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Roderick Jones, B.A., M.Phil.

Roderick Jones, B.A., M.Phil. is Vice President of Concentric Solutions International, a security consultancy with offices in Seattle, San Francisco, and Washington DC. Prior to this he served for eight years as a detective with Scotland Yard’s Special Branch (recently renamed to the Counter-Terrorism Command). In this role he became highly familiar with terrorist methodology and behavior.

Since 2005, he has been conducting independent research into the potential misuse of virtual communities by terrorists and the “virtualization of terrorism”. He has published some of his thoughts regarding this subject on the Counterterrorism Blog, where he is a contributing expert.

Roderick authored MetaTerror: The Potential Use of MMORPGs by Terrorists, Avatar Afterlife, Meta-Terror Panel in DC, How to Prevent Anti-Social Behavior in Online Social-Networks, and coauthored Jihadinets.

Roderick earned his Master’s degree in medieval history from Cambridge University and conducted PhD research into intelligence and security policy at both London University and UC Berkeley — which remains a work in progress.

Read Event Transcript and Related Links: “Meta-Terror: Terrorism and the Virtual World” and Does Al-Qaeda need a Second Life?. Read the blog MetaSecurity: Security of Virtual Worlds.