
Advisory Board

Stefan Wobben

Stefan Wobben is Owner at Concept7, Teacher Usability at Lectric Internetopleidingen, and External Consultant — Website Promotion at CBI — Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries.
Cofounder and usability researcher at Concept7. Stefan assists companies in developing new business concepts. He does this creatively with the focus on people; sometimes also known as Design Thinking. Thinking outside the box (he used to color in pictures like this as a child), without building castles in the air. And in the process solving concrete client problems.
He also helps his clients improve their current websites. Often this is about giving practical tips, a good one is “change the word free to without obligation and you can expect 10% increase in conversion”.
Observing, hearing, seeing, listening and being amazed; all are significant elements to be successful in this line of work. This can be boiled down to him trying to record the struggle which a customer often goes through with a product or service — often using eye track — and working from there to deliver solutions on how to remove obstacles. Nothing gives Stefan more pleasure than creating something beautiful that also works. Less is more.
Stefan earned his BBA in Staff and Labor at Hanzehogeschool Groningen in 2003. He graduated in Philosophy in business at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2004.
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