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Nov 26, 2015

New startup aims to transfer people’s consciousness into artificial bodies so they can live forever

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, nanotechnology, robotics/AI

As advancements in technology continue at an ever-increasing pace, will there ever come a day when we’ll be able to use science to cheat death? Australian startup company Humai seems to think so; it claims to be working on a way to transfer a person’s consciousness into an artificial body after they’ve died.

“We want to bring you back to life after you die,” says Humai CEO Josh Bocanegra on the company’s website. “We’re using artificial intelligence and nanotechnology to store data of conversational styles, behavioral patterns, thought processes and information about how your body functions from the inside-out. This data will be coded into multiple sensor technologies, which will be built into an artificial body with the brain of a deceased human. Using cloning technology, we will restore the brain as it matures.”

In an interview with Australian Popular Science, Bocanegra said: “We’ll first collect extensive data on our members for years prior to their death via various apps we’re developing.” After death, the company will cryogenically freeze members’ brains until the technology is fully developed, at which point the brains will be implanted into an artificial body.

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Nov 26, 2015

This is the Audi of the future, and it looks like a computer mouse

Posted by in categories: computing, electronics, transportation

“I believe the children are our future,” philosopher Whitney Houston once opined. Well, if she was talking about car design, she wasn’t wrong.

OK, not ‘children’ exactly. But certainly students. Audi has today unveiled the results of its ‘Design Universe’ think-tank, in which young designers at four top universities have explored how the Audi of tomorrow might look.

Take the car above, as an example. It’s called the Audi Quantum, and was designed by a pair of students at the Scuola Politecnica di Design in Milan. Looks suitably futuristic, no? There are retina scanners that, um, scan the driver’s retina and configure the interior settings before he or she climbs in.

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Nov 26, 2015

This new touchscreen material could see the end of daily smartphone charging

Posted by in categories: electronics, energy, materials, mobile phones

Scientists in the UK have invented a new type of touchscreen material that requires very little power to illuminate, offering up a cheap alternative to today’s smartphone and tablet screens, with vivid colours and high visibility in direct sunlight.

The team is already in talks with some of the world’s largest consumer electronics corporations to see if their new material can replace current LCD touchscreens in the next couple of years, which could spell the end for daily smartphone charging. “We can create an entire new market,” one of the researchers, Peiman Hosseini, told The Telegraph. “You have to charge smartwatches every night, which is slowing adoption. But if you had a smartwatch or smart glass that didn’t need much power, you could recharge it just once a week.”

Developed by Bodie Technologies, a University of Oxford spin-off company, the new display is reportedly made from a type of phase-change material called germanium-antimony-tellurium, or GST. The researchers are being understandably cagey about exactly how it’s made as they shop the technology around, but it’s based on a paper they published last year describing how a rigid or flexible display can be formed from microscopic ‘stacks’ of GST and electrode layers.

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Nov 26, 2015

End of daily injections for diabetes as scientists restore insulin production

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Injecting billions of immune cells back into the body boosts insulin production, preventing the need for daily injections.

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Nov 26, 2015

Samsung now mass producing 128GB DDR4 modules using TSV interconnect technology

Posted by in category: computing

Samsung on Thursday revealed it is now mass producing memory modules boasting the largest capacity and the highest energy efficiency of any DRAM module. The 128GB DDR4 sticks in question were made possible by utilizing the through silicon via (TSV) interconnect technique.

Foregoing traditional wire bonding, the TSV technique involves grinding chips down to a few dozen micrometers, piercing them with hundreds of tiny holes and vertically connecting them with electrodes passing through the holes. Although not new, the advanced circuitry does allow for a significant boost in signal transmission.

The 128GB modules are comprised of 144 DDR4 chips arranged into 4GB DRAM packages (18 per side for a total of 36), each containing four 20nm 8Gb chips. Samsung says the modules have a special design in which the master chip of each 4GB package embeds the data buffer function, further optimizing performance and power consumption.

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Nov 26, 2015

Woman Receives Online Abuse For Saying She Doesn’t Want To Have Children

Posted by in category: futurism

When Holly Brockwell wrote about the fact that she doesn’t want to have children, she knew her stance was controversial. But she never expected the sheer volume of backlash and abuse that would force her offline.

After 36 hours, she’s back online and set on fighting the trolls for her right — for all women’s rights — to express their opinions without fear. 👊

The 29-year-old, who is founder of the women’s tech and lifestyle site Gadgette, was commissioned by the BBC to write a piece about her — clearly divisive — stance on reproduction as part of their ‘100 Women 2015’ series.

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Nov 26, 2015

Apple Confirms Faceshift Acquisition

Posted by in category: virtual reality

A spokesperson from Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) has confirmed that Apple has acquired face motion capture software developer Faceshift, TechCrunch reports. Though Apple hasn’t disclosed its strategic objectives, it seems likely that Faceshift’s technology can enhance several Apple products.

“Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans,” was Apple’s stock comment. However, the previously rumored acquisition has been confirmed, and it appears that several Faceshift employees are now working for Apple.

Note: You might be interested in ‘10 reasons why Apple stock is underpriced

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Nov 26, 2015

Arthur C Clarke describes the Internet

Posted by in categories: computing, internet

Watch Arthur C. Clarke describe the Internet — in 1974.

In ‘C for Computer’, first broadcast on 29 May 1974, he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) that by 2001 every household will have a computer and be connected all over the world. — with Arthur C. Clarke.

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Nov 26, 2015

Blood Vessel Formation Mathematically Modeled

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing

By combining experiments with computer simulations, scientists have come up with a mathematical model that explains blood vessel formation.

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Nov 26, 2015

Airbus‘ detachable cabin concept could save you time at the airport

Posted by in category: transportation

There are probably plenty of things that frustrate you about air travel, but waiting to take off or disembark is probably high on your list. Why should you have to board well before the plane is ready to get moving? Airbus might have a way to cut that idle time to near zero, though: it recently received a patent for a detachable passenger cabin that would lift into the airport gate. Your aircraft would only show up when it’s actually ready to go, and would spend far less time on the ground as a whole (as it’s just swapping cabin pods). It could also eliminate the convoluted boarding process, since you could take your seat right away instead of forming a queue in the terminal.

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