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The facts of the case:
under construction
        The case that I discussed with my group was about a company that wanted to stop hiring smokers. They made it a rule that you couldn't smoke around the company, but wanted them to stop smoking at home too. They would give them 15 months to stop smoking any way they would like with all expenses paid. Some of the employees refused to follow the rule so they fired they.
My conclusions:
      My conclusion is the company made a big leap to try to stop people in their company from smoking. They were looking out for the employees health. Also a company has the right to set their own ethical codes. If they give you the time and pay for the person to break the habit then I believe it is ethical. If someone does not want to follow that one rule then they have the right to fire them. 
Future environment:
        The way our world is headed no company will be able to fire someone for smoking. In the future people will file a complaint because they are discriminating against smokers. It is a companies right to make any ethical rule or any rule they want if they believe it right. I believe that a companies rights will not change in the future so peoples rights should stay reasonable too.
Future scenario:
        In the future, smoking could no longer be an issue. If you look at statistics today they show that the rate of new smokers is going down and more smokers are quitting each day. With all the smoking awareness adds and the price of  cigarettes going up I believe in a future scenario they will not have to make this rule. If they do not have to worry about people smoking the company will not waste money to pay for people to stop. Also the company will not have to fire someone for refusing to follow that ethical rule. In a future scenario I believe smoking will not be as big of an issue as it is today.

Latest revision as of 13:52, 7 March 2013

under construction