Researchers are teaching this robot how to reject our orders. The results are ominously cute.
Researchers are teaching this robot how to reject our orders. The results are ominously cute.
Posted in space
New legislation and interest from a number of private ventures could lead to extraction of valuable minerals from asteroids—and sooner than you might think.
STAFFBy Richard Yonck on November 24, 2015 3.
Posted in space
First successful reusable rocket landing from space!!
Blue Origin’s New Shepard space vehicle successfully flew to space, reaching its planned test altitude of 329,839 feet (100.5 kilometers) before executing a historic landing back at the launch site in West Texas.
A development firm in Austin, Texas is working on wearable health monitors that come in the form of temporary tattoos.
New article for Vice Motherboard on the future of drugs and implants:
Brain stimulation is the future of drugs.
There’s a common misconception that tattoos are only a way to express your individuality (just like everyone else does), or only serve as loving tributes to moms. But they have practical medical applications too, especially now that circuit board temporary tattoos exist.
Developed by Chaotic Moon Studios, which describes itself as a “creative technology studio,” these Tech Tats use conductive inks (in lieu of actual tattoo inks) that only sit on the surface of the skin so they’re not permanent. After all, given the speed at which technology evolves, the last thing you want is a permanent circuit board tattoo on your arm that’s outdated within a year.
Tianjin is building the world’s largest animal cloning factory, aiming to produce one million cattle embryos annually, state media reported yesterday.
According to a Xinhua, mainland scientists have signed a deal to establish a 200 million yuan (HK$242 million) commercial animal cloning centre in the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area, a government-sponsored business development park.
Its main building was already under construction and due to be completed by June next year, the report said. Among the animals it will clone are sniffer and pet dogs, high-grade beef cattle, racehorses and “non-human primates”. These animals will be used for commercial services and improving breeds.
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This startup is trying to take down the diamond industry with Leonardo DiCaprio.
Private spaceflight company Blue Origin, helmed by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, says it has landed its main rocket, New Shepard, back on Earth after launch. That would make it the first rocket ever to have gently landed and remained intact after taking off into space. It also means that Blue Origin has beaten SpaceX in the race to make the first reusable rocket; the Elon Musk-led space venture has been trying to soft-land its main rocket, the Falcon 9, for the past year.
To commemorate the landing, Bezos tweeted for the first time since setting up his Twitter account seven years ago.