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(( Q 4 ))

The facts of the case:

           In our days, there are many people don’t care for anything is not for them and they don’t care for the work place. Many people steal money from the place and they always say nobody can see us or the owner has a lot of money so we can get some. In addition, something they deserve more than they have so they steal money.

My conclusions:

           In this case we need some save the money in our work place, don’t be the reason for losing it. The government needs to do something with this case and the owners too. People have to scare about other’s money because others will save them money.

Future environment:

           In the future I wish people like what they have and the level which they are in without trying to be better with wrong ways.

Future scenario:

            By helping from the workers and everybody in the work place we will stop this case and save the world’s money while we are putting our hands on each others.