Dr. Paul Vogt
Paul Vogt, Ph.D. is Researcher, Independent Scientist, and Guest Researcher, Induction of Linguistic Knowledge group of the Communication and Information Sciences department, Tilburg University. He is currently living in Mozambique, where he is finishing work on the European project New Emerging World models Through Individual, Evolutionary and Social learning (NEW TIES).
His main interest is studying the origins and evolution of language using AI techniques, such as robotics, multi-agent simulations, and mathematical modeling. Within this broad field, his research focuses on language acquisition, symbol grounding, emergence of compositionality, and cultural dynamics. He designed the THSim v4.0.3: The Talking Heads simulation tool. This simulation toolkit has been designed to study some aspects of language evolution computationally. He has been tutoring various courses on modeling language evolution at international conferences and various universities, and has been active in organizing various workshops in the field.
Paul authored many articles on his research, including Variation, competition and selection in the self-organization of compositionality, Language evolution and robotics: Issues in symbol grounding and language acquisition, Group size effects on the emergence of compositional structures in language, Cumulative cultural evolution: Can we ever learn more?, Meaning development versus predefined meanings in language evolution models, and Minimum cost and the emergence of the Zipf-Mandelbrot law, and coauthored Social Learning in Population-based Adaptive Systems and A hybrid model for learning word-meaning mappings. Read the full list of his publications!
Paul earned his MSc in Cognitive Science and Engineering (currently called Artificial Intelligence) at the University of Groningen in 1997 with the thesis A Perceptual Grounded Self-Organizing Lexicon in Robotic Agents and his Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence at the Artificial Intelligence Lab, Brussels, Belgium in 2000 with the thesis Lexicon Grounding on Mobile Robots.
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