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Aug 5, 2019

Buy organic food to help curb global insect collapse, say scientists

Posted by in categories: food, sustainability

Buying organic food is among the actions people can take to curb the global decline in insects, according to leading scientists. Urging political action to slash pesticide use on conventional farms is another, say environmentalists.

Aug 5, 2019

Dr. Wendy Dean, M.D., Senior Vice President of Program Operations, Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine — ideaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, biotech/medical, DNA, government, health, life extension, military, neuroscience, nuclear weapons, posthumanism

Aug 5, 2019

Frozen heads and future fortunes: what is the cost of digital information?

Posted by in categories: economics, mobile phones

With a seemingly infinite amount of knowledge available to us at the tap of a smartphone, we all take digital information for granted. But when it can be replicated at zero cost, how do the economic laws of supply and demand work, especially in the context of using digital currency?

Aug 5, 2019

Multi-order diffractive optical elements could lead to extremely light space telescopes

Posted by in category: space

University of Arizona Project Nautilus aims to create a space telescope that can survey transiting exo-earths for biosignatures 1000 light years away.

John Wallace

The proposed Nautilus telescope, with optics consisting of a number of MODE lenses (not depicted in this drawing), has a light-collecting area more than twice that of the James Webb Space Telescope.

Aug 5, 2019

The Current State of Longevity Science

Posted by in categories: life extension, science…colangelo/

Aug 5, 2019

We contain microbes so deeply weird they alter the very tree of life

Posted by in categories: biological, cosmology, health

Newly discovered life forms inside our bodies profoundly affect our health – and provide a glimpse of the vast and mysterious biological “dark matter” within us.

Aug 5, 2019

“Alien” DNA Makes Proteins in Living Cells for The First Time

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Expanded genetic alphabet could allow for the production of new protein-based drugs.

Aug 5, 2019

Ancient Spanish DNA taken over

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

A study of 8,000 years of genetics from Spain and Portugal yields a surprisingly complex picture of the inhabitants’ ancestry.

Aug 5, 2019

Population Prospects 2019 and Life Extension

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A common concern about life extension is overpopulation, the idea that there are too many people in the world. Are we really headed for a global overpopulation meltdown, as some people believe? The United Nations’ World Population Prospects 2019 report suggests that while the global population will continue to rise for the next few decades, ultimately, that rise will plateau.

First things first: it’s population growth, not overpopulation

Whenever the topic of defeating age-related diseases comes up, there is inevitably someone who will cite overpopulation as an objection to healthy life extension and a reason why we should continue to let people become sick and die of diseases that science may be able to cure in the coming decades.

Aug 5, 2019

Deciphering pancreatic cancer’s invade and evade tactics

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Two known gene mutations induce pathways that enhance pancreatic cancer’s ability to invade tissues and evade the immune system. Researchers report the molecular details of this process, providing insights into druggable targets for immunotherapies.

Mutations in the genes KRAS and TP53 are closely linked to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, by far the most common type of pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancers are often already malignant when diagnosed, making its five-year survival rate extremely low—less than ten percent. So, understanding how it evolves at the molecular level could help anti-cancer drug development.

Hisataka Sabe of Hokkaido University and colleagues in Japan conducted tests in human cancer cells and in mouse models of the disease to investigate the roles of KRAS and TP53 gene mutations in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. The study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).