Mark Larkento – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 18 Nov 2019 13:32:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 I Lived To Tell About It | War & Pierce | Playing For Change | Live Outside Sun, 17 Nov 2019 23:02:28 +0000

We are proud to share with you a new video featuring our friends War & Pierce performing their original song, “I Lived To Tell About It,” live outside in Los Angeles. Turn it up and remember we are stronger than any obstacle or challenge we may face. Together, we will persevere in love and peace.

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Playing For Change (PFC) is a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music, born from the shared belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people. The primary focus of PFC is to record and film musicians performing in their natural environments and combine their talents and cultural power in innovative videos called Songs Around The World. Creating these videos motivated PFC to form the Playing For Change Band—a tangible, traveling representation of its mission, featuring musicians met along their journey; and establish the Playing For Change Foundation—a separate 501©3 nonprofit organization dedicated to building music and art schools for children around the world. Through these efforts, Playing For Change aims to create hope and inspiration for the future of our planet.

Tours: I went to Taliesin West In Scottsdale, though I think Of it as Phoenix With my so, Jerry Sun, 17 Nov 2019 07:42:57 +0000

Taliesin Preservation offers a variety of tours of the Taliesin estate in Spring Green, Wisconsin. These tours are designed for every level of interest. Booking tours in advance is strongly recommended. Tours often sell out, so book well in advance of your preferred tour date. Walk-ins are accommodated with space permitting.

There’s battle lines being drawn Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong Young people speaking their minds Getting so much resistance from behind Thu, 14 Nov 2019 21:22:37 +0000

There’s battle lines being drawn.

Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind

It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound.
Everybody look what’s going down ”

Not near Reno, still, the connections spiritual and technical are available Wed, 13 Nov 2019 23:42:40 +0000

Just sayin…

Global Citizenship — Uniting Humanity in the Transhuman Era Mon, 11 Nov 2019 13:23:41 +0000

By transhumanism australia and future faqtory

Thu., 21 November 2019 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm AEDT.

Featuring Sam Barton.

Die transhumanistische Bewegung Mon, 11 Nov 2019 13:23:08 +0000

Global citizenship — uniting humanity in the transhuman era.

Der so genannte Transhumanismus strebt eine Verbesserung der menschlichen Biologie durch Technik und/oder genetische Eingriffe an. Er beginnt sich in aller Welt auszubreiten, auch organisatorisch/politisch. Seine Anhänger sind keine weltfremden Sektierer, sondern oft hoch dekorierte Wissenschaftler an staatlich geförderten Instituten. Es mag zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch übertrieben klingen zu behaupten: Die zentrale künftige Streitfrage quer durch alle politischen Lager wird die nach der technologischen „Optimierung “des Menschen sein. Ein Blick in das Mind-Set des Transhumanismus.

”Innerhalb von 30 Jahren werden wir die Technologie für superhumane Intelligenz besitzen. Kurz danach wird die Ära des Menschen enden.” (Vernor Vinge, Transhumanist, Mathematiker und Computerwissenschaftler in seinem Essay „The Coming Technological Singularity ”im Jahr 1993)

Der Transhumanismus geht um in der Welt, auf leisen Sohlen noch, vielerorts kaum wahrgenommen. Wer jedoch die Ohren spitzt, wachsam ist und ein Bewusstsein für dieses Phänomen entwickelt, kann ihm auf Schritt und Tritt begegnen. Er manifestiert sich überall dort, wo der Mensch seine angestammte Natur verlässt oder zu ändern trachtet, um seine eigene Identität zu finden. Genau genommen sind sogar beispielsweise Homosexualität (sexuelle Selbstbestimmung) und die heute um sich greifenden Tätowierungen und Piercings (morphologische Selbstbestimmung) bereits als Transhumanismus zu begreifen.

David Pearce — Foundational Values for the Future — What is God’s Utility Function? Sun, 10 Nov 2019 14:22:30 +0000

“What foundational values need to be in place for an ethical utilitronium shockwave?”

What foundational values need to be in place for an ethical utilitronium shockwave?
We discuss:
- (following on from a previous video) more on Nozick’s experience machines (see
- given that in each age there has been different conceptions of utopia, what would utopia be for a post-human superintelligence?
- classical utilitarian vs negative utilitarian approaches to the long term good of life in the universe.
- whether a perfect decision theory would be equal to negative utilitarianism.
- how much attention should we give to preferences in improving well-being beyond eliminating suffering?
- if one does believe in the objectivity of value should we be concerned about being damned in a local maximum of well-being?
- what is God’s utility function? #ethics #utilitarianism #futurology

Filmed inside the Melbourne Museum in Victoria, Australia.

David Pearce is interested in the use of biotechnology to abolish suffering throughout the living world:

David Pearce — Experience Machines and Hedonic Treadmills Tue, 05 Nov 2019 13:02:30 +0000

“…consider Robert Nozick’s thought-experiment in conjunction with Felipe De Brigard’s inverse experience machine argument: “If you like it, does it matter if it’s real?”

Does Nozick’s experience machine prove anything?

Perhaps consider Robert Nozick’s thought-experiment in conjunction with Felipe De Brigard’s inverse experience machine argument: “If you like it, does it matter if it’s real?”

For sure, many subjects say they wouldn’t plug into Nozick’s Experience Machine; but conversely, many of these same respondents claim they wouldn’t want to unplug from an Experience Machine if told their existing lives were based on a lie. In short, maybe what is really being measured is not simply our (lack of) commitment to hedonism or realism, but rather status quo bias.

Even self-avowed classical utilitarians may balk on realising what their own ethics entails.

David Pearce –The Anatomy of Happiness Sat, 02 Nov 2019 15:22:28 +0000

David Pearce — The Anatomy of Happiness

“While researching epilepsy, neuroscientist Itzhak Fried stumbled on a ‘mirth’ center in the brain — given this, what ought we be doing to combat extreme suffering and promote wellbeing?”

David Pearce — The Anatomy of Happiness… While researching epilepsy, neuroscientist Itzhak Fried stumbled on a ‘mirth’ center in the brain — given this, what ought we be doing to combat extreme suffering and promote wellbeing?

If one finds oneself viscerally hostile to the idea of universal happiness, and if by contemporary standards one falls within the statistically normal range in one’s emotional repertoire, then just how seriously should one contemplate the following possibility? Today we are the victims of what our successors will reckon an atavistic mood disorder. This disorder infects all our thoughts as well as all our feelings and volitions. It is a historical condition no less epistemically defective than are dream-psychoses from the perspective of the waking state.

Is the worry one might be locked in such an affective psychosis just the product of idle scepticism? Given the cognitive inaccessibility of most of the generically ecstatic states alluded to here, perhaps one wouldn’t know if one were so afflicted. After all, damaged and disfigured minds may have limited self-insight. Nor would one necessarily have the conceptual resources even to grasp what was at stake if one suffered from such a neural deficit. Pure, “unearned”, genetically-driven bliss of even the mildest flavour detracted from the inclusive fitness of one’s genes in the ancestral environment. Constitutionally happy freaks-of-nature got eaten or outbred. Hence unipolar euphoric mania today is vanishingly rare; unipolar melancholic depression and chronic dysthymia are all too common. Is one’s potential unease, if not revulsion, at the prospect of paradise-on-earth an incidental cultural by-product of natural selection? Or has selection pressure ensured that one is genetically predisposed to be biased against the idea of enduring bliss in the first instance?

Boudica was flogged and her daughters raped Wed, 30 Oct 2019 01:22:39 +0000

There is no comprise with the patriarchy.
