Great philosophers, thinkers and writers have embraced the pioneering spirit—full of wonder, risk and great ventures into the unknown.
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May 28, 2015
Designed for the Future: 80 Practical Ideas for a Sustainable World
Posted by Odette Bohr Dienel in categories: architecture, environmental, futurism, human trajectories, lifeboat
“In Designed for the Future, author Jared Green asks eighty of today’s most innovative architects, urban planners, landscape architects, journalists, artists, and environmental leaders the same question: what gives you the hope that a sustainable future is possible?”
May 27, 2015
Can This Man and His Massive Robot Network Save America?
Posted by Zoltan Istvan in categories: life extension, robotics/AI, transhumanism
A long interview from Esquire on transhumanism, AI, life extension, my campaign, and thoughts on the future.
May 27, 2015
Transhumanist Party Scientists Frown on Talk of Genetic Engineering Moratorium
Posted by Zoltan Istvan in category: transhumanism
May 27, 2015
Can Transhumanism Overcome a Widespread Deathist Culture?
Posted by Zoltan Istvan in categories: life extension, transhumanism
New story in The Huffington Post on transhumanism, life extension, and overcoming deathist culture:
May 27, 2015
L’Oreal Goes After 3D Printed Human Skin to Test Beauty Products — By Jason Dorrier
Posted by Seb in categories: bioprinting, biotech/medical, business
In Lyon, France, cosmetics company L’Oreal is growing human skin.
Each year, some 60 scientists cultivate 100,000 paper-thin skin samples in nine varieties simulating different ages and ethnicities—and then they test beauty products on them. Read more
May 27, 2015
The Highest-Paying Jobs Of The Future Will Eat Your Life — Jay Zagorsky | Fast Company
Posted by Seb in categories: business, health
“With this trend toward long hours and higher pay, what will be the impact on people? Research has identified reduced sleep, increased stress, less happiness, lower productivity, poorer health, and higher chances for injuring yourself and others when the workday expands—implications that can be dangerous in any job, be it specialized or not.” Read more
May 27, 2015
MIT’s President: Op-ed on Innovation
Posted by Odette Bohr Dienel in categories: business, disruptive technology, economics, education, finance, government, innovation, policy, science, strategy
“[T]he United States needs a more systematic way to help its bottled-up new-science innovators deliver their ideas to the world.”
May 27, 2015
An Homage to CERN’s John Bell
Posted by Otto E. Rössler in categories: existential risks, particle physics
Heraclitus’ Saying “The Wartime-Slaughterer is the Father of Everyone”: almost confirmed through Einstein’s Intuition
Otto E. Rossler
Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Tubingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 Tubingen, Germany
May 26, 2015
The House just passed a bill about space mining. The future is here. — Brian Fung | The Washington Post
Posted by Seb in categories: business, space, space travel
“What could the FAA, an agency whose chief concern is air travel, want with outer space? Well, the FAA is the agency that grants licenses for commercial space launches (the ones that aren’t performed for NASA or the Defense Department, anyway). This potentially gives the nation’s aviation regulators a tremendous amount of power over the fledgling private space industry.” Read more