Gerd Leonhard – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 03 Apr 2020 08:03:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Invitation: The Future of Work — PostCorona Futures, Free Digital Conference April 9 5pm Sydney time Fri, 03 Apr 2020 08:03:25 +0000 Greetings everyone, I am running a very unique digital conference time-slotted for participants in Asia, AUS, NZ etc on April 9, 5pm Sydney time, see details below, with 2 very well known Futurist colleagues, Ross Dawson and Shara Evans, on the Future of Work. We are using the Zoom platform again, and have room for up to 500 people; right now we’re at 280 signups but it’s filling up quickly so please sign up soonest:)

Please review the event details here, or here.

Some more related resources:

Archives of previous online shows

***** New: short film on impact of covid9

Read my take on the covid19 crisis

new resource hub on PostCorona Futures

Join our free Digital Conference on ‘The Future of Business’ March 26 6pm CET Sat, 21 Mar 2020 11:44:31 +0000
Futurists Anton Musgrave, Gerd Leonhard, Liselotte Lygnso, KD Adamson

Greetings everyone! The Futures Agency (my company) recently launched the new digital conference series which is generating huge interest from around the globe; the last one had 650 signups and 330 people attending. Not only are these events utterly needed and appreciated as we are all fighting the lock-downs, loss of income and many other consequences of covid19, I think that online conferencing will be a huge business, going forward . We are currently using the amazing platform for our events, but are investigating many other ones as well, such as Vimeo Live, Crowdcast and Lifestorm.  I think we won’t ever give up meeting each other in real-life but online meetings and conferences will certainly become the new normal.
So join me for our next event, details below (Zoom direct sign-up is here)
We must keep meeting, learning and collaborating - if we fail to adapt we will fail to exist:)

Greetings from Zürich and stay well!!

Gerd Leonhard 

Futurist & Humanist, Keynote Speaker Author of “Technology vs. Humanity”

Zurich, Switzerland  Youtube: 
