Jason J. Dunn, M.S.
Jason J. Dunn, M.S. is President and Cofounder at Made in Space, Inc. and Project Engineer at Moon Express.
Jason’s life goal is to help settle the space frontier. Humanity cannot remain a one planet species forever and he strongly believes that by learning how to colonize space we will simultaneously solve many more of humanity’s “Grand Challenges” here on Earth. By training he is a Rocket Scientist with a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in aerospace engineering.
During the summer of 2008 he cofounded the Omega Envoy Project, the only student formed and led team competing in the Google Lunar X PRIZE, The purpose is to give students the unique opportunity to design, build, and fly real space missions. This project was the beginning of his interest in participatory exploration, primarily to find new ways to engage and excite the public about space exploration. He is now very interested in DIY Space Exploration. Soon enough we can all explore space on our own and Jason can hardly wait!
He spent the summer of 2010 as a graduate summer program student at Singularity University at NASA Ames. He studied the accelerating technological advancements in the fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and information which has given him a skill set of understanding the likely advancements of technologies in the next couple decades. Specifically he focussed on how these technologies will impact the space industry and while at the program cofounded Made in Space, Inc. a company aimed at in situ manufacturing in space utilizing 3D printing technologies.
These days you can find him in Mountain View, California at NASA Ames Research Center working with Moon Express, a lunar data and delivery services company.
Jason earned his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Central Florida in 2007. He earned his M.S. in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Central Florida in 2009 with the thesis On The Nature Of The Flow In A Separated Annular Diffuser. He graduated Singularity University in 2010.
Watch One Small Step For A Smart Phone and How I Spent My Summer Vacation. Read his LinkedIn profile, his Quora profile, his Singularity University profile, and his TED profile. Watch his YouTube channel. Read his blog.