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Dr. Pulin Agrawal

Pulin Agrawal, Ph.D. is an Artificial General Intelligence and Cognitive Science Researcher, and Engineer at The University of Memphis, Tennessee.

Pulin is leading the development of more sophisticated artificial general intelligence based agents and helping in finding biological patterns amid the data points. He has been working as a Research Assistant since 2011, focusing on the LIDA cognitive architecture, including Sensory Memory, Self-Systems, and Sensory Motor Memory.

Between 2014 and 2016, Pulin was Teaching Assistant for subjects like Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Web Services, and Cryptography.

The LIDA (Learning Intelligent Distribution Agent) cognitive architecture is an integrated artificial cognitive system that attempts to model a broad spectrum of cognition in biological systems, from low-level perception/action to high-level reasoning. Developed by Stan Franklin and colleagues at the University of Memphis, the LIDA architecture is empirically grounded in cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience. In addition to providing hypotheses to guide further research, this architecture can support control structures for software agents and robots.

Pulin, together with the creator of IDA and LIDA models, published A LIDA cognitive model tutorial in 2016. Providing plausible explanations for many cognitive processes, the LIDA conceptual model is also intended as a tool with which to think about how minds work.

With Stan Franklin, he also published research on Multi-layer Cortical Learning Algorithms (CLA). CLAs are an attempt by Numenta to create a computational model of perceptual analysis and learning inspired by the neocortex in the brain. In its current state only an implementation of one isolated region has been completed. The goal of the paper is to test if adding a second higher level region implementing CLAs to a system with just one region of CLAs, helps in improving the prediction accuracy of the system. The LIDA model can use such a hierarchical implementation of CLAs for its Perceptual Associative Memory.

In 2015 Pulin, together with Stan Franklin, coedited and published research about Estimating Human Movements Using Memory of Errors. This research was inspired by a study in neuroscience described in A Memory of Errors in Sensorimotor Learning.

Briefly, Pulin joined Intelletic Trading Systems in 2016 as a Research Consultant, providing consulting on the prediction algorithm of futures trading systems and utilized a model inspired from computations in the brain for predictions. This system is trading live.

He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2019 and his Master’s Degree in Applied Computer Science in 2013 from The University of Memphis. Before coming to Memphis, he graduated from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University in India, where he earned his Bachelor’s Degree of Technology in Computer Science in 2011.

Pulin is also an attendee of the 12th International Conference AGI 2019 in Shenzhen, China, and coeditor of Artificial General Intelligence: 12th International Conference, AGI 2019, Shenzhen, China, August 6–9, 2019, Proceedings.

His latest work Sensory Memory For Grounded Representations in a Cognitive Architecture, was presented and published in 2018 at the Sixth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems.

Visit his LinkedIn profile, dblp page, ResearchGate profile, Semantic Scholar page, and his Google Scholar page. Follow him on Facebook, Pinterest, GitHub, and Twitter.