Ann Feeney, CAE
Ann Feeney, CAE is Manager, Research and Planning, YMCA of the USA, and Member, Association of Professional Futurists.
Ann is a researcher, evaluator, and futurist for the national headquarters of the YMCA of the USA. Her job is helping the local and national organizations make the best decisions possible.
In her work, she
- Writes trends reports
- Designs and executes evaluation projects
- Reviews external literature to identify and disseminate relevant information, innovation, and best practices
- Supports knowledge management practices and planning
- Supervises some of the best staff in the known universe
“How can nonprofits demonstrate their impact and effectiveness? How can they create cultures of continual improvement? How can they make decisions based on data and foresight?What’s a futurist? To quote the Association of Professional Futurists, ‘Futurists explore the future to anticipate and prepare for change in order to make better decisions today…futures studies is about goals, purposes, and where we are going and how we get there.’”
Ann earned her B.A. at Carleton College in 1991 and her Masters in Information and Library Science at Dominican University in 1993.
Listen to Interview with a Futurist: Ann Feeney #1.