Richard K. Graf
Richard Graf has been developing advanced gun propulsion technologies since 1990 and is a noted authority on gun propulsion launch systems.
In his current venture, Starfire Scientific Inc., Richard is applying his experiences as a military gunsmith, as an industrial robotics expert, and as the former President of Columbiad Launch Services to create a new style high technology gun propulsion launch system for low cost orbital and suborbital flights.
Over the past two decades, Richard has been a sought after authority on Gerry Bull’s High Altitude Research Project (HARP). He has published an extensive account of the HARP Project on the Encyclopedia Astronautica and has been frequently consulted on the topic for many productions. Richard has been featured on Discovery Channel’s Daily planet, and has appeared on CBC TV and radio. He is a long time member of the Canadian Space Society and a founding member of the Canadian Space Commerce association.