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Dr. Angelika Domschke

Angelika Domschke, Ph.D. is an accomplished, dynamic, and creative Research and Development leader with 20 years of experience, at the forefront of innovation in the design and implementation of novel materials and products for major International medical device companies and startups (Alcon, Novartis, Eye Sense AG, BioCure Inc.).

She holds a Ph.D. degree in polymer chemistry and has extensive expertise in program management, from concept to product launch. She has been awarded 26 patents, which generated significant revenue encompassing medical devices, sensors, and implants, as well as materials test methods.

Angelika serves as a Mentor at the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) at Georgia Tech, which is established as the oldest and most experienced university-affiliated technology incubator in the country.

Her vocation utilizes the full spectrum of integrated complimentary medicine. She pioneered the development of multimedia children’s fairy tales that combine engaging story telling with Guided Imagery and affirmative children songs to educate and support children’s health. Learn about her book How Nicky Kicks His cold.

She is currently a graduate student in the rapidly emerging and growing field of Integrated Energy Medicine at the White Winds Institute in Georgia, where she deepens and broadens her understanding of physiochemistry and mind-body relationships, which increasingly translates to significant health benefits for individuals worldwide.

Angelika’s patents and patent applications include Ophthalmic Lenses Modified with Functional Groups and Methods of Making Thereof, Prepolymers Suitable for Making Ultra-Violet Absorbing Contact Lenses, Polyurethanes Made from Polysiloxane/Polyol Macromers, Reflection hologram sensor in contact lens, Porous hydrogels, Method of creating ophthalmic lenses using modulated energy, and Cell Growth Substrate Hydrogels.

She was previously Independent Technology & Innovation Consultant, Medical Devices & Diagnostics, Medical Technologies at Alcon Laboratories; Head of Advanced Polymer Research Group, Global Research at CIBA Vision; Head of Research & Development, Specialty Lens Business Unit at CIBA Vision; Head of Material Science Group, Diagnostic Lens Business Unit at CIBA Vision; Technical Project Manager at Novartis, CIBA Vision; and Head of Polymers for Biosystems Laboratory, Central Research Laboratories at Ciba-Geigy.

Angelika earned her Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry at Universität Hamburg in 1993. She served as invited speaker at the 2013 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting Health Disparities: Innovative Approaches to Improved Health Sickle Cell Disease Pain Management for Children.

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