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Kamil Muzyka, M.S.

Kamil Muzyka, M.S. is the Coeditor of Law and Space – Space Law (Prawo I Kosmos — Prawo Kosmiczne), and Member of the Polish Astrobiological Society and the Polish Science Fantasy Foundation. He is an ISRU educator, Futurist, and TEDx Speaker. He is researching the legal, political, and technological aspects of the extraction, processing, and use of space raw materials and conditions such as microgravity.

Kamil’s main research interest is in legal and political aspects of the use of synthetic organisms in space, legal and technological aspects of solving the problem of space debris, legal aspects of the operation of artificial intelligence and robots in public spaces, home spaces, and workplaces, and industrial property issues in the context of transformative actions of new communication and manufacturing technologies.

Kamil has been the National Point of contact for Poland at the Space Generation Advisory Council since 2017. The Council is in support of the United Nations Programme on Space Application (SGAC). It is a non-governmental organization which represents students and young space professionals to the United Nations, space agencies, industry, and academia. SGAC has permanent observer status in the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).

SGAC has a long history and was conceived at the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Space (UNISPACE-III) in Vienna in 1999. The SGAC Executive Council is made up of representatives from each of the 6 UN regions, and has a larger body of representatives from nation states.

Kamil has been Legal Assistant at the Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego (Polish Civil Aviation Office) since 2017. This is a body of the Government Administration in civil aviation matters.

Kamil earned his Master’s Degree of Science in Industrial Property Law in 2011 at the University of Management and Entrepreneurship (WSZiP) where he also interned for two years in their legal office.

Since 2010, Kamil has been a Freelance Translator and since 2012, a Prior Arts Researcher working on documentation for inventions applications. Between 2014 and 2019, he was a Doctoral Student at the Polska Akademia Nauk (PAN) in the field of Industrial Property Law. In order to work in the Space Industry, Kamil became Legal Specialist for the Economics team at the Copernicus Space Camp.

In 2013 and until 2015, he was a Scientist and Intern at IEET working on Transhuman Legal Studies and research. The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET) is a nonprofit think tank which promotes ideas about how technological progress can increase freedom, happiness, and human flourishing in democratic societies.

Between 2014 and 2016, Kamil was Legal Advisor at TRED Laboratories and Modular Analog Research Station. He worked on Space Law Models among other things.

Kamil is a Transhumanist, Futurist, and Asteroid mining activist among other things. He discusses these topics at conference lectures, scientific seminars, interviews, and popular science lectures. He established the Polish Transhumanist Association and provides knowledge to journalists, popularizers, and science fiction writers (including Marcin Przybyłek, Arkady Saulski, and Marcin Podlewski).

Watch Can we save the Earth by going off-world?

Read How much can a robot be kissed, i.e. a dispute about the meaning of existence. Read IPP Instytut Polityk Publicznych Interview with Kamil.

Follow Kamil’s Contributions at Strategy and Future and ACADEMIA.

Visit his LinkedIn profile, ResearchGate profile, and Science Advocates (Rzecznicy Nauki) profile. Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, Google Scholar, and Twitter.