
Lifeboat News #83


Lifeboat News

This issue published on 06/01/09. Copyright 2009 Lifeboat Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

WorldFuture 2009

Our WorldFuture 2009 lineup has been improved to include Craig Bettles, Peter Bishop, Arthur L. Caplan, Joseph F. Coates, José Cordeiro, William Crossman, Irene J. Dabrowski, Jay Gary, Jerome C. Glenn, Theodore J. Gordon, Terry Grim, Linda Groff, Arthur Harkins, Don Heathfield, Jay Herson, Bud Levin, Thomas J. Lombardo, Bruce Lloyd, Gary Marx, Diana Muir, Amy Oberg, Ian D. Pearson, Rick Smyre, Stephen F. Steele, Don Tapscott, and Michael G. Zey.
Learn more at

Human-Nonhuman Relationship Board

Denise L. Herzing and Lori Marino have cofounded our new Human-Nonhuman Relationship Board. This board focuses on current and future planetary conditions that impact non-human species.
The Human-Nonhuman Relationship Board discusses scientific and ethical considerations in human-nonhuman relationships and the interdependence and preservation at the individual, population, species, and cultural levels. This board will be enhancing our BioPreserver program to make sure that cultures of nonhumans are preserved as well as preserving their genetic material.
Learn about Denise at Learn about Lori at


Jim Davidson joins our blog team with the post "Microbe on Ice" at
Michael Dickey joins our blog team with the post "Electron Beam Free Form Fabrication process - progress toward self sustaining structures" at
Tihamer "Tee" Toth-Fejel joins our blog team with the post "Be Careful What You Wish For" at

Growing Membership

Recent donations/pledges we have received since the last newsletter:
Google: $450, Sergio M.L. Tarrero: $170, Michael Anissimov: $85, Eric Bauswell: $85, Michael Dickey: $85, Michael Haislip: $85, Jason Gaverick Matheny: $85, Philippe Van Nedervelde: $85, Kenneth P. Weiss: $85, C M Anderson: $25, Rick Hubbard: $25, Alan R. Light: $25, Matthew L. McGuirl: $25, Peter Murray: $25, Anonymous: $20, Ronald Amos: $10, Alexander Braitberg: $10, Stephen Fleming: $10, Christopher Dilkus: $10, Thomas Dolphin: $10, Sylvia Engdahl: $10, George Garrett: $10, Joseph P. Jackson III: $10, Linus Petersson: $10, and John N. Philipps (Jack): $10.
Our Join Us page at now allows you to pay for your membership anywhere from monthly to every ten years.