
Lifeboat News #129


Lifeboat News

This issue published on 04/01/13. Copyright 2013 Lifeboat Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Space and Coral Reefs

We helped fundraise $57,571 for "Our Future in Space — A National Space Society Video" at (We donated to this cause as well.)
We are currently fundraising for "Coral-bots: teams of robots that repair coral reefs" at (We donated to this cause as well.)

Bitcoin Endowment Fund

Brian Cartmell's matching pledge at has a time limit so any amount that you can donate to match his pledge would be appreciated.
Our bitcoin endowment fund has accomplished the following recently:
1) We have received our first MasterCard and Visa donations.
2) We are now partners with Bitcoin Foundation and Bitcoin Magazine.
3) We added the paragraph "Crypto-currencies have many advantages over old-fashioned government-backed money. For example, they allow people in less developed countries to have access to the rest of the world. For example, PayPal alone blocks access to over 60 countries, and many credit card companies have similar restrictions. Some are blocked for political reasons, some because of higher fraud rates, and some for other financial reasons. Whatever the reason, we don't think a human being from Haiti, Ethiopia, or Kenya should have diminished access to the world because of payment issues they can't control. Our goal is to enable people, not block them."
4) We added the section "Board Members: The Lifeboat Foundation is recruiting bitcoin talent from around the planet. Our many bitcoin-related board members include Jeff Bone, Paul Buitink, Mike Caldwell, Philippe Camacho, Brian Cartmell, Matthew Elias, Chris Haley, Zach Harvey, Sean Lavine, Adam B. Levine, Colbert Low, Jon Matonis, Trace Mayer, Lasse Birk Olesen, Salvatore W. Delle Palme, Michael Parsons, Elizabeth Ploshay, Benson Samuel, Charlie Shrem, Eli Sklar, Adam Stradling, Jorge Timón, Jonathan Waller, Alex Waters, and J.R. Willett."
Learn more at

Shout-Out for Chris Haley

Six months ago Chris Haley made our first large bitcoin donation, totaling 85 bitcoins worth $1,000 in total. Today they are worth over $11,000 and were the key to jump-starting our bitcoin endowment fund now worth almost $100,000. Thanks Chris!

Pretty from a Distance

Read the novel "Pretty from a Distance" which is a deeply moving passage into the lives of people caught in an interweaving dance of dependency and control. It is at


"Big banks vs. Bitcoin libertarianism" at
"Don't fear the robo-apocalypse, yet" at
"Omens: When we peer into the fog of the deep future what do we see — human extinction or a future among the stars?" at


"In the beginning was the code: Jürgen Schmidhuber at TEDxUHasselt" at
"What is a physicist doing in the jungle?: Ille Gebeshuber at TEDxKL 2012" at


Anyone who posts in our Facebook group at by April 30, 2013 will be entered into a contest to win a signed copy of the new — just out — "A Few Good Men", by Prometheus Award winning author Sarah A. Hoyt.
The following people have already entered the contest:
Henry B. Augustine, Gerard Bain, Klaus Baldauf, Paul Battista, Kevin Berry, Alex Michael Bonnici, Phil Bowermaster, Geoff Brennan, Mark Carney, Greg Ching, Brenda Cooper, Renee Coughlan, Nikola Danaylov, Eamon Everall, Walter Farah, Toni Ferraté, Sean Emery Flatt, Adam Ford, Ancelmo Luiz Graceli, Valdimir Dorian Gray, Tristan Hambling, Kashif Hasnie, Alex Hoekstra, Phillip Keane, Tom Kerwick, Adam Kisby, Josef Koch, Wes Kretzschmar, Stephen Lang, Ron Langdon, Jeremy Lichtman, Brian Lundquist, Christopher MacArthur, Daniele Mancinelli, Brady McKenna, Gary S. Mezo, Astrônomo Carlos Mourâo Mourâo, Thomas Munyon, Moana Nalu, Vincent Ocasla, Lawrence A. Oshanek, Edward Pandemonium, Ira Pastor, George Perry, Boris Petrovic, Rafael S. Ponio, Charles F. Radley, Byron Craig Russell, Luis R. Saraiva, Eric Schulke, Chris Smedley, Valentin Socolov, Kim Solez, Frank Stratford, Sergio Tarrero, Jerrold Thacker, Reno J. Tibke, Robert Tindale, Zachary Urbina, Philippe Van Nedervelde, and Simon Waslander.
Learn about "A Few Good Men" at
Learn about Sarah at

International Space Development Conference

Learn about the International Space Development Conference at

Telomere Testing

Learn about "TeloMe — Telomere Testing: Take Control of Your Long-term Health" at


Franco Cortese joins our blog team with the post "Techno-Progressives and Neo-Luddites are Brothers in Arms" at
Leif DeVaney joins our blog team with the post "Life and Boats" at
J.R. Willett joins our blog team with the post "Bitcoin's Dystopian Future" at
Other interesting blog posts include:
"4 in 5 Americans Don't Think That Death Exists?!" by Franco Cortese at
"An Upside to Fukushima: Japan’s Robot Renaissance" by Reno J. Tibke at
"Brian Greene, String Theory & the Gamow Memorial Lectures" by Benjamin T. Solomon at
"Colorado Celebrating Space Exploration" by Benjamin T. Solomon at
"Does Advanced Technology Make the 2nd Amendment Redundant?" by Franco Cortese at
"Faith in the Fat of Fate may be Fatal for Humanity" by Franco Cortese at
"Killing Deathist Cliches: 'Death Gives Meaning to Life' is Meaningless!" by Franco Cortese at
"The Life Extension Hubris: Why biotechnology is unlikely to be the answer to ageing" by Marios Kyriazis at
"Robots for Japan's Future: talk with them, move with them, live with them... All in time." by Reno J. Tibke at

Growing Membership

Recent donations/pledges we have received since our last newsletter:
Charlie Shrem: $1,300, Anonymous: $131.90, David W. Corne: $100, Michael Dickey: $85, Luis Carlos Reyes Hernandez: $85, Sergey Prokudin: $85, Philippe Van Nedervelde: $85, Kenneth P. Weiss: $85, J. Broadbent: $25, Matthew L. McGuirl: $25, James Bracken: $10, Rebecca R. Cooper: $10, Thomas Dolphin: $10, Alexander Macrae: $10, Aaron Mayzes: $10, Philip Morehead: $10, Roland Schiefer: $10, Benjamin T. Solomon: $10, Ryan Witt: $10, and J.R. Willett: $4.54.
Our Join Us page at now allows you to pay for your membership anywhere from monthly to every ten years.