DeLorean – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 25 Apr 2017 07:00:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Geek’s Dream: Tesla Races DeLorean in “Back to the Future” VR Experience — By Daniel Terdiman | Fast Company Wed, 14 Oct 2015 23:56:44 +0000 3052191-inline-s-1-a-geeks-dream-tesla-races-delorean-in-back-to-the-future-vr-experience-copy

“Next Wednesday, the design agency Positron will release a virtual reality “experience” in which viewers can get a first-person look from the cockpit at a race between the DeLorean and a Tesla Model S P90-D. The date is no coincidence: fans know October 21, 2015, is the day Marty McFly arrives in the future in Back to the Future II. This year also marks the 30th anniversary of the first film, released in 1985.”

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