Startups – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Fri, 25 Oct 2019 07:57:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Future Consequences of Cryptocurrency Use: Systemic Investigation of Two Scenarios Fri, 25 Oct 2019 07:57:52 +0000 We face complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty about the future consequences of cryptocurrency use. There are doubts about the positive and negative impacts of the use of cryptocurrencies in the financial systems. In order to address better and deeper the contradictions and the consequences of the use of cryptocurrencies and also informing the key stakeholders about known and unknown emerging issues in new payment systems, we apply two helpful futures studies tools known as the “Future Wheel”, to identify the key factors, and “System Dynamics Conceptual Mapping”, to understand the relationships among such factors. Two key scenarios will be addressed. In on them, systemic feedback loops might be identified such as a) terrorism, the Achilles’ heel of the cryptocurrencies, b) hackers, the barrier against development, and c) information technology security professionals, a gap in the future job market.  Also, in the other scenario, systemic feedback loops might be identified such as a) acceleration of technological entrepreneurship enabled by new payment systems, b) decentralization of financial ecosystem with some friction against it, c) blockchain and shift of banking business model, d) easy international payments triggering structural reforms, and e) the decline of the US and the end of dollar dominance in the global economy. In addition to the feedback loops, we can also identify chained links of consequences that impact productivity and economic growth on the one hand, and shift of energy sources and consumption on the other hand.    

Watch the full length presentation at Victor V. Motti YouTube Channel  

Aimed at the big boys, India’s “Google tax” could end up hurting the small and vulnerable — By Suneera Tandon and Manu Balachandran | Quartz Wed, 01 Jun 2016 15:22:10 +0000 ap_899582460419

“It’s been dubbed the Google tax, but it will likely hit every global internet company operating in India—and, in turn, the country’s fledgling startup and digital advertising ecosystems.”

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The Netherlands: A Look At The World’s High-Tech Startup Capital Tue, 07 Jul 2015 02:36:40 +0000 4297675082_708b6bba24_o


Behind London and Berlin, the Dutch startup scene is already considered to be one of the most prominent in Europe. (If it feels unfair to weigh an entire country against individual cities, consider that the Netherlands has 17 million people crammed into an area half the size of South Carolina.)

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