Why The Universal Usage Of The Terms “…Futurism…” And “…Futurist…” Is Unimpeachably and Outrageously Wrong As Per Three World-Class Dictionaries! By Mr. Andres Agostini at http://lnkd.in/bYP2nDC

Futurism Vs. Futurology, as per the most authoritative dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (translated into English by Andres), ensues now.
According to RASL, Futurology is thereby the “…set of studies that purports to scientifically predicting the future of man…”
While the word Futurism, according to RASL, equates to “…1. Spiritual, cultural and political attitude, etc., oriented towards the future. 2. Movement driven at the beginning of twentieth century by Italian poet Marinetti, who attempted to adapt art to the dynamics stemming from the advancements of technique…”
In Spanish and Italian and Portuguese it is outright wrong to speak about “futurism” and “futurist” as it is done today. Ergo, the right pathway is “futurology” and “futurologist,” respectively.
Under the American Heritage Dictionary (AHD), futurism is “…1. A belief that the meaning of life and one’s personal fulfillment lie in the future and not in the present or past.…2. An artistic movement originating in Italy around 1910 whose aim was to express the energetic, dynamic, and violent quality of contemporary life, especially as embodied in the motion and force of modern machinery…”
While under the AHD, futurology is “…The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.…”
Under the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), futurism is “…An art-movement, originating in Italy, characterized by violent departure from traditional forms, the avowed aim being to express movement and growth in objects, not their appearance at some particular moment. Also applied to similar tendencies in literature and music.…[In]1915 W. H. Wright Mod. Painting 276 Marinetti, a poet, is the spiritual (and monetary) father of Futurism…”
Under (OED), futurology is “…The forecasting of the future on a systematic basis, esp. by the study of present-day trends [present-day dynamic driving forces that reshape the present and future] in human affairs…”
Brackets are mine.
Conversely, this is immeasurably critical as well as, especially when noted scientists and intellectuals are frequently accusing other people to disrespect scientific inquiry and the scientific method. So every new idea with an impeachable method and a most detailed actionable plan (propelling in-all-truth novel scientific findings optimally), by said noted scientists and intellectuals easily get to be called “…pseudo-science…”
When they get intellectually challenged, they become allegedly envious, therefore satanizing and bastardizing others, and thus calling them “…pseudo-scientists…”
Playing with old and well-established “words” is, in my opinion, impious and an outright deed of pseudo-science…”
The lexicographers of the latest print (2004) of the American Heritage Dictionary extend to the combined work and research by over 200 American and Canadian Philosophiae Doctors.
What do they do, really? By means of example, this: ”…The scientific process or work of writing, editing, or compiling a dictionary.…” that includes “…Practical lexicography that is the art or craft [practice and science] of [systematically] compiling, writing and editing dictionaries…”
Brackets are mine.
And that also includes: “…Theoretical lexicography is the scholarly discipline of analyzing and describing the semantic, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relationships within the lexicon (vocabulary) of a language, developing theories of dictionary components and structures linking the data in dictionaries, the needs for information by users in specific types of situation, and how users may best access the data incorporated in printed and electronic dictionaries. This is sometimes referred to as ‘metalexicography’…”
A person devoted to scientific lexicography is called a scientific lexicographer. The preceding example of the American Heritage Dictionary is an optimal one.
A NASA Rocket Scientist, a physicist, systems engineer and doctor in science, Vernon L. Grose ScD., has written many works, including his book “…Science But Not Scientists…” (ISBN-13: 978–1425969929). Through that book Dr. Grose copes with the pseudo-science topic and consequently quotes French mathematician, theoretical physicist, engineer, and a philosopher of science Henri Poincaré (1854 – 1912).
I treasure all of Dr. Grose’s books and publications both in hard-copy formats and digitally. On an utter mention to Dr. Strangelove, he verbatim and wrongfully argues that RAND Corporation’s Herman Khan is a “… Polymath Futurist…” When the correct qualifier is that RAND Corporation’s Herman Khan is solely and only a “… Polymath Futurologist…”
In all of his works, Dr. Grose emphatically indicates the instrumentality of unambiguous parlance, clear semantics and right linguistics. Under this preceding instance, he violated scientific lexicography. Hence and paradoxically, Dr. Grose himself is warmly embracing his all-out-rejected pseudo science often.
If a world-class organization were to published, market and sell the “…FUTURIST Magazine…” (http://lnkd.in/dzmKxu2), it would be a gargantuan blunder. Correcting this hyperbolic blunder would bring us to the “…FUTUROLOGIST Magazine…”
In the near future, I just might offer many insidious yet breathtaking notorious examples of excellent scientists engaged in pseudo science without their own noticing.
CONCLUSION: It is universally insane and greatly misleading how prominent scientists, academicians, scholars, intellectuals, erudites, linguists, researchers, engineers, thought leaders, historians, philosophers, authors, CEOs, inventors and statesmen pervasively insist on calling “futurism” and “futurist” what is only “futurology” and “futurologist,” respectively.
There are many literary publications into advanced futures studies, foresight research and scenario planning ─ hugely prestigious ones ─ that indefatigably insist and insist on this outrageously flawed meaning, boldly contradicting the scientific rigorousness of any well-established dictionary in the Western World.
Mr. Andres Agostini
Risk-Management Professional Futurologist
and Entrepreneurial Success Consultant