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Glen Hiemstra, M.S.

Glen Hiemstra, M.S. is the founder and owner of An internationally respected futurist, He has advised professional, business, and governmental organizations for two decades. His latest book is Turning the Future into Revenue: What Business and Individuals Need to Know to Shape Their Futures Previously he coauthored Strategic Leadership: Achieving Your Preferred Future. He is the author of Beyond 2020 : The Shape of Things to Come, available in Audio CD or Audio Cassette and of the innovative Amazon download Driving in 2020: Commuting Meets Computing. : An article from: The Futurist.

Glen is a popular speaker who focuses on emerging trends in science, technology, economics, demographics, energy, the environment, and transportation. An expert in preferred future planning, He goes beyond simple trend analysis to discuss the opportunity that we have to shape the future.

Over the years he has worked with many leading companies including Microsoft, Boeing, Hewlett Packard, Ernst & Young, PaineWebber, ShareBuilder, and Novartis.

Glen has also served as a technical advisor for futuristic television programs. He has worked with Steven Bochco Productions and is presently consulting on programs that are in development. He has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, US News & World Report, The Futurist, and the Los Angeles Times.

In a first career, he was an award-winning educator at Whitworth College and serves as a Visiting Scholar at the Human Interface Technology Lab at the University of Washington, which works on virtual and augmented reality technology.

Glen was educated at Whitworth College, the University of Oregon, and the University of Washington. He lives in Kirkland, Washington with his wife Tracie. They have three adult children.

Watch Glen’s very popular 2000 speech Beyond 2020 that he delivered at the University of Washington and is replayed periodically on regional and national television. Watch his 15 minute Keynote Sample Video. Listen to him on Web Talk Radio. Read Friday Forward: A Chat with a Futurist in U.S. News. Read the article relies on trends, not predictions.

Read his LinkedIn profile.