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Eamon Everall, MA., Cert Ed., MifL.

Eamon Everall, MA., Cert Ed., MifL. is an English artist and educator. He was one of the 12 founder members of the Stuckists art group. He paints in a “neo-cubist” style, with subjects from life worked on over a long period.

Eamon creates vivid compositions incorporating elements of neo-cubism. He mostly works from life and observation, although there is considerable interpretation in the end result.

Some of his paintings may take several years to complete, as changes are made and the composition revised over many layers. He is also technically knowledgeable, studying theories of “paint chemistry, technique, history of art, composition and the perceptual process. I consider such knowledge an essential part of the painter’s method.”

He goes on Buddhist meditation retreats, and this can inform his work: the idea for the painting The Gift came to him “in a flash” during one. He refrains from talking about the meaning of the painting, as it “works on a number of different levels. I’m trying to create paintings which can be revisited time and time again, so the viewer finds a growing set of meanings and sensations.”

As well as producing paintings and related 2D art work, Eamon also creates 3D works which range from small palm sized ceramic pieces to large outdoor stone sculpture. He won a commission for a Millennium sculpture in East London.

View his Facebook page. Explore his paintings. Read his Wikipedia profile.