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Ben Reytblat, MS

Ben Reytblat, MS is CEO at CE Dev (Cost Effective Development, Corp.).

CE Dev works to significantly reduce the cost of development by 40 percent, while reducing risk.

They focused on reducing the cost and reducing risk, even during the Internet bubble when it wasn’t the “in” thing to do! They believe that there is an important — an integral — place for development, but that the development is not the end goal. The end goal is your business and the technology is there to support it. You have a business that you need to run profitably and that means you need to use your revenue as wisely and efficiently as possible.

Ben was previously CEO at Quadrix Solutions, Consultant at Bell Atlantic / Verizon, Consultant at Verizon, President at BRT Inc., Consultant at Salomon Brothers, Member of Technical Staff at ATT Bell Labs, MTS at AT&T, and Information Systems Staff Member at Western Electric Co.

Ben earned his BS in Math at the University of Illinois in 1980. He earned his MS in Computer Science at Rutgers University in 1986.

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