United Nations – Lifeboat News: The Blog https://lifeboat.com/blog Safeguarding Humanity Thu, 05 Oct 2023 06:08:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Actions for Wealth Inequality by the Millenium Project, Ranked https://lifeboat.com/blog/2023/10/actions-for-wealth-inequality-by-the-millenium-project-ranked Thu, 05 Oct 2023 06:02:47 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=173487 When working at the Millenium Project, a global think tank that publishes reports surrounding global problems, I decided to improve the way reports were presented by ranking the actions provided by the organization to adress the problem. I focused on the 23 actions in global challenge 7 (Rich-poor gap) and created a system focusing on two aspects: feasibility and impact.

Assigning scores from 1–10 for each of these aspects made sense as an action needs to be both implemented and impactful for it to adress the problem. By researching to assign these scores and multiplying them, I could get an overall idea of where an action would compare to another one. Below is a graph summarizing my results, followed by the details behind each ranking.

1. Make higher education more easily available to all.

Feasibility: 7

Rates of higher education have doubled worldwide 19 to 38 percent over the last two decades, indicating that increased access is very possible. Although the process of making education truly available will take decades, governments clearly recognize the need for it and are taking steps towards achieving it, with education becoming a larger percent of GDP for most countries.  

Impact: 8

Higher education has been known to increase earnings significantly, thereby reducing poverty. Additionally, education has been known to have various benefits towards poverty like reducing food insecurity and standards of health.

2. Invest in Kickstarter-like crowd sourcing to reduce the concentration of wealth.

Feasibility: 7

Kickstarter projects are already common, but not every country has internet and access to these Kickstarter sites. The industry is however rapidly growing each year.

Impact: 8

Kickstarters allow for a low bar for investing, especially into businesses, as an alternative to traditional stocks. Lack of investing is a large part of the cycle of poverty many experiences. Kickstarters offer an excellent way to fight this void of investing.

3. Poorer regions should be assisted in investing more in developing finished products and “leapfrogging” to more advanced technology for export and extending local value chains instead of relying on income from exporting mineral and other natural resources, commodities

Feasibility: 6

There are existing initiatives and strategies in place, such as the Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA), which aims to promote industrialization and economic diversification in African countries. Additionally, there are examples of countries that have successfully transitioned from relying on natural resources to more advanced value-added products, such as South Korea and Singapore. However, implementation may face challenges due to lack of infrastructure, resources, and technological capabilities in poorer regions.

Impact: 9

Diversifying economies in poorer regions through developing finished products and advanced technologies can lead to sustainable economic growth, increased employment opportunities, and reduced dependence on volatile commodity markets. This can contribute to poverty reduction, improved livelihoods, and long-term economic stability, allowing for more inclusive and equitable development.

4. Implement the G-7’s agreement for a global corporate 15% minimum tax

Feasibility: 6

The G-7 agreement for a global corporate 15% minimum tax has been implemented in rich countries already, and is being promoted worldwide by the G-7 countries’ governments. However, it is unknown whether countries will actually enact this tax as many benefit from businesses moving to their countries for lower taxation.

Impact: 8

Increasing government revenue, especially in poor countries has reduced inequality by funding education and public works. However, this increased revenue often comes from forms of tax that harm the poor such as commodity taxes. This actually increases poverty, but if these taxes were from sources like businesses, this would not happen, making corporate taxes an excellent way to reduce wealth inequality.

5. Establish community centers for access and training for self-employed to use advanced technology like 3D printing, AI/robotics, and AI apps.

Feasibility: 5

There has been talk of transforming libraries to similar centers of learning and would be feasible with enough government funding. However, not every country has the funds to do this, or even the basic libraries.

Impact: 9

Similar to libraries, such learning centers are invaluable resources for everyone, especially people without access to paid resources. This free resource would heavily help people access opportunities in the technological revolution.

6. Increase emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and lifelong learning and retraining.

Feasibility: 6

Although the concept of STEM emphasis is simple, implementing it requires teachers with skills and funding from nations, with the idea of a global STEM fund prosed in this article.

Impact: 7

STEM careers have less unemployment and make more money, with or without a degree in STEM. Although the data is from the US, it can be applied globally.

7. Tax next technologies for new income to social support systems and create tax systems that ensure big business and wealthy individuals pay their fair share.

Feasibility: 6

There are ongoing discussions and debates at the global level on how to effectively tax next technologies, such as digital services and automation, to ensure that they contribute their fair share to social support systems. However, implementation may face challenges due to complexities in defining and valuing intangible assets, cross-border transactions, and potential resistance from big business and wealthy individuals.

Impact: 7

Taxing next technologies for new income can generate significant revenue for social support systems, which can be used to address poverty, inequality, and other social challenges. It can also promote a more equitable distribution of the benefits of technological advancements and ensure that big businesses and wealthy individuals contribute their fair share to society.

8. Expand micro-credit and small business credit systems and business training.

Feasibility: 9

Microfinance institutions are established around the world in places like India, Cambodia and Bangladesh. Investors already back these loans and big banks are a part of the movement, making it easy for expansion to occur.

Impact: 4

A study found that microfinance did help people in poverty make better financial decisions but did not increase income. (However, there are some negative effects of micro credit, such as increased stress and pressure from payments.  

9. Conduct training programs on how to use mobile phone Internet access to find and develop markets worldwide instead of looking for non-existent local jobs.

Feasibility: 5

The essential problem with such an idea is the infrastructure needed in developing countries. More than half the world is still offline. Although the market for such jobs is accelerated already from the pandemic, there is still much work to do before such a future is a reality for everybody.

Impact: 7

Allowing access to online jobs circumvents immigration laws and provides a way for people to find work beyond their country. It enables their skills to be applied wherever they are best and opens up opportunities for digital entrepreneurship.

10. Consider seriously new progressively equalizing instruments, e.g. wealth tax and revising inheritance laws.

Feasibility: 5

Although a wealth tax is supported by many, even millionares, passing such laws across the world will be slow and difficult. Some governments may simply refuse to pass such laws.

Impact: 7

Wealth taxes and revised inheritance laws have the potential to reduce wealth inequality and generate revenue for governments to fund social programs and services. These measures can help address wealth concentration, promote economic fairness, and contribute to poverty reduction. However, the effect of these measures varies across regions based on governments.

11. Tax carbon and international financial transfers to support global infrastructures and institutions.

Feasibility: 5

Implementing carbon taxes and taxation on international financial transfers has been done in various countries and regions. Many countries have already adopted carbon pricing mechanisms, and international financial transactions can be subject to taxation. However, achieving global consensus and coordination on such measures may pose challenges.

Impact: 7

Taxing carbon emissions can incentivize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change mitigation. Revenue generated from these taxes can be used to fund global infrastructure projects and support international institutions aimed at addressing global challenges. This can have a positive impact on both the environment and global development. It is estimated that a carbon tax globally could raise 125 billion a year, which could be used to fund thousands of public works projects, which provide jobs.

12. Explore alternative transaction systems like blockchain and cryptocurrencies (over 22,835 cryptocurrencies with $1 trillion (not billion) market capitalization).[2]

Feasibility: 8

Cryptocurrencies are widely known and used and are very easy to set up. Implementing a new currency would not be difficult.

Impact: 4

Although cryptocurrencies have allowed for “banking” for all and allowed easy transactions for everyone, especially in places where currencies are not so stable. However, cryptocurrencies are also inherently volatile leading to crisis when prices rapidly fluctuate, so their effectiveness is limited.

13. Give greater attention to the frontiers for work related to the forthcoming biological revolution, which may be as large as or larger than the industrial or information revolutions.

Feasibility: 4

Governments are limited in their abilities to incentivize certain types of jobs. In prior revolutions, such as the tech revolution, governments added coding to education, starting as early as 6th grade to prepare students for future jobs. However, this is difficult to actually implement, especially because the biological revolution has not boomed yet, and there is a significant delay in passing legislation for education.

Impact: 8

In any revolution, people who “arrived” early were rewarded greatly. The same would be the case for the biological revolution, and if the incentivization of it was universal, people from lower economic backgrounds and poverty would have the chance to reap these rewards and lift themselves out of their class.

14. Promote Decentralized Autonomous Organizations for an unlimited number of peer-to-peer ad hoc “workers.”

Feasibility: 6

DAO’s have been implemented successfully multiple times, and are easy to setup with a group of voluntary workers. The lack of worldwide internet limits the implementation of DAO’s, however.

Impact: 5

DAO’s act as an alternative to standard corporations, which have a board of directors. DAO’s allow for more control from each participant, and remove many administrative costs involved in standard corporations. This makes it accessible and more efficient for most people, allowing them to participate in ventures they would not have previously been able to.

15. Establish Labor/Business/Government Next Technologies databases.

Feasibility: 5

Creating Labor/Business/Government Next Technologies databases is feasible from a technological perspective. Building and maintaining databases to track and share information about emerging technologies and their impact on labor, businesses, and government policies is technically achievable. However, it may require significant collaboration among these stakeholders and adequate resources for implementation.

Impact: 6

Establishing such databases can have a positive impact on various aspects of the economy. It can facilitate information sharing and collaboration between labor, businesses, and government entities, leading to more informed decision-making. This can help in adapting to technological changes, addressing workforce needs, and developing policies that support economic growth and job creation. While the impact is potentially significant, its realization depends on effective utilization and cooperation among the involved parties.

16. Outlaw tax havens, that collectively cost governments $500 billion to $600 billion a year in lost tax revenue.

Feasibility: 4

Efforts to crack down on tax havens have been ongoing, with international organizations and governments working to improve transparency and cooperation in tax matters. While progress has been made, completely outlawing tax havens may be challenging due to legal and jurisdictional complexities. Some countries may resist such efforts.

Impact: 7

Eliminating tax havens can significantly increase government revenue, especially in developing countries, by preventing tax evasion and avoidance. This additional revenue can be channeled into public services, infrastructure development, and poverty reduction programs. It can have a substantial positive impact on reducing income inequality and promoting economic development globally.

17. Raise minimum wages and address executive wages.

Feasibility: 5

Controlling executive wages is hard because they are determined by the board of directors of companies, and minimum wage increases are generally done by locality rather than entire nations. Even the US has barely changed minimum wages over the last decade, indicating that governments are reluctant to change them.

Impact: 5

Exec pay has been severely inflated to the point that halving the pay of the top 5 executives of the top 350 companies would approximately increase the profits of the companies by 3 percent on average. These are potential profits that could be going towards shareholders of the company, profits that could be redistributing wealth. However, most shareholders are already wealthy, so this redistribution’s true impact is unknown. Minimum wage increases on the other hand increase the level of earning of the least paying jobs, but also cause people to lose their jobs. However, there are many places where workers are paid less than minimum wage, where enforcing the minimum wage would be helpful in reducing poverty.

18. Create mechanisms to help people invest in automations that replace their job; e.g., truck drivers manage and invest into ownership of driverless trucks.

Feasibility: 4

There are programs where workers work alongside technology, such as truck drivers who act as backups for automated trucks. However, investing is often limited by the capital of workers, which may not be enough to for example, purchase a truck driving unit. However, working together, workers could own a truck together and share the profits. This however, could be limited by the existence of companies who make these trucks, who would much rather work out deals with companies than to sell individual trucks that freelance in this method.  

Impact: 6

Such an opportunity would expand the investment capabilities for individuals with lower paying jobs, but it would be limited by the amount of capital each worker invests into the automation. This would provide passive income but not act as a replacement for a job most likely. Thus, it would not really act as a solution for workers losing their jobs to AI.

19. Explore global workforce sourcing solutions that overcome immigration and migration barriers to allow qualified workers to move where they can meet the vacant skilled labor requirements.

Feasibility: 4

Immigration laws vary across nations, making it hard for workers to travel to where they are needed. However, there have been cases of laborers moving for work, such as the construction of the burj khalifa, during which most workers were migrants, although they were treated poorly. The potential for workers to now find work online allows them to cross borders much easier.

Impact: 6

By introducing workers where they are needed, no unnecessary unemployment exists. However, migrant workers are exploited often, as they are paid less and abused.

20. Create personal AI/Avatars to support self-employment.

Feasibility: 4

The idea of personal AI is limited by the technology required itself. 40% of the world still does not have access to internet, and AI avatars are a developing technology that have not been fully used yet. However the actual creation of the AI avatars already exists so it could be used for the people who do have access to it. The only limit lies in the expansion of the technology and the internet.    

Impact: 6

Although hard to implement, AI avatars have a lot of potential in employment opportunities and learning opportunities. They are already used for marketing videos, but the impact could be limited by its access to povpoverty-strickendividuals. However, if internet access was expanded, these avatars could help individuals find freelance opportunities and ways to profit from hobbies.

21. Business schools should teach synergetic analysis as well as completive analysis.

Feasibility: 4

Introducing synergetic analysis alongside competitive analysis in business school curricula is feasible. It involves updating and expanding the existing curriculum to include a broader perspective on business practices, collaboration, and sustainable development. Many business schools already adapt their programs to reflect changing business paradigms, but the novelty of synergetic analysis may lead to a slow shift.

Impact: 6

Teaching synergetic analysis can help future business leaders understand the importance of collaboration and sustainable practices in a globalized world. It can lead to more responsible and ethical business practices that consider the broader social and environmental impacts. However, the impact may vary depending on the extent to which these concepts are integrated into business education.

22. Explore guaranteed income programs, as next technologies may lead to long-term structural unemployment, and create cash flow projections to explore financial sustainability of universal basic income.

Feasibility: 3

Guaranteed income programs have been proposed in the US before, but are a foreign concept in most countries, because of lack of funding. For a true guaranteed income program, there would need to be a mostly automated society, which is not the case currently. However, the system has been implemented in a few cities for a brief period, and there has never been a true cash flow projection to maintain the system.

Impact: 7

From the testing done so far, people of color with little to no income benefit greatly. Interviews with people receiving this aid show mothers with reduced stress, people able to pay childcare, etc. This shows that these programs have the potential to create societal change for people in poverty by setting a basic standard of living for them.

23. Conduct research for options to counter entrenched privilege.

Feasibility: 2

Countering entrenched privilege is a massive task and vague. People’s perceptions are not changed overnight, and bias persists even after it is legally banned. “Privilege bias” is hard to change and requires a societal shift in thinking, something extremely difficult to do. Ideas like basic income and progressive tax brackets can be tools governments use to fight this privilege.

Impact: 8

Although a large goal, the impact of changing entrenched privilege would be large. Entrenched privilege leads to cycles of poverty through generations, and its end would be significant in giving people the opportunity to escape this cycle. It would “even” the plane in many areas of people’s lives like the workplace.

Learn more about other actions for other global problems at the Millenium Project.

Filipino startup recognized in addressing SDG’s using space tech https://lifeboat.com/blog/2020/12/filipino-startup-recognized-in-addressing-sdgs-using-space-tech Sun, 20 Dec 2020 15:04:41 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=117434
2020 GEO SDG Award for CirroLytix

MANILA, Philippines — A Filipino startup is recognized globally in developing a dengue hotspot prediction system using satellite and climate data in the 2020 Group on Earth Observations Sustainable Development Goals (GEO SDG) Awards for the Sectoral category, For-Profit. The GEO SDG Awards recognize the productivity, ingenuity, proficiency, novelty, and exemplary communications of results and experiences in the use of Earth observations to support sustainable development.

CirroLytix Research Services was formed to create social impact through big data. Through the application of machine learning, data engineering, remote sensing, and social listening, the Philippines-based data analytics firm hopes to help governments, researchers, non-government organizations (NGO), and social enterprises achieve positive change. The Advanced Early Dengue Prediction and Exploration Service (Project AEDES) is one of the CirroLytix’s flagship projects developed during the 2019 National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) International Space Apps Challenge. It combines digital, climate, and remote sensing to nowcast dengue trends and detect mosquito habitats to help pre-empt cases of dengue. Project AEDES process leverages normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), Fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR), and normalized difference water index (NDWI) readings from Landsat and Sentinel-2 to estimate still water areas on the ground, which is correlated with dengue case counts from national health centers.

The Advanced Early Dengue Prediction and Exploration Service (Project AEDES) combines digital, climate, and remote sensing to nowcast dengue trends and detect mosquito habitats to help pre-empt cases of dengue.

Dominic Vincent “Doc” Ligot, co-founder and chief technology officer of CirroLytix, describes Project AEDES as an “early detection of panics from online searches, anticipating case counts from environment readings, but most importantly pinpointing hotspots from mosquito habitat detection.”

The Pinoy-made dengue mapper tool won the annual international hackathon of NASA globally in the best use of data, the solution that best makes space data accessible, or leverages it to a unique application. Aside from winning last year, CirroLytix also developed an integrated public policy information portal measuring the impact of the coronavirus pandemic using Earth observation, in-country economic and human mobility data, and global infection case counts, thus winning again in the Space Apps COVID-19 Challenge for the same category in the best use of data. Named G.I.D.E.O.N. (Global Impact Detection from Emitted Light, Onset of COVID-19, and Nitrogen Dioxide), this dashboard for policy makers and economic planners shows the impact of COVID-19 on various countries and effects on the economy and environment.

With these achievements, Cirrolytix is recognized in their remarkable efforts to utilize Earth observation data to predict dengue fever cases in the Philippines in order to improve public health.

“I am glad that the GEO SDG Awards Panel has selected CirroLytix for an award, recognizing the importance of this work in developing an EO-integrated dengue case predictor mapping system,” according to Dr. Argyro Kavvada, lead for Sustainable Development Goals of the Earth Science Division, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and executive secretary of the international Earth Observations for the Sustainable Development Goals (EO4SDG).

“These awards really could stand as an inspiration to all of us about what can be done, and what needs to be done to ensure that Earth-observations contribute to make our world a better, and more sustainable place,” said Lawrence Friedl director of the Applied Sciences Program of the Earth Science Division, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and co-chair of EO4SDG.

2020 GEO SDG Awardees together with Dominic Vincent “Doc” Ligot, co-founder and chief technology officer of CirroLytix

The Undersecretary for Competitiveness and Innovation of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Dr. Rafaelita “Fita” M. Aldaba heartfeltly congratulates CirroLytix. “It’s indeed a blessing amid this pandemic and economic crisis that we are currently faced with,” she said.

The award-winning startup continues to update the AEDES framework to include socio-economic risk mapping to turn it into a health and environmental policy tool. Aside from dengue, the company also supports COVID-19 modeling and response initiatives with the public health sector. CirroLytix’s current involvements include public health, human rights, fighting disinformation, education and food security.

The Space Apps lead organizer in the Philippines Michael Lance M. Domagas appeals support for these Filipino winners. “How many times should these Filipino innovators and achievers need to win before being recognized and appreciated by our own country? To be recognized by not just one, but five space agencies is something has not yet been achieved by Filipinos, how much more of a multitude of countries and nations supporting the sustainable development goals of the United Nations?” He added that “The dengue epidemic and the COVID-19 is a real threat to the Philippine society right now, endangering health, well-being, livelihood, and most especially businesses and the national economy. If we could only learn how to give value to science, technology, mathematics, and engineering (STEM), the possibilities are endless. Our Filipino winners of Space Apps and GEO SDG Awards have taught us on how these space technologies greatly help in addressing epidemics and economic impact of COVID-19, its time to give them recognition and respect because they are Filipinos like us.” Winners shall be invited to visit NASA once travel is deemed safe, but unfortunately, travel, meals and incidental expenses, and accommodation expenses are not provided.

On the other hand, Cirrolytix encourages the use of data in addressing social problems and issues surrounding the Bangsamoro region. Together with the Asia Foundation and Data Ethics PH, the online Bangsamoro Data Challenge invites ages 15 years old and above to develop data-driven solutions in helping the region. Deadline for registration is on Saturday 11:59pm, November 21, 2020 at https://barmm.opendata.org.ph/

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a partnership of more than 100 national governments and in excess of 100 participating organizations that envisions a future where decisions and actions for the benefit of humankind are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations.

ADAM’S DREAM https://lifeboat.com/blog/2020/05/adams-dream Mon, 18 May 2020 23:45:08 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=107270

The reality of COVID19 raises a critical question in the mind of Adam Ethan Loeb a young Belgium boy regarding the extinction of the human person. This questions birthed “Adam’s Dream” which for him will help in “Saving Humanity From Extinction”, by “Availing a Multiplanetary Education for the present and Future Generations
This 12year old boy highly influenced by Elon Musk and Peter H. Diamandis believes that a multiplanetary existence could have prevented the spread of coronavirus.
This young Space Enthusiast believes that since they are the future of tomorrow, well structure Young Space Education System should be availed because the Future is Faster than we think.

In explaining his vision Adam explained, “Adam’s Dream is my vision about the future with regard to preserving our kind and other living things. This idea struck my mind during this novel coronavirus outbreak. As the spread increases day in and day out, I was scared and asked my mum the question, “mum, do you know that living in space could have saved or preserved humanity better”? My reason is, if we become multiplanetary, it will solve the problem of overpopulation and make the human person more creative and resilient.

Thus, in this project, I will be preparing my generation and the ones to come to become multiplanetary Species. We have many Space Advocates; there is no proper attention giving to the younger generation. The future is obscure for my generation, and I want to lead them to light through the help of those who know better in compliance with “Adam’s Dream” rooted in Saving Humanity from Extinction by Availing a Multiplanetary Education for the present and Future Generations. In this, we can have a Sustainable “Kosmic” Environment for Prosperous Living.

Reading the works of Elon Musk gave me the conviction that as a Multiplanetary Activist, I can do this. Elon started thinking about Space at 14 years; I began at 10years. He is no doubt my number one role model followed by Peter H. Diamandis with my effort in understanding the teachings of Sara Seager – Planetary Scientist, K. Radhakrishnan, Carolyn Porco, Jill Tarter, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Liu Yang, Steve Squyres, Louis Allamandola, and David Spergel. I will have a better approach to harnessing the reality of Multiplanetary for my generation on those to come. The reality of Space is faster than you think.”

Ambassador Juan José Gómez Camacho — Mexico’s Ambassador to Canada — Migrant Health, Pandemics, and Aging — IdeaXme — Ira Pastor https://lifeboat.com/blog/2019/10/ambassador-juan-jose-gomez-camacho-mexicos-ambassador-to-canada-migrant-health-pandemics-and-aging-ideaxme-ira-pastor Wed, 09 Oct 2019 11:50:26 +0000 https://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=97234 ]]> What is a city? The SDGs depend on an answer — By Brendon Bosworth | GreenBiz https://lifeboat.com/blog/2017/04/what-is-a-city-the-sdgs-depend-on-an-answer-by-brendon-bosworth-greenbiz Tue, 11 Apr 2017 18:16:19 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=36043

“This month, urban thinkers from the United Nations, the European Commission and other organizations are meeting in Brussels to continue a curiously complex attempt: developing a universal definition of the “city.””

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The United Nations: What’s the Point? — By Uri Friedman | The Atlantic https://lifeboat.com/blog/2016/09/the-united-nations-whats-the-point-by-uri-friedman-the-atlantic Tue, 20 Sep 2016 02:58:42 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=30297 The Security Council chamber is seen from behind the Council President's chair at the United Nations headquarters in New York City September 18, 2015. As leaders from almost 200 nations gather for the annual general assembly at the United Nations, the world body created 70 years ago, Reuters photographer Mike Segar documented quieter moments at the famed 18-acre headquarters on Manhattan's East Side. The U.N., established as the successor to the failed League of Nations after World War Two to prevent a similar conflict from occurring again, attracts more than a million visitors every year to its iconic New York site. The marathon of speeches and meetings this year will address issues from the migrant crisis in Europe to climate change and the fight against terrorism. REUTERS/Mike Segar TPX IMAGES OF THE DAYPICTURE 20 OF 30 FOR WIDER IMAGE STORY "INSIDE THE UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS"SEARCH "INSIDE UN" FOR ALL IMAGES       TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY      - RTX1SAQB

“History “teaches us that order in international relations is the exception, rather than the rule,” Kevin Rudd, the former Australian prime minister, writes in a new report on the uncertain future of the UN.”

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Interview: Margaret Anstee – first woman to become UN Under-Secretary-General | UN News Centre https://lifeboat.com/blog/2016/09/interview-margaret-anstee-first-woman-to-become-un-under-secretary-general-un-news-centre Tue, 20 Sep 2016 02:52:35 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=30294

““A woman of firsts” is perhaps only a summary description of Dame Margaret Anstee, the first woman to serve as a United Nations Under-Secretary-General.”

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Swift response to refugee crisis rests on Obama summit after UN talks fail — By Julian Borger and Patrick Kingsley | The Guardian https://lifeboat.com/blog/2016/09/swift-response-to-refugee-crisis-rests-on-obama-summit-after-un-talks-fail-by-julian-borger-and-patrick-kingsley-the-guardian Tue, 20 Sep 2016 02:47:32 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=30291 2688

“Hopes of a fast and effective response to the global refugee crisis now rest on a summit convened by Barack Obama on Tuesday in New York, after negotiations before a meeting of world leaders at the UN on Monday failed to produce any concrete measures.”

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E-government a powerful tool to implement global sustainability goals, UN survey finds | UN News Centre https://lifeboat.com/blog/2016/08/e-government-a-powerful-tool-to-implement-global-sustainability-goals-un-survey-finds-un-news-centre Fri, 05 Aug 2016 14:44:51 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=28689 Sustainable Development Goals_E_Final sizes

“A new United Nations report has found that e-government is an effective tool for facilitating integrated policies and public service by promoting accountable and transparent institutions, such as through open data and participatory decision-making …”

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What the evolution of human culture can teach us about international relations — By Mark Leon Goldberg | UN Dispatch https://lifeboat.com/blog/2016/07/what-the-evolution-of-human-culture-can-teach-us-about-international-relations-by-mark-leon-goldberg-un-dispatch Sat, 02 Jul 2016 01:45:24 +0000 http://lifeboat.com/blog/?p=27440  


An interview with Stewart Patrick, “a Senior Fellow and Director of the International Institutions and Global Governance Program at the Council on Foreign Relations.”

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