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Jul 31, 2017

Tesla Model 3 Test Drive: Car Has Bite and Simple Interior

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transportation

FREMONT, Calif.—A first peek inside Tesla Inc.’s new Model 3 compact car revealed a starker, cozier interior than the more spacious and luxurious Model S. But as the sedan sped off, the experience felt similar.

On Friday, the Silicon Valley auto maker showed off details of the all-electric sedan’s interior for the first time, allowing a roughly 10-minute test ride around the factory.

The Model 3 represents a milestone for…

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Jul 31, 2017

Rethinking Radical Thoughts: How Transhumanists Can Fix Democracy

Posted by in categories: business, economics, geopolitics, life extension, robotics/AI, transhumanism

O n a recent evening at a start-up hub in Spitalfields, London, journalist and author Jamie Bartlett spoke to a small group of mostly under 40, mainly techie or creative professionals about his book Radicals: Outsiders Changing the World. The book, which Bartlett started to research in 2014, before Brexit and Trump, chronicles his time with a series of different radical groups, from the Psychedelic Society — who advocate the “careful use of psychedelics as a tool for awakening to the unity and interconnectedness of all things” — to Tommy Robinson, co-founder of the unabashedly far-right English Defence League, to the founder of Liberland, a libertarian nation on unclaimed land on the Serbian/Croatian border, to Zoltan Istvan, who ran as US transhumanist presidential candidate on a platform of putting an end to death. He campaigned by racing around America in a superannuated RV which he’d modified to look like a giant coffin, dubbed “the Immortality Bus.” His efforts were in vain, and illegal, as it turned out: his campaign was in breach of the US’ Federal Electoral Commission rules.

Bartlett’s book has been damned with faint praise — he has been called “surprisingly naive about politics,” and defining ‘radical’ so broadly as to make the term “meaningless.” The general consensus goes that Bartlett’s journey through the farthest-flung fringes of politics and society is entertaining and impressively dispassionate, but not altogether successful in making a clear or convincing case for radicals or radicalism. But at the talk that night Bartlett challenged what he sees as the complacent acceptance and defense of our current political and governmental systems, institutions and ideas, of the kind of technocratic centrism that prevailed throughout the global North until very recently. Perhaps they need some radical rethinking. Many of the radicals Bartlett spent time with may be flawed, crazy or wrong — literally, legally and morally — but they can also hold up mirrors and magnifying glasses to political and social trends. And sometimes, they can prophesize them…

Bartlett began the evening by saying, “If democracy were a business, it would be bankrupt.” A provocative statement, but one that he backs up. He pointed to research showing that only 30% of those born after 1980 believe that it is essential to live in a democracy. That rate drops steadily with age. A closer look at the research around peoples’ attitudes reveals widespread skepticism towards liberal institutions and a growing disaffection with political parties. Freedom House’s annual report for 2016 shows that as faith in democracy has declined so too have global freedoms — 2016 marks the “11th consecutive year of decline in global freedom.” While a lot of attention has been given to violent polarization, populism and nationalism rising out of anger at demographic and economic changes, Bartlett suggests that perhaps comfort and complacency are culprits too, and he is not the only one: only last week Financial Times columnist Janan Ganesh took up a similar theme.

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Jul 31, 2017

Dr: Aubrey de Grey talks about the benefits of using functional aging biomarkers to determine the rate of aging in people

Posted by in category: life extension

We are working with Centers for Age Control Inc who are developing a multiple functional age biomarker system check it out at:

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Jul 31, 2017

Libra — A movie on space libertarianism from 1978

Posted by in categories: government, solar power, space, sustainability

“The year is 2003, and space colony Libra’s development of solar power could solve an acute, worldwide energy crisis. Government opposition to the Libran energy plan sparks a debate about free enterprise and government control.” (IMDb)

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Jul 31, 2017

Space Exploration Masters

Posted by in categories: business, habitats, robotics/AI, space travel

Space exploration contains large potential for the creation of innovative applications, products and services, also benefitting Earth. With new topics and application areas arise countless possibilities for technology transfer and novel ideas for space-based technologies and their application in non-space industries, as well as new targets and opportunities for business.

This year AZO has launched the Space Exploration Masters on behalf of the European Space Agency (ESA) and in line with the goals of the ESA Space Exploration Strategy, in cooperation with strong world-class partners. The Space Exploration Masters is an international competition to identify best technology transfer business successes, as well as to empower and foster business innovation around space exploration activities in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), on Moon, Mars, or beyond – for the benefit of society and Earth.

The two different prize categories “Technology Transfer Success “ and “New Business Innovation “ look for exciting submissions in the fields of Human Space and Robotic Missions, Space Resources & Industry, Discovery & Space Observation, Spacecraft, Rockets, Propulsion, Space Tourism, Deep Space Communication & Navigation, Space Habitats, and Life Sciences – just to name a few.

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Jul 30, 2017

US Navy Gunners Are Testing A Wearable Heads-Up Display

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, military, wearables

A service lab has turned a lieutenant’s brainstorm into a testable prototype dubbed the GunnAR augmented-reality headset.

In just a year, a wearable headset designed to help U.S. Navy gunnery sailors cut through the fog of combat has evolved from a lieutenant’s brainstorm to a prototype being tested in various exercises.

Conceived by a junior officer aboard the destroyer Gridley, the idea for GunnAR was presented at last year’s ONR Innovation Jam, where it received first prize — and $100,000 to make it real. After rapid progressions through various development milestones, the blue-tinted visor was put to the test in the Trident Warrior 2017 experiment aboard USS Bunker Hill, where sailors used it to put live fire on targets.

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Jul 30, 2017

Western Digital announces high-capacity 12TB, 14TB helium-filled hard drives

Posted by in categories: computing, futurism

Western Digital has announced new 12TB, helium-filled hard drives, with a 14TB drive coming in the near future. The company has squeezed an eighth platter into a conventional 3.5-inch form factor, where other conventional drives top out at six.

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Jul 30, 2017

A neuroscientist who studies decision-making reveals the most important choice you can make

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Neuroscientist Moran Cerf has found people’s brain activity aligns when they’re in each other’s company. The finding can be used to maximize happiness.

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Jul 30, 2017

Deep Neural Networks Now Let Anyone Do High Quality Image Colorization

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The process of manually colorizing an image is usually cumbersome, time consuming and requires significant skill, which makes it a prime target for automation. Researchers at UC Berkeley led by Alexei A. Efros, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, have released a paper that outlines a new method for using deep neural networks to help aid in the colorization of images.

Aided by these deep neural networks almost anyone, even those completely lacking any artistic ability, can easily create convincing colorized images.

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Jul 30, 2017

Each person learns to be aware of himself by other people being aware of him

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Click on photo to start video.

“He learns to manage his image in the minds of others, and finds himself reflected, as in a mirror, through the interface of language and non-verbal communication […] The self is not unitary and separate from others; peopling occurs in the context of mutual-mental-modeling relationships, which continue to affect each person when he is alone…” sarah perry.

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