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Professor Kamal Zaki Mahmoud Ali Shaeer

Kamal Zaki Mahmoud Ali Shaeer, M.D. is Founder Ex-Director Future Research and Study Center (FRSC), Cairo University, Chairperson-Cairo Node of the Millennium Project, Professor of Medicine Emeritus, and Editor-in-Chief of Human Andrology.

Kamal is also President of The Egyptian-Arab Futures Research Association (EAFRA), a non-governmental organization (NGO) of individual and corporate think tanks, devoted to the study and research of the futures in Egypt and the Arab region, in the framework of the global future scenarios.

EAFRA develops visions about alternative futures; the possible, the plausible and the preferable, in relation to the current and future changes and challenges, and the available choices. Thus it serves policy making. Clients are the public (governmental) and private (non-governmental) organizations. EAFRA provides future-oriented information for both the domestic and international markets.

Read Foresight For Development: Kamal Zaki Mahmoud Ali Shaeer Futurist Profile.