Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:22:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Phytochemicals and Chronic Diseases Prevention Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:22:44 +0000

With over 37,000 views, this special issue discusses the relationship between phytochemicals and chronic disease prevention, aiming to promote the development of this field.

The special issue focuses on phytochemicals’ isolation, identification, structure–activity relationships, bioactivities, and…

This Special Issue, entitled Phytochemicals and Prevention of Chronic Diseases, features a series of high-quality research articles that explore the isolation, identification, and bioactivities of phytochemicals, as well as the underlying molecular mechanisms implicated in chronic diseases via antioxidation, neuroprotection, and the modulation of the gut microbiota.

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AI headphones let wearer listen to a single person in a crowd, by looking at them just once Sun, 02 Jun 2024 07:22:25 +0000

Noise-canceling headphones have gotten very good at creating an auditory blank slate. But allowing certain sounds from a wearer’s environment through the erasure still challenges researchers. The latest edition of Apple’s AirPods Pro, for instance, automatically adjusts sound levels for wearers — sensing when they’re in conversation, for instance — but the user has little control over whom to listen to or when this happens.

A University of Washington team has developed an artificial intelligence system that lets a user wearing headphones look at a person speaking for three to five seconds to “enroll” them. The system, called “Target Speech Hearing,” then cancels all other sounds in the environment and plays just the enrolled speaker’s voice in real time even as the listener moves around in noisy places and no longer faces the speaker.

The team presented its findings May 14 in Honolulu at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. The code for the proof-of-concept device is available for others to build on. The system is not commercially available.

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Mathematicians Attempt to Glimpse Past the Big Bang Sun, 02 Jun 2024 06:45:54 +0000

By studying the geometry of model space-times, researchers offer alternative views of the universe’s first moments.

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Dyson’s Trees and the Astrochicken Sun, 02 Jun 2024 05:23:01 +0000

An exploration of some of physicist Freeman Dyson’s ideas above and beyond the Dyson sphere including Dyson’s Trees and the Astrochicken.

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How Data From The Chandra X-Ray Observatory Helps With Studying Energetic Black Holes Sun, 02 Jun 2024 01:26:09 +0000

🌌🔭 The Chandra X-ray Observatory has been unveiling the mysteries of the universe for 25 years! Discover how its X-ray data helps scientists study black holes, supernovae, and the formation of galaxies. Learn about the incredible insights gained and what the future holds for X-ray astronomy. #SpaceResearch #BlackHoles #Chandra

NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory detects X-ray emissions from astronomical events.

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Advanced Glycation End Products-Induced Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Novel Therapeutic Approaches: A Comprehensive Review Sun, 02 Jun 2024 01:25:57 +0000

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) accumulate in the brain, leading to neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The pathophysiology of AD is influenced by receptors for AGEs and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). Protein glycation results in irreversible AGEs through a complicated series of reactions involving the formation of Schiff’s base, the Amadori reaction, followed by the Maillard reaction, which causes abnormal brain glucose metabolism, oxidative stress, malfunctioning mitochondria, plaque deposition, and neuronal death. Amyloid plaque and other stimuli activate macrophages, which are crucial immune cells in AD development, triggering the production of inflammatory molecules and contributing to the disease’s pathogenesis. The risk of AD is doubled by risk factors for atherosclerosis, dementia, advanced age, and type 2 diabetic mellitus (DM). As individuals age, the prevalence of neurological illnesses such as AD increases due to a decrease in glyoxalase levels and an increase in AGE accumulation. Insulin’s role in proteostasis influences hallmarks of AD-like tau phosphorylation and amyloid β peptide clearance, affecting lipid metabolism, inflammation, vasoreactivity, and vascular function. The high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein, a key initiator and activator of a neuroinflammatory response, has been linked to the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as AD. The TLR4 inhibitor was found to improve memory and learning impairment and decrease Aβ build-up. Therapeutic research into anti-glycation agents, receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) inhibitors, and AGE breakers offers hope for intervention strategies. Dietary and lifestyle modifications can also slow AD progression. Newer therapeutic approaches targeting AGE-related pathways are needed.

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Study investigates a massive ‘spider’ pulsar Sun, 02 Jun 2024 01:25:24 +0000

Astronomers from the Stanford University in California have performed joint X-ray and optical observations of a massive “spider” pulsar designated PSR J2215+5135. Results of the observational campaign, presented in a paper published May 22 on the pre-print server arXiv, provide more hints into the nature of this pulsar.

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New imager acquires amplitude and phase information without digital processing Sun, 02 Jun 2024 01:25:01 +0000

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have achieved a significant milestone in optical imaging technology. A new all-optical complex field imager has been developed, capable of capturing both amplitude and phase information of optical fields without the need for digital processing.

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On-chip GHz time crystals with semiconductor photonic devices pave way to new physics and optoelectronic applications Sun, 02 Jun 2024 01:24:46 +0000

Since Nobel-Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek first proposed his theory over a decade ago, researchers have been on the search for elusive “time crystals”—many-body systems composed of particles and quasiparticles like excitons, photons, and polaritons that, in their most stable quantum state, vary periodically in time.

Wilczek’s theory centered around a puzzling question: Can the most stable state of a quantum system of many particles be periodic in time? That is, can it display temporal oscillations characterized by a beating with a well-defined rhythm?

It was quite rapidly shown that time crystal behavior cannot occur in isolated systems (systems which do not exchange energy with the surrounding environment). But far from closing the subject, this disturbing question motivated scientists to search for the conditions under which an open system (i.e., one that exchanges energy with the environment) may develop such time crystal behavior.

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New photonic crystal approach can enable sensitive and affordable detection of biomarkers Sun, 02 Jun 2024 01:24:31 +0000

Biomarkers are small molecules of interest to researchers, because they can indicate underlying diseases, often even before symptoms even appear. However, detecting these markers can be challenging as they are often present in very low quantities, especially in the early stages of a disease. Traditional detection methods, while effective, usually require expensive components like prisms, metal films, or optical objectives.

In a recent paper published in Applied Physics Letters, researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have unveiled a novel approach to detecting low concentrations of that paves the way for biodetection technology that is simple to use, highly sensitive, and surprisingly affordable.

“The goal of this technology is early diagnostics, to be able to detect molecules associated with diseases at very low concentrations, sometimes a few molecules per millions, very early on,” said Seemesh Bhaskar, a postdoctoral researcher in Brian Cunningham’s lab and first author on the study. “Looking for very small concentrations of micro-RNA, circulating tumor DNA, and exosomes, for example, can help determine whether a patient will develop cancer one or two years down the line.”

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