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Nov 9, 2019

Implantable artificial kidney achieves preclinical milestone

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical

The Kidney Project, a national effort to develop an implantable bio-artificial kidney that could eliminate the need for dialysis, will announce a key milestone in a November 7, 2019 presentation at the American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week 2019 conference in Washington, DC.

The team will report that UC San Francisco scientists have successfully implanted a prototype bioreactor containing functional human into pigs without significant safety concerns. The device, which is about the size of a deck of cards, did not trigger an immune reaction or cause clots in the animals, an important milestone on the road to future human trials.

“This is the first demonstration that kidney cells can be implanted successfully in a large animal without immunosuppression and remain healthy enough to perform their function. This is a key milestone for us,” said Kidney Project co-lead Shuvo Roy, Ph.D., a faculty member in the Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, a joint department of the UCSF Schools of Pharmacy and Medicine. “Based on these results, we can now focus on scaling up the bioreactor and combining it with the blood filtration component of the artificial kidney.”

Nov 9, 2019

15-Year-Old Creates Cancer Test That Is 26,000 Times Less Expensive With 100% Accuracy

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education

While many high-school sophomores are busy partying and socializing, Jack Andraka developed a test for pancreatic cancer that is the first test that detects the disease and tumors before they get out of hand.

And with pancreatic cancer having the lowest survival rate of any cancer, he truly accomplished something amazing with his work.

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Nov 9, 2019

Androids that offer “digital immortality” begin mass production in Russia

Posted by in categories: life extension, robotics/AI

A company claims to make the world’s first humanoid android and offers ‘digital immortality.

Nov 9, 2019

Stem-cell based stroke treatment repairs damaged brain tissue

Posted by in category: neuroscience

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Nov 9, 2019

Luxury hotels could be launched into Earth’s orbit as early as 2021. This is what future space lodging might look like

Posted by in categories: habitats, space

Tourists may soon be wining, dining, and even playing Quidditch in space. NASA’s search for space-habitat designs is starting a new tourism industry.

Nov 9, 2019

African AI Experts Get Excluded From a Conference—Again

Posted by in categories: business, economics, robotics/AI

Ironically #AI has been proven to develop racial and gender bias. Gee, I wonder why?

For the second year in a row, more than a dozen AI researchers from African countries have been denied visas to a major AI conference in Canada.

Canada’s decision to refuse visas to African AI researchers seems ham-fisted, given that the country’s tech industry has been the beneficiary, in recent years, of America’s move toward isolationism. In 2017, Trudeau launched a visa program designed to attract high-tech workers—including those who found themselves unable to get into the US—by streamlining Canada’s visa-approval process. The recent decision to block access to NeurIPS for a diverse pool of talent appears to be a step in the opposite direction.

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Nov 9, 2019

DNA Test Startup Claims It Can Spot Embryos With Low Intelligence

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Questionable startups are claiming to be able to determine how smart a frozen IVF embryo will become if carried to term, and parents are taking the bait.

Genomic Prediction, the most prominent of these companies, offers tests to scan embryos for genetic diseases and other conditions — as well as genetic indicators that a future child will be in the bottom two percent of intelligence.

And MIT Technology Review reports that Genomic Prediction co-founder Stephen Hsu often uses media appearances to discuss future plans for a general intelligence test — something that, with current tech, is extremely unlikely to actually work.

Nov 9, 2019

Goldman Sachs has created a market-ready robo advisor

Posted by in categories: finance, information science, robotics/AI

If Goldman Sachs’ new tool launches through Marcus, a human-digital hybrid approach would be a wise choice.

Goldman Sachs created a market-ready robo advisor and is mulling how to launch it, Financial Planning reports. The automated platform will represent Goldman’s digital entry into the smaller investor market, per Rachel Schnoll — who recently became the head of Goldman’s FinLife CX RIA platform — as cited by Financial Planning. The new robo advisor may be built in part on algorithms that Goldman acquired from financial life management firm United Capital, when it acquired the company for $750 million in May.

The new robo advisor could be introduced to the market via Goldman’s Marcus segment — here’s why it would be a good match. Goldman could extend a portion of the personal touch it brings to its Private Wealth Management clients to Marcus clients by offering them financial advice via the new robo advisor.

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Nov 9, 2019

A Critical Milestone for Commercial Crew on This Week @NASA – November 8, 2019

Posted by in category: space

A critical milestone for our Commercial Crew Program, a Northrop Grumman Corporation cargo spacecraft makes a delivery to the International Space Station and a new wide-eyed view of the southern sky … a few of the stories to tell you about – This Week at NASA! Watch:

Nov 8, 2019

The Holy Grail of Clean Energy

Posted by in categories: business, energy

For a long time it’s been said “fusion is the energy of the future. And always will be”. But now, with an influx of private investment, fusion startups are in the race for the holy grail of energy — limitless, clean power. A company based in Oxford, U.K. believes they’re close.

#BloombergGiantLeap #Science #Technology

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