Page 11729
Nov 5, 2015
Gene editing saves girl dying from leukaemia in world first
Posted by Julius Garcia in categories: biotech/medical, genetics
A one-year-old girl is in remission after receiving an experimental therapy that used genetically engineered T-cells from a donor to kill her cancer.
Thomas Frey’s futurist predictions will leave you beyond enlightened. Learn more about the state of jobs in the future by clicking here!
Nov 5, 2015
AI will reorganize the human population
Posted by Julius Garcia in category: robotics/AI
Artificial Intelligence will start reorganizing people on the planet long before it will be able to drive your car.
Nov 5, 2015
Panera CEO Says Robots Will Replace Human Workers
Posted by Julius Garcia in categories: business, robotics/AI
Using a touch-screen ordering station instead of speaking to a human while ordering a Panini at Panera is in the imminent future, reports Business Insider.
According to Panera founder and CEO Ron Shaich, a robot revolution will take over companies as labor prices increase and what he calls “digital utilization” goes up, according to the report.
Nov 4, 2015
Dozens of people mistake robot for real woman — and they think she’s ‘sexy’
Posted by Dan Kummer in category: robotics/AI
Viewers are in awe of how lifelike the robot appears — and have even claimed to find her attractive.
Japan has developed a new genetically mutated strawberries, and it’s BLUE
Nov 4, 2015
Relativity v quantum mechanics – the battle for the universe
Posted by Andreas Matt in category: quantum physics
Physicists have spent decades trying to reconcile two very different theories. But is a winner about to emerge – and transform our understanding of everything from time to gravity?
Nov 4, 2015
Robot spiders could build giant webs in space
Posted by Andreas Matt in categories: robotics/AI, space
The SpiderFab manufacturing system would build huge structures in space using arachnid-like robots.