Alan R. Light – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 27 Dec 2022 17:23:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lost Roman Map has ATLANTIS at Eye of Sahara Africa! (Richat Structure) Tue, 27 Dec 2022 17:23:39 +0000

This video gives an interesting theory as to where the lost city of Atlantis was (a location known today as the Eye of the Sahara), and it seems to be a pretty reasonable conjecture. What is relevant to this group however is how it might have been destroyed by a tsunami caused by a massive landslide in the Mediterranean — which is especially notable because the location is a great distance away from the Mediterranean, yet the evidence points to such a tsunami flooding a path all the way across Africa to the Atlantic, regardless of whether the city of Atlantis was in that path.

I think of our interconnected world today and wonder what would happen if such an unexpected event were to happen now, targeting a region that was in some way or another vital to modern civilization (such as with a concentration of all talent in an important field) without any suitable alternatives available.

This is one reason why I think it is dangerous to rely on trade networks that stretch to the opposite side of the earth for vital sectors such as food or energy.

Astonishing *NEW* details have been uncovered involving the Lost Ancient City of Atlantis, and the Eye of The Sahara. These details are so significant that the Richat Structure should without a doubt, be considered the most likely location of the lost capital city of Atlantis.

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Sensor breakthrough paves way for groundbreaking map of world under Earth surface Thu, 24 Feb 2022 14:23:19 +0000

This looks interesting.

If it can detect underground structures, not only might it detect tunnels, but it might make tunneling easier.

An object hidden below ground has been located using quantum technology—a long-awaited milestone with profound implications for industry, human knowledge and national security.

University of Birmingham researchers from the UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Timing have reported their achievement in Nature. It is the first in the world for a quantum gravity gradiometer outside of laboratory conditions.

The quantum gravity gradiometer, which was developed under a contract for the Ministry of Defense and in the UKRI-funded Gravity Pioneer project, was used to find a tunnel buried outdoors in real-world conditions one meter below the ground surface. It wins an international race to take the technology outside.

This scientist busts myths about how humans burn calories—and why Fri, 18 Feb 2022 12:22:24 +0000

Some interesting new information on how humans use energy and why exercise is not necessarily useful for losing weight (though it can help prevent gaining weight in the first place and of course is good for health).

I’m still curious why I accidentally lost about 30 pounds without intending to while I was eating probably twice as much as normal when I spent three months at the South Pole (2007–08). Did the cold increase my brown fat and my metabolism? Did it have something to do with unpolluted air and water? Was it a difference in the food, most of which was from New Zealand? Was it the high altitude (equivalent to about 10,500 feet at the equator)? Did the roughly 30 pounds of extra clothing I wore every day somehow trigger weight loss to “maintain” my previous weight? Something else?

As this example shows, there is still a great deal we can learn about these questions which are crucial to maintaining human health.

The work of evolutionary anthropologist Herman Pontzer shows why humans are the fattest, highest energy apes.

Understanding just how big solar flares can get Wed, 29 Sep 2021 11:22:36 +0000

Not sure if this is new or not. We all know about the Carrington event, but it looks like tree rings reveal a number of much more massive events in the past 10,000 years — perhaps 10 times as strong as the Carrington event, perhaps 100 times or more. (This particular article only references the lower estimates.)

Recasting the iconic Carrington Event as just one of many superstorms in Earth’s past, scientists reveal the potential for even more massive, and potentially destructive, eruptions from the Sun.

A residue-free approach to water disinfection using catalytic in situ generation of reactive oxygen species Mon, 05 Jul 2021 09:22:20 +0000

Despite its biocidal properties, the use of hydrogen peroxide is still limited in the context of water disinfection. Here an approach is disclosed based on the generation of H2O2 in situ by means of an AuPd catalyst, which can compete with chlorination methods by generating a highly reactive radical flux.

New high-tech spray-on coating can make buildings, cars, and even spaceships cooler Sun, 24 Jan 2021 16:22:15 +0000

This coating might prove useful for several sorts of applications.

Managing temperatures in particularly hot and sunny climates can be very difficult even today. You can use air conditioning to displace the heat from inside structures and vehicles, but it sucks up so much power and can generate pollution that ultimately makes temperature problems even worse.

Geothermal discovery could launch green revolution for energy industry Fri, 15 Jan 2021 15:23:07 +0000

Good to see that geothermal is finally starting to be rolled out — this time in Canada.

A small company in Saskatchewan is building what could become Canada’s first geothermal power plant, which could launch a green revolution for the energy industry and the people who work in it.

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Elon Musk restarts Tesla factory in defiance of county orders Tue, 12 May 2020 06:43:49 +0000

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said Monday that the company’s factory in Fremont, California is open and has restarted production despite a stay-at-home order issued by Alameda County.

Musk said in tweet Monday afternoon that he will “be on the line,” a reference to the assembly line at the factory where Tesla makes the Model X, Model S, Model 3 and Model Y. He added “if anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me.”

Tesla is restarting production today against Alameda County rules. I will be on the line with everyone else. If anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me.

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Think of coronavirus as a test run: Australian military leaders warn we must prepare for worse Wed, 29 Apr 2020 10:42:18 +0000

An interesting article from Australia.

Australia is in an unusual situation, being at once potentially extremely self-reliant and in practice extremely vulnerable to disruptions in international trade.

Whereas disruptions could come from any one of many types of natural disasters or due to politics, I am glad to see that the Australians are seriously considering what it would require to maintain their civilization in the face of disruptions.

Only two or three generations ago most people were more or less self-reliant, and could have continued for years if trade had been cut off with discomfort but no serious threat to civilization itself. Regional scale natural disasters are not so uncommon that we shouldn’t expect at least one every few centuries, yet it seems our global civilization has somehow sleepwalked its way into a state of fragility in which a moderate disruption can threaten civilization everywhere.

I am glad that Australia is looking into ways to maintain essential services in the event of such disruptions, but hope they can resist the urge for heavy-handed central control which creates more problems than it solves. I expect and hope that governments all around the world are currently examining their own vulnerabilities and considering how to mitigate them.

We might be thankful for the current pandemic exposing these vulnerabilities in a way that does not seriously threaten civilization itself. Hopefully we will all learn from it.

A confidential report commissioned by the Department of Defence predicted medical shortages, panic-buying and mass job losses a year before the COVID-19 outbreak.

539 AD and 1014 AD… the tsunamis from hell Tue, 09 Jul 2019 11:22:30 +0000

An interesting article on how tsunamis caused by comets wiped out civilization in what is now the southeastern U.S. twice, in 539 and again in 1014. The bit about ammonia in the atmosphere also reminded me of the Norse prophecy about Thor wrestling with the Midgard Serpent, accompanied by poison in the air that kills many. I wonder how many strange things were witnessed by our ancestors for which they left us records that we are simply unable to understand.

Two massive comet or asteroid strikes in the past 1500 years altered Eastern North America’s history. The one in 539 AD devastated the South Atlantic Coast and permanently changed its geography. It left the South Atlantic Coastal Plain almost uninhabited. Hundreds of Uchee and Muskogean communities were wiped off the face of the earth. For obvious reasons, survivors headed north to the mountains.


Over a decade ago, I attended a conference in Macon, GA on the Swift Creek Culture. An anthropology professor matter-of-factly mentioned that all the Swift Creek Culture villages in the South Atlantic Coastal Plain were abandoned around 550 AD. About the same time, a large town with mounds on the Etowah River in Northwest Georgia began a rapid decline.
