia…09491.html

BBC: Italy pushes ahead with ‘next generation’ biofuels from waste

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Oct 15, 2014

Toyota is investigating cars that hover above the road

Posted by in category: transportation

By Josh Lowensohn — The Verge

Toyota today said it’s investigated the possibility of vehicles that are capable of hovering just above the road, technology designed to improve efficiency. In an interview at Bloomberg’s Next Big Thing Summit in San Francisco, Hiroyoshi Yoshiki — the managing officer with Toyota’s technical administration group — said that the company had been studying a similar idea of flying cars at one of its “most advanced” research and development areas, but cautioned that the concept was not like actually flying around in three-dimensional space. Instead, he said, the plan is to get the car “a little bit away” from the road to reduce friction, similar to a hovercraft.

Following the interview, Yoshiki declined to elaborate on when the company began investigating the idea, how far along it is, or if it ever plans to bring it to market.

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