Professor Jeanann S. Boyce
Jeanann S. Boyce, Ph.D. is Professor of Computer Science and Business and coordinator of the Computer Science and Applications programs, Montgomery College, Takoma Park Campus, of Maryland.
Jeanann has extensive experience as an educator and trainer in Education and Computer Systems over the past thirty years. She specializes in teaching artificial intelligence programming and systems and intelligent agents. In addition, she is one of the lead faculty involved on the 11-school Advanced Technology Centers Cyberwatch grant for the National Science Foundation. She was also elected to the National Board of the Colloquium on Information Systems Security Education.
She is recognized as a leader in vocational, career, and technical education training. She is an active professional who has written many articles and presents regularly at national and international technical education conferences. She has maintained a currency in technology through continuous consulting and writes on neurotechnology and ethics. In addition, she serves as a research and dissertation advisor at Morgan State University. She is certified in a Capability Maturity Management and Configuration Management from the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University and is an evaluator for the American Council on Education. Her current research interests include systems process improvement and the optimization of virtual and classroom learning environments.
Her papers include Nanotechnology: Considering the Complex Ethical, Legal, and Societal Issues with the Parameters of Human Performance and Regenerative nanomedicine: ethical, legal, and social issues.
Jeanann earned her undergraduate degree from Douglass College of Rutgers University and her master’s and doctorate in computer-based information systems for career education from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Read her LinkedIn profile and her ResearchGate profile.