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Professor Pier Luigi Capucci

Pier Luigi Capucci is professor at the University of Urbino, at the SUPSI — University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, at the NABA in Milan, and in other institutions. He has been professor at the Universities of Rome “La Sapienza” Bologna and Florence. Since 2008 he has been working as a supervisor in the M-Node Ph.D. Research Programme of the Planetary Collegium (University of Plymouth).

Since the early 80s he has been concerned with communication’s technologies and with the relationships among arts, sciences, and technologies. His theoretical activity is concerned with idioms, techniques and technologies of representation and communication in the communication and art realms, and with the technoscience-based art forms. In the field of applied research he works on the opportunities of social relationships raised by online communications and new media.

Pier Luigi has published over 300 texts in books, magazines, and conference papers. His books include “Realtà del virtuale” (Reality of the virtual, 1993), on virtual technologies and the relationships between culture and sensorial representations; “Il corpo tecnologico” (The technological body, 1994), on the impact of technologies on the human body; and “Arte e tecnologie” (Art and technologies, 1996), about arts, sciences, and technologies. Read the full list of his publications!

In 2000, he founded Noema, a web magazine devoted to culture-sciences-technologies interrelations and influences, which he is the director of. Read his LinkedIn profile. Follow his Twitter feed.