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Patrick Tucker, M.A.

Patrick Tucker, M.A. is the senior editor of The Futurist, an international consumer magazine about social and technological trends, available on newsstands coast to coast. He’s been quoted as an expert on the future in such publications as The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The Globe and Mail (Toronto), Elle Canada, The Edmonton Journal, Ottawa Citizen, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Vancouver Sun, Calgary Herald, Halifax Daily News, Victoria Times Colonist, Nanaimo Daily News, Winnipeg Free Press, Windsor Star,, and Smart and has been a guest on such radio networks and programs as WTOP in Washington, the Dave Rutherford Show (770 CHQR Canada) The World Today and the Christy Clark show (980 CKNW Canada), and the Joan Hamburg (710 WOR New York).

Among the many influential futurists and experts who have contributed to The Futurist are: Gene Roddenberry… Newt Gingrich… Al Gore… Alvin and Heidi Toffler … Buckminster Fuller… Frederik Pohl… Isaac Asimov… Vaclav Havel… Hazel Henderson… Margaret Mead… Robert McNamara… B.F. Skinner… Nicholas Negroponte… Helena Norberg-Hodge… Arthur C. Clarke… Ray Kurzweil… David Walker… Edward Luttwak… and James Woolsey.

Patrick also serves as the director of communications for the World Future Society, publisher of The Futurist, a scientific organization based outside of Washington DC.

In addition, Patrick is also an accomplished fiction-writer, winner of the Barry Hannah Prize in short fiction and finalist for the 2004 One Story short story competition. He holds a master’s degree in writing from Johns Hopkins and his short stories have appeared in such literary journals as The Yalobusha Review, Main Street Rag, Touchstone, and the speculative fiction anthology Beacons of Tomorrow.

His articles include: Whither, Western Civilization?: Interview with Lewis Lapham, The Singularity and Human Destiny featuring Ray Kurzweil, edited by Patrick Tucker, Interview with former CIA director Robert James Woolsey on Peak Oil from Energy Bulletin, and The AI Chasers: Interviews: MIT roboticist Rodney Brooks, Adaptive A.I. Inc. founder Peter Voss, Self-Aware Systems founder Steve Omohundro, Powerset CEO Barney Pell, and Google research director Peter Norvig discuss how they see AI developing in the years ahead, when a human-level AI might emerge, and how worried we should be about that whole killer-robot-goes-on-rampage scenario.

He also wrote The Nanotech Gold Rush, Genetic Ethics and “Superbabies”: Drawing the line between preventing ailments and bestowing genetic advantage, Review of Beyond AI by J. Storrs Hall, Neuron-Microchip interface, and Speculative Fiction: Labor Day.

Patrick earned his M.A. in writing from Johns Hopkins University.