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Dec 25, 2014

Who is Dr. Aubrey De Grey?

Posted by in categories: health, science

This archive file was compiled from an interview conducted at the SENS Research Foundation in Mountain View, California, February 2013.

About Dr. Aubrey de Grey: The first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, decided in the 200s BC not to die, and assembled China’s best thinkers and searchers to solve the problem of death. Things did not work out for him. As of the early 21st century, historical efforts at reliable health in old age displayed a reliable pattern of failure. While the eventual crystallization of the scientific method and resulting technology had greatly improved many people’s life expectancy, the longest possible lifespan of an individual had proved to be a much more stubborn thing. Dr. Aubrey de Grey shot to controversial prominence in the 2000s, proposing that for the first time in history, developments in a wide variety of fields made it plausible to advocate for health technology which would significantly tackle age-related disease — possibly allowing the old to live with a higher quality of life and the same low ‘risk of death’ as the young.


SENS Research Foundation:

Dec 25, 2014

Brain-computer interface enables “locked-in” brain stroke sufferer to communicate

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

By — Gizmag

Research conducted at the East Tennessee Sate University suggests that brain-computer inte...

By enabling users to communicate and control devices with their thoughts, brain-computer interfaces (BCI) hold almost a scary amount of potential. While they have achieved feats such as directing the flight of a quadcopter and helping victims of paralysis to communicate, sufferers of brainstem stroke with “locked-in” syndrome have so far been beyond reach. But now, a researcher at East Tennessee Sate University (ETSU) has demonstrated BCIs may in fact give brainstem stroke patients a voice again, with very specific brainwaves serving as a typing finger for a virtual keyboard.

“We have significant research showing that BCI is beneficial to ALS patients [amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a neurodegenerative disorder that results in muscle wasting],” says Dr Eric Sellers, associate professor of Psychology at ETSU and leader of the study. “But until now there were no studies that looked specifically at patients with a brainstem stroke to see if it worked for them as well.”

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Dec 24, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (December 25, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon, LinkedIn

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (December 25, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon, LinkedIn


WHITE SWAN BOOK: NASA Is 3-D Printing Tools In Space Like Crazy

WHITE SWAN BOOK: Mathematicians Make a Major Discovery About Prime Numbers

BBC NEWS: China’s Alibaba spent $160m fighting fake goods

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Dec 24, 2014

Lumia smartphone powers 3D-printed robotic observatory

Posted by in category: 3D printing

Luke Thu —

Like many young stargazers, James Parr was ten years old when he first had fantasies of going to space.

Thirty years later, the stars have aligned and James is finally realizing his dream. But not as you’d imagine. Working with Microsoft and the biggest names in space exploration, James has created the first ever 3D-printed automated robotic observatory.

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Dec 24, 2014

If c-global can save the World: Why is it being shunned? An Xmas Carol

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

Imagine there existed a proof that the most reluctantly accepted feature of Einstein’s gravitation theory – that c is no longer a global but only a local constant – was unnecessary: Would that not be wonderful?

The proof was greeted with planet-wide neglect: c-global exists in the Schwarzschild metric of general relativity since 2008 and so in the more fundamental equivalence principle since 2012. It hence also holds true for the full Einstein equation – only the pertinent transform has yet be written down to enable direct unification with quantum mechanics: a holy grail.

Hence most everyone is bound to be working on this in physics? The answer is no given the embarrassment of riches that is implicit. This professional modesty is a sympathetic human trait when you look at it in a detached mood. However, the result in question has also an applied side to it. In light of the latter, a prestigious collective activity has ceased to be safe.

Such collisions of interest do usually sort themselves out spontaneously with time. Here, bad luck for once wills that the unsafe collective activity – the re-ignition of a Nobel-decorated experiment at twice its former world-record energy – has been scheduled to start in only ten weeks’ time.

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Dec 23, 2014

EXTREMELY-PREEMPTIVE LUCID FORESEEING! By Mr. Andres Agostini — Lifeboat Foundation, Amazon, LinkedIn

Posted by in category: futurism



Let us stop the universal guesswork to make decisions by ignoramuses of supine ignorance, beginning with the elitist “…intellectuals…”, specially those postdoctorals from the Ivy-league and Oxbridge.

You do not make (throughput to output) decisions to be instituted in the past, but in the Continual Present, whose Continuum is hugely connected to the Future.

Through this article, in a subtle and even in a forceful and dramatic way, you will notice, if you pay careful attention, how the DOTS are connected in amazing ways. Here, to an ultimate degree, the ensuing Maxim is extremely observed: “… everything is related to everything else …”

Continue reading “EXTREMELY-PREEMPTIVE LUCID FORESEEING! By Mr. Andres Agostini — Lifeboat Foundation, Amazon, LinkedIn” »

Dec 23, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (December 24, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon, LinkedIn

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (December 24, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon, LinkedIn


WHITE SWAN BOOK: The arithmetic of Asia’s future growth…ure-growth

WHITE SWAN BOOK: IBM’s Watson supercomputing system to be applied to PTSD…z3MkyvLzCs

WHITE SWAN BOOK: An affordable holodeck for civil engineers

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Dec 23, 2014

Solid Concepts and SIE Integrate 3D Printed Air Duct for New Orbis Flying Eye Hospital

Posted by in category: 3D printing


3D Printed Air Duct

It’s not every day that you have the FAA looking over your shoulder while you are designing a complex part for 3D printing. It’s also not every day that you have to design a part which, no matter how basic it might sound, must be failsafe, for not only flying, but also in working seamlessly with all the other rigorously tested parts of an aircraft that is going to fly all over the world on charitable medical missions.

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Dec 22, 2014

Lifeboat Foundation’s Own Andres Agostini’s Articles Published on LinkedIn! —

Posted by in categories: business, complex systems, economics, education, engineering, existential risks, futurism, science, strategy



LINKEDIN: Homer Simpson on NASA and Bart Simpson on Book Of Five Rings and the Noda Secret…agostini-1

LINKEDIN: SELLING! Getting Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Fortune-500s to Uninterruptedly Buy From You!…=prof-post


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Dec 22, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (December 23, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon, LinkedIn

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (December 23, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon, LinkedIn

a Amazon and Lifeboat

WHITE SWAN BOOK: Russia humbled as Google now worth more than entire country

WHITE SWAN BOOK: British offshore wind farms’ output is soaring. More are needed, but costs must come down

WHITE SWAN BOOK: The End of Tolerance? Anti-Muslim Movement Rattles Germany

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