For the price of a cup of coffee a day you can join the Lifeboat 500!
No amount is too small! The number of individual donors is just as important as the size of the donation, in terms of showing public support for this effort. You can also make an anonymous donation by simply shopping at Amazon.
We are engaged in the most comprehensive effort being taken to ensure that humanity safely adopts increasingly powerful technologies, including genetics/biotechnology, nanotechnology, and robotics/AI, as we move towards the Singularity.
Donate here!
- Sorted by:
- Amount
- Date
- Membership Type
- Name
- Brian Cartmell
- $15,675 including 10,000 American Express membership reward + $118,763.35 including 236.31612399 bitcoins for $134,438.35 total joined 06/05/08.
- Donald Maclean
- $45,455 ($10,745 pledged – Active Lifeboat 500 membership) + $3,000 ($22,000 pledged – Active A-500 membership) + $2,000 to AIShield Fund + $1,500 to NanoShield Fund + $500 for $50,955 total joined 04/16/08.
“What do I want passionately from the bottom of my heart? Is my personal vision clear? How do I go about fulfilling my vision? In this rapidly unfolding life drama I value clarity. This century offers us opportunities for profound insights into life, for transcending maladaptive ways and for adopting mature ways, but there are also dangers and we confront major dilemmas. I am aware of my own customary way of identifying and confronting dilemmas in life. I support the Lifeboat Foundation because I love the vision and I want to help bring about a secure future in which people from all walks of life around the world have opportunities for fulfilling productive lives.”
- Jeff Bone/Topsight Fund
- $28,945.59 (Active Patron membership) + $48.20 (composed of 2 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund + $100 to X-Risks Network Fund for $28,843.79 total joined 07/02/10.
- Peg Kay
- $24,000 + $3,000 to Bitcoin Endowment Fund for $27,000 total joined 12/08/12.
- Josh Zerlan
- $20,000 (composed of 25 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 12/31/13.
“If you have the means, it is your responsibility to act in the best interests of humanity. The Lifeboat Foundation is part of humanity’s future and it is the responsibility of every person to support that future.”
- Sergio M.L. Tarrero
- $13,255 + $3,400 to A-PRIZE + $2,000 to NanoShield Fund for $18,655 total ($17,730 pledged – Active Lifeboat 500 membership) joined 10/10/06.
“I am proud to support the Lifeboat Foundation in its efforts to help avoid or mitigate the most serious global dangers which are inherent to our era, still a rather primitive and uncertain period characterized by much human suffering, geopolitical struggles, medievally clueless societies and governments, rogue WMDs, and a state of "general lawlessness" without proper if any surveillance of very bad apples, weak or no police force, or other forms of "adult supervision", in most quarters coupled with the potentially highly destructive outcomes (via direct confrontation or escalation) of our typically reckless and shortsighted war games using advanced technologies. Certain uses of our advanced techs as weapons are premature and suicidal, and however we must learn to defend ourselves against both attacks and accidents surrounding ultrapowerful new technologies. For this reason, it pays to be first in getting the necessary knowhow and prepping our safeguards before we "hurt ourselves".
Despite our limitations and the worst aspects of our human nature, I am proud of all the good things that we have achieved as a species and, desperately wanting to see positive outcomes to our struggles, I think it is crucially important for as many of us as possible to focus on strategies and programs that aim to promote global balance and well-being for all sentient life, as well as programs which help us design safeguards in order to avoid the potentially globally-catastrophic scenarios that we are undoubtedly facing as our technological might skyrockets.
Only a handful of organizations are working on these types of major problems (please visit,, and as well), and Lifeboat Foundation is the most comprehensive effort that I know of. Please consider joining our cause.” -
- Kenneth P. Weiss
- $18,615 joined 04/30/07.
- Dave Davies
- $15,460 (Active Patron membership) joined 01/26/18.
- Michael Dickey
- $14,965 ($10,035 pledged – Active Lifeboat 500 membership) joined 06/03/06.
“I am an adamant supporter of the Lifeboat Foundations goals for three major reasons, The Drake Equation, the Fermi Paradox, and The Law of Accelerating Returns. The combination of these three principles illustrates something terribly jarring; that life throughout the universe almost always destroys itself through technology.”
- Anonymous Donors
- $12,871.87 + $1,217.55 (composed of 4.87787084 bitcoins; 1.144172 CryptogenicBullion; .03 ether, 4.01 litecoins; 100.1 moneros; 115,999.8 nobelcoins; .825038 peercoins; and 125 solarcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund for $14,152.77 total (Includes one Active Economy membership).
- Chris K. Haley
- $10,055 + $250 to A-PRIZE + $1,000 to AIShield Fund + $1,075.44 (composed of 85 bitcoins, 1.144172 CryptoGenicBullion, and 3.14159265 litecoins) for $12,380.44 total ($20,945 pledged – Active Lifeboat 500 membership) joined 01/05/08.
“I’m proud to support the Lifeboat Foundation as a Lifeboat 500 member. The work that is being done by this organization is extremely important, and only by taking an active part in it will we be able to manage the journey successfully.”
- Jack Halpern
- $12,000 joined 06/26/07.
- Dan Stoicescu
- $11,500 joined 10/31/08.
- Jaan Tallinn
- $10,600 joined 06/06/07.
- Ray Kurzweil
- $10,381.60 joined 03/07/06.
“A self-replicating pathogen, whether biological or nanotechnology based, could destroy our civilization in a matter of days or weeks. We cannot rely on trial-and-error approaches to deal with existential risks and that is why I support the Lifeboat Foundation.”
- Benjamin R. Hoffman
- $9,040 joined 01/07/10.
“Getting humanity safely through this dangerous period in our history is the most important thing we can be doing right now.”
- Philippe Van Nedervelde
- $6,630 ($18,285 pledged – Active Lifeboat 500 membership) joined 06/19/06.
“Building arks costs money. 500 people pitching in is a great, exemplary start, and I look forward to numerous LF evangelizing opportunities to swiftly inflate the ranks of, first, the 500 and soon thereafter, the 5000, the 50.000, the 500.000 and the 5 million. The more arks the better!”
- Nick Pavlica
- $6,000 joined 01/19/03.
“I realize my contribution is not as much as you really need or would like to have, but at least I am demonstrating my vote of confidence in Lifeboat Foundation for this endeavor. I am glad you are planning our rescue. We have nothing to lose and the pessimists might be wrong about an inevitable extinction.”
- Jim Rutt
- $5,500 joined 02/24/06.
“I’m about 80% thru Ray Kurweil’s new book, and while reading the catalogue of N, G, and R risks this morning I sat up and thought: ’s—-, we really better hurry up and get life off of this planet, because it’s hard to imagine we don’t stumble into at least one of the planet-wide species level existential risks.’”
- Matthew L. McGuirl
- $4,125 + 0.3 bitcoins worth $41.94 + $50 to NanoShield Fund for $5,066.94 total (Active Executive membership) joined 08/21/07.
- Jerry Searcy
- $5,040 (Including $5,000 for matching funds for our Lifeboat Podcast for iTunes grant and our University Outreach Program) joined 04/06/06.
“Long-term I want to travel throughout the universe and so I want to make sure our planet is not destroyed by the powerful technologies that are coming before I have a chance to leave Earth. (After I leave Earth, then it is your problem!!!)”
- Jason G. Matheny
- $5,005 joined 08/22/06.
- Kenneth A. Cowin
- $5,000 joined 08/16/10.
- Life Extension Foundation
- $5,000 joined 08/27/09.
- McKesson
- $4,900 joined 10/06/18.
- Michael Anissimov
- $4,675 + $100 to A-PRIZE for $4,775 total joined 11/01/06.
“If humanity goes extinct, not only will the possibilities of extreme life extension, sophisticated nanotechnology, intelligence enhancement, and space expansion never bear fruit, but everyone we know will be dead, never to come back. Because we have so much to lose, mitigative strategies are worth investing in even if our estimated probability of disaster is extremely low. The Lifeboat Foundation is leading the pack in this area.”
- Humberto Castaneda
- $4,600 joined 01/14/08.
“Human survival has always been in mortal danger. It is only our slow perception of time that has given us the illusion of stability. Whether we call it luck, or by design, we have gotten to a point where through technology we may escape the risk horizon on Earth. Now we have to believe this is possible, and that we will do it, because whatever stance we take collectively will be self-fulfilling.”
- Terasem Movement
- $4,000 joined 06/05/08.
“We believe Lifeboat’s work directly relates to Terasem’s mission to establish diversity, unity, and joyful immortality via geoethical nanotechnology and personal cyberconsciousness.”
- Mike Ritter
- $3,995 ($21,005 pledged – Active Lifeboat 500 membership) joined 02/12/21.
“Lifeboat is a species changing organization I am proud to be a member of.”
- Stanley Pecavar
- $3,400 joined 09/06/07.
- Fannie Mae
- $3,020 joined 01/30/10.
- Robert Lecnik
- $3,000 for X-Risks Network Fund joined 06/27/10.
- Drew Reynolds
- $3,000 joined 09/21/06.
- Eric Bauswell
- $2,845 ($22,155 pledged – Active Lifeboat 500 membership) joined 10/18/07.
- Robominister Online
- $2,670 joined 01/08/23.
- Michael Fleischmann
- $2,600 joined 07/05/07.
“Unfortunately, I find myself pairing finite resources with unlimited advocacy. Wishing us much success…”
- James R Blodgett
- $2,246.67 + $250 + $40 to A-PRIZE for $2,536.67 total joined 12/26/11.
“Testimonial: Bostrom says the reachable universe could support 10^58 human equivalent lives. Enabling this has humongous expected value (probability x value) even if probability is tiny. So send Lifeboat $. Also help me polish this so it sells to the average Joe.”
- David W. Wall
- $2,400 joined 11/08/07.
- John Wsol
- $2350.16 joined 02/18/24.
- Willard H. Wells
- $2,333 joined 05/04/10.
“Consider participating in a survival colony. Learn more!”
- Jacqueline Karma Bennett
- $2,252 joined 05/22/12.
- Brenda Cooper
- $2,235 (Active Economy membership) joined 02/12/07.
“I am very interested in the kind of conversations conversations about our future that happen in this forum.”
- Tyrone Steels II
- $2,162 joined 01/21/08.
“All of humanity is in the same boat: Earth. And if that boat is threatened or starts to sink, we need to have a lifeboat. Plain and simple. To not plan is not a plan; it is a recipe for disaster. I’m proud to be a Lifeboat 500 member since it provides a priceless service to all of humanity.”
- Alan R. Light
- $1,750 (Active Executive membership) + $250 for $2,050 total joined 12/26/08.
“We will want to go beyond the bounds of earth anyway, we might as well start getting ready now. The preparations may prove useful in themselves long before we get off the ground.”
- Gerald Rutherford
- $2043 joined 05/27/23.
- Matt Bamberger
- $2,000 joined 01/19/08.
- Edwin B. Cooper Jr.
- $1,970 joined 01/17/07.
“Lifeboat membership helps us learn about increasing productivity & longevity.”
- Urhobo Progress Union America
- $1795 joined 12/17/23.
- Rebecca R. Cooper
- $1,760 (Active Economy membership) joined 05/12/10.
- Rick Hubbard
- $1,750 (Active Executive membership) joined 06/26/07.
“To survive, we understand the opposing forces that vie at the intersection of means and will. To advance, we pursue quests for truth. To progress, we choose in the equilibrium of this difficult and delicate calculus. Future reality can be shaped both by pursuit and prudence.”
- Aaron Mayzes
- $1,720 (Active Economy membership) joined 09/24/09.
- Carl Martinez
- $1,550 joined 06/22/06.
“I have little faith that the government will properly plan for the dangers of advanced technology. So I have decided to put my faith in Lifeboat Foundation instead.”
- Roland Schiefer
- $1,540 (Active Economy membership) joined 03/08/12.
- Robert Citron
- $1,500 joined 02/18/07.
“The Lifeboat Foundation concept is wonderful. Getting the best minds on the planet mobilized for a common purpose ’to prepare for the Singularity’ may make the difference between humanity’s long-term success or failure. Best wishes for success.”
- Alexia Idoura
- $1,450 (Active Executive membership) joined 10/13/18.
- Jim Mellon
- $1,380 joined 01/15/18.
- Alexander Macrae
- $1,370 (Active Economy membership) joined 01/20/11.
- Venita Davis
- $1,325 (Active Executive membership) joined 11/09/15.
“Excited about contributing to something bigger than myself, so that the future of humanity can continue to evolve into something great.”
- Charlie Shrem
- $1,300 (composed of 7.5 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 04/07/13.
- Amy L. Stoehr
- $1,185 joined 06/09/22.
“May there be a groundswell of support to re-establish your power source!”
- HP (Hewlett Packard)
- $1,081 joined 05/19/08.
- Charles Churchill
- $1,000 joined 12/22/12.
“To help the defense against technology becoming a Frankenstein monster — the potential/reality which has been with us since 1914 and which may indeed increase geometrically.”
- “Drop in the Ocean”
- $1,000 joined 08/20/12.
“My donation is a drop in the ocean but it brings waves of good luck with it.”
- $300 + $700 matching donation for $1,000 total joined 05/06/09.
- John J. Peters
- $1,000 plus free room and board for 11 months for a volunteer. (Includes bedroom with two beds and a separate office with a fireplace and bathroom.) Joined 04/01/06.
“Isn’t my grandson cute!”
- Sun Microsystems
- $1,000 joined 03/31/09.
- Patrik Sandin
- $970 (Active Economy membership) joined 12/06/16.
- Richard Hendrick
- $945 (Active Executive membership) joined 05/19/06.
“So much agreement about the risks. For so many years. So little action (your considerable accomplishments excluded). Please continue promoting awareness.”
- Lois Huneycutt
- $930 joined 06/28/23.
- Loïc-Yann Bardon
- $840 (Active Economy membership) joined 05/21/18.
- Adam Dobrin
- $825 joined 06/06/06.
- Thoughtware.TV
- $805 joined 05/27/07.
“Many walk the perilous path in which some claim that technology will solve our problems, and others say it will destroy us.
We each have the responsibility of working hard towards a positive future. You can make a difference. Your potential is without limit.
Thoughtware.TV is proud to sponsor the Lifeboat Foundation.” -
- C M Anderson
- $800 joined 10/29/07.
- Santiago Bilinkis
- $800 joined 12/01/10.
“Always a pleasure! Keep up the great work of keeping us all safe!”
- Bill Barbour
- $725 (Active Executive membership) joined 12/06/19.
- John Grencer
- $720 (Active Economy membership) joined 12/14/10.
- Michael Haislip
- $680 ($24,320 pledged – Active Lifeboat 500 membership) joined 06/16/08.
- J. Broadbent
- $675 joined 07/20/12.
“I’m a subscriber to the SMi2LE philosophy — and I am passionate about facing up the dilemmas of our spaceship Earth. I would like not just to keep things the way they are, but to find ways to make us thrive as a planetary ecosystem, and as a species, for us to explore and exploit the last frontier.”
- Amy L. Fletcher
- $675 (Active Executive membership) joined 11/20/20.
- Thomas Dolphin
- $670 joined 01/25/09.
- Paula J. Wilson
- $660 (Active Economy membership) joined 05/18/08.
- Brandon E. Larson
- $650 (Active First Class membership) joined 09/04/11.
“I am concerned about not only the survival of the human race but also preventing its descent back to savagery. Our primary goal must be to make humanity a multi-planet species.”
- Ralf J. Muller
- $650 joined 04/21/11.
- James W. Taylor
- $650 joined 03/24/06.
- David Shumaker
- $640 (Active Economy membership) joined 09/27/19.
- Susan Cutforth
- $630 (Active Economy membership) joined 09/24/19.
- Stephen Fleming
- $610 joined 04/27/06.
- Maciamo Hay
- $600 (Active Economy membership) joined 04/12/14.
- Oracle
- $600 joined 06/27/11.
- Robert Pisani
- $600 (Active Executive membership) joined 05/19/17.
- Petr Šrámek
- $600 (Active Executive membership) joined 02/19/17.
“I am a lifelong entrepreneur with the belief that science and technology can bring humanity to a new better level.”
- Andrew Webb
- $590 joined 10/15/23.
- Miron Cuperman
- $585 joined 05/02/10.
- John Ratnaswamy
- $500 + $85 for $585 total joined 07/21/10.
- Dr. Tom Driscoll
- $570 joined 05/21/09.
- Bob Joy
- $250 + $300 to NanoShield Fund for $550 total (Active Economy membership) joined 03/14/15.
“Things are accelerating, time to pitch in.”
- Roy Mitsuoka
- $550 joined 05/10/12.
- George Garrett
- $540 joined 08/04/07.
- George Salazar
- $535 joined 12/13/22.
- Eric Klien
- $530 joined 11/04/08.
- Timothy Wass
- $530 joined 11/03/23.
- John N. Phillips (Jack)
- $520 joined 09/19/07.
“Let’s hope we can achieve sufficient AW (artificial wisdom or enhanced wisdom) in time to ensure the Singularity will be benign.”
- Richard Kane
- $510 joined 06/22/11.
“Lifeboat preaches and practices tolerance, which is rather rare.”
- Sonia Arrison
- $500 joined 02/19/09.
- Sam Gutterman
- $500 joined 12/29/10.
- Naveen Jain
- $500 joined 12/30/10.
“I am honored to support the work you are doing.”
- Chris Poulin
- $500 joined 01/14/09.
- Michael Silverton
- $500 joined 10/13/07.
“To help enable the Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group meeting. Dear friends and colleagues: if like me, you haven’t pitched in for awhile, this is an important project to support. Thank you for keeping Lifeboat Foundation afloat, so the hard working team at Lifeboat Foundation can continue to keep us ALL afloat!”
- Vincent A. Cate
- $475 joined 06/16/07.
“The human species is at risk until it has established self-sufficient colonies in space. Current technology is more powerful than ever before, so the period from now until we are established in space will be the most risky of all time. There is a good chance that humans are the only intelligent life in this galaxy and therefore amazingly precious. We need to work to prevent the extinction of the human species during this risky period and to help it get into space faster.”
- Frank D. Smith
- $470 joined 12/05/10.
“This is only a lifeboat if we let it continue in that direction. I am a SoCal Pacific Ocean lover, now landlocked in the city in Southern Illinois where Buckminster Fuller built and lived in the first dome home on Earth. Keep the spaceship alive with good lifeboat practices… be safe be happy.”
- Johan Edström
- $462 joined 10/14/06.
- Peter Murray
- $450 joined 12/15/07.
“Don’t accept the limits others place upon you.”
- Matt Browne
- $430 joined 09/30/07.
“The volcanologist Bill McGuire once said: "As a race, we survive on planet Earth purely by geological consent."
The physicist Stephen Hawking once said: "It’s space flight or extinction."
I believe the Lifeboat Foundation can make a real difference securing humanity’s mid-term and long-term future.
It feels good to be part of this dynamic organization.” -
- Joseph P. Jackson III
- $430 joined 09/18/07.
“Today it is outrageous that the term existential risk is not even in the vocabulary of most policymakers, not to mention the public at large. The next decade is absolutely critical either we get these issues recognized globally, from the highest levels of intergovernmental meetings, down to the lowest common denominator of popular culture or we abandon all hope of steering our future as it overcomes us.”
- Real Estate Masters Guild
- $430 joined 02/22/23.
- Frank C. Adamek
- $425 joined 07/04/09.
“The generations of humanity do not get to choose the troubles and dangers that assail them; their only choice is whether and how to meet those dangers. Technological progress is reaching a critical point, smashing through the conventional boundaries between what humans were or were not capable of, thrusting into our trembling hands the radically enhanced power to both destroy ourselves and to remake our world and very beings.
This situation cannot continue for any great length of time, and if we cannot seize hold of this power to create a safer and more positive world then we seemed destined to permanent disability or death. No generation before us has shouldered such responsibility, and if we act with wisdom and foresight it may be that no future generation will have to. If so we are the most critical generation that ever has been or will be, uniquely positioned to determine the fate of life in our corner of the universe for potentially millions of years, and we must act accordingly.” -
- G. Ali Mansoori
- $425 joined 06/29/08.
- Glenn A. Miller
- $425 (Active Economy membership) joined 04/29/07.
“The future is so damned interesting. Pity I’ll miss the majority of it.”
- Dr. Diane M. Rousseau
- $400 joined 01/30/20.
“Lifeboat Foundation provides an essential means in many areas of focus for expansion and combined research; bringing professionals together to make a difference now and for the future.”
- William J. Cosgrove
- $385 joined 06/07/08.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Nicholas MacDonald
- $375 (Active Executive membership) joined 01/04/16.
“The greatest threat to humanity today is a pre-occupation with short-term thinking; this is the root of all of our major problems. The Lifeboat Foundation is striking at that root, and, as a wealth manager focused on helping my private and institutional clients manage assets for the ultra-long-term, want to support that mission in any way that I can.”
- Joel D. Ticknor
- $375 (Active Economy membership) joined 03/22/15.
- Mark A. Walker
- $375 (Active Executive membership) joined 07/12/07.
- Christopher Dilkus
- $370 joined 11/30/07.
- Stormy L. Brinson
- $360 (Active Economy membership) joined 12/27/15.
“Lot’s of great things happening. Keep up the good work!”
- Sylvia Engdahl
- $360 joined 10/27/06.
“All the worldwide problems we want to solve, and feel we should have solved, are related to the fact that we’ve outgrown the ecological niche we presently occupy. I view them not as pathologies, but as natural indicators of our evolutionary stage. I would like to believe that they’ll prove spurs to expansion. If they don’t, we’ll be one of evolution’s failures.”
- John Claus
- $350 joined 03/24/06.
- Rob Enderle
- $350 joined 10/16/07.
- Tihamer “Tee” Toth-Fejel
- $300 + $50 to Bitcoin Endowment Fund for $350 total joined 12/29/11.
“All the greatest minds, gathered in one place…”
- Tommy Ledbetter
- $340 (Active Economy membership) joined 08/26/20.
- Brent L. Reitze
- $325 (Active Executive membership) joined 06/05/15.
“Inspired by the novel The Transhumanist Wager. A good sci-fi novel, but with a greater lesson. We must put our collective efforts towards human longevity.”
- Adrian-Bogdan (Adi) Moruţ
- $320 joined 10/09/07.
- Peter W. Smafield
- $320 (Active Economy membership) joined 04/12/15.
“I believe we will all need a personal AI who has access to the whole world’s information. It is my supposition that without that information most people will live in poverty.”
- Peter Drake
- $308.40 (composed of 0.20 bitcoins + 30 peercoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 12/30/13.
“Interested in the sustainability of cryptocurrencies, concerned about electricity consumption in mining bitcoin farms. Peercoin is the answer.”
- Michael Breazeale
- $300 (Active Executive membership) joined 01/23/11.
- George Gabrielle
- $300 joined 12/19/22.
- Linda M. Glenn
- $300 joined 10/26/07.
- Kamal Zaki Mahmoud Ali Shaeer
- $300 joined 09/17/12.
- Rodney C. Hill
- $290 joined 07/24/09.
“As a graduate student at UC Berkeley, I taught a future studies course for two quarters in 1968–69 and have been involved in future studies ever since. In a state of accelerating change, we must look to the future to navigate the present.”
- Frank Sudia
- $270 + $20 for $290 total joined 11/19/07.
“My favorite futures oriented organization, which gives everyone a good feeling of doing something together.”
- Benjamin T. Solomon
- $280 (Active Economy membership) joined 09/24/11.
“Author of the 12-year study titled ‘An Introduction to Gravity Modification’, and am reaching out to both the physics and the aerospace engineering communities to ensure that gravity modification will be a commercial technology in our lifetimes.”
- Chuck Weir
- $275 joined 10/17/07.
- James Bracken
- $270 joined 05/31/11.
- Thomas Weiser
- $270 joined 1/17/21.
“To support Kelvin Ogba Dafiaghor and his students! Greetings from Germany.”
- Brenton Camac
- $261.30 (composed of 2 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 04/27/13.
- Linus Petersson
- $260 joined 05/14/09.
“The best minds of the world should be focusing on making sure humanity survives. This should be our number 1 priority! I hope we will make it through this extremely trying century. Best of luck!”
- Luis Carlos Reyes Hernandez
- $70 + $185 to Bitcoin Endowment Fund for $255 total joined 12/26/11.
“Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together. Here’s my snowflake…”
- Martin Hellman
- $250 joined 11/05/08.
“By definition, existential threats deserve our careful attention. Sadly, they are largely ignored. The Lifeboat Foundation’s efforts to correct that imbalance are greatly appreciated.”
- Barbara Marx Hubbard
- $250 joined 10/25/06.
“If Earth is considered a closed system, there will be less for all forever. The frontier is closed, the wilderness is gone, nature is being destroyed by human consumers, while billions are starving. The future indeed looks grim, and there are, ultimately, no really long-range, positive solutions, nor motivation for making the sacrifices and doing the hard work needed now, unless we understand that we are evolving from an Earth-only toward an Earth-space or universal species.”
- Ramez Naam is donating all of his proceeds to the Lifeboat Foundation when you buy his book here (Kindle or paperback version) and then matching that donation by another 100%.
- $250 joined 06/15/13.
“My book is about overcoming natural resource and environmental challenges that face us.”
- Wilfrid Nixon
- $250 joined 12/15/12.
- Ryan Witt
- $250 joined 02/08/12.
“Let’s make a difference.”
- Franco Cortese
- $240 joined 03/31/13.
“Never before has X-Risk been more important — and the importance of ameliorating the dangers of such potential sources of humanity’s extinction will only increase as we move forward into our fluidic future.”
- Kaj Sotala
- $235 joined 01/06/07.
“The image is a little old.”
- Rudi and Dawn Hoffman
- $225 joined 12/28/08.
“I spend my days helping people make and fund their cryonics arrangements. But if an existential risk to humanity occurs, all bets including cryonics are moot.
The Lifeboat Foundation helps me stay in touch with the bigger picture, and I am proud and pleased that many of my clients are board members and supporters. For long and joyous lives!
Rudi and Dawn Hoffman
Port Orange, FL” -
- Dai Alex Chuang
- $220.50 joined 07/17/14.
“I set up my Amazon Smile account so Amazon will donate 0.5% of my eligible purchases to Lifeboat Foundation and I feel good about doing this and it is so simple to do!”
- Joseph N. Pelton
- $215 joined 12/11/12.
“I truly appreciate Lifeboat’s support of research on cosmic hazards and planetary defense and the Guardian Award for 2017. This aids ongoing research in this area.”
- Charlie Lee
- $211.50 (composed of 10 litecoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 01/31/14.
- Rhonda Stevenson
- $210 joined 10/18/09.
- Chris K. Porter
- $205 joined 10/26/11.
“Existential risk problems are so daunting, this might seem like pissing in the ocean. However, I feel compelled to do something to contribute. It makes me feel good.”
- Canadian Casinos™
- $200 (composed of 4 ethereum) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 03/14/19.
“We hope you make the donation total required!”
- Alexandru Celac
- $200 joined 11/21/10.
- Keith Curtis
- $200 joined 07/06/07.
- Paul Epping
- $200 joined 11/06/15.
“This foundation is very valuable for everybody who takes our future seriously. (Technical) developments are studied in an independent way. Initiatives, books, discussions, and articles will help you to understand what is going on in the world.”
- Susan Fuhr
- $200 joined 09/27/05.
- Andrew Hessel
- $200 joined 10/28/07.
- John Lee
- $200 joined 08/28/12.
“Leeward Space Foundation supporting Liftport Group’s Kickstarter fundraiser for the Lunar Space Elevator. Space = Key To Infinite Resources. Help Save The Earth — Move To Outer Space.”
- Microsoft
- $200 joined 06/30/17.
- Colleen Murphy
- $200 joined 12/22/12.
“Your work is vital to our survival.”
- Genevieve O’Hagan
- $200 joined 12/02/17.
“Thank you for helping make a better world and helping humanity!”
- Gennady Stolyarov
- $200 joined 05/22/23.
- Ed Ziaebrahimi
- $200 joined 02/28/10.
- Fredrick Park
- $25 + $167.70 (composed of 0.26 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund for $192.70 total joined 12/24/13.
- Charles Hawk
- $190 joined 05/01/10.
- Matt Trask
- $188 joined 12/29/22.
- Allen G. Taylor
- $184 joined 12/06/12.
“Someone needs to be thinking about the things that could seriously harm humanity, and what can be done to mitigate those things. The Lifeboat Foundation is an organization dedicated to alerting humanity to the dangers and finding the remedies to them.”
- Anthony L. Haynor
- $180 joined 08/19/17.
- Danny Belkin
- $175 joined 05/03/08.
- Matt Duing
- $175 joined 10/01/08.
- Robert Hunt Robinson
- $175 joined 01/14/08.
- Steve Coy
- $170 ($24,830 pledged – Active Lifeboat 500 membership) joined 11/11/24.
- ISG Manufacturing
- $170 joined 11/03/20.
“Information Systems Group was proud to host a fundraiser for Ogba Educational Clinic to pay for the logistics costs of getting goods to Warri. I am very happy to see Ogba sponsored by an organization like Lifeboat, enabling me to support technology education in Nigeria. It is extremely difficult to send money to Nigeria, perhaps for good reason, but I firmly believe supporting Ogba is a great way to leverage the power of microfinance to help development.”
- Sheridan Layman
- $170 joined 12/31/07.
- Mike Hädrich
- $160 joined 08/08/16.
- Dr. R. D. Wright
- $160 joined 07/01/11.
“The Lifeboat Foundation is a beacon of hope for a better long-term future for us all. We need organizations like the Lifeboat Foundation to try to ensure that the human race does not run out of time to take the necessary steps to ensure its long-term continuation.”
- Kattesh V. Katti
- $150 joined 12/28/08.
“It is gratifying to be part of and donating to Lifeboat Foundation as the extraordinary group of members of this foundation operate in an ’out of the box’ approach in bringing an awareness of the implications of science and technology to our day-to-day lives. This collective effort will take all of us into the next domain of science in terms of realization of the power of nanotechnology in medicine, agriculture, and environment restoration.”
- Bruce J. Klein
- $150 joined 12/08/07.
“Lifeboat Foundation’s goal to safeguard humanity is extremely valuable and worth our support.”
- Carl Leonard
- $150 joined 03/18/21.
“I support the Ogba educational clinic.”
- Philip Morehead
- $150 joined 03/08/11.
- Onoerhime Okagbare
- $150 joined 09/04/24.
- Muhammad Abed Peerally
- $150 joined 01/20/19.
- Walt Putnam
- $150 joined 12/01/11.
- Michael Vassar
- $150 joined 01/13/07.
- Catherine Asaro
- $145 joined 12/26/11.
“Best wishes with all your good work.”
- Aaron Lasher
- $142.36 (composed of 1 bitcoin) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 09/13/13.
- Adam Stradling
- $141.83 (composed of 1 bitcoin) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 04/29/13.
- David Orban
- $130 + $1 (composed of 0.001341 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund for $141 total joined 01/12/10.
“I decided to celebrate my birthday by helping safeguard humanity.”
- Alexander Braitberg
- $140 joined 03/25/08.
- Taurus Londoño
- $140 (Active Economy membership) joined 02/20/16.
- Eric B. Baum
- $135 joined 12/14/12.
- Joshua Fox
- $130 joined 10/10/07.
“I am impressed by the roster of people you have brought on board a great start! These respected leaders in their fields will not only contribute directly, but will also serve to convince others of the importance of preventing the extinction of the human race. (Isn’t it strange that convincing is needed?)”
- James Dunn
- $128 joined 12/22/16.
“Lifeboat Foundation is the longest lasting organization that works to broaden social awareness of potential future extinction events. To work towards avoidance requires thinking ahead in some cases a few years, but often decades, centuries, and millennium.
Awareness breeds related business opportunities that most often indirectly benefit the cause. Persistence is vital. Sustained support critical. Learn about my personal efforts!” -
- Landon Bennett
- $115 + $11.11 to Bitcoin Endowment Fund for $126.11 total joined 12/29/16.
“The Lifeboat Foundation has made great progress financially in the past few years. Our future is bright! I also donate in remembrance of former Lifeboat Foundation Vice President Chris Haley.”
- Alan DeRossett
- $125 joined 05/12/13.
- Hubert C. Braendle
- $120 (Active Economy membership) joined 12/21/16.
- Donald Byrne
- $120 joined 02/26/11.
“Delighted to be part of this organization and its important work.”
- Andrew K Fader
- $120 (Active Economy membership) joined 01/30/21.
- Mark P. Fusco
- $120 (Active Economy membership) joined 01/12/12.
- Peter Harrigan
- $120 (composed of 0.2712 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 04/09/14.
- Colin Kline
- $120 joined 02/03/08.
- Law Offices of Sris, P.C.
- $120 (Active Economy membership) joined 08/22/24.
- Rick Moss
- $120 joined 06/30/11.
- Simmons and Fletcher, P.C.
- $120 joined 01/15/22.
- Richard Yonck
- $120 joined 10/20/10.
“We stand at a crossroads, a point in this planet’s long history that is at once unique, terrifying, and beckoning with hope. We live in a time when we are creating new ways to destroy our world faster than we are building the safeguards to prevent that very destruction. Only through considered foresight and action will we overcome these threats and realize the full potential of our future civilization.”
- Pamela "Atlas" Geller
- $118 joined 01/18/07.
“So much evil, so little time.”
- Jason Korman
- $118 joined 04/15/16.
- Alan Ziegler
- $115 joined 12/29/14.
- Abel Dafiaghor
- $110 joined 03/12/24.
- Plus Voucher Code
- $110 joined 03/26/19.
- Tom Kerwick
- $105 joined 01/03/12.
“Thank you to the Lifeboat Foundation, for providing the necessary platform for our societal challenges with technology to be raised & discussed in sincerity and with earnest. May we always strive to protect.”
- James Tankersley Jr
- $101.26 (composed of 0.25 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 09/27/14.
- $101 joined 12/09/16.
- Robert T. Liimatainen
- $101 joined 11/12/08.
“Dedicated to Alexis Armstrong and her comment on 9/12/08. But for your comment, I would not have donated. Hope to have the pleasure of a daughter like you one day. Hope the donation helps out!”
- Chris Abani
- $100 joined 12/28/08.
- Michael Abramowicz
- $100 joined 10/31/11.
- Michael L. Anderson
- $100 joined 12/28/08.
- Bagen Law Accident Injury Lawyers
- $100 joined 07/29/22.
“At Bagen Law, our expert accident injury lawyers have been fighting for Florida’s injured for 40 years! Specializing in car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip and falls, and wrongful death, serving all of Florida with offices in Gainesville and Ocala.”
- Gregory Benford
- $100 joined 12/29/16.
- Matthew P Bewley
- $100 joined 10/01/20.
“Daniel was on Rebel Wisdom recently discussing some great media solutions (scientific method-oriented) for re-sculpting the information landscape for the better — figured it was a good time to contribute.”
- Parsel Bilir
- $100 joined 12/25/10.
- Mike Brogley
- $100 joined 06/01/08.
- Citywide Law Group
- $100 joined 05/16/18.
- David W. Corne
- $100 joined 04/25/13.
“This organization is unique, creative, important, open, and inspiring. Everyone should have those qualities.”
- Ed Daniels
- $100 joined 12/15/15.
- Bill Dickens
- $100 joined 09/02/09.
- James Doehring
- $100 joined 02/17/10.
- Garth D. Ehrlich
- $100 joined 09/01/09.
- Global STEM Initiative
- $100 joined 03/18/24.
- J. Bradley Hall
- $100 joined 12/26/16.
“The Lifeboat Foundation offers safe harbors where thought energy can convert into thoughtful discussion and actionable plans. It is my pleasure to accept your invitation to support the activity that is manifest here.”
- Jeffrey Herrlich
- $100 joined 10/31/07.
- Josef P. Holbert
- $100 joined 08/19/12.
- Injury Trial Lawyers
- $100 joined 05/17/18.
- Kepler Space Institute
- $100 joined 05/30/16.
“Kepler Space Institute will join this vision and project.”
- Robert M. Krone
- $100 joined 10/09/18.
- Lavent Law
- $100 joined 05/23/18.
- Juan Llanos
- $100 joined 11/07/13.
- George M. Martin
- $100 joined 06/29/13.
- Paul Melnyk
- $100 to A-PRIZE joined 01/16/14.
- Olaoluwalotobi Thomas
- $100 joined 08/23/24.
- Sarah Jane Pell
- $100 joined 11/13/07.
- Lee Irwin Pringle
- $100 joined 06/16/10.
“We have a duty to protect our species from extinction. We do it for our family, our friends, and for the whole of humankind.”
- Glenn Reynolds is Beauchamp Brogan Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Tennessee, and is best known for his blog Instapundit, one of the most widely read American political blogs
- $100 joined 11/08/07.
- Rise Marketing
- $100 joined 01/07/20.
“Technology is a powerful tool for improving our lives, but must not be misused. I’m proud to support The Lifeboat Foundation as they help safeguard humanity in the modern age.”
- Albert "Skip" Rizzo
- $100 joined 01/08/09.
- Chad Sahlhoff
- $100 joined 01/28/18.
“Eric Klien is the boss!”
- Paul Sanberg
- $100 joined 12/29/10.
- Bo Shaffer
- $100 joined 02/07/02.
“Not much, but every little bit counts….”
- Mark A. Smith
- $100 joined 12/28/08.
- Patrick K. Takahashi
- $100 joined 08/12/10.
- Antoine van de Ven
- $100 joined 12/31/10.
- Zubin Wadia
- $100 joined 12/08/11.
“CiviGuard is proud to support the Lifeboat Foundation.”
- Ken Wilssens
- $100 joined 12/21/02.
- Law Office of Steve Graham
- $95 joined 04/02/20.
“Glad to help! There is nothing more fundamental than this. Thanks for carrying on the fight. Keep up the good work.”
- Prakhar Pranjwal
- $93 joined 11/11/23.
- Ronald Amos
- $90 joined 08/30/08.
- Justina Cruickshank
- $90 (Active Economy membership) joined 01/20/18.
- Jay Tkachuk
- $90 joined 02/22/21.
“Given the circumstances, a needed endeavor!”
- Phil Nadeau
- $90 joined 03/03/11.
- Pennye Shaw
- $90 joined 08/18/07.
- Ben Smith
- $90 joined 09/13/23.
“I’m looking forward to working with Lifeboat Foundation to make Lunar, and space, settlement a reality.”
- Joel D. Isaacson
- $86 joined 12/03/11.
- AWC Canadian Pharmacy
- $85 joined 12/27/16.
- Baumgartner Law Firm
- $85 joined 02/26/20.
- BodyBuilding Blog
- $85 joined 07/02/19.
“Great great work. The world is a better place thanks to you guys.”
- Britton (Sharpe) Brown
- $85 joined 11/14/21.
- Max Corneau
- $85 to NanoShield Fund joined 07/16/13.
“I’m a retired Army Officer, Pilot, Space Officer, and Astronomer. Having been through Hell’s Gates and returned, I’m thankful and grateful to be able to ‘give back’ to society. My evolved Personal Mission Statement guides my life’s work: To continuously elevate the human condition by increasing our sense of place in the Universe through the use of technology and human interaction.
Please enjoy my column in the Blue Ribbon News.” -
- Criminal Lawyer Group
- $85 joined 07/25/19.
- Dexter Van Zile
- $85 joined 06/13/22.
- Ehline Law Firm
- $85 joined 06/13/20.
“As a cruise ship accident attorney, the Lifeboat is a great way to help me save lives. Thank you Lifeboat.”
- Glow Yoga + Juice
- $85 joined 10/03/24.
“Outstanding organization. We whole-heartedly endorse their efforts, especially in the area of environmental causes. Keep up the fantastic work.”
- Mads Haahr
- $85 joined 05/11/10.
- Heliski
- $85 joined 08/16/13.
“Great cause. Thanks!”
- Richard G. Hunter
- $85 joined 12/26/11.
- Immigration Law of Montana, P.C.
- $85 joined 07/17/17.
- King Casino
- $85 joined 07/04/22.
“Help with the website.”
- Laguna Renovators
- $85 joined 03/13/22.
“Laguna Renovators supports what you guys are doing! Keep it up!”
- Eva-Jane Lark
- $85 joined 12/14/12.
- Lifted Websites
- $85 joined 11/01/16.
- Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer
- $85 joined 10/11/19.
- Maple Creek Winery
- $85 joined 07/06/20.
- Joanne Pransky
- $85 joined 12/31/14.
- Sergey Prokudin
- $85 joined 03/27/13.
“We need to put humanity in many places like seeds. Let’s make it happen!”
- Michael S Roth
- $85 joined 06/04/20.
- Seattle Home Company
- $85 joined 03/06/11.
- Space City Drones
- $85 joined 02/19/16.
- Paul A. Spiegel
- $85 joined 01/08/17.
“The Lifeboat Foundation does remarkable work for humanity. I’m happy to support them. It’s an investment in the future!”
- Stange Law Firm
- $85 joined 10/21/17.
- Stonemason Brisbane
- $85 joined 04/10/21.
- Leslie A. Yakubowski
- $85 ($24,915 pledged – Active Lifeboat 500 membership) joined 01/10/10.
- Sander Rabin
- $82 joined 01/21/14.
- Jim Davidson
- $80 (Composed of 80 Lyra) joined 08/05/19.
- Fundación Juvinter
- $80 joined 07/29/06.
- Miriam Leis
- $80 joined 07/18/10.
- Jeremy Shepard
- $80 joined 01/18/07.
- Ben Smith
- $80 joined 03/29/04.
- Marc Wheat
- $78.81 joined 02/11/21.
- Jeanann Boyce
- $75 joined 12/09/12.
- Francois de Villiers
- $75 joined 08/09/10.
- Erwin Franzen
- $75 joined 11/30/10.
- Lydia Fucsko
- $75 joined 11/13/15.
- Sarah A. Hoyt
- $75 joined 11/21/11.
- James H. Lee
- $75 joined 12/29/16.
- Justin Loew
- $75 joined 12/16/12.
“The world needs Lifeboat! Not enough people are doing something about, much less thinking about, existential risk.”
- MFD Industries
- $75 joined 10/18/07.
- Jason Patocka
- $75 joined 07/17/06.
- David J. Xanatos
- $75 joined 12/09/08.
“Individual resources are limited; collective resources are not. This is both the power and the threat of what our ever advancing future possibilities bring nearer to us every day. Likewise, my individual financial resources may not seem like much, but as more of us begin to recognize the value of what’s being done here, and cast our lot in with this growing effort, we can multiply our individual intent beyond imagination, and I hope others reading this can recognize this fact, and join us. You will have the satisfaction of looking back and knowing you helped humankind survive our quantum leap in evolution.”
- Philippe Camacho
- $70.64 (composed of 0.5 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 04/29/13.
- Colt Lafreniere
- $70 joined 02/19/22.
- John K. Strickland, Jr
- $70 joined 12/12/12.
- Jason Curby
- $67 (composed of 150,000 noblecoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 01/21/14.
- Caroline Nguyen
- $65 joined 12/31/15.
“‘Being human is given. But keeping our humanity is a choice.’ And Lifeboat helps preserve the choice.”
- Rothacker Advertising
- $65 joined 01/30/20.
- Ryan Charleston
- $60 joined 06/05/13.
- Irene J. Dabrowski
- $60 joined 08/20/12.
- Marcel Lossi
- $60 joined 06/01/08.
- Kelley White-Ricks
- $60 (Active Economy membership) joined 01/11/15.
“Today’s investment in tomorrow’s future.”
- Lawrence Catchpole
- $55 joined 11/29/10.
- AAA Fence and Deck Company
- $50 joined 06/27/24.
“Amazing Work!!”
- Andorra Reiseguide
- $50 joined 02/22/23.
“We love to support your project, and hope that you will succeed!”
- John A. Barnden
- $50 joined 10/26/07.
- Camp Peavy
- $50 joined 12/20/22.
- Jaz Athenia Chua
- $50 joined 01/29/18.
“It has been extremely beneficial to know of the good work published by our many Lifeboat members.”
- Cities Handyman
- $50 joined 12/04/21.
- Justin Corwin
- $50 joined 12/29/10.
- Felix Dafiaghor
- $50 joined 05/10/24.
- Liming Dai
- $50 joined 12/29/11.
- Martin Dinov
- $50 for our Brighter Brains Institute grant joined 06/01/14.
“We need more widespread awareness of some of the issues that the foundation is concerned with. Developments and concerns such as AI, global warming, resource diminishment, resource distribution, or space exploration affect us individually and globally.”
- Desireé Duffy
- $50 joined 12/20/14.
“Proud to contribute to a cause that benefits all of humanity.”
- Eco Terra Beds
- $50 joined 04/22/19.
“Eco Terra Beds is proud to support the Lifeboat Foundation and its exemplary mission!”
- Pablo Elenter
- $50 to NanoShield Fund joined 05/30/11.
- Evans & Watson
- $50 joined 01/27/20.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Furman & Zavatsky LLP
- $50 joined 08/02/19.
“Please add text link to donor page:”
- James E. Gunn
- $50 joined 12/31/11.
- Jane Hathaway
- $50 joined 10/30/12.
- Jeffrey Dean Hochderffer
- $50 joined 11/24/10.
- Jesper Nissen
- $50 joined 09/19/23.
“Hi, my name is Jesper Nissen, and I do link building training for beginners and experts.”
- Carole Johnson
- $50 joined 06/23/07.
“I am impressed.”
- Behrokh "Berok" Khoshnevis
- $50 joined 10/17/07.
- Kris Kitchen
- $50 to AIShield Fund joined 07/09/14.
“Making the world better with technology.”
- Elias Kruger
- $50 joined 11/23/22.
- Eric Lang
- $50 joined 04/18/21.
“Cooperation+science+integrity are humanity’s Lifeboat. Thank you Lifeboat Foundation!”
- G. Christom Larsin
- $50 joined 12/23/15.
- John Leslie
- $50 joined 11/03/08.
- Alison Lewis
- $50 joined 01/24/18.
“Lifeboat is a forward thinking community that I’m happy to contribute too. We must think about how and what we are doing effects generations.”
- Allen Maris
- $50 joined 09/30/09.
- Debbi C. McFadden
- $50 joined 08/03/10.
- Midas McGuirl
- $50 joined 02/21/10.
“See me up close to see my full cuteness!”
- Randy Murch
- $50 joined 10/21/08.
- Maximus V. Peto
- $50 joined 08/28/12.
“I work on life-extension research, and identify with the importance Lifeboat places on the diversity of threats to human prosperity. I wanted to give a bit of support to others who are working to address similarly important challenges.”
- Pua Pyland
- $50 (composed of 0.06785 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 12/31/13.
“I support a brighter future!”
- Rod Pyle
- $50 joined 09/18/13.
“To further the new tradition of citizen-funded space endeavor.”
- Francisco Palao Reinés
- $50 joined 10/31/11.
- Tony Rothman
- $50 joined 10/16/07.
- Robert Shapiro
- $50 joined 01/03/07.
- Southern California Law Advocates
- $50 joined 07/06/14.
- Nick Tarleton
- $50 joined 09/20/07.
- Temi Tarrero
- $50 joined 07/29/10.
“See me up close to see my full cuteness!" (And another picture for you.)”
- Calvin Tennant
- $50 joined 12/14/12.
- TopCasino
- $50 joined 09/28/23.
“Well done, keep up the great work!”
- $50 joined 03/03/17.
- Jeff van der Wiel
- $50 joined 03/05/10.
“New technologies on the whole improve the human condition. However, careful consideration of consequences must always be observed.”
- Anthony Waller
- $50 joined 10/30/07.
- Ken Wear
- $50 joined 01/02/07.
- David Weiss
- $50 joined 12/30/14.
“The Foundation supplies important philosophical debate that is, sadly, missing from most public discourse.”
- Arthur Woods
- $50 joined 09/30/18.
- Xi Zhao-Wilson
- $50 joined 12/29/16.
- Maria Entraigues
- $49 joined 09/15/10.
“I wish I had millions and I would give many to Lifeboat! One day soon… ”
- Ille C. Gebeshuber
- $44 joined 11/27/11.
“I love Lifeboat and I am so happy to serve on its Nanotechnology Science Advisory Board. Good luck to us all.”
- Wallace Swanson
- $42 joined 10/18/17.
“Continually expand our minds.”
- Mark Alley
- $40 joined 12/14/12.
- Carson Bizon
- $40 joined 10/27/11.
“One of the best websites and blogs of all things on the Internet. The Lifeboat Foundation is an important endeavor. The people on the advisory boards are most impressive. I come here for the quality writing and content on all things interesting.”
- Jesse Merriman
- $40 joined 06/05/08.
- R. Michael Perry
- $40 joined 11/26/10.
- Peter Voss
- $40 joined 05/23/23.
- Hunter Williams
- $40 joined 12/31/15.
- Bouncy Bouncy Boo
- $37 joined 10/27/19.
“Bouncy castle hire in Birmingham and the west Midlands.”
- Spil uden om Rofus
- $37 joined 10/06/20.
- Paula D. Gordon
- $35 joined 02/24/13.
- Ruth Itzhaki
- $35 joined 09/17/09.
“I hope that some of the more practical of the many ideas that sprout on Lifeboat will be put into practice, so that our overpopulated world, especially those regions where people are undernourished, deprived of education and opportunities (especially the women!) will change for the better and will flourish (and, perhaps, that megalomaniacs will become extinct).”
- Sean P. Magin
- $35 joined 06/25/16.
“Great work! Thanks for spreading all this useful information and awareness.”
- Elizabeth Parrish
- $35 joined 07/18/14.
“Happy to see work in progress.”
- Kenneth Reising
- $35 joined 10/30/07.
- Stand Desk Australia
- $35 joined 02/02/21.
- Casinò Stranieri
- $32.13 joined 09/14/20.
“We are happy to support Lifeboat!”
- Rok Resnik
- $32 joined 04/11/08.
- Kemal Akman
- $30 joined 10/13/07.
- Mrs. Ausra Allsop
- $30 (In memory of Iris Brookes) joined 07/01/16.
- Sarah Black
- $30 joined 08/19/09.
- Alan Carsey
- $25 + $5 to AIShield Fund for $30 total joined 02/18/22.
“Thank you for today. I love learning more in-depth from others. Too much to learn, not enough time!”
- Egochi Milwaukee SEO Agency
- $30 joined 02/12/20.
“Let’s make a difference. All the best from Egochi Milwaukee SEO Agency.”
- Paul Friedman
- $30 joined 06/21/07.
- Gareth John
- $30 joined 12/17/16.
“Despite not being in a position to donate more I really value the work that the Lifeboat Foundation does and the astonishing amount of information it provides. I believe its presence will be critical in the coming years.”
- Harold Lee
- $30 joined 02/25/19.
- Craig Olschansky
- $30 joined 08/12/20.
- Gary Powless
- $30 joined 12/25/05.
- Brian Shiro
- $30 joined 10/24/11.
“Keep up the good work pushing the frontier towards the future!”
- David Willis
- $30 joined 12/02/21.
“In Memory of John Young.”
- Jonathan Wright
- $30 joined 12/01/11.
- Abraham Ben-David
- $29.97 joined 03/10/10.
- The Tribune World
- $26 joined 02/18/19.
“The Lifeboat Foundation do a great job of proactively researching solutions before they happen rather than after the event responses of most organizations. Keep up the good work.”
- Zeresenay "Zeray" Alemseged
- $25 joined 10/26/07.
- Arlan Andrews, Sr.
- $25 joined 10/26/07.
- Bennie M. Beaver
- $25 joined 12/31/10.
“Twelfth grader’s Web Page Dr. Warpenstein’s Science and society -The Lifeboat Foundation represents hope for safeguarding the future of humanity.-”
- Daniel Berleant
- $25 to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 04/27/13.
“Together, we can improve the future.”
- Bespoke Yacht Charter
- $25 joined 07/27/18.
- Bloomington Tree Care
- $25 joined 04/30/18.
“It is great to be a part of the awesome Lifeboat supporters. Thank you!”
- David Brin
- $25 joined 10/14/07.
- Briskman Briskman & Greenberg
- $25 joined 04/08/24.
“As personal injury and car accident lawyers in Chicago, Briskman Briskman & Greenberg is proud to support the Lifeboat Medical Fund.”
- André Caminoa
- $25 joined 09/29/14.
- Carlson, Meissner, Hart & Hayslett, P.A.
- $25 joined 09/12/18.
“Tampa Criminal Defense Attorneys”
- Tom Castelloe
- $25 joined 01/04/07.
“Professor Hollywood believes in the critical importance of this cause.”
- Central Park Paws
- $25 joined 01/22/20.
- Cohen & Marzban Law Corporation
- $25 joined 08/15/20.
“A Los Angeles personal injury attorney at Cohen & Marzban, Law Corporation can help you. If you cannot come to us, we will come to your home. People matter to us. Experience matters.”
- Danny’s Rocket Ranch
- $25 joined 05/01/23.
- Divorce Lawyer Virginia Traffic Lawyers Maryland Criminal VA Personal Injury
- $25 joined 03/08/24.
“Mr. "Sris," CEO of the Law Offices of Sris, P.C., established his firm in 1997, now with locations in Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Colombia, and India. Based in Fairfax, Virginia, he holds law licenses across multiple states. With a background as a prosecutor, Mr. Sris brings strong negotiation and litigation skills to his practice, focusing on complex family law cases and defense against serious criminal charges. He holds IT certifications and boasts international business knowledge, enhancing his legal Knowledge. Committed to justice, Mr. Sris actively engages in legislative initiatives and community outreach, offering consultations to Indian nationals in need. With a passion for serving his clients and community, Mr. Sris continues to excel in the legal field.”
- Mary B. Dolan
- $25 joined 05/02/15.
- Eisner & Gorin LLP
- $25 joined 11/12/19.
- Eisner Gorin LLP
- $25 joined 06/03/19.
- Adam Eivy
- $25 joined 12/20/10.
- Brent Ellman
- $25 joined 04/02/20.
- eLogbook Loan
- $25 joined 08/29/19.
- Fairfax County Divorce Lawyers Virginia Child Custody Attorneys
- $25 joined 03/11/24.
- Firehouse Movers
- $25 joined 09/26/16.
“Continue to do the great work you have been doing!”
- Theodore Jay Gordon
- $25 joined 11/06/15.
- Christopher Grayson
- $25 joined 11/26/10.
- Hamilton HVAC Pros
- $25 joined 01/04/21.
- Shuna Hammocks
- $25 joined 07/21/14.
“Great to be a part of the campaign.”
- Hedding Law Firm
- $25 joined 05/27/20.
- Hedding Law Firm
- $25 joined 03/13/20.
- Hedding Law Firm
- $25 joined 12/05/19.
- Hedding Law Firm
- $25 joined 08/29/19.
- Ron Hedding
- $25 joined 11/25/19.
- Joshua D. Hill
- $25 joined 11/11/10.
- Elina Hiltunen
- $25 joined 03/06/13.
“As a technology futurist I am extremely interested in the topics of Lifeboat’s book. Thank you so much for writing this excellent book!!”
- Paul Hoffman
- $25 joined 09/26/13.
“What could be more important than the protection of life? It’s an honor to be a supporter.”
- Luke Hutchison
- $25 joined 02/25/13.
“I have been pleasantly surprised at the quality and depth of the material in Lifeboat’s book.”
- Injury Justice Law Firm
- $25 joined 10/30/21.
- Juiced SEO
- $25 joined 11/15/16.
“I am so happy to see so many others who are doing their best to elevate people to better places on this planet.”
- Gavin Keech
- $25 joined 09/19/13.
- Vineet KewalRamani
- $25 joined 07/20/11.
- Jeff Krukin
- $25 joined 10/30/07.
The Human–Space Connection®
- Space is a continuation of the environment
- Space is an extension of the global economy
- Space is a place of abundant resources
- Law Offices of Atchuthan Sriskandarajah
- $25 joined 03/14/24.
- Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel Personal Injury Lawyers
- $25 joined 03/15/23.
“We are a personal injury law firm with offices in New York City and Brooklyn, with over two decades of experience helping injury victims. We are proud to be supporting the Lifeboat Foundation.”
- Law Offices of Sris
- $25 joined 03/28/24.
- Nickolaus Leggett
- $25 joined 10/14/07.
- Sherad Louis-Charles
- $25 joined 02/23/16.
- PJ Manney
- $25 joined 11/01/07.
- Ryan McCall
- $25 joined 09/13/06.
“We’re really close to an extraordinary future and I don’t want to leave things to chance. The Lifeboat Foundation is working toward that future and that is why I support them.”
- Jolie McMillian
- $25 (Active Executive membership) joined 08/22/17.
- Syris Metara
- $25 joined 06/10/22.
“Blessings to you all! 🙌!”
- Midwest Tree Removal
- $25 joined 04/11/24.
- Bud Mishra
- $25 joined 10/26/07.
- Natural Pharmacist
- $25 joined 08/21/24.
- Dipanjan Pan
- $25 joined 09/03/09.
- Travis Putman
- $25 joined 12/16/05.
- Rapillo Law
- $25 joined 09/23/18.
- Reliant Moving Services
- $25 joined 11/01/21.
“Our team appreciates everything you do!”
- RentalCarGroup
- $25 joined 02/03/18.
- Resmed CPAP Machine
- $25 joined 02/15/18.
- Julia Scherer
- $25 (composed of 0.05468 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 04/06/14.
- Stephan A. Schwartz
- $25 joined 10/15/07.
- Shiner Law Group
- $25 joined 01/20/22.
- Donna M. Simmons
- $25 joined 12/30/15.
- Nicholas Sansbury Smith
- $25 joined 12/31/15.
- Joe Solomon
- $25 joined 06/21/10.
- Stand Desk Singapore
- $25 joined 03/22/23.
- Sutliff & Stout, Injury & Accident Law Firm
- $25 joined 05/22/19.
- Switch Lead
- $25 joined 01/20/17.
“The purpose and dedication of the Lifeboat foundation is incredible and we are happy to support their cause. The research and technology that they are looking to develop may help save our lives in the future. Keep it up guys!”
- Mohan K. Tikku
- $25 joined 12/31/15.
- TrueNomads Travel Coupons
- $25 joined 10/24/17.
- Rebecca G. Turner
- $25 joined 08/18/11.
- Lawrence Uhlin
- $25 joined 02/26/15.
- Jan Vandenbos
- $25 joined 12/10/10.
- Virginia Criminal Lawyer Fairfax
- $25 joined 03/11/24.
- Edythe E. Weeks
- $25 joined 02/27/13.
- Maggie Whitton
- $25 joined 06/01/08.
- Keith Wiley
- $25 joined 09/01/15.
“It is a tremendous honor to have my short story humbly nestled among those of such venerated authors. Thank you for the opportunity.”
- Zoecklein Law, P.A. Probate Attorney Tampa
- $25 joined 08/20/18.
- Matthew Felsted
- $22.75 joined 09/22/14.
“A little foresight isn’t a bad thing. What a fun way to protect our dear Earth. Take us to the stars!”
- Tim Czech
- $22 joined 12/14/07.
- 3D Forged
- $20 joined 08/13/16.
“Excellent cause! Happy to contribute to Lifeboat!”
- Allt Om Smslån
- $20 joined 01/21/21.
“Glad to be able to help!”
- Appointment Setter Brisbane
- $20 joined 09/06/17.
“Great job!”
- $20 joined 05/16/11.
- Aaron Balogun
- $20 joined 09/17/09.
- Paul M. Battista
- $20 joined 10/19/09.
- Bay Area SEO Company
- $20 joined 06/08/22.
“The Lifeboat Foundation is an incredible organization doing incredible things for our world. Thank you Lifeboat for having the courage to step up and further our essential scientific advancements.”
- Bee English Dictionary
- $20 joined 05/03/10.
“Let’s hope these small amounts add up to a big number.”
- Bioviva Sciences
- $20 joined 04/27/19.
- Birth Injury Resources and Information
- $20 joined 06/25/19.
- Dean Bjorkstrand
- $20 joined 12/29/16.
- Don V. Black
- $20 joined 10/01/11.
- BoostPlanner
- $20 joined 04/01/22.
“This is a great cause to support if you’re able to!”
- $20 joined 05/05/22.
“Good job! We really appreciate this initiative!”
- Chiropractor Surfers Paradise
- $20 joined 11/06/17.
- Christmas Catering Brisbane
- $20 joined 09/06/17.
- Michael Dedrick
- $20 joined 08/10/15.
- Denver Trial Lawyers
- $20 joined 06/15/20.
“We are Car Accident Lawyers in Denver, CO.”
- Dreamcatcher Multimedia
- $20 joined 03/17/10.
“Technology offers profound improvements for humanity but the risks need to be managed.”
- Eisner Gorin LLP
- $20 joined 06/08/20.
- Eisner & Gorin Law Firm
- $20 joined 06/09/20.
- Function Venue Brisbane
- $20 joined 12/05/16.
- Gold Coast Chiropractic Center
- $20 joined 08/17/17.
- Grossman Law Offices
- $20 joined 04/23/20.
“We are Personal Injury Lawyers in Fort Worth, TX.”
- Holly Rose Designs
- $20 joined 07/18/22.
- Intimate Wedding Venues Brisbane
- $20 joined 12/18/17.
- Marsha Kai
- $20 joined 06/23/20.
- Karnas Law Firm
- $20 joined 10/20/18.
- L&L Skin
- $20 joined 07/18/21.
“Great job done and thanks for listing!”
- Livesay & Myers
- $20 joined 11/05/18.
- Michael Livshits
- $20 joined 02/07/19.
- Tom McCabe
- $20 joined 08/31/07.
“Because somebody has to save the world.”
- Alex McKeown
- $20 joined 11/30/10.
- Miami SEO Company
- $20 joined 12/12/21.
“We will continue to support you and your cause! Thank you for all that you do!”
- Mace Law
- $20 joined 06/17/18.
“Happy to donate to good things like this!”
- National Investigative Training Academy
- $20 joined 11/30/18.
- OverThrowSEO
- $20 joined 07/19/22.
- Peanut Rady
- $20 joined 07/26/16.
“I gave up dog treats for a week to make my donation!”
- Roofing Company Shelby Township MI
- $20 joined 07/13/20.
“Thanks Guys!”
- Roofing Gloucester
- $20 joined 09/09/20.
- Len Sassaman
- $20 joined 06/24/10.
- Sell House Fast Cash
- $20 joined 10/28/19.
“We are very proud to be able to support such a fantastic cause, please keep it up!”
- Stephen Thaler
- $20 joined 12/24/15.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Heikki J. Toivonen
- $20 joined 11/26/02.
- Rosie Tran
- $20 joined 08/30/10.
“Thank you for creating this amazing foundation! Congrats and good luck on all the work and breakthroughs to come. Sending love…”
- Trial Pro, P.A.
- $20 joined 02/14/19.
- Stephan Tual
- $20 joined 02/06/14.
“Cannot wait to participate in some great conversations. Particularly interested in emergent behaviors of autonomous agents.”
- The Venture Lawyer
- $20 joined 06/10/22.
“A business lawyer helps small businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs with legal issues. For example, they can help form a company, file for the appropriate permits and licenses, negotiate contracts, and deal with creditors. Contact The Venture Lawyer today!”
- VPNGorilla
- $20 joined 11/05/19.
“Best VPN to use in Canada.”
- Wholesale Nuts and Dried Fruit
- $20 joined 11/30/23.
“Buy Bulk And Wholesale Amounts Of Nuts, Dried Fruit, And Seeds.”
- Zoom Property
- $20 joined 04/03/19.
“Hopefully, the donation will go to great use. Appreciate what you do!”
- Craig Tovey
- $18 joined 06/30/10.
- Kimberly Botham
- $12 + $5 for $17 total joined 07/20/13.
“Opt cool. Don’t have extra cash to give usually though. Merry meep!”
- Colin Gallagher
- $15.60 (composed of 0.06 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 08/16/15.
- 3D Printing Geeks
- $15 joined 01/23/16.
“Excited to see what this organization can accomplish if we all pitch in and give support where we can!”
- Appeals Law Group
- $15 joined 12/14/15.
- Mary Armstrong, 3453 Cody Road, Cazenovia, NY 13035
- $15 joined 08/22/08.
“Attention, please! We have to work together to save our planet.
Learn to be a minimalist. Be efficient in all you do. Drive a small or hybrid car. Live in a cozy house (under 1,400 square feet). Have only one or two children or adopt a child who’s in need of a loving family.
If everyone in the United States lived by the simple ideas expressed here, we would not need to import foreign oil or lose our young people in needless wars.
Perhaps, if we’re lucky, our precious, one-of-a-kind planet will begin to heal.” -
- Bouncy Bouncy Boo – Birmingham
- $15 joined 01/02/24.
- Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers
- $15 joined 10/18/23.
“Bradley Law Personal Injury Lawyers is happy to support our community and even the world by supporting the Lifeboat Foundation! We are a top-rated personal injury law firm in St. Louis and Kansas City!”
- DigitalParc
- $15 joined 01/03/17.
“Great work!”
- The Hot Spot Sex Toys Australia
- $15 joined 01/05/19.
“Thank you for helping our planet!”
- House and Tech
- $15 joined 09/15/23.
- Theresa L Krenz
- $15 joined 07/23/20.
- Las Vegas MasterMindSEO
- $15 joined 01/17/17.
“Thank you! Glad to support your foundation.”
- MarketSports
- $15 joined 08/25/22.
“Western bulldogs shop!”
- MarketSports
- $15 joined 01/24/22.
“NRL shop.”
- James Mitchell
- $15 joined 12/03/05.
- NZCU South
- $15 joined 05/16/18.
“Proud to support the Lifeboat Foundation. Such a worthy cause, keep up the good work!”
- Oklahoma City Review
- $15 joined 03/06/19.
“I am proud to be a part of something bigger than myself.”
- Lissa Oros
- $15 joined 08/02/10.
- Penn Law Firm
- $15 joined 11/29/23.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Piccalilli Catering
- $15 joined 07/18/19.
“Catering Companies Brisbane!”
- SeedSupreme Seedbank
- $15 joined 07/17/18.
“Happy to help!”
- Jeffrey L. Simmons
- $15 to AIShield Fund joined 01/11/15.
“Keep up this crucial work!”
- Tea Mind Body
- $15 joined 01/30/14.
- Helen Vann, Gabriela Vann, and Atreyu Vann
- $15 joined 12/29/08.
“We donated $5 each. Click on our picture to see us better!”
- Wix SEO Company
- $15 joined 06/16/22.
- Samuel Kenyon
- $14.41 joined 12/18/10.
- Joshua LeRoy
- $14 joined 08/01/16.
- Bynum M. Wheeler
- $13 joined 02/07/02.
- Alec Kriebel
- $12.50 joined 01/16/19.
- Aquarzon Australia
- $12 joined 06/16/19.
“Aquarzon Australia is happy to support Lifeboat, a non-profit and non-governmental organization that is determined to protect humanity through its programs focusing on research and development. We believe in the protection of humanity and nature which includes animals and plants. We wish to see humanity and the natural wonders of the world including aquarium plants to be sustained for our future generations.”
- ChicagoSEO.Company
- $12 joined 09/15/18.
“We will continue to support you and your cause! Thank you for all that you do!”
- Dearborn Furnace and Air Conditioning
- $12 joined 09/11/20.
“Happy to help!”
- Home Value Renovators
- $12 joined 07/06/21.
- Nampa Masonry and Concrete Company
- $12 joined 06/25/19.
“I love what Lifeboat does for humanity!”
- Pavlo Rudenko
- $11.90 joined 03/17/17.
“Lifeboat Foundation’s grantee TriboTEX raised over $140K on Kickstarter on preorder of anisotropic nanomaterial for self-forming coatings. Lifeboat Foundation provided funds and information support for the company.
Learn more!” -
- $11.50 joined 08/02/19.
“CosplayLens Coloured Contact Lenses is honoured to support Lifeboat Foundation with the objective to safeguard humanity and the world. Just like coloured contacts, the world is filled with abundant of animals and plants of various colours which can only be appreciated and protected if humanity and the world are safeguarded.”
- Brandon K. Bailey
- $11 joined 09/23/06.
“Check out my blogs Robotic Future News and The Singularity.”
- Canton Furnace and Air Conditioning
- $11 joined 09/11/20.
- Casino Zonder Licentie
- $11 joined 11/29/20.
- For The Sound
- $11 joined 01/26/22.
- Four Feet Friendly
- $11 joined 08/14/22.
- Gamingaktier
- $11 joined 10/03/19.
“A Lifeboat on the internet.”
- Hello Digital
- $11 joined 02/12/19.
“As a digital marketing and technology focused agency we’re very excited to get behind this cause!”
- Keller Fence & Gate
- $11 joined 07/05/22.
“Keller Fence & Gate is a Keller Texas fencing contractor providing new fence installation and fence repair.”
- KiwiPoints
- $11 joined 03/28/20.
- Outlookindia Roblox Gambling Sites
- $11 joined 11/21/23.
- Raleigh Awning Works
- $11 joined 07/05/22.
- SoSport
- $11 joined 11/07/16.
“Happy to help move this cause forward!”
- Yachts Zenith Ibiza
- $11 joined 03/03/24.
“At Yachts Zenith, we specialise in yacht and boat rentals in Ibiza, offering a tailored selection to suit every preference. Our fleet, ranging from the sleek Waterdream 65 to the majestic Vanquish 82, and the opulent Pershing 90, is carefully chosen to offer top-notch Ibiza yacht hire experience.”
- Meta Platforms
- $10.45 joined 11/24/24.
- 3D Insider
- $10 joined 04/10/17.
“Keep up the great work! We love what Lifeboat is doing.”
- 3D Protégé
- $10 joined 04/21/22.
“Thank you for the work you do!”
- 773 Restore
- $10 joined 09/30/19.
“773 Restore is happy to help the Lifeboat Organization.”
- Allbee Law Firm
- $10 joined 09/11/23.
- Allen Law Firm, P.A
- $10 joined 10/10/23.
“Allen Law Firm, P.A is always happy to support our community and even all of humanity by donating to Lifeboat Foundation! Call the Allen Law Firm, P.A. today to request a free consultation.”
- Anderson Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 05/04/23.
“Anderson Injury Lawyers have decades of legal experience and we’ve recovered hundreds of millions for our clients. Contact us!”
- Abrahamson & Uiterwyk
- $10 joined 11/12/19.
- Agile Coach
- $10 joined 02/07/19.
“Thank you for your work!”
- Air Conditioner Repair Company
- $10 joined 03/08/17.
- James B. Allen
- $10 (composed of 0.01204805 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 11/25/13.
- Always.Training
- $10 joined 09/22/16.
“Good cause! Keep it up!”
- John Amaretto
- $10 joined 11/05/14.
“Technology is both wonderful and scary, depending on what it’s being used for and who’s using it. Keep up the good work!”
- Andover HVAC, Heating & Cooling
- $10 joined 02/04/22.
“I like people who look into the future and what we can do to make it better!”
- AquireFX
- $10 joined 07/25/17.
“AquireFX moves money internationally charging less for foreign exchange money transfers.”
- Wayback Machine
- $10 joined 11/01/16.
- ATS Digital Marketing
- $10 joined 12/24/23.
“At ATS Digital Marketing in Syracuse NY, we are teaming up with the Lifeboat Foundation to build a safer future for all. We are a leading-edge digital marketing agency, offering web design, SEO, social media, PPC and more.”
- Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 02/19/21.
- Attorneys of Chicago Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 12/21/23.
“Our personal injury lawyers in Chicago are dedicated to offering compassionate and committed representation. Our goal is to assist clients in Chicago, IL, in obtaining the rightful compensation they deserve.”
- Aura Plumbing & Gas
- $10 joined 01/27/19.
“Happy to help such a great cause.”
- Avellina Aesthetics
- $10 joined 07/19/24.
- Background Check Professionals
- $10 joined 04/26/24.
“Background Check Professionals, LLC is a reputable and experienced background check provider that offers a range of services to help businesses hire the right person the first time. They understand that your business depends on the people working for you, which is why they provide thorough and accurate background checks to evaluate potential employees. These background checks include information on employment history, educational credentials, criminal history, and more.”
- Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 05/05/23.
“The attorneys at Baggett Law Personal Injury Lawyers are always willing to help after an accident. We love supporting our community!”
- Battle Born Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 12/13/23.
“Battle Born Injury Lawyers is a personal injury law firm in Las Vegas, NV. We are happy to support the Lifeboat Foundation. Call us today for a free initial consultation.”
- Lale Basarir
- $10 joined 06/27/11.
- Best Karaoke Machines
- $10 joined 09/22/17.
- Best Thin Bezel Monitor
- $10 joined 01/29/17.
“Love this cause!”
- BocaVitamin
- $10 joined 12/03/19.
“Thanks for the great work you do!”
- Bomme Studio
- $10 joined 01/12/24.
- Brampton Tree Service
- $10 joined 04/18/21.
- Brandon J. Broderick, Attorney at Law
- $10 joined 04/27/21.
“At Brandon J Broderick, Personal Injury Attorney at Law, we believe in empowering and uplifting injured individuals through compassion and legal expertise. Our dedicated attorneys specialize in personal injury, car accident claims, workers compensation and employment law. We’ve helped thousands of individuals and their families turn their setup into a comeback.”
- Brannon & Brannon Personal Injury Attorneys
- $10 joined 06/02/23.
“Brannon & Brannon Personal Injury Attorneys is a personal injury law firm serving Destin and Fort Walton Beach, FL.”
- Brew Coffee Maker
- $10 joined 07/01/17.
“We proudly support your great cause… thanks for the opportunity!”
- Paul Bronstein
- $10 joined 01/10/23.
- Budget Movers of Philadelphia
- $10 joined 09/24/18.
“Proud Supporter of the Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Bugs-R-Us
- $10 joined 06/16/16.
- Carson City Lawn and Landscaping
- $10 joined 07/17/20.
- Casinoble
- $10 joined 09/18/18.
“Great Work!”
- Casino Info Center
- $10 joined 10/18/22.
“You do a great job and we are happy to contribute to such a great cause!”
- Chermol & Fishman, LLC
- $10 joined 08/31/24.
- Chula Vista Taco Catering
- $10 joined 10/13/19.
“Such a great cause to donate to. Happy to help make a difference!”
- Claudio Criniti
- $10 joined 08/31/19.
- The Law Offices of Sean M. Cleary
- $10 joined 06/07/18.
“For all those injured in drowning accidents our heart goes out to their families as well!”
- Cohen Injury Law Group
- $10 joined 05/31/24.
“We have successfully secured millions and millions in verdicts and settlements for clients throughout our extensive law firm history. Our dedicated Los Angeles car accident attorney and law firm is committed to striving for the maximum compensation to meet your specific needs and losses.”
- Comindware
- $10 joined 01/23/17.
- Concrete Driveways Launceston
- $10 joined 09/22/21.
“Really appreciate all the research that is being done in the medical field.”
- Mirona Constantinescu
- $10 joined 12/29/14.
- Credit Reward Perks
- $10 joined 12/17/23.
- Jason Thomas Crocker
- $10 joined 05/22/18.
“So glad you guys are helping humanity!”
- Crockett Law Group LLP
- $10 joined 06/10/21.
- Andrew Crouch
- $10 joined 05/25/05.
- DLE Lawyers
- $10 joined 07/24/18.
“DLE Lawyers are personal injury lawyers in Miami, Florida. Keep up the good work Lifeboat!”
- Dog Bite King Las Vegas
- $10 joined 01/13/21.
“Thanks for all your great work!”
- Don Downey
- $10 joined 07/26/16.
- Dragonfish Slot Sites
- $10 joined 11/02/22.
“A very worthwhile cause. Happy to donate.”
- EdWel Programs
- $10 joined 10/04/16.
“Technology works to reduce global poverty.”
- El Gordo 24
- $10 joined 08/29/19.
- EP Landscape Contractors
- $10 joined 10/25/21.
“So happy to be a part of this!”
- Esportbets
- $10 joined 10/10/19.
“A great cause!”
- Express Organic Carpet Cleaning
- $10 joined 11/02/18.
“Glad to Contribute!”
- Farmington Hills Furnace and Air Conditioning
- $10 joined 09/11/20.
- FastBay
- $10 joined 01/17/21.
“Camera video pentru copiat.”
- Fence Repair Roseville
- $10 joined 06/28/19.
“Lifeboat is thinking forward and I enjoy helping them do that!”
- Five Guys Plumbing Canton
- $10 joined 02/25/19.
“Five Guys Plumbing Canton offers the best plumbing service in the Canton Michigan area. We have over 20 years’ experience in the plumbing industry and are confident that our plumbers can handle any plumbing issue you have. We service both residential and commercial customers, making it convenient to get your plumbing needs addressed no matter the location. We service both small and large jobs and offer services such as clogged drains, pipe leaks, leaky faucets, and plumbing installations. We also provide 24-hour emergency service for your plumbing needs that just can’t wait. No matter the job, or time, the team at Five Guys Plumbing Canton can help! Call us today to find out how we can help with your next plumbing need.”
- Five Guys Plumbing Clinton Township
- $10 joined 03/12/19.
“Five Guys Plumbing Clinton Township offers the best plumbing in the Clinton Township and Metro Detroit area.”
- Five Guys Plumbing Dearborn
- $10 joined 02/22/19.
“Five Guys Plumbing Dearborn offers the best plumbing service in Dearborn Michigan!”
- Five Guys Plumbing Farmington Hills
- $10 joined 02/25/19.
“Five Guys Plumbing Farmington Hills is the best plumbing service in the area. We have been proudly serving the Farmington Hills and Metro Detroit communities for the past 20 years. We offer a variety of plumbing repairs and replacements including a 24-hour emergency service. Our plumbers are experienced, trained professionals in their field and offer nothing but the best customer service. We promise to always treat your plumbing job as if it were our own. We want to be the plumber you can call for all your plumbing needs. Call us today to see how we can help with your next plumbing job!”
- Five Guys Plumbing Troy
- $10 joined 03/12/19.
“Five Guys Plumbing supports you! Great work!”
- Five Guys Plumbing Warren
- $10 joined 03/12/19.
“Five Guys Plumbing Warren supports you!”
- Five Guys Plumbing Westland
- $10 joined 02/22/19.
- FKF Charters
- $10 joined 05/28/18.
“A great cause with great support staff.”
- Flash Forest
- $10 joined 02/03/22.
- forbrukslå
- $10 joined 05/26/18.
“Good luck!”
- Stephen Fountain
- $10 joined 06/21/02.
- Grover Fuhr
- $10 joined 03/31/09.
“If humans went extinct, then who would worship me?”
- FunSeaker Yachting
- $10 joined 12/14/22.
“Thank you for your help! Lifeboat!”
- FVF Law
- $10 joined 04/04/23.
“We are a personal injury law firm located in Austin, TX with more than 100 years of combined experience. Our award-winning attorneys have won millions of dollars on settlements for our clients.”
- Chris Geldof
- $10 joined 01/07/24.
“I wish you the best of luck!”
- $10 joined 04/04/21.
“Happy to donate for such a good cause. May this Foundation serve humanity forever.”
- Give Me Deals
- $10 joined 11/12/18.
“Keep up the good work. We are happy to donate to LifeBoat!”
- Adam Glickman
- $10 (Active Economy membership) joined 06/04/17.
“I am happy to be of service to Lifeboat.”
- Go Henry Review
- $10 joined 05/03/21.
“Great work. Glad to support it.”
- Cally D. Goddard
- $10 joined 03/22/19.
- GoTech Appliance Repairs
- $10 joined 05/07/21.
- M. A. "Doc Gee" Greenstein
- $10 joined 07/11/10.
- Hall Law Personal Injury Attorneys: Boating Accidents
- $10 joined 08/21/23.
“Hall Law Personal Injury Attorneys is a personal injury law firm serving Minneapolis, MN!”
- Bob Hansens
- $10 joined 06/24/10.
- Hasner Law PC
- $10 joined 03/23/20.
- Havens Metal Works
- $10 joined 02/01/18.
“Life is better when we watch each others backs!”
- Hernia Mesh Lawyers
- $10 joined 03/28/20.
- High Flier Dental SEO
- $10 joined 03/22/18.
“Lifeboat’s work is vital to our survival.”
- The Hollywood Lawyer
- $10 joined 07/14/22.
“With a team of seasoned and dedicated entertainment attorneys, The Hollywood Lawyer can help you with the full range of legal and business issues that affect the film, television, music, social media, podcasting, licensing, and talent representation industries.”
- Homeads
- $10 joined 02/21/19.
“We provide real estate services in Canada!”
- Home Builder SEO
- $10 joined 04/23/20.
- Hyperbaric Chamber Therapy Las Vegas
- $10 joined 05/26/21.
“Thanks for doing what you do!”
- Ibiza Boat Hire
- $10 joined 08/19/19.
- Impact Chiropractic Marketing
- $10 joined 12/01/19.
“Keep Up the great work!”
- Inkedin
- $10 joined 05/03/21.
“Inkedin is happy to support the great work that you do.”
- Ipswich Plumbing
- $10 joined 12/11/19.
- Jay Murray Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 01/10/24.
“During the most trying times in your life, Jay Murray Personal Injury Lawyers is here to ease your troubles. Our team of Dallas personal injury lawyers boasts over two decades of expertise in fighting for individuals, and we’re fully prepared to advocate for you as well. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss the specifics of your case.”
- JK Electrician, Swansea
- $10 joined 05/23/21.
“When we look back on the past, it is easy to see how one person’s discovery can change the world. Now imagine that a single individual could create an invention with such potential impact for good or bad that our civilization might not survive until tomorrow morning. While science and technology have brought many great advances in recent years, they also open up new avenues of risk — if someone were able to build something as powerful as nuclear weapons without firing them at anyone else first, then there would be no stopping him from going completely mad with power once he had those genies out of their bottles. It’s time to start developing specific defensive technologies before it is too late. We are at the critical stage today for biotechnology, and we will reach a point where we need these defenses now. A self-replicating pathogen could destroy civilization within days or weeks of release, so this must be addressed now — before an existential risk occurs!”
- Dan Jakubowski
- $10 joined 11/17/09.
- Jits Tycoon
- $10 joined 03/15/19.
“Hi, love what you guys are doing, happy to support the cause, best of luck!”
- Jobs2Careers
- $10 joined 08/23/16.
- Just Drywall Hamilton
- $10 joined 06/22/20.
“What a wonderful cause — thank you for all that you do!”
- Justinian & Associates
- $10 joined 09/04/21.
- Kajino
- $10 joined 06/30/20.
- Kansoly
- $10 joined 03/23/17.
“Happy to contribute. Kansoly helps businesses with Telecom Expense Management, Telecom Inventory Management, and Telecom Sourcing.”
- Kenny Habetz Injury Law
- $10 joined 12/19/23.
- Susan Kent
- $10 joined 12/18/08.
- Kibbey Wagner, PLLC
- $10 joined 03/17/23.
“The law firm of Kibbey Wagner, PLLC is happy to support you!”
- Kickin Knowledge of San Diego
- $10 joined 02/02/17.
“The best of luck for all those in our scientific endeavour!”
- Koenig & Owen
- $10 joined 03/24/20.
“Donation on behalf of Koenig & Owen, LLC!”
- Kratom Guides
- $10 joined 01/31/19.
- Andy Kuiper
- $10 joined 05/19/17.
- Labrum Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 09/19/24.
- Las Vegas Child Custody Attorneys
- $10 joined 08/14/18.
“Thanks for helping humanity!”
- Law Offices of Joshua S. Davidson, PLC
- $10 joined 04/11/20.
“Keep up the good work!”
- The Law Offices of Samuel Fishman
- $10 joined 05/24/22.
“If you have been injured in an auto accident, you may be entitled to benefits from your insurance company. However, if you have been seriously hurt, you may also be eligible for compensation. Contact an injury lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your case and see if you qualify for compensation.”
- Laws
- $10 joined 11/01/12.
- LEI Certificate
- $10 joined 08/26/21.
“This is a great cause that we of course want to contribute to!”
- Levine Law
- $10 joined 06/27/22.
“Levine Law is a full service accident law firm located in Denver, Colorado.”
- Livesay & Myers, P.C.
- $10 joined 03/16/16.
“The experienced family law, immigration and divorce attorneys at Livesay & Myers, P.C. serve Leesburg, Loudoun County and Northern Virginia. We support Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Lopez Law Group Accident Injury Attorneys
- $10 joined 01/25/23.
“We are happy to support Lifeboat Foundation. At Lopez Law Group Accident Injury Attorneys, we help accident victims to get the compensation they deserve.”
- Lorenz & Lorenz, L.L.P
- $10 joined 03/24/20.
“Donation on behalf of Lorenz & Lorenz, L.L.P.”
- Lower Costing Locksmiths
- $10 joined 11/18/23.
“Happy to support this great cause.”
- Mario Lozano
- $10 joined 09/28/16.
“I was sold at nanotechnology! Keep up the great work, our survival could depend on it.”
- Lujo Australia
- $10 joined 08/01/13.
“We appreciate the opportunity to donate.”
- LuLaRoe Consultants
- $10 joined 12/01/16.
“Very happy to support such a great site!
Join LuLaRoe today!” -
- Luvmihome Vacuums
- $10 joined 03/01/17.
“Happy to contribute to Lifeboat!”
- M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 03/17/23.
“We are a personal injury law firm located in Los Angeles, CA, with 100+ years of combined experience helping injury victims. We are proud to be supporting the Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Marzzacco Niven & Associates
- $10 joined 04/13/23.
“Our Pennsylvania personal injury law firm will help your fight for your rights in all personal injury matters.”
- Vilma Mattila
- $10 joined 09/08/20.
“The Future is Now!”
- Maui Resort Rentals
- $10 joined 08/16/17.
- John McClain
- $10 joined 12/18/08.
- McDowell Mountain Community Storage
- $10 joined 10/26/23.
“Great Work!”
- Miracle Dental Center
- $10 joined 07/19/24.
- Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C.
- $10 joined 03/26/20.
“Donation on behalf of Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C.”
- Mission Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 03/08/23.
“The San Diego Personal Injury Lawyers at Mission Personal Injury Lawyers are happy to help!”
- Massager Zone
- $10 joined 03/18/18.
“All the best to this fine institution!”
- Montesino Law
- $10 joined 02/27/18.
- More Cash for Test Strips
- $10 joined 04/02/19.
“Thanks for helping to keep humanity safe! We really appreciate your efforts!”
- Move Buddha
- $10 joined 03/02/16.
- Multiverse Network
- $10 joined 10/15/21.
“Multiverse Network is a Metaverse for 8K TV!”
- MyAmplifiers
- $10 joined 02/13/17.
- Nemeroff Law: New Orleans
- $10 joined 06/17/18.
“Keep up the great work for humanity!”
- Nemeroff Law: Pittsburgh
- $10 joined 06/17/18.
“Thank you for helping our world!”
- Nemeroff Law: Salt Lake City
- $10 joined 06/17/18.
“Thank you for helping our world!”
- NewYorkSEO.Pro
- $10 joined 09/25/21.
“We appreciate your hard work and will continue to follow you!”
- Vast Nexus
- $10 joined 11/22/02.
“I’m aware $10 USD isn’t much, but I believe any amount of money is a help to your cause.”
- David Noel
- $10 (Active Economy membership) joined 10/08/16.
- Nootroholic
- $10 joined 07/21/19.
“Keep up the good work.”
- NZCU Baywide
- $10 joined 11/06/16.
“Keep up the great cause!”
- OAC Technology
- $10 joined 12/29/16.
“IT consultants serving Minnesota.”
- Ocular Concepts
- $10 joined 11/20/12.
- Oil Tank Removal Pro
- $10 joined 02/05/22.
“We believe that it’s everyone’s responsibility to make sure that the futures of our next generation are protected.”
- Olympiskeleker
- $10 joined 12/19/18.
- Online Casinos in India
- $10 joined 04/13/23.
“This is truly a great cause!”
- Orent Law Offices, PLC
- $10 joined 03/24/20.
“Donation on behalf of Orent Law Offices, PLC.”
- Pacific Coast AC Repair
- $10 joined 02/06/17.
- Paddle Board Tips
- $10 joined 11/03/19.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Palm Beach Appliance Repair
- $10 joined 08/15/18.
“You guys are great for what you do!”
- Parker Law Firm Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 10/18/23.
“Parker Law Firm Injury Lawyers handles all types of personal injury matters throughout Fort Worth, TX, Bedford, TX and surrounding areas. Our Top-rated Texas injury attorneys have over 35 years of experience helping injury victims.”
- Passerine
- $10 joined 01/24/22.
“Thanks for what you do!”
- Paving Contractor Hampton VA
- $10 joined 05/17/19.
“From your Driveway Sealcoating Company in Hampton VA — Hampton Paving.”
- Perenich, Caulfield, Avril & Noyes Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 05/05/23.
“Perenich, Caulfield, Avril & Noyes Personal Injury Lawyers is a personal injury law firm in Vista, CA. Give us a call for legal help.”
- Petrov Law Firm
- $10 joined 03/02/23.
- Philadelphia Plumbers
- $10 joined 02/06/17.
“Fantastic cause. Glad to be a part of it.”
- Shane Phillips
- $10 joined 11/05/11.
- Pipes Plumbing & Gas
- $10 joined 01/11/19.
“Happy to support such a great cause.”
- Placement Labs
- $10 joined 04/06/17.
“Happy to contribute. Keep up the great work. Placement Labs provides world class SEO services to help small businesses become large.”
- The Platta Law Firm
- $10 joined 01/05/23.
“A donation on behalf of The Platta Law Firm, PLLC.”
- Pluymert, Macdonald, Hargrove & Lee
- $10 joined 10/10/17.
- PMO365
- $10 joined 03/31/21.
“Great work team, from PMO365!”
- PMP Certification
- $10 joined 09/07/17.
“Onward and upward!”
- PMP® Certification
- $10 joined 06/01/10.
“Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.”
- Power by Proxi
- $10 joined 08/14/13.
“Great cause and a pleasure to support.”
- Presentation Technology Reviews
- $10 joined 03/05/10.
“Technology can have profound benefits beyond what is initially imagined.”
- Nicola Preston Bell
- $10 joined 04/04/15.
- PrettyMotors
- $10 joined 10/31/16.
- Primal Dragon
- $10 joined 10/08/15.
- Prime Towing Norfolk
- $10 joined 05/28/18.
“Making the world a better place. Keep up the good work!”
- Project Management Academy
- $10 joined 07/29/10.
“If you don’t start with step 1, you will never get to step 2.”
- Prometheus Data Services
- $10 joined 12/31/10.
- The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C.
- $10 joined 05/24/22.
“At The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., you can consult an experienced legal team for personal injury, auto accident, criminal cases, immigration issues, business legal hassles, and many other complex claims.”
- Anton Pustovrh
- $10 joined 05/07/09.
“While future technologies will likely provide great benefits for humanity, they also bring many global catastrophic risks. I hope the next Lifeboat Foundation conference will help raise awareness of such issues and help ensure a safer future.”
- James Quinn
- $10 joined 02/01/09.
- Qyto
- $10 joined 07/27/20.
- Radon Testing and Mitigation Pittsburgh
- $10 joined 08/31/18.
“Amazing Job!!”
- Raiser & Kenniff
- $10 joined 02/12/17.
“Glad I can help! Keep up the great work!”
- Rank One SEO
- $10 joined 12/21/18.
“Keep up the great work!”
- RD Internet Marketing
- $10 joined 07/17/18.
“The Lifeboat Foundation does a great job of encouraging scientific advancement for the greater good. Keep it up!”
- Reel Emperor
- $10 joined 04/07/21.
“We cannot stand aside. Continue at the same pace.”
- RentalCarGroup Dubai
- $10 joined 04/23/18.
“Continue with the great work!”
- The Rodriguez Law Group
- $10 joined 03/23/20.
- Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 05/05/23.
“The attorneys at Roman Austin Personal Injury Lawyers are always happy to support our community! Give us a call for legal help.”
- Roofing Edmond
- $10 joined 06/16/20.
- Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C.
- $10 joined 04/14/23.
“Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, PC, a personal injury law firm in NYC, is proud to be sponsoring Lifeboat Foundation.”
- Runway Icons
- $10 joined 08/24/21.
“Thanks for helping humanity!”
- Douglas Rushkoff
- $10 joined 10/17/07.
- Sacramento Mobile Detailing Services
- $10 joined 01/24/19.
- Safeway Electricians
- $10 joined 08/21/18.
“Great Project! Thank you for all that you do!”
- Safrock
- $10 joined 06/02/20.
“Thank you!”
- San Antonio Pool Installation
- $10 joined 02/02/17.
“Happy to help support you guys!”
- SAT Vocabulary Builder
- $10 joined 08/26/09.
“We are a small startup in online vocabulary building. May god give us more money to donate to noble causes like this.”
- Scaffolding Hire Kent
- $10 joined 06/08/20.
“The team at Scaffolding Hire Kent is happy to contribute to such a wonderful cause.”
- Schemawriter
- $10 joined 12/17/23.
“Schemawriter supports the good work that Lifeboat is doing. Keep up the good work!”
- Security Guard Services Austin, TX
- $10 joined 04/04/22.
“Very nice armed security guard company, we suffered a few break ins after SXSW and since calling this company to help with theft and loss prevention at our place of business, things have been much better and we feel 100% safer!”
- SEO Company Melbourne
- $10 joined 05/26/18.
“Happy to assist, keep up the good work!”
- SEO Design Chicago
- $10 joined 12/20/21.
“Keep up the great work!!!”
- Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 05/29/23.
“Shaked Law Personal Injury Lawyers is a personal injury law firm in Miami, FL.”
- Sites de Aposta
- $10 joined 11/11/19.
“If we all work together for a better cause we can change the world!”
- Smith Plastic Surgery
- $10 joined 04/15/20.
“Great work for our planet!”
- Sonder Digital Marketing
- $10 joined 03/31/21.
“It’s great to see such great work being done! Happy to donate From the Sonder team!”
- Southern CA Hauling Pros
- $10 joined 10/11/18.
“Thanks for helping our World!”
- Gregory Spektor Law
- $10 joined 10/26/23.
“Gregory Spektor specializes in personal injury, including car accidents, medical malpractice, and wrongful death. Our firm is dedicated to ensuring justice providing expert representation for clients seeking compensation.”
- $10 joined 10/18/18.
“Thanks for the good work!”
- Spray Foam Insulation Dallas
- $10 joined 10/14/15.
- Start A Blog
- $10 joined 08/27/16.
“Amazing work! Keep it up!”
- Stephens Law Firm, PLLC
- $10 joined 04/12/23.
“At Stephens Law Personal Injury | Wrongful Death | Truck Accidents we have over two decades of representing injury victims and their families throughout Fort Worth, TX, and surrounding areas. We are proud to support the Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Storbyferie Tips
- $10 joined 02/12/19.
“Storbyferie tips supports Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Suhre & Associates
- $10 joined 03/26/20.
- The Sup Guru
- $10 joined 04/09/18.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Sys Logic Technology Services
- $10 joined 01/20/20.
“Thanks for all your good work!”
- Tax Preparation Services Newport Beach CA
- $10 joined 02/11/21.
“We’ve created a broad and comprehensive set of services to make sure that we can look after all of our customers’ tax needs and interests — and we’re yet to experience a situation where we’ve been unable to step in.”
- Ten Tipper
- $10 joined 05/26/17.
- The Texas Mortgage Pros
- $10 joined 03/26/18.
“Awesome work, keep it up!”
- John Thompson
- $10 joined 05/22/11.
- Erik Tierney
- $10 joined 11/22/02.
“It’s not much I know, but every little bit helps.”
- Tillmann Law Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 04/13/23.
“We are a personal injury law firm based in Portland, OR. Our experienced attorneys have won millions of dollars on settlements for our clients. We are proud to be part of the Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Tinnitus Acupuncture – Monroe NJ
- $10 joined 08/25/20.
- Dermot Tomelty
- $10 to NanoShield Fund joined 07/06/10.
- Tony Turner Law
- $10 joined 11/11/18.
- Top SEO Sydney
- $10 joined 11/30/18.
“Happy to help, keep up the great work!”
- Travel Visa Bookings
- $10 joined 06/04/17.
“Keep up the important work!”
- Tree Service Charlottesville
- $10 joined 03/13/21.
- Devin Trevena
- $10 joined 12/30/08.
- Trial Pro Naples, P.A.
- $10 joined 03/11/22.
“Trial Pro P.A. is proud to advocate for accident victims all over.”
- Twenty Motion
- $10 joined 12/06/16.
“Happy to support a cause like this. More grease to your elbow!”
- Ultra Guard Fabric Protection
- $10 joined 09/19/18.
“Thanks for what you guys are doing!”
- $10 joined 04/18/12.
- Victoria Ustimenko
- $10 joined 01/31/22.
“Ms. Victoria Ustimenko is a multi-industry entrepreneur with a specialization in biotechnology, cryptocurrency, fashion, and capital markets. She has collaborated with a wide variety of companies across the world, providing unsurpassed public relations & business development services. As a distinguished young thinker from Ukraine and Russia, she graduated from Donetsk State University in Marketing, where she rapidly obtain public relations skills that she would further develop over the course of her professional life. She currently leads as Chief Business Development Officer at Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions (TAFFD’s). She has also helped Bioquark.Inc and others MedTech companies. Her futurist and multidisciplinary vision of a better world has led her to endeavor in consolidating a progressive-thinking hub for exponential organizations in Russia & Ukraine, having a close relationship with some of the most impressive scientists, philosophers, artists, and entrepreneurs worldwide.”
- VitaminQuick
- $10 joined 03/02/18.
“You Guys Rock! Keep it going!”
- VPNtesten
- $10 joined 12/19/18.
- Vueling Discount Codes
- $10 joined 12/11/17.
- Watersports Magazine
- $10 joined 07/07/17.
“Watersports Magazine is very proud to be a sponsoring member of the good causes Lifeboat is about.”
- Websites for Churches
- $10 joined 11/03/15.
“I so wish I could fast-forward a thousand years from now so I could see the legacy you will have undoubtedly created.”
- Wedding Hair Las Vegas
- $10 joined 07/16/18.
“Thank you for helping us!”
- West Bloomfield Roofing
- $10 joined 07/13/20.
- Westland Furnace and Air Conditioning
- $10 joined 09/11/20.
- WildcatSEO
- $10 joined 08/28/19.
“Wildcat SEO loves to give back!”
- Window and Gutter Cleaning Hamilton
- $10 joined 05/14/20.
“Window cleaner Hamilton thanks you for your hard work and dedication!”
- Winters & Yonker Personal Injury Lawyers
- $10 joined 03/17/23.
“Winters & Yonker Personal Injury Lawyers is a personal injury firm located in Tampa, Port Richey, and St. Petersburg, Florida that serves clients throughout the state. Practice areas include vehicle and bicycle accidents, aviation and boating accidents, premises liability/slip and fall, dog bites, construction site accidents, brain and burn injuries, child injuries, Florida tourist accidents, and wrongful death.”
- Wireless Spy Earpiece
- $10 joined 02/22/17.
- With It Gear
- $10 joined 06/17/18.
- Wizard Slots
- $10 joined 07/04/22.
“You guys need all of the support. I hope more people donate to help your cause.”
- James D. Woolery, M.D.
- $10 joined 02/03/09.
- WordPress Hosting
- $10 joined 11/01/16.
- Yeargan & Kert
- $10 joined 03/26/20.
“Donation on behalf of Yeargan & Kert, LLC!”
- Zavodnick, Zavodnick & Lasky
- $10 joined 03/23/20.
- Zehl & Associates
- $10 joined 01/09/24.
“The Houston personal injury lawyers at Zehl & Associates Injury & Accident Lawyers are happy to support the Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Alta Bound Concrete
- $9 joined 07/08/21.
“Cancer is a good reason to donate. Thanks.”
- Manifest Angel
- $9 joined 10/17/23.
- Robert R. Newport
- $9 joined 05/06/17.
“I want this movement to continue. I hope that smart and forward looking people will be able to solve the globally scaled problems facing us. I’ll do what I can to help.”
- TechYourPC
- $9 joined 06/18/17.
“Great work. Keep it up!”
- Mr T’s Bakery
- $9 joined 11/17/19.
“Brisbane Corporate Caterer!”
- What Is Malware?
- $9 joined 06/18/19.
“Great cause! Keep up the good work!”
- Power SEO
- $8.50 joined 12/04/19.
- Henry B. Augustine
- $8 joined 08/28/13.
“Lifeboat Foundation is like S.H.I.E.L.D. from The Avengers. I believe in its integrity and evolutionary purpose and I am proud and humbled to be a part of this adventure.”
- Beedem Law
- $8 joined 01/02/17.
“Great work!”
- FitMole
- $8 joined 05/31/13.
“Happy to donate ”
- Floor Repairs and Sanding Ellenbrook
- $8 joined 10/29/19.
“Timber floor repair, deck, stairwell, all wooden surfaces! Thanks for good work!”
- Fort Worth Plumbers
- $8 joined 02/22/17.
“Good cause and we’re glad to be partners.”
- My Bespoke Process
- $8 joined 06/29/22.
“My Bespoke Process will not only enhance your confidence but will also provide a class to your personality. You will be word of mouth for everyone as you will be creating your own suit which is more of an art. The fitting, fabric, and final product will make you shine and be different from everyone. Choose bespoke process exclusive suits and wear your perfect suit.”
- New Day Cleaning
- $8 joined 10/15/19.
“New Day Cleaning of Kentucky supports the mission of Lifeboat! A great cause to donate to!”
- Stockton Bounce House Rentals
- $8 joined 05/22/19.
“I love what Lifeboat has to offer the world!”
- $8 joined 01/08/17.
“Great cause!”
- Dana Edwards
- $7.95 (composed of .04 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 10/22/13.
- Altemp Mechanical
- $7 joined 01/03/17.
“Glad to be a part of this!”
- Arlington Heights Plumbing
- $7 joined 02/06/17.
“We are glad to support this cause!”
- Brain Injury Lawyer
- $7 joined 09/20/23.
- Cayman Boat Charters
- $7 joined 07/01/18.
- Chesapeake Towing
- $7 joined 02/14/19.
“Happy to help Lifeboat!”
- Drill Press Pro
- $7 joined 09/13/17.
“Happy to give to this cause. I would encourage everyone to chip in — even $1 will add up!”
- Elite Testo®
- $7 joined 01/10/17.
- Mark Herman
- $7 joined 01/03/17.
- Poland Boat Registration
- $7 joined 03/02/20.
- To the Patio
- $7 joined 08/04/21.
“Great Cause.”
- Tree Service Columbus GA
- $7 joined 10/24/19.
“Happy to help. Thank you!”
- Valuuttamuunnin
- $7 joined 06/23/18.
“We at Valuuttamuunnin support your foundation! Thank you for your initiative to make the world a better place.”
- Alexis Armstrong
- $6.03 joined 09/12/08.
“If a ten-year-old can donate, then what is the excuse of you adults?”
- Donna Beck
- $6 joined 06/14/07.
- Brooks Internet Marketing
- $6 joined 07/12/17.
“Thanks for helping humanity!”
- Casablanca Car Rental Guide
- $6 joined 05/25/18.
- Cayman Fishing Charters
- $6 joined 08/13/18.
- Citrus Heights Tree Service
- $6 joined 01/11/21.
“Thanks for all you do! Also visit our other pages at and”
- CityCash
- $6 joined 07/23/19.
“Thank you! Keep up the good work!”
- Clipping the Photos
- $6 joined 11/12/22.
“This is my 2nd contribution for this foundation. I am happy to support for humanity always. Thank you.”
- Crystal Kitchen+Bath
- $6 joined 01/02/17.
- CureYourPC
- $6 joined 05/20/18.
“Hope this helps towards your great cause!”
- Dean Lindsey Construction
- $6 joined 07/06/20.
“Oregon pole barns.”
- DeFi Casinos
- $6 joined 12/01/23.
- Forex with Bonus
- $6 joined 05/19/18.
“We are happy to contribute here. Keep up the good work!”
- $6.00 (composed of 0.0004 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 01/04/18.
“We are happy to support this great cause!”
- GenieMag.Net: Celery Juicer Reviews
- $6 joined 03/16/20.
“Good job guys! Keep up the great work.”
- Insignia SEO
- $6 joined 01/23/18.
- Internet Florist
- $6 joined 09/06/18.
- Messina Law Group, P.A.
- $6 joined 02/15/23.
- Mailing Services Boston
- $6 joined 11/12/19.
- New York City SEO Services
- $6 joined 08/27/16.
- OnlineCasinoZen
- $6 joined 04/20/20.
- Removalist Adelaide
- $6 joined 08/24/16.
“Happy to help move this cause forward!”
- Sacramento Roofer Co.
- $6 joined 04/16/20.
“Great work you all are doing here! You can also see us on Google Maps.”
- Todd Efin Danger Sneddon
- $6 joined 11/15/11.
“Tequila Dune Enterprises supports Lifeboat Foundation and the important goal of safeguarding humanity.”
- $6 joined 11/21/19.
- Attacchi Di Panico
- $5.50 joined 12/22/16.
“Thank you for your efforts!”
- 239 Junk Removal and Hauling
- $5 joined 08/05/22.
“Keep up the good work guys, from 239 Junk team, with love!”
- 411 Information Online
- $5 joined 03/08/19.
“411 INFORMATION ONLINE fully supports Lifeboat’s efforts.”
- 50 North Yachts
- $5 joined 12/29/17.
“You are doing good work for the whole world. Thank you for your service.”
- AA Lock & Key
- $5 joined 12/11/23.
“We are proud to participate.”
- Advanced Deck Builders of Madison
- $5 joined 04/16/22.
“Love what you are doing here! Happy to have our team at Madison Decks contribute to the cause.”
- Airquee Inflatables
- $5 joined 01/06/23.
- AllTerra Central
- $5 joined 03/07/24.
- Amcan Bugstop
- $5 joined 07/03/23.
- Adventure Genesis
- $5 joined 01/11/19.
- Against The Spread Betting Information
- $5 joined 05/24/20.
“Great Work! Keep it up.”
- All American Home Mortgage
- $5 joined 11/02/18.
“Great Work. Thanks!”
- All Business Marketing
- $5 joined 02/18/17.
- All Business Technologies
- $5 joined 02/25/17.
- AllEcig Coupons
- $5 joined 02/03/16.
- All Natural MD
- $5 joined 09/13/20.
- Aller-Simple
- $5 joined 07/09/19.
- All Water Charters
- $5 joined 10/10/16.
“All Water Charters is proud to support the endeavors of such an environmentally minded foundation as Lifeboat.”
- AmericanSignLetters
- $5 joined 02/01/19.
“Great work!”
- Aminosyra
- $5 joined 05/10/16.
“We at Aminosyra support your work and agree with your ethics. Keep up the good work Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Ammcor
- $5 joined 04/08/19.
“Thanks for looking out for humanity!”
- Analytics Toolkit
- $5 to AIShield Fund joined 05/24/17.
“Glad to participate! AI, statistics, machine learning — all good tools to help the Lifeboat cause.”
- Anchorage Roofers
- $5 joined 07/05/17.
- Angelmed
- $5 joined 04/21/21.
- Antibiotics Online
- $5 joined 09/12/17.
- Apex Epoxy Flooring
- $5 joined 06/14/22.
“We need more foundations like this! Happy to donate.”
- Apogee Hardwood Cleaning
- $5 joined 11/17/23.
- Appliance Repair Las Vegas
- $5 joined 02/10/20.
- ApplianceSmart
- $5 joined 04/21/14.
“Glad to support a great cause.”
- Aspire Global Casinos
- $5 joined 10/12/21.
“We are proud to be supporting a very worthwhile cause!”
- Austin Demolition Service
- $5 joined 04/17/21.
“Thanks for all of your great work!”
- Auto Pick
- $5 joined 09/09/20.
- Autotrader Prices
- $5 joined 04/05/17.
- Autoverzekering Plus
- $5 joined 05/08/17.
- Awesome Store Locator Software
- $5 joined 01/04/17.
“Happy to help!”
- Babsy Cleaning
- $5 joined 11/26/23.
“What an amazing job you’re doing!”
- Bitcoin Dice Sites
- $5 (composed of 0.095 litecoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 09/26/22.
- Timothy Backes
- $5 joined 09/10/16.
- Bad Credit Lending for Good People
- $5 joined 11/10/17.
“Doing our part to contribute to a better future. Whatever can be done to help adopt technologies which will move humanity forward.”
- Baltimore Credit Repair
- $5 joined 07/17/20.
“Happy to support!”
- Bamboo Mattress
- $5 joined 07/18/17.
“Great efforts!”
- Banquet Hall Las Vegas
- $5 joined 03/23/22.
- B & D Landscaping
- $5 joined 03/05/17.
- Beechworth Windows
- $5 joined 10/17/18.
- Beefy’s Bongs Australia
- $5 joined 05/27/21.
“Keep up the great work!!!”
- Before You Bet
- $5 joined 08/18/20.
- Bella Cleaners Rochdale
- $5 joined 04/18/16.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Berlin Car Rental Guide
- $5 joined 04/23/18.
“Hope this helps!”
- Best Carpet Cleaner in Little Rock
- $5 joined 10/04/19.
“Fantastic work.”
- Best Fishing Tackle
- $5 joined 04/20/18.
“Great work and happy to support!”
- Best Flight Delay Compensation
- $5 joined 12/20/15.
- Best Gaming PC
- $5 joined 10/31/17.
“Supporting a great cause!”
- Best Gaming Desk
- $5 joined 08/27/17.
- Best Gaming Desks
- $5 joined 08/09/16.
- Best Paint Strippers
- $5 joined 06/01/18.
“You should support this cause too!”
- Best Sub-Ohm Vape Tanks
- $5 joined 03/23/16.
- Bigcoin Gambling (Bitcoin)
- $5 (composed of 0.0077 bitcoins) joined 10/24/16.
“A great cause to support — good luck with your endeavours.”
- Big Wave Tow Truck
- $5 joined 07/10/20.
“Happy to support!”
- Tim Bigham
- $5 joined 04/02/19.
- Billerica Towing Service
- $5 joined 02/08/19.
“Billerica Towing is proud to be able to support the Lifeboat fund.”
- The Bingo Online
- $5 joined 06/08/17.
“You guys are doing great work.”
- Blekatanderna
- $5 joined 10/18/19.
- Blue Monday
- $5 joined 06/30/18.
“We support your cause, thanks!”
- Bluestem Remodeling
- $5 joined 03/10/20.
“Thank you!”
- BoatGearable
- $5 joined 10/08/19.
“Thanks for looking out for humanity!”
- Book Of Dead Slot Sites
- $5 joined 10/12/20.
- Boston Web Design Company || Blue Phoenix Creative
- $5 joined 01/10/18.
- Bouncy Bouncy Boo – Wolverhampton
- $5 joined 12/20/19.
- Boutique Hotel in Cartagena
- $5 joined 09/07/19.
- Josh Bowie
- $5 joined 02/07/22.
“Thank you for all that you do!”
- BPI Brisbane North Building and Pest Inspections
- $5 joined 07/18/21.
“Thank You!”
- The Branding Agency
- $5 joined 09/05/16.
“Keep going. Respect.”
- Brantford Bathroom & Shower Renovations
- $5 joined 11/18/22.
- Brantford Landscaping
- $5 joined 03/26/22.
- Brenham Insulation Pros
- $5 joined 01/08/22.
“A thought provoking site.”
- Bridal Airbrush Artist
- $5 joined 03/31/19.
“We wish you luck with your project!”
- Bridal Express Hair and Make up Las Vegas
- $5 joined 05/15/19.
“You guys are awesome! Thanks!”
- British Virgin Islands Boat Registration
- $5 joined 11/07/22.
- Bromfietsverzekering Plus Online
- $5 joined 05/08/17.
- Brommerverzekering Online
- $5 joined 05/08/17.
- John Paul Browne
- $5 joined 01/12/09.
- Bryan TX Concrete Finishing
- $5 joined 01/10/22.
- Budapest Car Rental Guide
- $5 joined 05/25/18.
- Budget Towing Virginia Beach
- $5 joined 04/26/18.
“We’re very happy to support this wonderful cause!”
- Budget Tow Truck Newport News
- $5 joined 11/30/18.
“Happy to help this great cause!”
- David Butler
- $5 joined 10/03/16.
“The Lifeboat Foundation is doing amazing work and is something that we should all support. No donation is too small if millions of people are donating to the cause.”
- CaddyPro Golf Products
- $5 joined 12/18/21.
“Great cause to donate — thanks.”
- CA Expunge Law
- $5 joined 02/23/23.
“CA Expunge Law supports the Lifeboat Foundation.”
- Calculatorology
- $5 joined 04/17/18.
“Well done team. Keep up the good work!”
- Camping Fun Zone
- $5 joined 05/08/20.
- Cancioneira App Reviews
- $5 joined 05/25/18.
“Thank you for this project ”
- Car Detailing Surrey
- $5 joined 12/01/19.
- Car Wraps Hamilton
- $5 joined 03/16/19.
“Keep up the good work.”
- Carpet Cleaning Finchley
- $5 joined 12/11/15.
- Carpet Cleaning Ilford
- $5 joined 11/17/15.
“We are very glad to support you.”
- Casinoble
- $5 joined 01/09/20.
“Contribution to the terrible disease Bone Cancer!”
- 300% Casino Bonus
- $5 joined 03/01/23.
- CasinoExpo
- $5 joined 11/22/18.
“We are happy to support Lifeboat Foundation and the work you do!”
- $5 joined 10/07/19.
“Great initiative!”
- CasinoJapan
- $5 joined 12/24/19.
- Casino Kompassi
- $5 joined 05/25/18.
“We support your cause! Thank you for this project.”
- CasinoNoLimits
- $5 joined 02/24/22.
- Certiology
- $5 joined 06/27/18.
“Good work. Keep it up!”
- Aude Chambort
- $5 joined 02/26/19.
- Chattanooga Cabinets
- $5 joined 03/14/22.
“Love you guys, keep up the great work!”
- Chelmsford Pro Landscaping
- $5 joined 05/25/17.
“Chelmsford Pro Landscaping thanks you!”
- The Chicagoland Piano Co.
- $5 joined 08/15/21.
- Chicago Plumbers
- $5 joined 02/02/17.
“Great cause!”
- Chicago SEO Expert
- $5 joined 09/07/16.
- Citrus Heights Roofing Solutions
- $5 joined 09/01/21.
“Thanks for all that you do to make the world a better place.”
- Cityside Tow Truck Akron
- $5 joined 01/11/20.
“Thanks for all that you do!”
- CJ Installations
- $5 joined 11/07/19.
“This is a great thing you are doing!”
- Clarke Development Incorporated
- $5 joined 02/04/19.
“You guys are great thanks for helping humanity!”
- Cleaning Genious
- $5 joined 11/27/18.
- Cloud Ninjas
- $5 joined 05/12/17.
- Coalition of Elite Binary Advisers
- $5 joined 05/19/16.
“Great work!”
- Coffeeable
- $5 joined 12/13/19.
- Colepepper Services
- $5 joined 03/17/18.
“Great work guys. Keep it up!”
- Commuting by Bicycle
- $5 joined 12/08/19.
- Comparoid
- $5 joined 04/17/17.
- Computer Clinic
- $5 joined 03/10/17.
“Super job you guys are doing and here’s a little support from us.”
- Computer Repair Pembroke Pines
- $5 joined 03/30/19.
- Concrete Contractors Jacksonville Fl
- $5 joined 07/02/21.
- Concrete Contractors Springfield MO
- $5 joined 02/13/21.
- Concrete Contractors Stockton
- $5 joined 02/11/17.
“Proud to donate, keep it up Lifeboat!”
- Constructive Homes
- $5 joined 11/06/19.
“Thanks for all that you do!”
- Contractor Surge
- $5 joined 06/15/17.
“Happy to help you out!”
- Cornerstone Barbers
- $5 joined 02/09/22.
“We at Cornerstone Barbers are all about people and humanity! The difference between a Barber and a Psychologist is the pay check.”
- CouponArea
- $5 joined 01/06/17.
“Glad to be a part of this!”
- CouponCause
- $5 joined 08/15/16.
- CouponCode JAM
- $5 joined 01/18/18.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Coupon Poetry
- $5 joined 01/31/17.
- Coupons Express
- $5 joined 09/07/19.
- CouponsXDeals
- $5 joined 01/13/21.
- Cours de guitare en ligne
- $5 joined 06/26/13.
“Great organization!!!”
- Cousin Benny
- $5 joined 04/25/23.
- Creative Concrete KC
- $5 joined 03/07/21.
“Great work guys!”
- Crow Survival
- $5 joined 03/12/19.
“Great to help out!”
- Curate View
- $5 joined 01/23/18.
“Love to be a part of Lifeboat!”
- Sam Ovens Review From a Real Customer
- $5 joined 05/27/19.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Cynexis Media
- $5 joined 07/15/13.
“Thanks for this wonderful foundation.”
- DaddyStaysHome
- $5 joined 11/14/19.
- Danville Paving Contractors
- $5 joined 05/21/20.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Dart Bars
- $5 joined 12/16/20.
- Dartmouth Landscaping
- $5 joined 02/14/22.
“What a wonderful opportunity to donate and to share my website with your directory as a donor.”
- Davis Masonry
- $5 joined 06/01/20.
“We are masonry contractors in Davis, CA.”
- DDSRank
- $5 joined 07/25/17.
“DDSRank offers marketing and website design for dentists and dental professionals.”
- Dealspotr
- $5 joined 03/18/18.
- Decypher Technologies – Denver
- $5 joined 04/03/19.
- Deine Bücher
- $5 joined 11/27/18.
- Demolition Bryan-College Station Texas
- $5 joined 01/10/22.
“Thank you for holding an open discussion.”
- Deposit 5
- $5 joined 01/29/21.
“Deposit 5 is happy to support!”
- Diamond Shine Cleaning
- $5 joined 03/26/17.
“Great organization. We are proud to support the cause!”
- DIAP Media
- $5 joined 04/06/16.
- Digital Synergy
- $5 joined 10/18/16.
“Great cause and we’re happy to be on board!”
- Dink Champs
- $5 joined 11/05/24.
“Thank you!”
- DisposalXT
- $5 joined 03/04/20.
“Keep up the good work!”
- District Rug Shoppe
- $5 joined 01/31/20.
“Thanks for all your great work!”
- Donated Car Deals
- $5 joined 12/16/16.
- Oleksii Donets
- $5 joined 11/13/15.
“Keep it up!”
- Double Clean
- $5 joined 11/17/19.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Dream Chasers
- $5 joined 08/22/22.
“Happy to donate and help Lifeboat!”
- Driveway Contractor Lakewood CO
- $5 joined 12/26/19.
“Great things they do here, glad I can help a little bit.”
- Driving Arizona
- $5 joined 05/20/21.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Drywall Repair Madison
- $5 joined 10/01/19.
- Drywall Victoria CNL
- $5 joined 12/29/21.
“Thanks for the great opportunity.”
- Duct Clean Ottawa
- $5 joined 09/14/22.
- Law Offices of N. David DuRant & Associates
- $5 joined 09/12/18.
“Personal Injury Attorneys of Myrtle Beach”
- DWI Lawyer Dallas
- $5 joined 11/19/18.
“Happy to contribute!”
- Dynamic Funding Solutions
- $5 joined 08/04/22.
“Dynamic Funding Solutions, Inc. is a top lending company offering mortgage loans, refinancing loans, FHA loans, and more.”
- Eagle Tree and Landscaping Services
- $5 joined 10/21/20.
- eDIY Web Design
- $5 joined 07/17/12.
“Thank you for working to support people during the ever faster evolution of machines.”
- $5 joined 06/29/23.
“Good luck!”
- Elektriker Augsburg
- $5 joined 10/06/20.
- Elite Concrete Contractors of College Station
- $5 joined 06/27/23.
- Elk Grove Concrete Solutions
- $5 joined 09/17/20.
“Great work you guys are doing here, we support you in Elk Grove!”
- Emergency Electrician Solihull
- $5 joined 05/10/24.
“Together we are stronger.”
- Epic Gardening
- $5 joined 12/05/16.
“Happy to support a cause that is so integral to our society.”
- Epoxy Halifax
- $5 joined 04/02/22.
- Epoxy Surrey Floorex
- $5 joined 12/23/21.
“Appreciate it so much!”
- EquipMyFinance
- $5 joined 12/20/16.
- Esport Source
- $5 joined 04/11/17.
“Fantastic work!”
- Esposito Law Firm
- $5 joined 02/15/23.
“We support Lifeboat at Esposito Law: Tampa Car Accident Lawyer.”
- Essential Home and Garden
- $5 joined 01/09/18.
“Happy to help this worthwhile cause.”
- Excel Custom Decks
- $5 joined 07/03/23.
- Executive SEO
- $5 joined 08/16/16.
“Happy to help out!”
- Expose Gaming
- $5 joined 08/09/17.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Facilium Interim
- $5 joined 01/10/18.
“We are glad to help this beautiful cause!”
- George Brennan, MD, FACS
- $5 joined 05/06/21.
“Great Work for humanity!”
- Falcon Marketing
- $5 joined 02/23/23.
“Love what you are doing!”
- Family Braces Orthodontist Calgary
- $5 joined 11/26/18.
- Fast Interior Removals LTD
- $5 joined 05/15/23.
- Fastlane Local
- $5 joined 12/11/16.
“Hopefully the donation will go to great use. Appreciate what you do!”
- Filladerm
- $5 joined 06/14/21.
“Buy Juvederm!”
- Financial Freedom Countdown
- $5 joined 10/23/21.
“Thank you for the great work!”
- Fisher Pants
- $5 joined 05/23/17.
“It’s always a pleasure to support great causes!”
- Fishing My Way
- $5 joined 09/09/22.
“Thank you, such a great service!”
- Fishing Task
- $5 joined 06/26/19.
- Fishlore
- $5 joined 10/19/18.
“Great cause. Happy to contribute!”
- Fish Supply Guide
- $5 joined 02/02/17.
“Great cause and happy to support!”
- Fleek Consulting
- $5 joined 06/29/17.
“Thank you for all that you do! Technology is awesome when it’s used for good. I have already referred one of my clients here to make a donation and will continue to refer more.”
- Fleet Trax
- $5 joined 09/03/13.
“We are proud to support this cause.”
- Floridaddy
- $5 joined 10/02/18.
- Flowers for Amsterdam
- $5 joined 08/07/23.
- Fluffy Favourites Slot Sites
- $5 joined 12/09/20.
“Happy to donate to such a great non profit!”
- Foosball Table Guide
- $5 joined 03/26/20.
“I believe we will all need a personal AI who has access to the whole world’s information. It is my supposition that without that information most people will live in poverty.”
- ForexN
- $5 joined 03/26/20.
“Good job! Keep up the good work Lifeboat!”
- Found NZ
- $5 joined 04/19/19.
- Friesen Wedding Photography Wichita
- $5 joined 12/06/21.
“Merry Christmas!”
- FTL Concrete
- $5 joined 10/28/24.
- Darla Fuhr
- $5 joined 03/25/09.
“If humans went extinct, then who would I play with?”
- Funding Wizards
- $5 joined 03/23/17.
- Gaia Construction Pty
- $5 joined 11/07/19.
- Grapple Threads
- $5 joined 11/05/24.
“Thank you!”
- Gaming Chair Pro
- $5 joined 04/12/17.
“Great cause!”
- Gaming Gearoid
- $5 joined 07/07/17.
“We need to save ourselves from the technological singularity. We support this cause.”
- Mr. Garbage Disposal
- $5 joined 08/03/16.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Geelong Electrics
- $5 joined 04/21/21.
“Just a little something for a good cause.”
- Charles L. Geisendorf, Ltd.
- $5 joined 03/13/19.
“Doing a Great job! Keep up the amazing work! I’m a real estate lawyer in Las Vegas.”
- Genesis Global
- $5 joined 02/09/21.
“Genesis Global are happy to support your charity.”
- Get Best Mattress
- $5 joined 06/29/17.
“You rock! I like your project — keep up the amazing job! Cheers!”
- Glendale Concrete Solutions
- $5 joined 10/25/19.
“Lifeboat is changing the world. Help them out.”
- GloboGuide
- $5 joined 07/18/20.
- Go2 Homes
- $5 joined 11/06/19.
“Thank you!”
- GoBet
- $5 joined 08/19/18.
“We are proud to donate to the Lifeboat Foundation and make a small contribution to the work they are doing. We highly recommend you do the same.”
- Keith Godici
- $5 joined 10/25/11.
- Dr. Michael S. Godin, MD
- $5 joined 04/24/19.
- Goedkope Autoverzekering Direct
- $5 joined 03/28/17.
- Goedkope Verandazeilen
- $5 joined 09/05/17.
- Golf Tournament Signs
- $5 joined 04/22/10.
- Gissell Gonzalez
- $5 joined 10/25/11.
- Tatiana Gonzalez
- $5 joined 10/25/11.
- Good Riddance Insect Repellent
- $5 joined 06/09/21.
“Keep up the good work.”
- The Grand Piano Moving Company
- $5 joined 08/15/21.
“Keep the momentum!”
- Grand Rapids SEO
- $5 joined 05/19/21.
“Keep up the great work!”
- $5 joined 03/27/19.
“Great website – so happy to support!”
- Groovy Towing Suffolk
- $5 joined 09/29/19.
“Glad to donate!”
- GrowthRapidly
- $5 joined 11/02/19.
“Great Work! Keep up the good work, guys!!”
- GrowthRapidly – Credit Sesame
- $5 joined 12/31/19.
“I am happy to be part of a great cause.”
- GrowthRapidly: Here’s How Much A Financial Advisor Costs
- $5 joined 02/08/20.
“Always a pleasure to contribute for the greater good!”
- GrowthRapidly: How Do I Find the Best Financial Advisor Near Me?
- $5 joined 02/25/20.
“Always a pleasure to contribute!”
- GrowthRapidly: How the Market Works
- $5 joined 02/01/20.
“Keep up the great work, guys!!!”
- GrowthRapidly – How to Buy a HUD Home
- $5 joined 08/07/21.
“For a great cause.”
- GrowthRapidly: How To File A Transunion Dispute
- $5 joined 11/06/19.
“I enjoy the work you’re doing. Just thought I’d help a little.”
- GrowthRapidly: Macatawa Bank
- $5 joined 11/17/19.
“Keep up the good work!”
- GrowthRapidly – Vanguard CD Rates
- $5 joined 08/07/21.
“Always happy to help!”
- Guaranteed SEO Services
- $5 joined 11/19/17.
“Thank you for the great work!”
- John Gutierrez
- $5 joined 10/25/11.
- Gutter Installation of Arvada
- $5 joined 08/30/19.
“We love what this foundation stands for. Always happy to give to a good cause. Keep up the great work Lifeboat!”
- Hamilton Electricians
- $5 joined 12/04/20.
- Harper Finch Lawyers
- $5 joined 05/25/21.
- Hårvaxguiden
- $5 joined 06/01/16.
“Keep the good work up!”
- Headset Plus
- $5 joined 04/12/17.
“Best wishes!”
- Health Internetwork
- $5 joined 09/30/14.
“Keep up the great work! We believe in your cause!”
- Darrell Heinrich
- $5 joined 01/30/10.
- Help! I’m Having Twins
- $5 joined 12/08/19.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Hero Mold and Crawl Space of Lexington NC
- $5 joined 11/18/20.
- The Hills Yerba Mate
- $5 joined 09/01/22.
- Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas
- $5 joined 10/28/19.
“Thank you for saving our planet!”
- Hobby-Car
- $5 joined 12/14/21.
- Hollander Law Firm, P.A.
- $5 joined 02/19/21.
- The Home Improvement Directory
- $5 joined 05/22/20.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Homemade Drug Test
- $5 joined 09/30/18.
“Great Cause!”
- Hot Tub Cover Depot
- $5 joined 11/28/16.
“Thanks for all the efforts!”
- Houston Plumbers
- $5 joined 02/15/17.
“Glad to be a part of a great cause!”
- Houts Graphics
- $5 joined 09/02/16.
“Keep up the good work!!”
- Hurwitz Law Group
- $5 joined 10/04/16.
“Love lifeboat!”
- iBEE Digital Solution
- $5 joined 12/29/20.
“Keep it up!”
- iHoez
- $5 joined 02/28/17.
“Thanks. Keep up the good work!”
- Ihr Ratgeber für Laptop Kissen
- $5 joined 11/27/18.
- Illinois Shipping Containers
- $5 joined 07/16/21.
- Inboedelverzekering Plus
- $5 joined 05/08/17.
- Inboedelverzekering Vergelijken
- $5 joined 03/28/17.
- Infuse Therapy Wraps
- $5 joined 01/08/19.
“Thanks for all your hard work!”
- Instant Per Diem Attorneys
- $5 joined 03/06/24.
“Keep up the good work.”
- Insta Photo Booth Rental
- $5 joined 12/13/22.
“Donating to help the community!”
- Instrument Pro
- $5 joined 08/21/18.
“Instrument Pro fully supports these fantastic people!”
- Insulation Bryan-College Station TX
- $5 joined 01/08/22.
“Thank you for what you do.”
- Insulation Sussex
- $5 joined 12/11/21.
“Keep up the good work!”
- $5 joined 09/12/22.
“Good luck!”
- $5 joined 11/24/19.
“Happy to support such a great cause!”
- iPupster
- $5 joined 02/14/18.
“We’re happy to support this cause!”
- Jacksonville Epoxy Flooring
- $5 joined 05/13/22.
“Keep up the good work!”
- J & L Exteriors
- $5 joined 05/08/19.
- J and J Coatings
- $5 joined 04/15/20.
- Frank Jacobs
- $5 joined 06/30/16.
“I hope that people continue to donate and support the lifeboat that you guys are trying to build for humanity.”
- Japan Based
- $5 joined 10/17/19.
- Juan Jaramillo
- $5 joined 10/10/09.
- Jared Bennett Digital
- $5 joined 07/25/16.
“Keep up the great work — a worthy cause!”
- Jessica Brooks Non Toxic Deodorant
- $5 joined 05/13/19.
“Nice job helping our Planet! Thanks so much!”
- Jet Digital Marketing
- $5 joined 10/25/16.
“Thanks for all you do!”
- Tom Johnston
- $5 joined 04/27/17.
“Thanks for all you do worldwide!”
- Christine Jones
- $5 joined 02/08/10.
- jouwExpert
- $5 joined 08/05/13.
“Great job!”
- Juggle Marketing
- $5 joined 06/01/17.
“Happy to contribute to Lifeboat!”
- Jumpman Gaming Sites
- $5 joined 03/13/23.
- Junk Gladiators
- $5 joined 03/31/22.
“Hope this helps! ”
- Paulette Kallas
- $5 joined 10/25/11.
- KappaSlots
- $5 joined 05/25/18.
“We support your project!”
- Katy Window Wash
- $5 joined 01/10/22.
- KayaksPoint
- $5 joined 04/12/19.
“I wish Lifeboat goes beyond in support of the water and boat lovers.”
- Kelly Kosky: Missionary Hero in Africa
- $5 joined 04/15/21.
“Thank you!”
- Kelowna Decker’s
- $5 joined 07/16/21.
- Keto Diet Prep
- $5 joined 04/25/19.
- Khattar Law, PC
- $5 joined 07/25/22.
“Khattar Law, PC, has been working since 1991 and has served over 25,000 clients. Khattar Law, PC, assists people suffering from a disability, wrongful death, or after an accident.”
- Kick Media
- $5 joined 10/01/16.
“Lifeboat is awesome!”
- King Marketing Partners
- $5 joined 06/02/22.
“We are honored to donate to Lifeboat. They have a long term vision of helping out humankind!”
- Pearl Kings
- $5 joined 12/17/19.
- Mr Kitchen Faucets
- $5 joined 10/28/19.
“Thanks for all the hard work that you guys do!”
- Knife Guardian
- $5 joined 01/15/21.
- Rubin Knopf
- $5 joined 11/24/10.
- Kokosöl Ratgeber
- $5 joined 12/11/18.
- Lanarkshire Law Practice
- $5 joined 06/01/21.
“Great cause!”
- Landscaping Coquitlam
- $5 joined 03/15/22.
- Landscaping North Vancouver Pros
- $5 joined 02/01/22.
“I appreciate this wonderful opportunity to share with you our amazing website.”
- Landscaping Surrey BC
- $5 joined 12/01/19.
- Langkawi Boat Registration
- $5 joined 11/07/22.
- Lansdale Cosmetic Dentist
- $5 joined 10/19/18.
“Thanks for helping make our planet great!”
- Las Vegas Homes by Anita
- $5 joined 07/07/20.
“Great work for our world!”
- Latest Casino News
- $5 joined 03/25/21.
“A fantastic initiative we are happy to support!”
- Latest Computer Gadgets
- $5 joined 09/24/18.
- Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost
- $5 joined 08/02/22.
“The Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost is an immigration law firm that offers a full range of legal services for clients living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and surrounding areas.”
- Law Offices of Lidia Alperovich, LLC
- $5 joined 07/20/22.
“At the Feasterville Law Offices of Lidia Alperovich, every person who walks into our office will walk away with a greater understanding of his or her legal problem and the steps toward fixing it.”
- LC International Limited Casinos
- $5 joined 03/01/23.
“LC International support the Lifeboat Foundation message.”
- Wendy Leal
- $5 joined 12/30/08.
- LED Light Reviews
- $5 joined 01/15/18.
“LED Light Reviews supports this great cause. Keep it up!”
- Legalize It. We Think So.
- $5 joined 06/26/18.
“Team Legalize It is happy to support your work.”
- Leonid Belenitsky
- $5 joined 08/17/23.
“Thank you very much!”
- Lexington Tree Cutting & Trimming Services
- $5 joined 07/28/22.
“Since 2012, our tree trimming company in Lexington has provided high-quality tree care and tree removal service throughout Kentucky.”
- Lexiology Dictionary
- $5 joined 12/16/09.
“Good work! Keep it up.”
- Life Counseling Orlando
- $5 joined 05/15/17.
“I believe in your cause.”
- LifeMojo
- $5 joined 02/15/10.
“Good work! We appreciate your efforts.”
- Lifetime Deal Giveway
- $5 joined 08/25/22.
“Lifetime Deal Giveaway is a website where you can find lifetime business software for low prices. Head over to and see what subscription software you can replace today!”
- Liker Spa
- $5 joined 05/18/21.
“We love the work you do!”
- Tony Liker
- $5 joined 06/17/18.
“I love this project. Thanks so much!”
- Lineup Optimizer
- $5 joined 09/18/19.
- Liquid Image
- $5 joined 01/29/19.
“Keep up the great work at Lifeboat!”
- Live Casino
- $5 joined 09/22/16.
“Great job, I’m happy to help!”
- Load It Towing El Paso
- $5 joined 03/31/19.
“Happy to donate!”
- Los Angeles Hood Cleaning
- $5 joined 05/25/22.
“Thank you for the effort that you put into your community!”
- Los Angeles Powder Coating Experts
- $5 joined 04/01/22.
“I’m glad that I am able to donate to such a great cause! You are doing God’s work!”
- Los Angeles SEO
- $5 joined 05/16/24.
“Love the work!”
- Ltprtz Led Lighting Solutions
- $5 joined 09/04/20.
“Great project "This is one of the most important projects that we all can undertake now. Keep up the great work and to anyone reading, please consider donating!" LED lighting systems leading the way to a brighter future.”
- Situa Luaipou
- $5 joined 05/14/20.
- Lubbock Landscapers
- $5 joined 09/04/21.
- Mac-Klean
- $5 joined 09/25/21.
“Keep up the great work and thank you!”
- Magnolia Gardens Senior Care
- $5 joined 07/10/20.
- Maple Leaf Massage
- $5 joined 08/03/21.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Martial Arts Website Design
- $5 joined 07/26/18.
“Martial Arts Website Design is happy to contribute to Lifeboat!”
- Math Content
- $5 joined 01/07/10.
“Nice work guys….”
- Karen McKormick
- $5 joined 12/30/08.
- James McNeil
- $5 joined 02/15/14.
- Media MC
- $5 joined 02/10/19.
“Always eager to support a great cause. Well done guys.”
- $5 joined 09/20/22.
“We’ll continue to support you with your continued efforts.”
- $5 joined 09/20/22.
“Continue with the excellent work that you’re involved with at this time!”
- $5 joined 09/20/22.
“We appreciate what you’re doing to better this community.”
- Mercedes-Benz Country Hills
- $5 joined 03/20/18.
- Mercer Heating and Cooling
- $5 joined 12/04/20.
- Metal Building Construction Pros
- $5 joined 01/08/22.
- $5 joined 09/20/22.
“We appreciate all of the hard working that you’re doing at this time!”
- Metro Detroit Review
- $5 joined 04/15/18.
“We are the best local Metro Detroit magazine.”
- Metro Movers Indianapolis
- $5 joined 08/09/18.
“We love Lifeboat!”
- Metzel Law Firm
- $5 joined 02/06/17.
- Midland Concrete Pros
- $5 joined 07/25/21.
“We are proud to support such a great cause.”
- Mike Baugh SEO
- $5 joined 07/03/20.
- The Miller Law Firm
- $5 joined 03/04/21.
- Milton Landscaping
- $5 joined 03/16/22.
- Milwaukee Concrete Company
- $5 joined 10/20/20.
- Milwaukee Concrete Contractors
- $5 joined 03/22/20.
- Milwaukee Concrete Solutions
- $5 joined 01/13/22.
“Doing good for the world!”
- Milwaukee Piano Movers
- $5 joined 03/14/20.
- Minnesota Egress Window Specialists
- $5 joined 08/24/21.
- Mission Laser Dentistry
- $5 joined 02/10/18.
“Thank you for helping our world!”
- Make Music Fast
- $5 joined 05/08/17.
“We are very proud to support Lifeboat in all their current and future endeavors.”
- Mobility Rentals & Sales
- $5 joined 12/12/16.
“Happy to be involved!”
- Mold Removal in Lynchburg VA
- $5 joined 02/06/20.
- Monopoly Casino
- $5 joined 07/16/17.
“Great job guys!”
- Montesino Law
- $5 joined 12/28/19.
- Motleys Group: Private Investigators
- $5 joined 08/16/16.
“Great Work!”
- Move N Go – London Removals
- $5 joined 06/04/20.
“Move N’ Go is a local London-based home and office removals company.”
- My Books
- $5 joined 01/02/15.
- My Hair Clippers
- $5 joined 07/16/19.
“Brighter Brains for a brighter future. Education should be a basic human right for everyone.”
- My Online School
- $5 joined 09/19/19.
- NabeWise Travel
- $5 joined 02/21/18.
“Great work! Thanks for spreading all this useful information and awareness.”
- Nashville Plumbing
- $5 joined 10/24/18.
“Glad to support.”
- National Fire Dog Monument
- $5 (composed of 0.044622936189201 ethereum) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 12/04/18.
- Naturaltts
- $5 joined 12/06/19.
“We are always here to help you!”
- NC Paving Services of Burlington NC
- $5 joined 01/07/21.
“Keep up the good work!”
- NearMeFinds
- $5 joined 01/01/17.
“Thanks for your hard work. Love this project!”
- Nemeroff Law Firm
- $5 joined 02/16/18.
“Thank you for helping our world!”
- Neograft Orange County
- $5 joined 06/03/21.
“Thanks for your hard work!”
- Neostrada Webhosting
- $5 joined 02/17/17.
- Net Geek Pro
- $5 joined 08/21/18.
“What a fantastic cause. Net Geek Pro fully supports this cause. Keep it up!”
- Nettikasinot
- $5 joined 06/16/18.
“Great site and amazing initiative!”
- New Hope Ministries of Commerce City
- $5 joined 03/01/20.
“God bless everything you do!”
- New Jersey Paving and Masonry Work
- $5 joined 11/03/19.
“Great Site!”
- New York Search Engine Optimization Company
- $5 joined 09/27/16.
“Our firm is happy to support your good work.”
- Nicastro Piscopo: Orange County Attorneys
- $5 joined 06/14/10.
- North Twin Cities Pros Junk Removal
- $5 joined 06/14/21.
“Keep it up!”
- Nove Sea
- $5 joined 07/27/21.
“Happy to help.”
- Noorderzon Campers
- $5 joined 06/06/17.
- Nordic Lenders
- $5 joined 05/07/18.
“We are happy to support an important foundation like the Lifeboat Foundation.”
- Nordstrom Promo Codes and Coupons
- $5 joined 07/01/17.
- $5 joined 04/25/23.
“Great Cause!”
- Official Top 5 Review
- $5 joined 05/04/19.
“Happy to donate!”
- Online Bingoz
- $5 joined 06/09/17.
“You’re an inspiration for others!”
- OnlineKasiino
- $5 joined 09/24/24.
“I’m really proud to support Lifeboat with my small but hopefully meaningful donation. I truly believe in their mission to drive innovation and technology for the greater good. This donation isn’t just about giving money; it helps support programs that promote science and education, making a real difference in our communities.”
- $5 joined 03/24/17.
“Modest support for your cause.”
- Only Factual
- $5 joined 02/21/18.
“We’re happy to see that there are some organizations like Lifeboat which are actually working towards the betterment of Humanity. Here is our small token of appreciation from the OnlyFactual blog.”
- Opstalverzekering Plus
- $5 joined 05/08/17.
- Opstalverzekering Vergelijken
- $5 joined 03/28/17.
- Orlando Divorce Attorney – Sean Smallwood
- $5 joined 08/03/18.
- Orleans Landscaping Guys
- $5 joined 02/27/22.
“I always want to support your site.”
- Otomo
- $5 joined 01/22/18.
“Great work, keep it up!”
- Outdoor Gear Only
- $5 joined 04/01/19.
“Happy we can help.”
- Págan & Stroleny, P.L.
- $5 joined 07/09/16.
- Paint Impact
- $5 joined 07/30/16.
“Keep it up!”
- Paragon Caviar
- $5 joined 10/24/22.
“Brilliant cause — so happy to help! Keep up the great work and want to see more donating to such a fantastic cause.”
- Party Tent Plaza
- $5 joined 02/28/17.
“Thanks for all you do!”
- Eve B Paul
- $5 joined 04/13/20.
“Thank you for doing what you’re doing.”
- Paving Contractor Chesapeake VA
- $5 joined 05/17/19.
“Keep up the good work, Lifeboat!”
- Paving Contractor Harrisburg PA
- $5 joined 06/05/19.
- Paving Contractor Reading PA
- $5 joined 06/06/19.
- Paving Contractor Smithfield VA
- $5 joined 05/26/19.
- Pay by Bill Casino
- $5 joined 01/17/17.
“You are doing a great job!”
- Pay by Phone Casino
- $5 joined 01/12/17.
“Great job!”
- PB Guy
- $5 joined 11/26/16.
“Very cool project — very forward thinking — I look forward to the progress of the foundation and am happy to donate to the cause!”
- People and Their Cars
- $5 joined 10/28/20.
- The Perazzo Law Firm
- $5 joined 06/17/20.
“The Miami based Personal Injury Lawyers at The Perazzo Law Firm support your efforts.”
- Pet Cat Friends
- $5 joined 05/23/20.
“Happy to help!”
- Pet Dog Pals
- $5 joined 05/23/20.
“Donation from the pals!”
- Pet Parlour Australia
- $5 joined 07/10/20.
- Pet’s Eyes Tell All
- $5 joined 08/03/10.
- Photo Booth Rental Sacramento
- $5 joined 05/02/19.
“I believe in what Lifeboat can do to change the lives of people around the world. We need to capture the essence of supporting humanity!”
- Photogenia
- $5 joined 08/14/16.
“Keep up the great work — a worthy cause!”
- Photographic Production Group
- $5 joined 10/25/24.
“Thank You so much.”
- Piano Movers Minneapolis
- $5 joined 08/05/21.
- Piano Moving Denver, CO
- $5 joined 08/05/21.
“Thanks for the work you do!”
- Playa Vista Therapy
- $5 joined 12/12/19.
- Plumbers Near Me
- $5 joined 12/03/16.
“Glad to be able to help Thanks for your work!”
- Pocatello SEO
- $5 joined 11/09/16.
- Pond Academy
- $5 joined 02/07/20.
“Happy to donate to a great cause!”
- Pool Deck Repair San Antonio
- $5 joined 01/14/17.
- Pooltech
- $5 joined 08/04/21.
“We provide pool inspections for homeowners who need a Pool Certificate. Based in Indooroopilly, Brisbane.”
- Porter Finance
- $5 joined 05/19/16.
“Don’t give up on what you are doing!”
- Port Handyman
- $5 joined 09/05/17.
- Present Value Pension Calculator
- $5 joined 12/04/17.
- ProgressPlay Limited
- $5 joined 04/03/23.
“ProgressPlay Limited is happy to support such a worthwhile cause.”
- Prosperous Venture
- $5 joined 10/18/23.
“Great Work!”
- PromoCodeWatch
- $5 joined 12/20/15.
- Property Management Waltham, MA
- $5 joined 11/25/19.
- PuppyWire
- $5 joined 06/21/17.
“Lifeboat Foundation is a great cause to be able to support!”
- Quincy MA Towing Services
- $5 joined 10/28/18.
“You are doing a great thing for all of us!”
- RacingBet
- $5 joined 03/16/21.
“Thanks for the great work!”
- Radon Mitigation & Testing
- $5 joined 07/13/18.
“Great job, keep it going!”
- R and R Property Rehab
- $5 joined 11/14/18.
“Thanks Lifeboat! Keep up the good fight!”
- Rapid Restore
- $5 joined 04/20/20.
“We are so thankful for your efforts!”
- RB Oilfield Hauling
- $5 joined 10/08/20.
- Remote Warehouse
- $5 joined 01/02/15.
“Fantastic cause!”
- Rental Cars Near Me
- $5 joined 07/30/16.
- Rent Bed Space
- $5 joined 09/01/16.
“Great project. You guys are great!”
- John Crestani Super Affiliate System Review
- $5 joined 08/21/19.
- ReviewGist
- $5 joined 05/26/10.
- Reviewimo
- $5 joined 02/01/17.
- Rhode Island HVAC Services
- $5 joined 07/28/22.
“Rhode Island HVAC Services is a great company for Rhode Island homeowners to work with when they need HVAC repair, maintenance, or replacement.”
- Rhythm Science
- $5 joined 08/20/19.
“We support your project!!”
- Vannesa Richie
- $5 joined 10/10/09.
- RideBass
- $5 joined 10/24/19.
“Keep up the great work! Love what you guys are doing! Happy to donate!”
- Ripperslots
- $5 joined 06/19/18.
“We support your cause!”
- RMC Construction Company in Southeastern Massachusetts
- $5 joined 10/22/18.
- Eugene Rmishevskiy
- $5 joined 12/30/08.
- Rock Chalk Towing
- $5 joined 03/07/21.
“Love it!”
- Andrea Rodriguez
- $5 joined 07/03/10.
- Rohrreinigung Basel
- $5 joined 03/03/22.
“Thanks for everything! Good luck!”
- Roof Repairs Adelaide
- $5 joined 08/24/16.
“Happy to donate and help out!”
- Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers
- $5 joined 06/01/21.
- Roseville Car Detailing
- $5 joined 04/15/20.
- Ross Online Reviews
- $5 joined 05/04/20.
- Roue Electrique
- $5 joined 05/29/17.
“Glad to help you!”
- Ester Royer
- $5 joined 10/10/09.
- Julia Rueschemeyer
- $5 joined 10/29/17.
“Attorney Julia Rueschemeyer specializes in divorce mediation in Massachusetts.”
- Ruffault Traiteur
- $5 joined 06/20/17.
“Happy to participate and help you!”
- RVWhisperer
- $5 joined 10/15/19.
“Happy to contribute!”
- Sacramento Drywall
- $5 joined 10/21/20.
“Thanks for all you do!”
- Safety Gaming
- $5 joined 05/03/18.
“Like and appreciate Lifeboat’s work!”
- Sakari: Mass Business Text Messaging
- $5 joined 11/27/18.
- Salem Tow Service
- $5 joined 07/10/17.
“Salem Tow Service is happy to help out a great cause!”
- San Antonio Asphalt Installation
- $5 joined 01/14/17.
- San Antonio Tile Installation
- $5 joined 03/11/21.
- Sånghä
- $5 joined 01/04/21.
- San Marino Boat Registration
- $5 joined 11/07/22.
- Savoteur
- $5 joined 06/29/21.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Scooterverzekering Plus
- $5 joined 05/08/17.
- Scott Allan Business Las Vegas
- $5 joined 11/02/18.
“Thanks for your great work!”
- Scott Allan Mortgage Las Vegas
- $5 joined 11/02/18.
“Thanks for your help!”
- SEO Hosting PBN Hosting
- $5 joined 11/16/16.
“Keep up the great work at Lifeboat!”
- SEOZ Australia
- $5 joined 08/16/18.
“Fantastic work and the service you are providing is undeniably important for humanity.”
- Michael Sepanek
- $5 joined 05/30/16.
“I want to see a cure for aging. I am only 48.”
- SexiSEO
- $5 joined 05/31/13.
“Great website!”
- Sheboygan Roofers
- $5 joined 09/15/22.
“Great cause and happy to donate!”
- Tawny Shoemaker
- $5 joined 10/11/09.
- Shoptrader
- $5 joined 02/28/17.
- SimilarTo
- $5 joined 12/27/14.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Simplea
- $5 joined 02/24/22.
- Sky Contact Number UK
- $5 joined 03/10/17.
“Guys you’re doing a top job… keep it up… here’s a bit of support.”
- Sleepedia
- $5 joined 11/25/16.
“Keep up the great work, such a worthy cause!”
- Smart Home Focus
- $5 to AIShield Fund joined 05/04/18.
“I fully support technology and advancement, but we must pursue it in a responsible way.”
- Krista Smith
- $5 joined 10/10/09.
- Sneed & Mitchell LLP
- $5 joined 12/07/21.
“Thank you for all you do!”
- Social Way Services
- $5 joined 08/22/18.
“I admire what you are doing!”
- Solar Power Centennial
- $5 joined 10/30/18.
“Technology can be good but also can be dangerous in the hands of those who want to cause harm.!”
- Sole Racks
- $5 joined 05/31/23.
“Great cause, we’re happy to help!”
- Spokane Basement Finishing
- $5 joined 02/23/21.
“Let’s go with AI!”
- Sports Betting NY
- $5 joined 02/22/22.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Sprinkler Bros
- $5 joined 05/30/17.
“Leading sprinkler system and irrigation services provider.”
- Sprinkler Repair Bay Area
- $5 joined 03/04/19.
“Smart home tech taught me just how easily technology can be abused and how dangerous it can be for people. Thanks for fighting the good fight.”
- Squatchy Waters Fly Fishing
- $5 joined 08/04/21.
“Thank you!”
- Squeaky Dans Window Cleaning
- $5 joined 05/12/19.
“Happy to help & support the cause.”
- Stand Desk NZ
- $5 joined 08/10/19.
- Steer Bobcat
- $5 joined 07/16/21.
“Thank you for helping great causes.”
- St George Towing
- $5 joined 01/12/21.
- Alvin Steinberg
- $5 joined 02/29/16.
“One way to fund increased government medical research funding is to use the money that U.S. corporations are hiding overseas, have them bring it back to the United States, and tax them at 15%. Present corporation taxes are 35%. This would raise three hundred billion dollars. It could pay for ten years of additional medical research, almost doubling the research money.”
- Straightway Junk Removal Pottstown
- $5 joined 02/19/21.
“Happy to Donate!”
- Strike Smart Home Security
- $5 joined 02/17/18.
“Great job guys! Please keep it up!”
- Suds Renovation
- $5 joined 07/20/21.
“Good cause!”
- Surprise Concrete Concepts
- $5 joined 02/10/20.
“As the owner of Surprise Concrete Concepts I am honored to donate to a great cause.”
- Swaney Law Firm St. Louis Personal Injury Attorney
- $5 joined 09/12/18.
“St. Louis Personal Injury Attorney”
- Sydney Spray Foam Insulation
- $5 joined 06/14/21.
“Every little bit helps.”
- Sympativa
- $5 joined 08/13/17.
“Sympativa supports research in psychology and science.”
- Tablet Betting
- $5 joined 11/09/20.
“Happy to support such a worthy cause!”
- Tailored Media: Gold Coast Experts
- $5 joined 10/08/18.
“Keep up the Great Work!”
- Target Pest Control
- $5 joined 09/20/24.
“Thanks so much for allowing us to be a part of this!”
- Patric Tarnhamn
- $5 joined 07/13/18.
“Patric Tarnhamn is a dating coach and relationship advisor and he supports the education that Lifeboat is sharing!”
- TC Trees
- $5 joined 06/14/21.
- Terani Couture
- $5 joined 08/01/17.
“Love this project!”
- Teraply
- $5 joined 08/09/19.
- Tewksbury Air Conditioning Systems
- $5 joined 02/05/22.
“Happy to support the Lifeboat Foundation. What a better cause than someone trying to protect humanity’s future!”
- Theme Wordpress Divi
- $5 joined 08/13/18.
“Thanks for your amazing work!”
- Thianphat Williams
- $5 joined 07/19/19.
“Keep up the good work.”
- Thieves Oil
- $5 joined 08/02/13.
“This is a great organization and a great cause!”
- Time2play
- $5 joined 11/01/21.
“Happy to support such a great organisation even if just with a small amount for now. Keep up the great work .”
- Tool & Bark
- $5 joined 02/03/19.
“We are excited to help.”
- Top 10 Best Mattress Reviews
- $5 joined 07/05/17.
“The work you guys are doing is so important for the future. Glad to help!”
- Top Custom Print
- $5 joined 07/02/19.
“Great cause that we’re happy to support. Protecting us from AI and virus misuse.”
- Top Running Shoes for Flat Feet
- $5 joined 07/12/17.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Top Stretch
- $5 joined 11/16/16.
“The use of technology to improve and save human lives is the best use of human intelligence.”
- Tower Tow Truck Rochester
- $5 joined 03/15/20.
“Awesome! Keep up the good work!”
- Towing Hampton
- $5 joined 12/15/18.
“Thank you for all that you do Lifeboat!”
- Toylogs
- $5 joined 05/31/23.
“We believe in the power of play! Together we can educate the new generation about the clean energy!”
- TradingBeasts
- $5 joined 03/16/20.
- The Train Station
- $5 joined 02/13/20.
- $5 joined 09/08/23.
- Tree Cutting Services
- $5 joined 01/15/20.
“Please keep up the great work!”
- Tree Removal Cheltenham
- $5 joined 08/08/20.
- Tree Removal Pickering
- $5 joined 03/13/19.
- Tree Removal Wauwatosa
- $5 joined 01/07/20.
- Tree Service Pueblo
- $5 joined 04/30/19.
“Happy to donate to an awesome cause!”
- TutorNext
- $5 joined 01/14/10.
“Awesome work. Keep going Lifeboat.”
- UK Biz Network
- $5 joined 09/02/22.
“Great job on your help with bone cancer!”
- UK Boat Registration
- $5 joined 11/07/22.
- Ultrasound Technician Schools
- $5 joined 09/12/15.
- Unbreakable IT
- $5 joined 04/29/16.
“At Unbreakable IT, we offer the very best in Managed IT Services and IT Support for all sizes of businesses in the Orlando area.”
- University Admission Center
- $5 joined 06/08/17.
- Orenda Urbano Hernández
- $5 joined 09/30/14.
“Passionate to be part of a team focused in creating an empowering and secure environment for vital energy (life)!!!”
- Välkomna Hem Till Oss
- $5 joined 08/30/21.
“Nice work, keep it up!”
- Valley Side Towing Fontana
- $5 joined 02/25/20.
“Great Job guys!”
- Valutaomvandlare
- $5 joined 06/27/18.
“Valutaomvandlare supports this cause. Thank you for your initiative.”
- Vangecco
- $5 joined 12/13/18.
- Van Kerkwijk Pianos
- $5 joined 09/05/17.
- VapeDraw
- $5 joined 10/01/22.
“Keep up the good work, much appreciated!”
- Vaporizers Direct
- $5 joined 02/06/18.
“Keep up the good work! Excited about what you’re doing with robotics and AI.”
- Vasayo
- $5 joined 02/04/17.
“Continued success in all that you do. Appreciate the support you and all the donors are providing.”
- Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC
- $5 joined 10/20/22.
“At the law firm of Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC, we are dedicated to helping the people of Pennsylvania seek justice in personal injury cases.”
- Venus Capital
- $5 joined 05/28/21.
- Verzelijk Verzekeringen
- $5 joined 03/28/17.
- $5 joined 10/16/09.
“We are proud to support the Lifeboat Foundation.”
- Voyage Tree Service Tulsa
- $5 joined 07/17/20.
“Thank you for your service!”
- Wadav
- $5 joined 01/14/18.
“Lifeboat Foundation is doing a fantastic job. We would like to congratulate all of you who are performing their role very well.”
- Warner’s Decking of Naperville
- $5 joined 06/27/23.
- WCR Fabricators
- $5 joined 02/18/19.
“You guys are awesome thanks!”
- We Kratom
- $5 joined 05/18/18.
- Web Design San Diego
- $5 joined 11/21/16.
“Always feels great to donate!”
- Website Hosting Coupon Codes
- $5 joined 09/16/16.
- We Buy Lansing Houses
- $5 joined 09/05/17.
- Western CT Generators
- $5 joined 07/10/21.
“Thank you!”
- White Hat Casinos
- $5 joined 11/30/20.
“Happy to contribute to such a worthwhile cause.”
- White Hat Casino Sites
- $5 joined 03/01/23.
- White IT
- $5 joined 10/03/16.
“We need more organizations like yours!”
- Wilco Plumbing
- $5 joined 11/04/17.
“Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to provide some small help to the people in need.”
- Wild Lotus
- $5 joined 02/18/19.
“Thank you for the Opportunity!”
- Will Mullins Search Engine Optimisation Services
- $5 joined 11/06/19.
“Thanks for all you do!”
- Windward Side Electric
- $5 joined 08/12/17.
“We support the Lifeboat cause!”
- XpertSEO
- $5 joined 05/13/13.
“The goals of this organization are worthwhile and deserve everyone’s support.”
- Yacht Register Holland
- $5 joined 05/17/18.
- Yearly Horoscope
- $5 joined 02/02/17.
- Your Weed Coupons
- $5 (composed of 0.00080542 bitcoins) joined 06/26/18.
- Zesty Towing Mobile
- $5 joined 07/10/20.
“Thank you for your time and effort!”
- Sleepare
- $4.7 joined 04/21/18.
“The Solay Sleep brand aims to optimize the health benefits of quality rest through its excellent products.”
- J.R. Willett
- $4.54 (composed of 0.05 bitcoins) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 04/18/13.
- Israelin Uutiset
- $4.01 joined 05/13/18.
- Alta Exterior
- $4 joined 03/03/20.
“Great service. Nice!”
- Amman Car Rental Guide
- $4 joined 12/01/18.
- Auckland Garage Doors
- $4 joined 08/29/21.
- Boston Aerial Photography & Drone Services || Blue Phoenix Creative
- $4 joined 07/15/17.
- Cancun Yacht Charters
- $4 joined 03/21/19.
- Casinority
- $4 joined 03/26/20.
- Corrie Cooks
- $4 joined 12/30/18.
“Amazing project. Keep up your good work ”
- Crown Castles
- $4 joined 02/27/19.
- Cub Boy
- $4 joined 07/27/24.
“Blessings from Cub Boy, your Honda Super Cub and Japanese Urban Motorcycle page.”
- Danville Paving
- $4 joined 02/11/20.
“Thank you for your wonderful work!”
- Diamond Properties
- $4 joined 03/21/19.
- Fishen Fishing Charter Port Douglas
- $4 joined 04/29/23.
“I like this site and happy to do a donation!”
- Fishermen’s Angle
- $4 joined 02/08/22.
- Fredericksburg Pressure Washing
- $4 joined 07/19/20.
- Fresno Pergola Company
- $4 joined 09/30/21.
“Great community here. A lot of great information.”
- The Gadget Deck
- $4 joined 08/18/21.
“Great Agenda!”
- Golfing Buddies
- $4 joined 12/18/21.
“Great Cause — thank you!”
- Hockey Golf Bags
- $4 joined 12/18/21.
“Great cause — thanks.”
- How to Aquaponic
- $4 joined 09/16/18.
“Keep doing these meetups. They are great for keeping the community strong!”
- Interview Coaching
- $4 joined 10/01/19.
- Kasinokingit
- $4 joined 06/14/22.
- Keep Laughing Forever
- $4 joined 05/13/20.
“Amazing cause, all the best from us at Keep Laughing Forever all the way in New Zealand!”
- LED Grow Lights Reviews
- $4 joined 02/28/17.
“Thanks for all the great work you do!”
- Liqsquid
- $4 joined 04/20/21.
“Enabling entrepreneurs to market and build thriving businesses online.”
- Noleggio Auto Express
- $4 joined 02/03/19.
- OneLineFun
- $4 joined 07/17/19.
“Lifeboat is serious job which we appreciate. It’s not fun like what we do. Thank you.”
- Richmond Tree Surgeon
- $4 joined 06/18/20.
“We provide tree surgery in Richmond and West London and are proud to be able to support this cause!”
- St Maarten Boat, Yacht & Fishing Charters
- $4 joined 12/10/18.
- St Maarten Fishing Charters
- $4 joined 12/10/18.
- Trinity Tree Service Dayton OH
- $4 to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 05/19/18.
- Carpentry and Woodworking Services Hamilton
- $3.78 joined 11/17/19.
“Wonderful organization!”
- Blue Cow
- $3.63 joined 09/21/20.
“Keep up the good work!”
- AMC Pawn
- $3.55 joined 01/24/19.
- Planet Friendly Packaging
- $3.50 joined 03/13/19.
“As environmentalists, we look to support such causes.”
- 100prozentecht
- $3 joined 04/05/19.
“Wir freuen uns als helfen zu können!”
- 1800 Damage
- $3 joined 04/10/22.
- Almond Coupons
- $3 joined 10/09/23.
“Thank you for the amazing job.”
- Accountant Adelaide
- $3 joined 01/09/17.
“Happy to support this cause!”
- Accountants of Fayetteville
- $3 joined 10/22/20.
- Karen Anderson
- $3 joined 07/06/18.
- Andorra Car Rental Guide
- $3 joined 12/10/18.
- Appleton Dumpster Rental Expert
- $3 joined 06/17/21.
“Happy to help this cause!”
- Steve Armstrong
- $3 joined 07/26/11.
“I love protecting nature and our environment.”
- Artificial Grass Perth
- $3 joined 10/29/19.
- Aruba Car Rental Guide
- $3 joined 05/21/18.
- Assured Retirement Group
- $3 joined 01/04/17.
“Happy to be a part of this!”
- Atlas Tea Club
- $3 joined 10/15/21.
- Aurora Window Replacement Co.
- $3 joined 10/12/22.
“Aurora Window Replacement Co. offers all the latest styles of replacement and custom windows for an Aurora home.”
- Baby Advisor
- $3 joined 06/25/18.
“Good project, need to support.”
- Brad Baker
- $3 joined 11/29/19.
“Support Perpetual Life Church and Neal VanDeRee’s work!”
- Baton Rouge Home Remodeling
- $3 joined 08/29/17.
“Love the job y’all are doing!”
- BeGreenBeHappy
- $3 joined 10/16/19.
“Hi There!”
- Belize Car Rental Guide
- $3 joined 05/17/18.
- Best Car CB Radio Reviews
- $3 joined 01/18/18.
“I know it’s a small amount but I hope it can help someone!”
- BestSlumber
- $3 joined 08/25/18.
- Best Vaporizer Reviews
- $3 joined 09/20/18.
- Bonaire Car Rental Guide
- $3 joined 06/04/18.
- Taylor Bracken
- $3 joined 05/13/17.
“Outstanding work!! Glad to help out.”
- Brussels Car Rental Guide
- $3 joined 06/04/18.
- Buenos Aires Car Rental Guide
- $3 joined 05/21/18.
- BYR: Boat & Yacht Registration
- $3 joined 05/17/18.
- Calistenia
- $3 joined 06/02/20.
- Canadian Garage Door Repair
- $3 joined 03/28/17.
- Canadian Pharmacy YouDrugStore
- $3 joined 09/01/16.
“Great foundation with real purpose of delivering the future we all want!”
- Cancun Car Rental Guide
- $3 joined 05/25/18.
- Cannabis Seeds
- $3 joined 01/22/23.
“Cannabis seeds in the USA propelled this testimonial to be here. Great marijuana seed bank!”
- Casinò Non AAMS
- $3 joined 08/19/21.
“ are more than happy to support this great cause!”
- $3 joined 06/30/19.
“Let’s continue to protect our marine species and waterways.”
- Central Roofing Company
- $3 joined 01/04/17.
- $3 joined 07/05/16.
“Keep up the great work guys!”
- ClickFunnels Review
- $3 joined 09/21/18.
- Collar and Harness
- $3 joined 08/05/19.
“All the best!”
- Company Logo Generator
- $3 joined 11/25/16.
“If a charity like this ever needs a free logo, then we’d be happy to create a design!”
- Compare Campervan Hire
- $3 joined 01/24/19.
“Great work guys!”
- Computer Desk Guru
- $3 joined 07/11/18.
- David Corn
- $3 joined 06/16/17.
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Live Updates
- $3 joined 03/16/20.
“Thanks for all the hard work!”
- Davenport Moving
- $3 joined 05/31/18.
“Best wishes and hope this donation helps, just a little bit.”
- DealsDaddy Voucher Site
- $3 joined 02/16/23.
“You guys are doing a good job.”
- Dein Kleid – Dein Moment
- $3 joined 04/05/19.
- Delaware Company Formations
- $3 joined 05/17/18.
- Des Moines Bathroom Remodeling
- $3 joined 01/13/20.
- $3 joined 06/22/22.
- DoubleTheBitcoin
- $3 joined 09/21/21.
“Keep up the great work!”
- DriveDetailed
- $3 joined 09/26/19.
- Earning Residual Income
- $3 joined 05/04/22.
“Great work and much appreciated by us all!”
- Ekonomistart
- $3 joined 03/08/21.
“Keep it up!”
- Elective Dentistry
- $3 joined 03/05/17.
“I feel lucky to have supported you in these efforts.”
- Electrician Grande Prairie
- $3 joined 11/29/20.
- The Elizabeth Roofers
- $3 joined 08/25/22.
“We offer expert roof repairs and full-scale reroofing and installation.”
- Enterprise Dashboards & Mobile BI Applications
- $3 joined 07/08/19.
“Thank you for saving humanity!”
- EuromexDE
- $3 joined 04/10/19.
- EventGuard
- $3 joined 01/04/17.
- Evotique Entertainment
- $3 joined 08/17/16.
“Great cause and happy to donate!”
- Extenze Review
- $3 joined 09/17/18.
- Feed The Seeds
- $3 joined 12/02/17.
“This humble donation is to be considered as an appreciation and support for your efforts.”
- Fence Company Wilmington NC
- $3 joined 09/18/19.
- Financial Advisor of Sarasota
- $3 joined 09/18/19.
- Fishing Command
- $3 joined 10/15/20.
- FjordFit
- $3 joined 01/28/20.
- Fort Wayne Painting Professionals
- $3 joined 01/09/20.
- Fredericksburg Carpet Cleaning
- $3 joined 07/12/20.
- Free Firewood
- $3 joined 06/21/18.
- Freight Lead Pass
- $3 joined 01/07/17.
- Frisco Appliance Repair
- $2 + $1 for $3 total joined 01/05/20.
- From Indoor To Outdoor
- $3 joined 11/20/19.
“Thank you for your efforts!”
- Galaxie Floor Stores
- $3 joined 01/09/17.
- Galveston Shuttle
- $3 joined 03/14/22.
“Another great cause, thanks for all you do!”
- GenF20 Plus
- $3 joined 07/09/17.
- Gordons Tools Blog
- $3 joined 09/28/20.
“It was a pleasure to help.”
- GrowthRapidly: What is a Year-Over-Year (YOY)?
- $3 joined 11/06/19.
“Always happy to help. Keep up the good work!”
- Gustad Law Group
- $3 joined 01/09/17.
- $3 joined 03/16/19.
“Very helpful website, I recommend!”
- Angela B. Hall
- $3 joined 08/20/13.
“I’ve learned a lot from reading through the site!”
- Harlan Law, PC
- $3 joined 02/08/19.
- Health Supplies Plus
- $3 joined 06/11/21.
- Home Improvement Source
- $3 joined 02/26/17.
“Glad to help out!”
- House Painters
- $3 joined 03/25/20.
“Feeling very happy to support Lifeboat!”
- How We Trade
- $3 joined 05/30/18.
“Next donation will be in cryptocurrency (bitcoin of course), we promise. We at support the Lifeboat Foundation!”
- IconicPup Dog Blog
- $3 joined 07/12/18.
“Really appreciate what you guys are doing!”
- Igloo Estate Agents
- $3 joined 06/01/13.
- Indianapolis Foundation Repair Experts
- $3 joined 10/12/22.
“Indianapolis Foundation Repair Experts ensure quality repairs that last.”
- Jieli Electric
- $3 joined 04/23/23.
“This is a great cause! Just like our electric bike’s eco benefits to the planet.”
- Jacksonville Tree Service
- $3 joined 06/02/18.
“Thanks for the opportunity to contribute!”
- Kansas City Kitchen Remodeling
- $3 joined 10/12/22.
“Kansas City Kitchen Remodeling offers expert kitchen renovation for Kansas City homes.”
- Kolikkopelit Netissä
- $3 joined 11/23/17.
“The Best Online slots and Casino portal in Finland is happy to contribute!”
- Landscape Design Minneapolis
- $3 joined 01/09/17.
- Lawn Care Wilmington NC
- $3 joined 10/15/19.
- Lazy Researcher
- $3 joined 04/26/20.
- Lead Miners SEO Vancouver BC
- $3 joined 06/17/20.
- Leads Wrangler
- $3 joined 07/22/17.
- Sunshine Title Lending
- $3 joined 03/02/22.
“The team at Sunshine Title Lending is dedicated to helping people who need cash for emergency situations.”
- Lipogaine
- $3 joined 10/02/17.
- Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool
- $3 joined 06/02/22.
“We at Little Sunshine’s Austin Texas are happy to be able to donate to such a great cause!”
- Local Realty Service
- $3 joined 01/23/19.
- LuxuryHomeStuff
- $3 joined 06/22/19.
“Great Lifeboat!”
- Madison Chimney Repair
- $3 joined 08/04/22.
“Great cause and amazing foundation!”
- Magdas Fönsterputs
- $3 joined 06/07/22.
“Great Job!!”
- MattressTest
- $3 joined 01/05/18.
“Thank you for all the work you do!”
- Meebily
- $3 joined 08/11/18.
“I will donate more in the future. Nice foundation — keep it up ”
- Mesothelioma Lawsuit
- $3 joined 07/25/20.
“This is a wonderful organization!”
- Justin Monk
- $3 joined 10/18/16.
“I’m happy to help a good cause!”
- Murfreesboro Concrete Elite
- $3 joined 06/02/22.
“This is a great cause!”
- My Perky Pet
- $3 joined 01/16/18.
“You’re doing great work!”
- Non Gamstop Betting Sites
- $3 joined 10/03/21.
“You are the reason the world is a better place!”
- Norsk Casino
- $3 joined 03/31/18.
“Best online casino portal in Norway is happy to contribute.”
- Norske Spilleautomater
- $3 joined 03/31/18.
“Norway’s best online slot and casino portal is happy to contribute!”
- OnTrack Fishing
- $3 joined 06/04/19.
“We love to support this useful and amazing worthy cause.”
- Orlando Containers
- $3 joined 09/22/22.
“Love the cause and happy to support!”
- Palm Beach Asphalt
- $3 joined 06/01/21.
- Penomet
- $3 joined 07/12/17.
- Permit Expediters Miami
- $3 joined 06/25/20.
- Pest Control Berkeley
- $3 joined 02/17/17.
“So excited for the future of Lifeboat! Keep it up Lifeboat!”
- Piano Movers NYC
- $3 joined 02/13/17.
“Happy to donate for a third time!”
- Pikabonus
- $3 joined 08/26/23.
“Keep on rocking!!”
- PokiesPortal
- $3 joined 11/03/17.
“Find out where to play the best online pokies in Australia, enjoy free spins and casino deposit bonuses!”
- Pool Service Bakersfield
- $3 joined 03/17/19.
“This Is a powerful Cause! Thank you!”
- Chris B. Porter
- $3 joined 04/21/15.
- $3 joined 03/18/24.
“Great work!”
- Production Grower: Best CBD Oil
- $3 joined 10/19/18.
“We support the mission!”
- Produkt-Recensioner
- $3 joined 06/16/20.
- Psychic Giant
- $3 joined 12/10/17.
- $3 joined 05/21/18.
- Reviews Cube
- $3 joined 10/12/17.
“It’s always good to help so I never miss any opportunity to give, no matter how little.”
- Rigiflex Boats
- $3 joined 02/21/18.
“This is a very special cause for us, so we donate with a great pleasure!”
- Roanoke Moving
- $3 joined 05/31/18.
“Happy to contribute!”
- Sacramento Concrete Company
- $3 joined 04/16/20.
“Thanks, for all you do!”
- Savvy Towing Tallahassee
- $3 joined 01/11/20.
“Happy to Donate!”
- Scanplify
- $3 joined 06/17/18.
“Keep up your noble work for humanity.”
- Peter Seaver
- $3 joined 07/05/18.
- Semenax
- $3 joined 06/23/17.
- SEO Company Adelaide
- $3 joined 01/17/17.
- Simple Security Site
- $3 joined 07/28/18.
“A beautiful dream! Check your IP and your browser…”
- SizeGenetics
- $3 joined 06/22/17.
- Sleeplander
- $3 joined 02/26/18.
“Happy that we can help out!”
- St. Barth Car Rental Guide
- $3 joined 06/04/18.
- St. Cloud Landscaping Experts
- $3 joined 06/02/22.
“We’ve always wanted to donate to such a worthy cause, I’m super excited we get to do that!”
- Sundays Off Pools Service
- $3 joined 01/09/17.
- Survival Indeed
- $3 joined 02/23/17.
“Get this free Hybeam Flashlight today! Supplies are limited.”
- Sweet Ice Cream Love
- $3 joined 06/23/16.
- $3 joined 05/31/13.
“I’m aware $3 USD isn’t much, but I believe any amount of money is a help to your cause.”
- TestMonkey
- $3 joined 02/14/21.
“Greetings from Sweden!”
- Tha Jokes
- $3 joined 07/19/18.
“Glad to contribute!”
- Titan Garage Doors
- $3 joined 07/04/19.
“Titan garage doors Vancouver bc loves to give back!”
- Top 10 Digital Agencies
- $3 joined 07/07/16.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Top Search Engine Ranking
- $3 joined 02/07/17.
“Excellent cause! Happy to contribute to Lifeboat!”
- Towing Portsmouth
- $3 joined 12/02/18.
“Happy to support Lifeboat!”
- Towing Wilmington NC
- $3 joined 10/15/19.
- Tree Removal Green Bay WI
- $3 joined 05/30/18.
“Great cause and opportunity to contribute!”
- Tree Removal Service Honolulu
- $3 joined 06/14/18.
“Great and interesting cause!”
- Tree Squad
- $3 joined 01/09/17.
- Tree Surgeons Horsham
- $3 joined 05/24/21.
“Thank you for the great work you do!”
- Andrew Upton
- $3 joined 10/15/19.
- Valencia Car Rental Guide
- $3 joined 06/04/18.
- Vienna Car Rental Guide
- $3 joined 06/04/18.
- VigRX
- $3 joined 10/06/17.
- Vinyl Fence Wholesaler
- $3 joined 01/04/17.
- VIP Limo Las Vegas
- $3 joined 04/10/22.
- Virginia Beach Tow Truck
- $3 joined 07/19/20.
- Volume Pills
- $3 joined 06/14/17.
- Whiteboard Animation Services
- $3 joined 02/10/17.
“Thanks for all the work you do!”
- Woodworkingcafe
- $3 joined 04/18/19.
“Great work! A small amount of hope will help!”
- Woorke
- $3 joined 03/02/17.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Xisle Boat Charters
- $3 joined 05/17/18.
- Your Fit Bags
- $3 joined 12/13/19.
- Your Smart Home Guide
- $3 joined 04/24/18.
“Keep up the good work guys!”
- YourWhite
- $3 joined 03/06/24.
“We support Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Занимаем.kz
- $3 joined 03/20/21.
- Best Hand Saw
- $2.5 joined 09/18/18.
“Keep up the Great Work!”
- Ashley Carey
- $2.50 joined 11/28/11.
“I’m going to save the world after I finish this drink.”
- Debra Carey
- $2.50 joined 11/28/11.
“I’m ready to save the world!”
- Website Downloader Online
- $2.50 joined 01/22/17.
“Donors here can use our downloading service for free. Just contact us!”
- New Look Sales
- $2.36 joined 09/21/20.
“Happy for being a part of Lifeboat!!”
- Tafeltennistafel Outdoor
- $2.12 joined 11/26/16.
“Here is my 2 euro donation. It’s my first bit of profit from selling ping pong tables.”
- Ian Trottier
- $2.01 joined 04/29/19.
- 3DGuide
- $2 joined 12/03/19.
“New science and technology is the way forward, and we at 3D Guide want to support this cause. 3D Printing, AI, Robotics, Nanotech is all new frontiers for mankind.”
- 360 Bitcoin Accelerator
- $2 joined 10/11/23.
“I appreciate organizations like Lifeboat because AI is rapidly changing our world and will continue to do so at an even faster pace!”
- 420 Coupon Codes
- $2 joined 12/04/19.
- 420Expertz
- $2 joined 03/04/20.
- 420ProWeed
- $2 joined 08/22/17.
“You guys are doing a great job. Keep it up!”
- A+ Aurora Appliance Repair
- $2 joined 04/07/19.
“Happy to serve.”
- A1Roadworthys and Mechanical
- $2 joined 12/20/21.
- Action Towing
- $2 joined 02/23/23.
- Afonso & Afonso
- $2 joined 05/03/24.
“Car accident lawyers!”
- Alla Casino På Nätet
- $2 joined 08/28/21.
“Thanks for the site and helping humanity!”
- A Local Place
- $2 joined 02/13/22.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Anderson Plumbing Co.
- $2 joined 07/24/23.
- Abingdon Tow Truck
- $2 joined 12/02/17.
- Above Ground Pool Central
- $2 joined 09/12/16.
“Keep safeguarding humanity!”
- Ace Removals
- $2 joined 06/11/20.
- AcousTech
- $2 joined 01/22/22.
- Acuaponia
- $2 joined 06/15/20.
- Air Duct Cleaning Arvada
- $2 joined 07/31/20.
“We are happy to be donating.Keep doing great work. We love what you do.”
- Albany Tow Truck
- $2 joined 07/19/20.
- Algebra HomeWork
- $2 joined 01/11/10.
“Great work by Lifeboat.”
- Alicante Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 12/01/18.
- alla3Dskrivare
- $2 joined 08/09/17.
“We love science at alla3Dskrivare and support future tech.”
- All Family Law Group
- $2 joined 07/22/15.
- Anderson Roofing Professionals
- $2 joined 11/12/20.
“I am so proud to be able to support this cause, thank you for all you do!”
- Anguilla Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Anthony Entertains
- $2 joined 05/20/19.
“Here’s to hoping technology will advance mankind, not replace it.”
- Antigua Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Antigua Yacht Charters
- $2 joined 03/05/19.
- Apex Pest Control of York
- $2 joined 07/24/23.
- Aposta Correta
- $2 joined 08/19/21.
“Lifeboat is a great Foundation and Apostacorreta are happy to donate and support this cause!”
- AP Web Solutions
- $2 to A-PRIZE joined 01/14/17.
- $2 joined 06/22/21.
- Aruba Boat Charters
- $2 joined 09/06/18.
- Arvada Concrete Pro
- $2 joined 09/16/20.
- ASAP Sydney Painters
- $2 joined 11/14/16.
“ASAP Sydney Painters offer high quality painting services for your peace of mind.”
- Asphalt Paving Plantation FL
- $2 joined 03/06/22.
- Asphalt Paving & Sealing of Virginia Beach
- $2 joined 02/27/17.
“Good job, guys! Happy to give.”
- Association of Professional Builders
- $2 joined 08/24/21.
- A To B Property Management
- $2 joined 02/07/19.
“Marketing your property to prospective tenants can feel like a full-time job. A to B Property Management features a dedicated team that has experience and expertise in marketing apartments, condos, homes, and commercial space. We’re happy to support this cause and your passion.”
- Australian SEO Agency
- $2 joined 08/29/21.
“Proud to be donating!”
- Automatic Doors Miami
- $2 joined 06/22/20.
“We are automatic doors and fire rated doors contractor in Miami, FL.”
- Automotive Gearz
- $2 joined 04/05/21.
“Great Work Team!”
- Aviator Game
- $2 joined 11/22/22.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Ballarat Plumbing Services
- $2 joined 10/06/22.
“We are all in for humanity and glad to be a part of this even if only in a small way. Keep up the good work!”
- B and R Tree Services
- $2 joined 09/09/21.
- Babich Wines
- $2 joined 12/16/19.
- Baby Products Reviews
- $2 joined 01/27/18.
“Keep up the amazing job!”
- Badgley Law Group
- $2 joined 02/08/17.
- The Baez Law Firm
- $2 joined 10/06/15.
- Bakersfield Pool Services and Maintenance
- $2 joined 08/20/20.
“Thank you for sharing this page.”
- Balding Life
- $2 joined 09/21/18.
“A Great Cause!”
- Barbados Boat Charters
- $2 joined 09/06/18.
- Barbas, Nuñez, Sanders, Butler & Hovsepian
- $2 joined 10/06/15.
- Barcelona Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/16/19.
- Barrie Drywall Contractors
- $2 joined 06/07/21.
“Thank you for all you do!”
- Bathroom Inspector
- $2 joined 07/23/20.
“I am happy to help.”
- Beard Full
- $2 joined 04/25/19.
“Keep going until you reach! I am happy with this donation!”
- Beauty Care at Home
- $2 joined 10/20/20.
“Great work! Hopefully we will donate again!!”
- Bellevue Fine Art
- $2 joined 02/10/18.
“We need more organizations like you!”
- Dr Ben Dodd
- $2 joined 08/30/21.
- Berta Bobcat
- $2 joined 03/30/22.
- BestAbBelts
- $2 joined 04/18/19.
“I wish Lifeboat goes beyond in support of the water and boat lovers!”
- Best CPU Coolers
- $2 joined 12/03/17.
- The Best Decorator in Coventry
- $2 joined 02/18/19.
“Keep doing great work. Appreciate that.”
- The Best Electrician in Coventry
- $2 joined 02/21/19.
“Well Done Guys!”
- The Best Homemade Gift Ideas
- $2 joined 09/10/20.
“Thanks for all you do!”
- Best Ideal Massagers For Instant Pain Relief In
- $2 joined 03/23/20.
- Best Juicer Reviews
- $2 joined 07/26/18.
- BestList
- $2 joined 07/06/20.
“Really feels good to be a part to support this!”
- The Best Plasterer in Coventry
- $2 joined 02/19/19.
“Well Done – Keep up the good work!”
- Best Shark Tank Products
- $2 joined 05/21/18.
- Best Smart Home Hub
- $2 joined 04/26/18.
“Lifeboat Foundation is so good!”
- $2 joined 05/20/22.
“Glad to be able to help with a small amount. Hope it can make a little difference.”
- Big Cheap Hosting
- $2 joined 02/08/18.
“Great initiative!”
- Birds Bitz Motorcycle Parts & Accessories
- $2 joined 08/26/21.
- Birmingham Basement Waterproofing Experts
- $2 joined 03/06/19.
- Birmingham Concrete Removal
- $2 joined 01/02/19.
- Birmingham Irrigation and Lighting
- $2 joined 01/27/19.
- Birmingham Mason And Brick Works
- $2 joined 01/19/19.
“Great cause!”
- Birmingham Sewer Repair
- $2 joined 03/06/19.
- Birmingham Windshield Repair
- $2 joined 03/06/19.
- Bismarck Carpet Cleaning
- $2 joined 03/23/19.
“Thank you for working on our behalf!”
- BitGamble: Bitcoin Casino Reviews
- $2 (composed of 0.00023119 bitcoin) joined 07/06/20.
“Keep up the great work! You have our full support.”
- Blue Jade Wedding Dresses
- $2 joined 03/19/17.
“Great cause!”
- Boardeasers
- $2 joined 05/25/21.
- Boat & Yacht Registration
- $2 joined 03/29/19.
- Boca Raton SEO Expert
- $2 joined 10/07/17.
“Thrilled to continue to help such a great cause!”
- $2 joined 05/20/22.
“Maybe not the biggest donation but hope it can make a difference anyway!”
- Book of Mormon Tickets
- $2 joined 01/13/17.
“Good work and glad to support.”
- Boone & Davis
- $2 joined 11/26/15.
- Boos Cutting Boards
- $2 joined 02/03/18.
“Thank you for all that you do!”
- Boo’s Inflatable Games
- $2 joined 12/22/19.
- Boo’s Inflatable Games – Wolverhampton
- $2 joined 12/22/19.
- Bouncy Bouncy Boo – Dudley
- $2 joined 12/20/19.
- Bouncy Bouncy Boo in Walsall
- $2 joined 12/22/19.
- Bouncy Bouncy Boo – Walsall
- $2 joined 12/20/19.
- Bouncy Castle Hire Firms in British Inflatable Hirers Alliance
- $2 joined 02/16/19.
“This is a great cause, and I am happy to help and tell others about it.”
- BPI Brisbane Central
- $2 joined 08/22/21.
- BPI Ipswich Building and Pest Inspections
- $2 joined 08/22/21.
- BPI Sydney South West Building & Pest Inspections
- $2 joined 01/21/22.
- Larry E. Bray
- $2 joined 07/28/15.
- Break The Web
- $2 joined 08/09/16.
“Great job!!”
- Bring The Light Ministries
- $2 joined 11/18/24.
“Dallas homeless charities!”
- British Virgin Islands Boat, Yacht & Fishing Charters
- $2 joined 12/01/18.
- Bubley & Bubley, P.A.
- $2 joined 10/07/15.
- Buds of Life
- $2 joined 02/17/18.
“Wish you all the best with your project!”
- Buffalo Appliance Repair
- $2 joined 01/08/21.
“Love what you guys are all about, happy to donate to your cause.”
- Builders Lancaster
- $2 joined 07/24/23.
- Buy Real Social
- $2 joined 06/07/18.
“Lifeboat has a great reputation.”
- Cabo San Lucas Yacht Charters
- $2 joined 03/29/19.
- Caffeine Marketing
- $2 joined 03/28/20.
“Glad to help.”
- Calculadora De Embarazo
- $2 joined 11/06/20.
“Good luck!”
- Michael Cahill
- $2 joined 09/19/16.
“Great work!”
- Calgary Appliance Repair Pros
- $2 joined 01/09/20.
- Calgary Towing Service
- $2 joined 01/09/20.
- Dr Cameron McLintock
- $2 joined 12/17/21.
- Campervan Finder
- $2 joined 01/03/17.
“Happy to keep supporting this great project!”
- Canadian Health Care Mall
- $2 joined 03/16/21.
- Cape Coral Tow Truck
- $2 joined 07/19/20.
- Car Advice
- $2 joined 07/19/18.
- Card Game Rules
- $2 joined 07/03/18.
“Thank you for your initiative, we will gladly support you!”
- Carnal & Mansfield, P.A.
- $2 joined 10/07/15.
- Carpet Cleaner Missoula
- $2 joined 01/09/18.
“Thank you for the great work that you are doing!”
- Casino Kortspel
- $2 joined 08/28/21.
“Thank you for everything you do!”
- $2 joined 08/19/21.
“ are happy to donate and support this wonderful cause!”
- Casinopenge
- $2 joined 02/17/20.
“I am convinced several of your programs will earn their slots in history.”
- Cayman Company Formations
- $2 joined 10/24/18.
- CBD TopReview
- $2 joined 01/04/21.
- Blair H. Chan, III, PLLC
- $2 joined 01/18/17.
- Chandler Artificial Grass
- $2 joined 02/19/22.
“Thanks for your service.”
- Charles County DUI Attorney
- $2 joined 12/29/20.
- Charlotte Towing Service
- $2 joined 07/14/20.
- Dev Chatterjee
- $2 joined 02/20/17.
“I’m a SEO expert.”
- Cheap Custom Boxes
- $2 joined 04/03/17.
“Happy to contribute with you. Keep up good work!”
- Mahdi Cheraghchi-Bashi-Astaneh
- $2 joined 10/26/05.
- Chesapeake Tree Guys
- $2 joined 03/01/21.
“Keep on giving!”
- Citrus Heights Roofing
- $2 joined 10/24/19.
“Happy to be a part of something great! Get to those breakthroughs!”
- Clarity Law
- $2 joined 03/12/19.
“Such a great cause!”
- Classic Lift Australia
- $2 joined 03/11/19.
“Awesome cause happy to help!”
- Cleaning Day
- $2 joined 05/19/17.
- Cleanline Builders
- $2 joined 01/03/21.
“Keep up the good work! Check out our second site at”
- Cleveland Tree Service
- $2 joined 05/16/18.
- Clockspot
- $2 joined 05/11/16.
“You are an inspiration to us all!”
- Coastal Skin & Laser
- $2 joined 09/12/21.
- Cold Press Juicer HQ
- $2 joined 01/15/17.
“Very happy to support Lifeboat!”
- Columbus Septic Services
- $2 joined 02/16/20.
“I love what this Foundation is all about!”
- Columbus Trees
- $2 joined 02/16/20.
- Commercial Cleaners Palmerston North
- $2 joined 07/07/24.
“Great work!”
- Complete Clean Management
- $2 joined 02/01/21.
- Concrete Polishing Sydney
- $2 joined 01/16/22.
- Concreting Services Hobart
- $2 joined 06/28/21.
“Thank you for all the research you are putting into the medical field.”
- Consumer Reports Mag
- $2 joined 05/31/22.
“May not be too significant support, but we want to be part of this mission.”
- Cotter & Zelman
- $2 joined 06/07/16.
- Crossfire SEO
- $2 joined 03/01/17.
“What a great cause!”
- Crown Cleaners
- $2 joined 08/09/22.
“Good work guys, keep it up!”
- Curacao Yacht Charters
- $2 joined 03/05/19.
- Cyclist Hut
- $2 (composed of 0.00012631 bitcoins and 0.00455871 bitcoin cash) joined 04/13/20.
“I wish disadvantaged people will be benefited.”
- D&D Clean Solutions
- $2 joined 02/23/22.
- DefectLawyer
- $2 joined 11/08/20.
“This is a great cause and great organization.”
- Deine Produktwelt24
- $2 joined 04/05/19.
- Delaware Boat Registration
- $2 joined 03/02/20.
- De Paginas
- $2 joined 03/04/19.
“Such a worthy and brilliant cause. Delighted to be able to donate.”
- De Paginas Ganar Dinero
- $2 joined 05/02/19.
“Very happy to be able to donate once again.”
- Desafio Vip 60 Funciona
- $2 joined 12/19/16.
“Congratulations to an amazing job — keep working hard! Great team!”
- Design Interior Online
- $2 joined 10/22/19.
- Detroit Tree Service
- $2 joined 11/13/18.
- Devices For Home
- $2 joined 05/25/20.
- DiGiuseppe Design
- $2 joined 12/18/21.
“Great cause to donate — thanks!”
- Celine Dion Tickets
- $2 joined 01/13/17.
- Dion Seminara Architecture
- $2 joined 09/20/21.
- Disposal of Garbage
- $2 joined 12/20/16.
“Really love Lifeboat work! Great cause.”
- DittoGrow
- $2 joined 01/16/22.
“Positive thinking helps to achieve great things.”
- Doggy Dream Team
- $2 joined 10/26/20.
- Dogly
- $2 joined 01/04/20.
- Doha Carhire
- $2 joined 09/06/18.
- Law Offices of Craig Donoff, P.A.
- $2 joined 02/03/18.
“Happy to support your great work!”
- Don’t Tell the Joneses
- $2 joined 03/08/17.
- Dream Builders
- $2 joined 07/19/20.
- Driving Geeks
- $2 joined 05/15/18.
- Driving School Coffs Harbour
- $2 joined 07/15/21.
“Awesome cause! Happy to donate.”
- Drywall Denver Company – Lakewood
- $2 joined 01/04/20.
- Dubai Car Rental
- $2 joined 09/06/18.
- Dubrovnik Car Hire
- $2 joined 09/06/18.
- Dynamic Home Remodeling
- $2 joined 01/12/21.
“Keep doing the good work your doing. Thank you!”
- Easy Street Marketing
- $2 joined 11/24/16.
“If everyone in the U.S. donates just one dollar, Lifeboat will have $320 million!”
- Economical Chef
- $2 joined 07/10/20.
“My donation is very small because I haven’t made much money for my living for the moment. But I believe my tiny donation will more or less help others in need. Best wishes to you all!”
- EDM Parging
- $2 joined 03/21/20.
“We need more of this kind of work! Thank you.”
- Eighmie Law Firm
- $2 joined 11/22/15.
- Eldorado
- $2 joined 05/22/19.
“Glad to be able to support you!”
- Electrician Services 247
- $2 joined 03/09/20.
- Elise Angel
- $2 joined 03/15/21.
“Great backup plan.”
- Elk Grove Tree Pros
- $2 joined 01/28/20.
“Keep up the good service.”
- Elk Grove Tree Service
- $2 joined 10/02/19.
“A great thing you guys have going here! Thank you for all you do!”
- Emergency Electrician Birmingham UK
- $2 joined 11/26/23.
- Energy Fella
- $2 joined 07/14/20.
- Epoxy Flooring Edmonton
- $2 joined 03/13/21.
- eSkip
- $2 joined 11/09/21.
“Great work!”
- $2 joined 05/18/22.
“Happy to help!”
- Eternaderm Medspa Plano
- $2 joined 12/03/23.
“Strategic and forward thinking!”
- Eternal Cremations
- $2 joined 07/05/21.
“Keep up the great work guys!”
- Eventioz
- $2 joined 03/14/20.
“A great cause!”
- Eventioz Chile Encuestas
- $2 joined 02/01/18.
“It’s an honor to be able to support such a worthy and great cause. I hope my donation can make a small difference.”
- Eviction Attorneys
- $2 joined 11/28/17.
“Great job!”
- EwalletVIP
- $2 joined 01/18/21.
“Happy to support this great cause!”
- Expert Aquarist
- $2 joined 05/09/18.
“Glad to be a part of this!”
- Expert Blender Reviews
- $2 joined 12/01/20.
- Expert Law Attorneys
- $2 joined 09/05/24.
- Express Auto Huren
- $2 joined 02/03/19.
- Express Autovermietung
- $2 joined 02/19/19.
- Eyebrow Threading Near Me
- $2 joined 12/18/16.
“All the best to Lifeboat!”
- Fairgo SEO
- $2 joined 10/13/20.
“Good luck with everything! my small contribution!”
- Falls Church Tow Truck
- $2 joined 12/08/20.
- FarmFoodFamily
- $2 joined 12/09/20.
“Great organization. I’m happy to donate.”
- Faro Car Rental
- $2 joined 09/06/18.
- Feather and Lace Cosmetic Tattoo
- $2 joined 08/30/21.
- Featherstone Cosmetic Dentistry
- $2 joined 11/23/17.
“Thanks for all you do!”
- Fetterman & Associates
- $2 joined 02/08/17.
- Finding Metal
- $2 joined 10/18/21.
“Great work.”
- First Lighting
- $2 joined 11/15/16.
“Fantastic cause! Keep up all of your hard work!”
- Fisher Picks
- $2 joined 12/07/18.
“Great organization, It’s always a pleasure to support!”
- Fishing Snare
- $2 joined 05/26/20.
“I wish Lifeboat goes beyond in support of the fisherman.”
- Fish Tank Adviser
- $2 joined 03/19/17.
“We advise on the best LED aquarium lighting.”
- Flexshield
- $2 joined 12/15/21.
- Florida Workers Compensation
- $2 joined 02/08/17.
- Flow and Go Yoga
- $2 joined 05/18/21.
“Thanks for doing what you do. We are happy to help out a little bit and work together to create a better world!”
- Flying Homes
- $2 joined 07/01/19.
- Flyttstädning Göteborg
- $2 joined 11/24/21.
“Great job!”
- Flyttstädning Malmö
- $2 joined 11/24/21.
“Great job!”
- Forex Bonus Club
- $2 joined 05/20/18.
“Forex Bonus Club is happy to support the Lifeboat Foundation. Keep up the good work!”
- Fox & Farley
- $2 joined 10/07/15.
- FragBet
- $2 joined 05/05/17.
“Keep up the good work, all the best from Sweden!”
- Franklin Fencing Pros
- $2 joined 05/17/21.
“Good luck and thanks for your hard work.”
- Freedom Hawk Kayaks
- $2 joined 05/09/18.
“Great cause!”
- Hogan Frick
- $2 joined 08/02/15.
- FridayWire SEO Milwaukee WI
- $2 joined 09/30/16.
“I’m happy to help a good cause!”
- Ft. Lauderdale Painters
- $2 joined 03/09/21.
“Your local house painting team thanks you!”
- Functionbook Venue Finder
- $2 joined 01/09/17.
- Funny Birthday
- $2 joined 07/14/13.
“A very worthwhile cause.”
- G7R
- $2 joined 02/15/20.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Gaming Chairs Canada
- $2 joined 05/21/18.
- Get It Clean
- $2 joined 12/14/21.
- Ghandi Deeter Blackham Law Offices
- $2 joined 09/25/19.
“Ghandi Deeter Blackham focuses its practice in the areas of family law, guardianship, bankruptcy, personal injury, business law, estate planning, and probate—issues that affect people’s personal, professional, and financial interests dramatically and deeply. Our Las Vegas family & divorce attorneys understand and appreciate that our representation can have a profound impact on our clients’ wellbeing.”
- Gift Baskets & Hampers
- $2 joined 11/25/20.
- GIGA Calculator
- $2 joined 06/21/20.
“Happy to contribute to a science-based initiative grounded in statistics.”
- Gillette Law
- $2 joined 12/10/15.
- Globo Outdoors
- $2 joined 04/20/19.
- Alan Goldfarb, P.A.
- $2 joined 08/02/15.
- Amy E. Goodblatt, P.A.
- $2 joined 12/10/15.
- Goodhgh
- $2 joined 03/01/19.
- GPS Tracker Lab
- $2 joined 04/06/20.
- Greensboro Concrete Designs
- $2 joined 08/25/20.
- Green Web Marketing Agency Australia
- $2 joined 02/18/17.
“We take great pride in providing only the highest quality with the latest technologies and most current standards of Digital Marketing.”
- Grenada Car Rental
- $2 joined 09/06/18.
- Grey-Water Drainage Solutions
- $2 joined 02/10/20.
- Grindago
- $2 joined 01/18/21.
“Great cause — will of course give our support!”
- Grow Light Info
- $2 joined 02/28/19.
“Our grow lights support plant growth and healthy bones support our growth. Let’s destroy bone cancer once and for all!”
- GrowYour420
- $2 joined 04/06/18.
“You guys are doing a good job!”
- Guadeloupe Boat Charters
- $2 joined 11/12/18.
- HailPro CO
- $2 joined 05/21/21.
“We love what you guys do! — HailPro CO.”
- Harmony Counselling Gold Coast Services
- $2 joined 07/06/21.
“This is a lovely site which I would love to support and encourage users of.”
- Heating Oil Company
- $2 joined 07/19/17.
- Herbonaut
- $2 joined 10/15/17.
- Hidden Numerology
- $2 joined 01/23/23.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Highline Credit
- $2 joined 08/16/18.
- High Point Concrete Services
- $2 joined 09/28/20.
- Highwater Homes
- $2 joined 08/24/21.
- Hilltop Academy Personal Training Certification
- $2 joined 01/17/17.
“We are so glad we can help!”
- HIV Prevention Research
- $2 joined 10/22/17.
- Holland & Associates Real Estate
- $2 joined 02/14/18.
- Honduras Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Hornsby Law
- $2 joined 07/28/15.
- Hose Adviser
- $2 joined 03/27/20.
“I love to share my gardening experiences with all over the world!”
- House Cleaning Casper Wyoming
- $2 joined 12/02/19.
- Housemans Outdoor Solutions
- $2 joined 06/06/21.
- $2 joined 06/10/16.
- Hull Roofers
- $2 joined 03/01/22.
“Great Work!”
- Hunt Media & Promotions
- $2 joined 01/16/22.
“This endeavor will need great promotion.”
- Hybeam Flashlight
- $2 joined 11/03/16.
- Hyde Wingman
- $2 joined 06/10/20.
“I hope the donation will help.”
- Idrottsskade Experten
- $2 joined 10/22/21.
- I Heart Lashes
- $2 joined 03/18/21.
“A wonderful cause. Thank you.”
- Informal Insights
- $2 joined 01/13/17.
“Happy to support this amazing organization and everything it stands for.”
- InView Marketing
- $2 joined 11/06/24.
“SEO Vaughan!”
- Itz Art
- $2 joined 11/06/24.
“Custom prints.”
- Jake’s Outdoors
- $2 joined 02/25/21.
- Jacksonville Personal Injury Lawyers
- $2 joined 02/08/17.
- Jesus Pendants
- $2 joined 03/25/17.
“Thanks for all you do!”
- John Boos
- $2 joined 02/03/18.
“Happy to be a part of Lifeboat!”
- Elton John Tickets
- $2 joined 01/13/17.
- Juice Detox
- $2 joined 03/28/17.
“Love your work, much love from us who work with juice detox in Sweden!”
- Junk Removal Pros of Stockton
- $2 joined 01/30/20.
“You guys are doing great work.”
- Kayaks Report
- $2 joined 07/02/20.
“Always excited to support great grounds. Well done dude. Carry on.”
- Kelowna Real Estate Homes & Condos For Sale
- $2 joined 03/16/19.
- Kettering Towing Service
- $2 joined 07/12/20.
- Key West Boat, Yacht & Fishing Charters
- $2 joined 11/12/18.
- Kistler Law Firm
- $2 joined 02/29/24.
- Rachel Klekner Adv.
- $2 joined 04/18/16.
- Kotton Grammer OMG Testimonial
- $2 joined 03/17/17.
“So glad we can help!”
- Krazy Photobooths
- $2 joined 03/23/19.
“Making a real difference to so many people!”
- Kevin J. Kulik
- $2 joined 11/07/15.
- Kurt’s Rubbish Removal
- $2 joined 08/29/21.
“Thank you for what you guys are doing!”
- Kuwait Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Kzoo Tree Service
- $2 joined 11/29/21.
“Keep up the great work guys!”
- $2 joined 01/10/21.
“We’re proud to sponsor the cause.”
- La Jolla Swimming Pool Repair and Service
- $2 joined 02/07/19.
“Do you own an outdoor fountain in San Diego, Del Mar, Rancho Santa Fe, La Jolla, El Cajon, or Poway?”
- Lanarkshire Law Estate Agents
- $2 joined 05/25/21.
- Lanarkshire Law Practice
- $2 joined 12/13/22.
“Happy to help a great cause! If anyone needs help and requires a family lawer in Hamilton Lanarkshire then please get in touch.”
- Lance P. Richard, P.A.
- $2 joined 08/02/23.
“Personal injury lawyer!”
- Landscaping Miami
- $2 joined 06/22/20.
“We are a Commercial Landscape contractor in Miami, FL!”
- Landscaping Saskatoon
- $2 joined 06/15/21.
- $2 joined 03/14/17.
- Laser Hair Removal Darwin
- $2 joined 08/15/16.
“Happy to help!”
- Lauderdale Concrete
- $2 joined 11/15/21.
- Lauderdale Crew House
- $2 joined 06/22/23.
“Lauderdale Crew House is located in the heart of the yachting world, Located 5 minutes walk from Lauderdale Marine Center. We offer some of the best crew house and accommodation in Fort Lauderdale Florida.”
- Lavalle Brown & Ronan
- $2 joined 07/28/15.
- Tomaz Laven
- $2 joined 10/14/19.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Lawn Care Cape Coral
- $2 joined 01/13/20.
- Lawn Care Carmel
- $2 joined 09/15/20.
- Lawn Care Services Birmingham Star Lawns
- $2 joined 01/29/19.
- Clifton Lawson Media
- $2 joined 04/11/17.
“Keep up the great work. Thank you!”
- Learn to Drive Driving School
- $2 joined 09/12/21.
“Thank you!”
- Learn Spanish with Music
- $2 joined 08/25/17.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Life Coaching Vancouver
- $2 joined 08/16/19.
“Love helping this Foundation!”
- Limousine Service in Richmond
- $2 joined 02/23/17.
“Great cause!”
- The Link Directory
- $2 joined 11/28/17.
- Little Kisses
- $2 joined 08/22/21.
“Thank you!”
- Livingston & Flowers PLLC
- $2 joined 07/05/19.
- The Local Plumber
- $2 joined 08/29/21.
“Proud to be supporting a great cause!”
- Location De Voitures Express
- $2 joined 02/19/19.
- Locks Around the Clock
- $2 joined 11/23/19.
“Coachella Valley’s best locksmith for residential and commercial needs.”
- Los Angeles Concrete Contractors
- $2 joined 03/11/21.
“Thank you!”
- Luxe.It.Fwd
- $2 joined 01/05/22.
- Manassas Tow Truck
- $2 joined 04/06/21.
- Manifest Like Whoa!
- $2 joined 12/09/20.
“Love the work you’re doing — can’t wait to see more and be part of this movement.”
- Marketing One Group – SEO Brisbane
- $2 joined 07/14/20.
- Maroon 5 Tickets
- $2 joined 01/13/17.
- Steve W. Marsee
- $2 joined 08/02/15.
- Martinique Boat Charters
- $2 joined 11/12/18.
- Matching Couples
- $2 joined 08/25/17.
- Math Help Online
- $2 joined 01/13/10.
“A very generous effort by Lifeboat.”
- Maui Roofing Contractor
- $2 joined 07/31/17.
“Thank you for your good work in the world!”
- Lance McCreary
- $2 joined 11/29/11.
“I’ll donate $2 to Lifeboat but I won’t donate my 2 balls!”
- Mediation for Families
- $2 joined 04/17/23.
- Memphis Plumbing
- $2 joined 03/22/18.
“Great work!”
- Mentalism Knowledge
- $2 joined 10/28/16.
“Keep up the noble work!!”
- Metro Queens Epoxy CO.
- $2 joined 12/24/20.
“Thanks for all that you do!”
- Mets Minor League Blog
- $2 joined 12/22/20.
- Miami Salt Water Pools
- $2 joined 06/22/20.
“We are a Pool contractor based in Miami, FL.”
- Mickelsen Dalton
- $2 joined 12/08/23.
- Mid-Century Modern Dining Chairs
- $2 joined 05/21/18.
- Mike Howell Digital
- $2 joined 05/28/20.
“Great cause, well worth a donation!”
- Milan Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/16/19.
- MileMark Media
- $2 joined 06/11/15.
- Milton Keynes Arborists
- $2 joined 07/28/20.
“Thank you for everything you do to keep people safe!”
- Milwaukee SEO
- $2 joined 10/07/17.
- Mini Dental Implant Centers of America
- $2 joined 10/13/22.
“Dr. Diana Rodriguez and Dr. Samuel Lemieux focus on single-tooth, multiple-tooth, and full-mouth restorations using mini dental implants as well as general and cosmetic dentistry procedures.”
- Tatyana Mironova
- $2 joined 11/11/17.
“Happy to help!”
- Mizz Marketing
- $2 joined 02/15/19.
- MJT Law Brisbane Employment Lawyers
- $2 joined 12/19/21.
- Madeira Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Madera Electrician Pros
- $2 joined 12/02/18.
- Madrid Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Maintain Your Ride
- $1 for Bitcoin Endowment Fund + $1 for Bone Cancer for $2 total joined 09/15/17.
“Thanks for all your work!”
- Make Friends Brisbane
- $2 joined 03/14/17.
“Happy to help!”
- Malaga Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Mmopixel
- $2 joined 10/29/20.
“ArcheAge Unchained gold!”
- MMOSKY Game Service
- $2 joined 01/06/21.
- Mark Moccero
- $2 joined 01/16/23.
“This is a great site!”
- Modest Fish
- $2 joined 02/19/18.
“Great cause, keep up the excellent work!”
- Moran, Sanchy & Associates
- $2 joined 03/04/17.
- Mortgage Rates Today
- $2 joined 08/23/22.
- Tony Moss
- $2 joined 07/28/15.
- Mua Rẻ Hơn
- $2 joined 05/02/19.
“I found some great news here, Thanks!”
- Milos Mudric
- $1 plus $1 for NanoShield Fund for $2 total joined 07/01/14.
- Muscat Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- MyAlarm Security
- $2 joined 02/28/19.
- My Alter Ego Catering
- $2 joined 05/06/20.
“Thanks for your awesome work!”
- MyBestRoadBikes
- $2 joined 07/01/19.
“I wish there were more people like you in the world! Good Luck!”
- MyBoosting.GG
- $2 joined 05/20/20.
- $2 joined 02/25/20.
- Namaka Bottles
- $2 joined 12/18/21.
“Good Cause.”
- Nampa Stump Grinding
- $2 joined 09/28/20.
- NerdPapers
- $2 joined 12/16/21.
- Nerve Regenertion Supplements
- $2 joined 11/28/17.
“Great cause, thanks!”
- Netticasinolaskulla
- $2 joined 04/01/21.
“Happy to support such a wonderful cause!”
- Georgia T. Newman
- $2 joined 03/07/17.
- Nexus Pain Care
- $2 joined 06/07/24.
“Beacon of hope and a testament to the power of foresight and innovation.”
- Nicolson O’Brien Solicitors
- $2 joined 12/13/22.
“Happy to support a great cause. If you need legal support please contact Nicolson O’Brien Solictors in Airdrie Lanarkshire!”
- Norm Wales Constructions
- $2 joined 08/24/21.
- The Nurse Attorney
- $2 joined 04/17/17.
- Official Fishing Network
- $2 joined 04/06/22.
- Official Fishing Network
- $2 joined 11/20/20.
- Omy9 Review
- $2 joined 01/22/20.
“Happy to contribute such a great project!”
- $2 joined 02/22/20.
“Thanks for your work, we appreciate it.”
- Online Adult Shop
- $2 joined 01/09/17.
“Very helpful cause and I am happy to offer our support!”
- OnlineCasino
- $2 joined 07/24/17.
“Small tips to endorse the project.”
- OnlineCasinosAT
- $2 joined 01/23/20.
- Open2view
- $2 joined 09/13/21.
- Oregon Ragdolls
- $2 joined 03/15/17.
“Yay! Best of luck guys!”
- Orlando Water Damage Restoration
- $2 joined 10/07/17.
“We are thrilled to donate to such a worthy cause!”
- OutdoorSumo
- $2 joined 10/20/20.
“Lifeboat team is doing wonderful social work!”
- OvrClock
- $2 joined 12/31/20.
- P2Gamer
- $2 joined 11/09/20.
“Great good.”
- Painless Wax Beans
- $2 joined 05/21/18.
- Palazzo Law Firm
- $2 joined 02/06/23.
- Palm Beach Stamped Concrete
- $2 joined 11/29/22.
“Donating to support the university outreach program put on by the Lifeboat Foundation.”
- Palm City Appliance & Air Conditioning
- $2 joined 11/29/20.
- Panama Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Panama City Tow Truck
- $2 joined 07/19/20.
- Pants.Guru
- $2 joined 01/28/20.
- Party Decorators Lakewood
- $2 joined 10/23/19.
“We help when we can. God Bless You All!”
- Paul’s Rubbish Removal
- $2 joined 08/17/21.
“Proud to be supporting a great cause!”
- The Pawlowski//Mastrilli Law Group – MegaJustice
- $2 joined 09/07/18.
- Payer Personal Injury Lawyers
- $2 joined 05/20/19.
“The Orlando personal injury lawyers at Payer Personal Injury Lawyers are happy to support the Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Pendas Law
- $2 joined 07/28/15.
- Perth Airport Transferring
- $2 joined 03/09/17.
“We offer professional airport transport services in Perth, Western Australia.”
- Pete’s Appliance Repair
- $2 joined 10/17/21.
“Keep up the great work! Thanks for all that you do.”
- Photo Booth Hire Adelaide
- $2 joined 07/02/21.
“Happy to support!”
- Photo Fun Zone
- $2 joined 02/06/22.
“Photo Fun Zone has donated our services to many charities. Happy to contribute and will be contributing more in the coming days.”
- Piccin & Glynn
- $2 joined 10/25/15.
- PickHunting
- $2 joined 04/13/20.
“I wish Lifeboat will keep their good work for always.”
- $2 joined 07/17/21.
“Health is wealth. Keep on with the good work of ensuring humanity lives healthy!”
- Pick Up Lines World
- $2 joined 02/21/17.
“You’re doing great work. I know $1 is not enough but in the future I’ll donate more to support this great cause.”
- Pike & Lustig
- $2 joined 10/17/15.
- Pippin Tickets
- $2 joined 01/13/17.
- Pita • Weber • Del Prado
- $2 joined 10/25/15.
- Pittsburgh Water Well Drilling
- $2 joined 09/20/20.
- Placerville Tree Service
- $2 joined 09/16/21.
“Thanks for all you do!”
- Plantation Tree Services
- $2 joined 02/10/21.
- Poland Yacht Registration
- $2 joined 05/07/21.
- Porcel Ceram
- $2 joined 08/02/20.
“Life must Go On!”
- Power of Tool
- $2 joined 11/21/19.
- Prana XO
- $2 joined 11/23/21.
“Thank you so much for the incredible work that you do!”
- Premamá y Después
- $2 joined 11/06/20.
- Premiere Fort Wayne Tree Care
- $2 joined 01/23/20.
- Vanessa L. Prieto
- $2 joined 12/10/15.
- Prima Carpet Cleaning
- $2 joined 04/09/19.
“Happy to donate. Such a great cause!”
- Pristine Aircon Cleaning
- $2 joined 03/30/20.
- Promocolour
- $2 joined 03/20/22.
- Pro Safety and Training
- $2 joined 09/19/21.
- Pro Mod Skin
- $2 joined 12/31/16.
“I am honored to support what you guys are doing! Keep it up and I know you can help millions of people.”
- Provo Concrete Contractors
- $2 joined 09/28/20.
- Proxy FAN
- $2 joined 09/08/22.
“You guys are doing a great job. I would love to donate again. Lots of love from the Proxy FAN team.”
- Puerto Rico Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Push ROI
- $2 joined 11/05/19.
- QLD Washers
- $2 joined 09/25/19.
- Racer Gaming Chairs
- $2 joined 05/21/18.
- Raleigh Tow Truck
- $2 joined 09/22/20.
- Ratzan & Faccidomo
- $2 joined 10/25/15.
- Real Tree Trimming & Landscaping
- $2 joined 03/27/22.
- Red Deer Snow Removal and Lawn Care
- $2 joined 03/30/22.
- Red Hawk Realty
- $2 joined 03/25/20.
- Red Search
- $2 joined 08/17/21.
- Renew Appliance Repair – Towson
- $2 joined 09/04/19.
- Retaining Walls Of Birmingham
- $2 joined 01/29/19.
- Reunion Island Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Review Squirrel
- $2 joined 11/02/16.
- Reviewster
- $2 joined 02/15/18.
“Reviewster is proud to support Lifeboat!”
- Rhode Island Bathroom Remodeling
- $2 joined 08/11/22.
“Are you in the market for expert bathroom remodeling contractors in RI? If so, call the pros at Rhode Island Bathroom Remodeling!”
- Rhode Island Kitchen Remodeling
- $2 joined 07/22/22.
“Rhode Island Kitchen Remodeling offers exquisite custom kitchen cabinets for Rhode Island homes.”
- RI Personal Injury Attorney
- $2 joined 11/08/20.
“Wonderful organization!”
- Paul E. Riffel
- $2 joined 10/07/15.
- Road Home Rescue
- $2 (composed of 0.002637 bitcoins) joined 12/06/16.
“A worthy cause that deserves all the support it gets.”
- Gary Roberts
- $2 joined 07/28/15.
- Rockets Cleaning Services
- $2 joined 02/23/22.
- Rogers Appliance Repair – Hoover
- $2 joined 11/25/19.
- Roman & Roman
- $2 joined 10/06/15.
- Roof Chesapeake
- $2 joined 05/27/21.
“Keep up the great cause!”
- The Roofers Birmingham
- $2 joined 07/13/23.
“We at The Roofers Birmingham fully appreciate what you do.”
- Roof Repair of Thornton
- $2 joined 03/31/20.
“We love the work you are doing and the love you give back. God bless you all!”
- Roof Restoration Sydney
- $2 joined 01/13/22.
“Great cause, inspiring site. Hoping this helps others.”
- Rosner & Tucker, P.C.
- $2 joined 02/08/17.
- Mr Rubber Stamps
- $2 joined 01/23/22.
- Runway Scout
- $2 joined 12/21/21.
- RYOL Parging
- $2 joined 12/31/19.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Saady & Saxe, P.A.
- $2 joined 11/26/15.
- Sacramento Pergola Company
- $2 joined 09/28/22.
“Great program supporting great things.”
- David Salomon
- $2 joined 10/09/19.
“AI will be horrifying or wonderful. It’s up to what we do now, that will shape the future.”
- Salt And Lime Apparel
- $2 joined 05/23/19.
- Salt Lake City Stump Grinding
- $2 joined 09/28/20.
- San Antonio Asphalt Paving
- $2 joined 08/05/21.
“Sealcoating San Antonio.”
- San Francisco Concrete
- $2 joined 06/29/21.
“Excellent work! Happy to be a part of this!”
- San Juan Boat, Yacht & Fishing Charters
- $2 joined 12/01/18.
- Santa Rosa Junk Removal & Hauling
- $2 joined 12/03/22.
“Lifeboat Foundation is such a great community!”
- Santa Rosa Landscaping
- $2 joined 12/22/19.
- Sao Paulo Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- Sarasota Pool Builders
- $2 joined 04/07/20.
- SATX Concrete Contractors
- $2 joined 10/15/18.
- SBHI Cleaning Services Sydney
- $2 joined 02/03/17.
“We are a commercial cleaning company and are proud of being a trustworthy partner of our clients.”
- Louis S. Schwartz
- $2 joined 03/03/17.
- Searchbounce Online Marketing
- $2 joined 03/27/16.
- SEO Birmingham AL
- $2 joined 08/22/17.
- SEO Brisbane
- $2 joined 10/25/16.
- SEO Hero
- $2 joined 12/29/16.
- SEO Melbourne
- $2 joined 06/06/20.
- SerpHaus SEO Boca Raton
- $2 joined 03/29/17.
“Happy to help such a great cause!”
- Set of Kitchen
- $2 joined 10/20/20.
“It was a great pleasure to help the Lifeboat Foundation!!”
- Shake Digital
- $2 joined 09/06/16.
- Site de Apostas Confiável
- $2 joined 10/18/23.
- Skin Essential Clinic
- $2 joined 04/30/19.
“Happy to help. Thanks!”
- Slepkow & Slepkow Associates
- $2 joined 11/08/20.
- Slimming Mums
- $2 joined 03/01/19.
“Slimming Mums is proud to support a very worthy cause. At Slimming Mums we offer advice to busy women on how to keep fit and live healthy.”
- Slottikuningas
- $2 joined 07/03/23.
- Small Business SEO
- $2 joined 06/20/18.
“Small business seo team is really happy to donate. Keep it up!”
- Smart Robotic Home
- $2 joined 10/24/19.
“This is some of the best work I’ve seen.”
- Smart Tracing
- $2 joined 11/12/23.
“Really like your mission, wish you good luck.”
- Snabblån Express
- $2 joined 04/12/23.
“Snabblån is a Swedish company and institute focusing on educating the public on loan-taking and economy, to help reduce the amount of people falling into the pitfalls of taking loans and not being able to pay them back. We try to help the public avoid this by educating them on everything there is to know about loans, also called snabblån or smslån.”
- Sobel, Poss & Moore
- $2 joined 07/23/15.
- Sober Alley
- $2 joined 12/09/20.
“Love the work we’re doing… together we can make it happen!”
- Solihull Tree Surgeons
- $2 joined 02/18/19.
“Fabulous work, thank you!”
- Sonoma Insulation Company
- $2 joined 02/05/21.
- Sonoma Patio Company
- $2 joined 02/05/21.
- Spartan Carpet Cleaning
- $2 joined 12/04/18.
- Speed Locksmith
- $2 joined 01/29/16.
- Sphynx Cats and Kittens
- $2 joined 11/11/19.
“We will save animals together.”
- Sportsrehab
- $2 joined 11/24/21.
“Great job!”
- Spring Into Clean
- $2 joined 02/19/21.
“Happy to help this cause!”
- Stamped Concrete Contractor
- $2 joined 02/13/17.
“Very happy to contribute!”
- Stand Up Paddling
- $2 joined 04/22/19.
- Stannard Family Homes
- $2 joined 08/24/21.
- Star Fishing Charters
- $2 joined 09/30/16.
- Startups Genius
- $2 joined 02/04/17.
- St. George Mobile RV Repair
- $2 joined 08/02/22.
- Greg Stephens
- $2 joined 03/15/17.
“Good luck!”
- St Lucia Yacht Charters
- $2 joined 03/05/19.
- St. Maarten & St. Martin Tours & Activities guide
- $2 joined 10/24/18.
- Storage Gold Coast
- $2 joined 08/16/16.
“Happy to support a good cause all the way from the Gold Coast.”
- Superb Systems SEO
- $2 joined 02/19/17.
“Glad to help!”
- Swimming Pool Cleaning
- $2 joined 03/14/17.
“Let’s go Lifeboat!”
- Syndrome Diogene
- $2 joined 07/24/17.
“Want to help you.”
- Lukuabi Tallinnas
- $2 joined 06/02/20.
“Great job!”
- Tattoo Removal Brisbane
- $2 joined 09/14/24.
“Good site for donations. Very grateful to be a part of this community!”
- Teak Shower Bench
- $2 joined 03/16/18.
“Hope this small amount helps again!!!”
- TechiBest
- $2 joined 07/28/16.
“Highly appreciate your efforts!”
- Teckrr
- $2 joined 05/19/22.
“Happy to help this great cause.”
- Tecsolo
- $2 joined 09/29/17.
“Glad to offer support!”
- Tents101
- $2 joined 01/09/20.
- $2 joined 11/26/23.
“Great work!”
- Clayton Thomas
- $2 joined 03/23/17.
“Excellent site!”
- Thousand Oaks Roofing
- $2 joined 06/08/20.
- Tiny Spaces Living
- $2 joined 03/23/18.
“Let’s save humanity and the environment from extinction!”
- Topland Construction Limited
- $2 joined 08/24/21.
- David Toback
- $2 joined 08/02/15.
- Toki Botanicals
- $2 joined 04/13/20.
- ToolsHaven
- $2 joined 02/06/20.
- The ToolsPick
- $2 joined 07/29/20.
- Tranquility Counselling Services
- $2 joined 06/05/21.
“I’m happy to help.”
- Trees Down Under
- $2 joined 08/29/21.
“Proud to be donating to a great cause!”
- Tree Trimming Cincinnati
- $2 joined 08/20/19.
“Glad to contribute.”
- Trinidad Car Rental Guide
- $2 joined 08/13/18.
- True Appliance Repair
- $2 joined 01/04/21.
- True Appliance Repair
- $2 joined 11/29/20.
- Tucson SEO Pros
- $2 joined 11/25/18.
“Tucson SEO Pros loves to give back!”
- Guy M. Turner
- $2 joined 09/11/08.
“The issue weighs heavy on my shoulders. This is a great service.”
- uFrog Business Directory
- $2 joined 11/10/16.
- Ultimate Roofing and Construction
- $2 joined 05/13/18.
- Unalive
- $2 joined 07/19/17.
“Happy to help you with my modest contribution!”
- UniTarot
- $2 joined 08/20/13.
“Thank you for working to support people!”
- US Addresses
- $2 joined 03/14/17.
- VA Beach Cleaning Services
- $2 joined 01/30/17.
“Excited to show support!”
- Valutakalkulator
- $2 joined 07/10/18.
“Thank you for your initiative, we at Valutakalkulator support this foundation.”
- VaporizerO
- $2 joined 07/23/20.
- Vertz Marketing
- $2 joined 10/07/17.
- Virtual Speech Ontario
- $2 joined 03/01/21.
“Well done everyone!”
- Vista Glass Splashbacks
- $2 joined 12/13/16.
- VPN Hound
- $2 joined 09/12/19.
- VPNs ’R Us
- $2 joined 03/29/17.
“Loving the work you guys are doing, keep it up.”
- Wallace International
- $2 joined 09/10/21.
- William Wallshein P.A.
- $2 joined 09/19/18.
- Walsall Roofing Pros
- $2 joined 03/01/21.
- War Horse Tickets
- $2 joined 01/13/17.
- Warwick Appliance Repair
- $2 joined 04/10/19.
- Water Damage Miami
- $2 joined 11/04/19.
“Excellent work!”
- Weedzly
- $2 joined 05/19/22.
- Website Hosting Rating
- $2 joined 11/13/16.
- We Buy Ugly Houses in Oakland, CA
- $2 joined 03/21/17.
“Keep up the good work!”
- Jeffrey S. Weiner, P.A.
- $2 joined 12/11/15.
- Wexler Law Firm
- $2 joined 04/13/17.
- Wilmington Tree Service
- $2 joined 03/09/17.
“Happy to be a part of this.”
- Window Experts of Boston
- $2 joined 03/11/22.
“Glad I found this. Keep it up!”
- Wine Baron
- $2 joined 09/12/19.
- Win Win Real Estate
- $2 joined 01/10/18.
“Thank you for all you guys do for humanity!”
- Wollongong Painters
- $2 joined 09/21/19.
“Good work guys!”
- WoodDIYs
- $2 joined 04/02/20.
- Worth Real Estate
- $2 joined 09/17/21.
- WV French Drains
- $2 joined 02/04/21.
- Xenios Fitness
- $2 joined 12/30/16.
“Always happy to help and support your work!”
- Xtreme Sport
- $2 joined 01/07/22.
“Happy to support!”
- York Priority Painters
- $2 joined 07/24/23.
- Zayed Law Offices
- $2 joined 09/03/21.
- GOGO Man and Van
- $1.50 joined 02/12/24.
“Keep going Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Tree Surgery Hastings
- $1.50 joined 04/04/19.
“All the best with everything.”
- Blake Smith
- $1.48 joined 06/19/18.
“As an SEO Consultant based in Australia, I get to work with a lot of Australian businesses. While I was analysing one of my clients websites, I came across and I’m glad I did. Every little bit helps, right? Keep up the great work!”
- The Indian Investors
- $1.4 joined 05/20/17.
“Great job guys and keep it up!”
- Mercury Stills
- $1.33 (composed of 1 CryptogenicBullion) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 01/23/14.
- Nottingham Builders
- $1.29 joined 09/15/20.
“Bless you all!”
- Nottingham Driveway Cleaning Service
- $1.29 joined 09/15/20.
“Great work and you deserve to do well.”
- Nottingham House Clearance Services
- $1.29 joined 09/15/20.
“Many thanks for what you do!”
- Professional Gardeners of Nottingham
- $1.29 joined 09/15/20.
“Good work all round and many thanks.”
- Tafeltennis Tafel
- $1.25 joined 02/05/17.
“Just putting in my 125 cents!”
- Mulege Armstrong
- $1.02 joined 09/27/09.
“I’m the world’s cutest dog!"
"Learn about my fight with bone cancer.” -
- ToolsGearLab
- $1.02 joined 08/25/20.
“This is a small amount. Just want to join this good work.”
- ActiveCare In-Home Services
- $1.01 joined 07/26/18.
“We love Lifeboat!”
- Durham & NG
- $1.01 joined 07/26/18.
“Keep doing your thing Lifeboat!”
- The Florida SEO
- $1.01 joined 01/12/17.
“We are happy to support the cause!”
- Stanley Garrett
- $1.01 joined 07/26/11.
“They forced me to wear this evil costume until I donated.”
- Tosh Garrett
- $1.01 joined 07/26/11.
“Please donate to Lifeboat you interesting human.”
- HxBenefit
- $1.01 joined 01/26/17.
“Keep up the good work fellas! God bless you!”
- ManagedTek
- $1.01 joined 01/24/19.
“Supporting the cause!”
- 1MiljonBoktips
- $1 joined 02/08/21.
“Wonderful Foundation. Thanks for your wonderful contribution to society.”
- 1st Choice Bouncy Castle Hire
- $1 joined 03/22/19.
“Good Work!”
- 10 Best Ninjas
- $1 joined 11/20/16.
“Keep up the good work.”
- 10CarBest
- $1 joined 05/06/19.
- 10 Testen
- $1 joined 05/23/19.
- The 15 Minute Manifestation Review
- $1 joined 03/01/17.
“Well done!”
- 101 Growlights
- $1 joined 07/13/17.
“Wish all the best with your project!”
- $1 joined 05/15/22.
“Place for best 200% casinobonuses in Finland!”
- 24/7 AC Repair Garland
- $1 joined 05/29/22.
“24/7 AC Repair Garland is a full-service air conditioning company that provides repair and maintenance services for businesses and homes in the Garland area. We are a family-owned and operated business, and we take pride in our workmanship and customer service. We offer free estimates on all AC repair and maintenance services, so please call us today to learn more about how we can help you keep your home or business cool and comfortable this summer!”
- 247 Electric Expert Electricians
- $1 joined 01/15/21.
- 247 Electric Expert Electricians in Birmingham
- $1 joined 12/12/21.
“Good Cause. We are electricians in Birmingham.”
- 247 Electric Expert Electricians in Cannock
- $1 joined 05/23/22.
“Brilliant Charity!!”
- 247 Electric Expert Electricians in Coventry
- $1 joined 01/15/22.
“We are electricians in Coventry!”
- 247 Electric Expert Electricians in Kidderminster
- $1 joined 06/14/22.
“Keep donating!”
- 247 Electric Expert Electricians in Redditch
- $1 joined 01/18/22.
“Good Cause.”
- 247 Electric Expert Electricians in Telford
- $1 joined 04/27/22.
“Great charity!”
- 247 Electric Expert Electricians in Walsall
- $1 joined 03/08/22.
“Great charity, people keep donating!”
- 247 Electric Expert Electricians in Wolverhampton
- $1 joined 02/06/22.
“Great Course keep up the great work!We are Emergency Electricians in Wolverhampton.”
- 247 Electric Expert Electricians in Worcester
- $1 joined 06/07/22.
“Great Charity!”
- 3D Print Manual
- $1 joined 09/05/17.
- 4SPACE Design
- $1 joined 03/03/23.
- 4wd Wreckers Perth
- $1 joined 01/17/17.
- 420expertadviser
- $1 joined 12/17/18.
“Good luck!”
- 420ProGuide
- $1 joined 05/01/18.
“ is proud to support Lifeboat.”
- 5 Dog Digital Marketing Agency
- $1 joined 12/22/19.
- 888BoatLaw
- $1 joined 06/01/23.
- 99camping
- $1 joined 04/05/20.
“Nice project. Happy to contribute!”
- 99RDP
- $1 joined 08/04/22.
“A simple act of kindness can create an endless ripple.”
- A&L Corona Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/15/19.
- A&L Tempe Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 05/13/19.
- A+ Digital
- $1 joined 01/27/17.
“Happy to support a great cause!”
- A1 Pumps & Motors
- $1 joined 07/09/20.
- AAA Fence & Repair
- $1 joined 11/08/22.
“AAA Fence & Repair is a Carrollton Texas fencing contractor providing new fence installation and fence repair.”
- Aaronson Law Firm
- $1 joined 07/10/23.
“Our team of timeshare attorneys have over fifty (50) years of combined legal experience. Be sure to vet the people you talk to. Emphatically, without the ability to sue or countersue the timeshare developer through a timeshare lawyer you have NO legal protection or leverage.”
- A Bankruptcy Law Firm
- $1 joined 04/13/21.
- ABC Leisure Events
- $1 joined 02/23/24.
“Bouncy Castle and inflatable, Fanzone hire in Birmingham!”
- Access Residential Hardware
- $1 joined 08/02/22.
- Advanced Physical Therapy & Wellness
- $1 joined 11/05/24.
- AG Communications Casinos
- $1 joined 03/28/23.
“Happy to contribute to such an excellent cause!”
- AI Answering Service
- $1 joined 08/16/24.
“We at AI Answering Service are honored to support your foundation’s impactful work.”
- Air Pro Heating and Air Conditioning
- $1 joined 06/07/22.
“Keep going!”
- Albuquerque Car Wrapping
- $1 joined 08/02/22.
- Alchemy Bathroom Renovations Auckland
- $1 joined 02/13/24.
- Alla Casino På Nätet
- $1 joined 08/25/21.
“Thank you for this great site and the great work you do!”
- Allen Law Firm
- $1 joined 08/28/22.
- Allen’s Tree Works
- $1 joined 11/15/22.
- The Allentown Roofers
- $1 joined 07/18/22.
“For the best residential or commercial Allentown roofing service, call the pros at The Allentown Roofers!”
- All In Solutions
- $1 joined 07/10/24.
“All In Solutions was founded by a team of dedicated individuals with first-hand experience dealing with the pain and devastation of addiction. We understand the addict, the family of the addict, and the disease of addiction because we have lived it. Our goal is to help those who feel trapped find hope, begin to heal, and create a sober, productive, happy, and healthy life.”
- Allstar Systems
- $1 joined 11/22/24.
“Established in 2011 Allstar Systems are Gas Safe registered & Oftec engineers based in Norwich. We are your local leading professional plumbing and heating experts who offer a fully comprehensive service for all domestic clients in Norwich.”
- AmazingRDP
- $1 joined 08/04/22.
“Buy cheap RDP!”
- American Air Vent Cleaning
- $1 joined 06/27/23.
- American College of the Mediterranean
- $1 joined 11/04/24.
- American Disability Action Group
- $1 joined 08/14/24.
- Amuse Photo Booth Rentals
- $1 joined 03/26/24.
- Analycys LLC
- $1 joined 08/19/24.
“This is a great cause, we’re offering a complimentary penetration testing service for Florida companies!”
- Anchorage Radon Testing and Mitigation
- $1 joined 03/07/24.
- Ann Arbor Foundation Repair Experts
- $1 joined 11/30/22.
“Ann Arbor Foundation Repair Experts is the leading choice for foundation repair in Ann Arbor and surrounding cities.”
- A Perfect Finish Painting
- $1 joined 06/07/22.
“Well Done!”
- Able Reading Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/10/19.
- Ablespaces
- $1 joined 10/12/19.
- Academy of Holistic Hypnotherapy
- $1 joined 03/24/21.
- Accel Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 08/25/19.
- Accel Appliance Repair – Tacoma
- $1 joined 12/10/19.
- Accessoires Fumeurs
- $1 joined 08/19/20.
- Acclaim Appliance Repair – Evansville
- $1 joined 11/04/19.
- Acclaim Appliance Repair – Indianapolis
- $1 joined 11/06/19.
- Accolade Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 11/06/19.
- Accolade Appliance Repair – Gresham
- $1 joined 11/25/19.
- Accountants of Cary
- $1 joined 11/29/20.
- Accountants of Columbia
- $1 joined 11/29/20.
- Accountants of Concord
- $1 joined 11/29/20.
- Accountants of Durham
- $1 joined 11/29/20.
- Accountants of Greensboro
- $1 joined 11/29/20.
- Accountants of Greenville
- $1 joined 11/29/20.
- Accountants of North Charleston
- $1 joined 11/29/20.
- Accountants of Raleigh
- $1 joined 11/29/20.
- Accountants of Winston-Salem
- $1 joined 11/29/20.
- Accounting Miami
- $1 joined 11/10/19.
“I love this page!”
- Accurate Gilbert Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/04/19.
“I am honored to donate in your great organization!”
- Ace Alhambra Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/04/19.
“What an awesome organization!”
- Ace Removals Cirencester
- $1 joined 03/25/19.
- Achieve Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 07/22/19.
- Achieve Appliance Repair – Austin, TX
- $1 joined 11/06/19.
- Achieve Appliance Repair – San Antonio, TX
- $1 joined 11/06/19.
- Achieve Dearborn Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/10/19.
“Happy to serve!”
- Acodez
- $1 joined 11/26/19.
“All the best from a web development company in India!”
- AC Repair Miami
- $1 joined 11/04/19.
“Professional Services for all your AC repairs and installations!”
- Action Mansfield Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/21/19.
“My pleasure to donate!”
- Action Missouri City Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 08/26/19.
- Adams Toyota
- $1 joined 01/11/17.
“Keep up the great work here guys and gals!”
- Addiction Recovery Directory
- $1 joined 04/26/17.
- Addiction Rehab Centres
- $1 joined 02/20/18.
“Thank you for all that you do!”
- Adelaide Hills Accommodation in Birdwood
- $1 joined 07/04/17.
- Adeline Beauty Salon
- $1 joined 09/08/19.
“We are happy to help.”
- ADInstruments
- $1 joined 10/12/19.
- Adore Your Cat
- $1 joined 01/26/17.
“Great cause!”
- AdultAdvisor
- $1 joined 10/13/16.
“We provide SEO services, Web design, and Social media marketing services for adult businesses and other businesses in Australia.”
- Adult Shop Adelaide
- $1 joined 01/22/17.
“Happy to offer our support to your cause!”
- Advanced Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 06/17/19.
- Advanced Fibreglass Techniques
- $1 joined 05/27/18.
“Great things you do!”
- Advanced Home Inspections
- $1 joined 05/02/17.
“On behalf of John Thomsen Sr.”
- Adventure Gears Lab
- $1 joined 05/28/19.
“We really appreciate the opportunity to donate. Thank you very much from Adventure Gears Lab.”
- Adventure Hunting
- $1 joined 07/09/20.
- Advicecart Pets
- $1 joined 10/11/18.
- Adviice
- $1 joined 08/16/21.
- Aesthetic Dentistry NYC
- $1 joined 03/01/17.
- Ageless Men’s Health Clinics
- $1 joined 07/04/17.
“AMHC represents Australia’s first dedicated holistic Men’s Health Network of doctors and nurses.”
- $1 joined 03/02/17.
“We are an online marketing agency located in Perth Australia.”
- Air Cool Contractors
- $1 joined 07/26/21.
- Air Duct / Dryer Vent Cleaning Chandler
- $1 joined 01/29/21.
“Glad to help!”
- Air Duct / Dryer Vent Cleaning Gilbert
- $1 joined 01/29/21.
- Air Duct / Dryer Vent Cleaning Glendale
- $1 joined 01/07/21.
“Glad to share a small amount to reach your goal. Good luck and more power.”
- Air Duct / Dryer Vent Cleaning Mesa
- $1 joined 01/15/21.
- Air Duct / Dryer Vent Cleaning Phoenix
- $1 joined 01/15/21.
- Air Duct / Dryer Vent Cleaning Surprise
- $1 joined 01/10/21.
“Glad to donate to help you reach your goal.”
- Air Duct / Dryer Vent Cleaning Tempe
- $1 joined 01/07/21.
“We are glad to support your cause.”
- Airsoft Pal
- $1 joined 02/10/17.
“It is an imperative to work with and donate to safe scientific progress. I hope this, albeit small and symbolic donation, will mean something for the greater good!”
- AJ Concrete Contractors
- $1 joined 03/04/21.
- Akita Dogs and Puppies
- $1 joined 10/10/20.
- Akron Appliance Repair
- $1 (composed of 0.004406256884776 ether) to Bitcoin Endowment Fund joined 07/17/19.
- Akron Appliances
- $1 joined 06/30/20.
“We appreciate all of your efforts!”
- Albany Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 06/03/19.
- Albany Dumpster Rental
- $1 joined 07/15/20.
- Albany GA Plumbers
- $1 joined 11/06/21.
- Albany Paving Contractors
- $1 joined 09/30/20.
“Our commercial paving contractors are happy to help.”
- Alberta SEO
- $1 joined 07/28/16.
“We fully endorse the Lifeboat Foundation!”
- Alexandria Moving Men
- $1 joined 04/17/19.
- Algorithm SEO Sydney
- $1 joined 10/03/16.
- Alhambra Window Tinting
- $1 joined 01/28/22.
“Thank you for this! Happy to support this great cause!”
- AlignMat
- $1 joined 09/29/20.
“Great cause! Happy to help how I can!”
- Alla Ljudböcker
- $1 joined 08/24/17.
“So happy to be able to support such a great cause! Love from Alla Ljudböcker in Sweden.”
- All Day Parenting
- $1 joined 02/15/21.
- Alle Lydbogapps
- $1 joined 09/24/18.
“Pleasure to give this to you for a good cause!”
- Allen Deck and Fence
- $1 joined 03/16/20.
“Deck design company. Thank you.”
- All Fencing Bunburys
- $1 joined 03/18/21.
“Thanks for all of the work you do!”
- All Healthy Recipes
- $1 joined 10/04/19.
“I hope our site can help you.”
- All Interior Ideas
- $1 joined 06/16/20.
- All Pianos
- $1 joined 02/10/18.
- All Euro | Las Vegas All European Auto Repair
- $1 joined 07/12/17.
- All-Pro Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/10/19.
- All-Pro Avon Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 06/10/19.
- All Seasons Tree Service of Elgin
- $1 joined 08/31/20.
- All-Tech Appliance Repair – Cleveland
- $1 joined 11/11/19.
- All-Tech Appliance Repair – Columbus
- $1 joined 11/11/19.
- AllThat3D
- $1 joined 06/18/16.
- Ally Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 07/22/19.
- Ally Appliance Repair – Huntington
- $1 joined 12/10/19.
- Alony Media
- $1 joined 12/22/18.
“Donations are an important part of life!”
- Alternative Storage Systems
- $1 joined 05/03/20.
- AltRiders: Best Electric Scooters for Adults
- $1 joined 07/11/18.
- Alvarez Web Services
- $1 joined 11/10/15.
- Always Guarding You
- $1 joined 04/03/17.
“If everyone contributed just $1…imagine the possibilities.”
- Amazingly Easy Hawaii Custom Roofing
- $1 joined 07/29/19.
“Love the cause!”
- American Casino News
- $1 joined 02/18/19.
“Great website. Great job. American Casino News is happy to help.”
- American Roof Repairs
- $1 joined 04/26/17.
- America Refinishing Pros
- $1 joined 06/24/21.
“Keep it up!”
- Ammo Atlas
- $1 joined 03/17/18.
“Ammo Atlas is glad to express their love for all things outdoors with a donation to a worthy cause.”
- Amope Pedi Perfect
- $1 joined 10/15/17.
“Hope this helps!”
- Amsterdam Car Rental Guide
- $1 joined 12/10/18.
- Amy Gatherum, Allstate Insurance Agent
- $1 joined 07/09/20.
“Thank You For What You Do!”
- Anaheim House Cleaning
- $1 joined 04/06/21.
- Anaheim Party Bus Rentals
- $1 joined 05/05/22.
“There are theaters, festivals, fairs and sporting events. Disneyland Park is in Anaheim as well. This is a great destination for family fun.”
- Anderson Concrete Professionals
- $1 joined 05/25/21.
- Anderson & Ferrin, Attorneys at Law, P.A.
- $1 joined 03/04/19.
- Animals Luxury
- $1 joined 04/13/18.
“Proud to contribute to a cause that benefits all of humanity.”
- Anndion Lodge 143
- $1 joined 08/01/19.
- Anthens Painters
- $1 joined 05/16/22.
“Love to show some support for this!”
- Aozata
- $1 joined 09/24/20.
“Hello, I am Muthali, founder of”
- Apex Joliet Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/07/19.
“Awesome organization!”
- $1 joined 11/02/21.
- Apogee Carpet Cleaning of Fredericksburg
- $1 joined 02/23/23.
- Apollo Appliance Repair – Berkeley
- $1 joined 09/04/19.
- Apollo Appliance Repair – Oakland
- $1 joined 09/16/19.
- Apollo Appliance Repair – Richmond
- $1 joined 09/04/19.
- Apollo Appliance Repair – Santa Clara, CA
- $1 joined 09/09/19.
- Apollo Appliance Repair – Sunnyvale, CA
- $1 joined 08/28/19.
- Apopka Tree Pros
- $1 joined 11/15/22.
- Apphac
- $1 joined 10/12/14.
- Applewood SEO
- $1 joined 07/26/19.
- Appliance Repair Doctor
- $1 joined 09/27/22.
“Appliance Repair Doctor is the number one local appliance company for essential repairs. We go above and beyond to show all our customers just how much we appreciate their trust and business.”
- Appliance Repair Force – Charlotte
- $1 joined 11/06/19.
- Appliance Repair Force – Concord
- $1 joined 08/26/19.
- Appliance Repair Force – Gastonia
- $1 joined 08/26/19.
- Appliance Repair Force – Raleigh
- $1 joined 09/16/19.
- Appliance Repair Force – Rock Hill
- $1 joined 08/26/19.
- Appliance Repair Henderson
- $1 joined 08/20/20.
- Appliance Repair Pros Edmonton
- $1 joined 08/04/20.
- Appliance Repair Santa Monica
- $1 joined 06/11/20.
“We do professional appliance repair in Santa Monica, California.”
- Appliance Repair System
- $1 joined 07/09/20.
- Apuestas Deportivas
- $1 joined 05/17/21.
“Love Lifeboat!”
- Aquamidas
- $1 joined 08/05/19.
- The Aquarium Adviser
- $1 joined 02/16/19.
- Aquarium Adviser
- $1 joined 07/20/16.
- Arborists Ashburton
- $1 joined 08/20/24.
“Arborists Ashburton provides professional arborist services in Ashburton, New Zealand.”
- Arborists Geelong
- $1 joined 06/17/20.
- ARGO Gaming Group
- $1 joined 08/20/21.
- Argyris Mah, LLP
- $1 joined 04/10/24.
- Aristo Shop
- $1 joined 04/30/17.
“Just a little help from me ”
- Arizona Digital Marketing
- $1 joined 11/29/16.
- Arlie Walker & Sons Painting
- $1 joined 08/30/19.
“I fully support the cause!”
- Arlington Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 05/27/19.
- Arlo Comparisons
- $1 joined 08/15/18.
- Coco Veera Heath Armstrong
- $1 joined 07/09/12.
“Only the cutiest puppies donate to Lifeboat.”
- Lexi and Bailey Armstrong
- $1 joined 03/19/10.
“As a mother in Sims 3, I realize that if all life on Earth was destroyed, then my precious Bailey would no longer exist. Please support the Lifeboat Foundation to prevent this from happening."
"I am proud to be part of the first Sims 3 family to support the Lifeboat Foundation. Look at Bailey’s photo timeline!” -
- Roxy Armstrong
- $1 joined 09/27/09.
“Either donate or fill up my food bowl. Thank you.”
- Arnaque Ou Non
- $1 joined 05/07/19.
“Nice to support. Hope it will grow fast.”
- Arnold, Wadsworth & Coggins
- $1 joined 04/30/19.
- ARRC Redlands Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 07/29/19.
- Arrow Fence Texas
- $1 joined 11/08/22.
“Arrow Fence Texas is a Lewisville TX fencing contractor providing new fence installation and fence repair.”
- Artificial Turf Scottsdale
- $1 joined 05/20/24.
“Doing such amazing work. Keep it up!”
- Arvada Tree Service
- $1 joined 07/05/24.
- Arwani Nava Law
- $1 joined 09/19/17.
- ASAP Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/04/19.
“I am honored to donate.”
- ASAP Scottsdale Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/04/19.
“Happy to donate!”
- ASAP Skylight Installations
- $1 joined 12/13/22.
“What a great cause!”
- Asbestos Removal Pros
- $1 joined 10/12/19.
- Asbestos Removal Timaru
- $1 joined 08/20/24.
“Asbestos Removal Timaru is a professional service in Timaru, Canterbury.”
- Asher Hadbara: Pest Control
- $1 joined 04/05/20.
“Everyone needs to donate what they can!”
- Asian Dating NZ
- $1 joined 03/11/20.
- Asia Virtual Solutions
- $1 joined 12/12/23.
“Asia Virtual Solutions supports the good cause of Lifeboat, and we are happy to be part of the great service for humanity.”
- Asilia Law Firm, P.A.
- $1 joined 03/01/24.
- Ask Any Difference
- $1 joined 12/06/20.
- Aspiring Kitchens
- $1 joined 10/12/19.
- Astra Appliance Repair – Wichita
- $1 joined 11/11/19.
- Athens Hardwood Flooring
- $1 joined 05/16/22.
“Love to show some support!”
- Athens Tree Care
- $1 joined 01/20/22.
“We are the best tree removal service in Athens!”
- Atlanta Foundation Repair & Waterproofing Pros
- $1 joined 08/09/22.
“To protect your property and avoid unnecessary foundation repair, consider expert basement waterproofing in Atlanta!”
- Atlanta Landscaping Matters – Peachtree Corners
- $1 joined 04/27/20.
- Atlas Plumbing & Heating
- $1 joined 01/05/23.
“What a great cause!”
- ATL Concrete Contractors Atlanta
- $1 joined 10/28/21.
- ATMs Near Me
- $1 joined 07/09/24.
“We are dedicated to providing everyone with convenient access to ATM locations.”
- Attack the Back
- $1 joined 09/29/17.
“Keep up the good work! It’s a please to support the team!”
- Attleboro Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 05/27/19.
- Attleboro Tree Removal Services
- $1 joined 08/09/22.
“Attleboro Tree Removal Services is the company to call when you need safe, reliable tree removal services in Attleboro, MA.”
- ATX Watersports
- $1 joined 10/02/20.
- Auckland Commercial Cleaning
- $1 joined 01/31/21.
- Auckland Hot Water
- $1 joined 10/06/20.
- Aura Web Design
- $1 joined 10/17/16.
“At Aura Web Design we know what you need and how we can help you to make your website shine towards the right clients.”
- Aurora Deck and Fence
- $1 joined 04/10/20.
- Aurora Deck Pros
- $1 joined 12/02/18.
“Happy to donate!”
- Aurora Epoxy Flooring
- $1 joined 03/18/20.
“Aurora epoxy coatings. Thank you.”
- Aurora Tree Care
- $1 joined 11/12/19.
“Keep up the Good work! We continue to support!”
- The Aussie Butcher
- $1 joined 07/09/20.
- Aussiecasinoo
- $1 joined 08/20/21.
- Austin Iron Fences
- $1 joined 04/10/21.
- Austin Premium Contractors
- $1 joined 04/08/21.
“Happy to support your cause.”
- Australia Logo Design
- $1 joined 12/05/16.
“Australia Logo Design delivers professional custom made trendy, memorable and eye-catching logo designs created by talented experienced Australian logo designers.”
- Australian Cannabis Seeds
- $1 joined 09/24/23.
“We are a thriving Australian cannabis seedbank ready to support you and the world with our amazing marijuana products.”
- Australian Postcode Search
- $1 joined 12/12/18.
- Auto Detailing Markham
- $1 joined 01/27/23.
“We are a car detailing service serving Markham, Ontario Canada.”
- Auto Glass Repair of STL
- $1 joined 03/03/19.
- The Auto Guider
- $1 joined 02/11/21.
“Thanks for helping people!”
- AutoInsurance Quest
- $1 joined 03/19/16.
- AutoKitsLab
- $1 joined 11/24/20.
- Auto Parts Wreckers in Perth
- $1 joined 01/09/17.
“Happy to keep supporting this great project!”
- Autoplus WA
- $1 joined 08/24/22.
“Providing quality auto repairs and services to drivers throughout the Midvale area and Perth’s outer eastern suburbs for over 25 years.”
- Avada Architecture
- $1 joined 08/05/19.
“Die besten seid ihr!”
- Ava Digital
- $1 joined 04/14/20.
- A Visual Glitch SEO
- $1 joined 11/26/18.
“A Visual Glitch SEO Consultancy is proud to be a sponsor of Lifeboat and wishes it best of luck helping the world become a better place!”
- Avnet Law
- $1 joined 09/25/21.
- Avondale Appliance Repair Experts
- $1 joined 04/04/19.
“Great organization!”
- Awnings of Atlanta
- $1 joined 11/10/22.
- Awnings of Columbus
- $1 joined 11/10/22.
- Awnings of South Jersey
- $1 joined 12/04/22.
“Thank you!”
- Azoogi LED Lighting
- $1 joined 10/26/17.
“We are three partners, with a vision for lighting up the world we live in.”
- B&G Round Rock Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 08/26/19.
- Back40 Fence Company
- $1 joined 11/08/22.
“Back40 Fence Company is a Fort Worth TX fencing contractor providing new fence installation and fence repair.”
- Bästa Casino
- $1 joined 11/30/23.
“Good luck!”
- Baton Rouge Stamped Concrete & Decorative Designs
- $1 joined 07/22/22.
“Baton Rouge Stamped Concrete & Decorative Designs offers high-end designs and guaranteed concrete installations.”
- BBA Immigration
- $1 joined 11/11/22.
- Bed Bug Specialist
- $1 joined 08/02/24.
- Bellingham Flowers
- $1 joined 09/07/24.
- Bellingham Tile Install
- $1 joined 09/20/24.
- Berenji & Associates Divorce Lawyers
- $1 joined 09/04/24.
“Berenji & Associates Divorce Lawyers is a family law firm that helps clients navigate the complexities of divorce, child custody, and other family law issues.”
- Best Carpet Cleaners TW
- $1 joined 09/26/22.
“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to donate to Lifeboat.”
- Beyond Bounce
- $1 joined 01/15/24.
- Birds And Wings
- $1 joined 08/11/23.
“At BirdsAndWings.Com, we’re teaming up with the Lifeboat Foundation to build a safer future. With every donation, we’re spreading our wings. Come soar with us towards a better tomorrow!”
- Birdsology
- $1 joined 05/18/23.
“Keep up the excellent work. Birdsology is proud to donate.”
- Birnbaum Gelfman Sharma & Arnoux, LLC
- $1 joined 08/16/22.
- Bison Leads
- $1 joined 08/21/22.
- Bivouac Ciderworks
- $1 joined 02/22/23.
- Black And White Boy SEO
- $1 joined 12/02/23.
- B Legal Lawyers
- $1 joined 07/16/22.
- Babycook Me
- $1 joined 07/01/17.
- Babycook Store
- $1 joined 10/01/18.
“We support the Foundation with our whole heart!”
- BabyGearsPro
- $1 joined 05/11/19.
“Happy to support. Keep up your good work.”
- $1 joined 12/06/19.
“We are happy to support you guys. Keep up the good work!”
- BabyKidcare
- $1 joined 11/10/20.
“I wish Lifeboat goes beyond and supports the Baby Medical Treatment!!”
- Baby Stroller Home
- $1 joined 03/14/20.
“I am happy to contribute to this great initiative.”
- BackyardPets
- $1 joined 08/12/20.
- Bad Bunny Perth Strippers
- $1 joined 11/05/20.
- Law Office of Linda Kenney Baden
- $1 joined 03/02/18.
- Badger SEO
- $1 joined 02/15/19.
- Badminton Advisor
- $1 joined 11/13/19.
“Thank you for helping the world.”
- Badminton Advisor Shuttlecocks Guide
- $1 joined 11/14/19.
“Thank you!”
- BAEZ Law Boston
- $1 joined 03/23/18.
- Bagodwa
- $1 joined 09/12/18.
“Thanks for your action!”
- Bakersfield Car Detail
- $1 joined 12/10/20.
- Bakersfield Concrete
- $1 joined 01/11/21.
- Balance Bike Life
- $1 joined 07/21/19.
- Baldani Law Group
- $1 joined 12/20/19.
“Every little bit helps! Keep up the good work!”
- Ballarat Artificial Grass
- $1 joined 02/14/21.
“All the best ”
- Bamboo Pillows Australia
- $1 joined 07/07/19.
“Great work happy to help.”
- Bangbang Lat
- $1 joined 06/14/22.
- Bangbang MX
- $1 joined 04/12/22.
“Great job, keep it up!”
- James Banks
- $1 joined 07/13/22.
“I am grateful to be able to donate to this cause. I am an Australian SEO Consultant that is looking to give back more via my business.”
- Bao Bì Bảo Xuân
- $1 joined 09/04/19.
- Bapple
- $1 joined 10/25/17.
“Bapple is an agile digital design agency with high standards and proven strategic ideas to boost business.”
- Alex T. Barak
- $1 joined 01/08/16.
- Barbados Car Rental Guide
- $1 joined 03/08/18.
“Great work!”
- Barbara Flum Stein & Associates
- $1 joined 11/10/17.
- The Barber Shop Calgary
- $1 joined 06/15/21.
- Barbershop Surprise
- $1 joined 03/13/19.
- Bargin Bouncy Castles
- $1 joined 02/16/19.
- Law Office of Hasson D. Barnes
- $1 joined 03/27/18.
- Danica Barr
- $1 joined 07/05/16.
“You guys are doing great. Such an amazing cause.”
- Barrett, Fasig & Brooks
- $1 joined 04/05/16.
- Law Offices of Stephen Barszcz
- $1 joined 09/04/19.
- The Baseball Bat Reviews Site
- $1 joined 01/05/16.
- Basement Renovations London
- $1 joined 12/29/21.
“Thank you!”
- Basement Waterproofing in Lethbridge
- $1 joined 11/02/21.
- Basement Waterproofing Pittsburgh
- $1 joined 10/10/21.
“Good cause. Happy to support this Foundation!”
- Bass Hawker
- $1 joined 07/06/20.
- Bästa Online Casino
- $1 joined 08/28/21.
“Great work!”
- Bath Carpet Cleaner
- $1 joined 11/03/19.
“A much-needed podcast to talk things through. My colleagues and I are always in discussion with developing new Ai-imposed carpet cleaning technologies. It would be great to hear your input.”
- Bath & Kitchen Renovation
- $1 joined 05/05/22.
“Welcome to Bath & Kitchen Renovation, where we take care of all of your renovation and remodeling needs by offering top-quality solutions that are second to none.”
- Bathroom Exhaust Fans With Light
- $1 joined 09/02/16.
“Keep up the great work!”
- Bathroom Remodeling Buffalo NY
- $1 joined 05/09/21.
- Bathroom Remodeling Huntsville AL
- $1 joined 05/12/21.
- Bathroom Renovations Calgary
- $1 joined 01/09/20.
- Bathroom Renovations Penrith
- $1 joined 03/29/21.
- Bathtub Refinishing Calgary
- $1 joined 01/07/22.
“Thank You!”
- Baton Rouge Concrete Pros
- $1 joined 09/15/17.
“Love what you guys are doing! Keep pushing!!”
- Battaglia, Ross, Dicus & McQuaid, P.A.
- $1 joined 11/24/19.
- BBL Automotive Repairs
- $1 joined 10/12/19.
- BBQ Vibe
- $1 joined 12/15/18.
- Bdjobs Directory
- $1 joined 05/05/19.
“We are always with you, best wishes for Lifeboat.”
- Beach Bum Poet
- $1 joined 12/02/19.
“Thank you!”
- Beach Soccer & Apostas online
- $1 joined 04/08/17.
- Beagle Generation
- $1 joined 09/25/20.
- Beard Growth
- $1 joined 05/29/18.
“Happy to donate here!”
- Beautyholic
- $1 joined 08/01/19.
“Keep up with such amazing work!”
- Beauty Insider Settlement
- $1 joined 06/05/20.
- Beaverton Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/10/19.
- Gabrielle Becking
- $1 joined 03/26/17.
“Thanks for the great work!”
- Bedford Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 05/27/19.
- Bedrock Solutions
- $1 joined 12/20/19.
- BeeBoom
- $1 joined 07/30/19.
“Good work ”
- BEE Consultant
- $1 joined 10/16/19.
- Bee Happy® Organic
- $1 joined 11/25/21.
- Bēhance
- $1 joined 03/07/17.
“Happy to contribute. Keep up the good work!”
- Shahin Behroyan
- $1 joined 03/14/19.
- Bell Appliance Repair – Kendall
- $1 joined 09/22/19.
- Bell Appliance Repair – Miami
- $1 joined 09/22/19.
- Bell Appliance Repair – Pembroke Pines
- $1 joined 01/14/20.
- Belleville and Edwardsville Divorce Law Blog
- $1 joined 10/28/17.
- Bellevue Appliance Repair
- $1 joined 04/10/19.
“Happy to donate!”
- Bellmore Pest Control
- $1 joined 03/12/17.
- Bendigo Concreters
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