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May 26, 2016

Synopsis: Position Detector Approaches the Heisenberg Limit

Posted by in categories: electronics, quantum physics

The light field from a microcavity can be used to measure the displacement of a thin bar with an uncertainty that is close to the Heisenberg limit.

Tracking the exact location of an object is important in gravitational-wave detectors and optical cooling techniques. However, quantum physics imposes certain limits on the measurement precision. Tobias Kippenberg and his colleagues at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne have devised an optomechanical device that measures the displacement of a tiny vibrating bar at room temperature with an uncertainty near the so-called Heisenberg limit. The precision of the sensor is nearly 10,000 times smaller than the zero-temperature fluctuations (zero-point motion) of the bar.

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle says—in practical terms—that any measurement of an object’s position will unavoidably give it a push that disturbs its momentum. To minimize this backaction, researchers have developed systems that couple the position of an object with the light field from an optical cavity.

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May 26, 2016

Physicists think they might have just detected a fifth force of nature

Posted by in categories: particle physics, space

Physics can be pretty intense at times, but one of the most straightforward aspects is that everything in the Universe is controlled by just four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetic, and strong and weak nuclear forces.

But now physicists in Hungary think they might have found evidence of a mysterious fifth force of nature. And, if verified, it would mean we’d need to rethink our understanding of how the Universe actually works.

Before we get into that, let’s go back to those four forces for a second, because they’re pretty important. They’re a fundamental part of the standard model of physics, which explain all the behaviour and particles we see in the Universe.

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May 26, 2016

Force-feeling phone: Software lets mobile devices sense pressure

Posted by in categories: media & arts, mobile phones

Temporary concept; however, those first alerts (aka help me; I fallen and can’t get up) already covers this plus with the direction we’re going with BMI in the next 5 years this will not be needed.

What if you could dial 911 by squeezing your smartphone in a certain pattern in your palm? A different pattern might turn the music on or flip a page on the screen.

New software developed by University of Michigan engineers and inspired, in part, by a Batman movie, could give any smartphone the capacity to sense force or pressure on its screen or body. ForcePhone offers new ways for people to command their mobile devices.

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May 26, 2016

Moving tattoos are mesmerizing

Posted by in category: futurism

I don’t have tattoos, etc. However, many people of all walks of life do. I will have to admit that this is amazing in how they did the animation.

These visual artists brought tattoos to life.

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May 26, 2016

This pen is actually a 3D printer

Posted by in category: 3D printing

Can’t wait to share with my artists and designer friends.

This pen draws in 3D. It’s called the Lix.

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May 26, 2016

The “System” Won’t Survive The Robots

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Capitalism, at least as we know it, will probably not survive through the next decade. UBI might delay it, but the outcome is inevitable.

Submitted by Paul Rosenberg via,

It’s really just a matter of time; the working man’s deal with his overseers is half dead already. But there’s still inertia in the system, and even the losers are keeping the faith. Hope dies slowly, after all.

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May 26, 2016

A computer that uses 8-inch floppy disks “coordinates the operational functions“ for nuclear forces

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, government

America’s Department of Defense (DOD) “coordinates the operational functions of the United States’ nuclear forces with a 1970s computer system that uses 8-inch floppy disks” says a report by the United States Government Accountability Office.

On January 13, US President Barack Obama, speaking at the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), addressed the issue of cybersecurity, one day after the official Twitter account for the US Central Command (Centcom) was hacked by supporters of the Islamic State.

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May 25, 2016

Augmented Reality Visor Lets Firefighters See Through The Smoke

Posted by in category: augmented reality


Staying cool and saving lives.

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May 25, 2016

Scientists Unearth Key Evolutionary Link in Proteins

Posted by in category: evolution

Researchers recently made an important discovery in protein science that will advance our understanding of the inner workings of cells. In an article published in Scientific Reports, the team said they found a critical evolutionary link between a protein’s structure and its function.

Like tiny molecular machines, proteins handle a variety of functions from transporting chemicals to breaking food down into nutrients. The vast range of protein function is possible because of their unique gene-encoded sequence of amino acids, which affects the three-dimensional shape that folded protein chains adopt.

To better understand them, researchers have sequenced and resolved a huge number of protein structures. Currently, the Protein Data Bank includes 110,000+ structures—far more than the number with known functions. Powerful bioinformatics tools assist in making correlations between the shape and purpose of a protein, but what’s been missing is a direct structure-function link, tantamount to a Rosetta stone-like key.

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May 25, 2016

Investigating how ‘chemo brain’ develops in cancer patients

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Interesting read on Chemo’s impact on the brain and brain functioning known as Chemo Brain.

During and after chemotherapy, many cancer patients describe feeling a mental fog, a condition that has been dubbed “chemo brain.” Why this happens is unclear, but researchers have found a new clue to understanding this syndrome. A study in the journal ACS Chemical Neuroscience reports that chemotherapy in rats affects their chemical messengers dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with cognition.

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