Simon Waslander – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 30 Jan 2023 03:22:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hallmarks of Aging, CureDAO, Transhuman Coin | THC SAB Meeting 2022.01.28 Mon, 30 Jan 2023 03:22:58 +0000

Open-Sourcing And Accelerating Precision Health Of The Future: Progress, Potential and Possibilities Podcast episode Thu, 12 Jan 2023 00:23:21 +0000

Simon Waslander is the Director of Collaboration, at the CureDAO Alliance for the Acceleration of Clinical Research (, a community-owned platform for the precision health of the future.

CureDAO is creating an open-source platform to discover how millions of factors, like foods, drugs, and supplements affect human health, within a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), making suffering optional through the creation of a “WordPress of health data”.

Simon is a native of the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba, having been born on the island and initially chose to study medicine at the University of Groningen, but then transitioned over to healthcare innovation studies at the University of Maastricht where he wrote his master thesis on the topic of Predictive Healthcare Algorithms.

(For information on the discussion segment on AGI, please contact — www.Norn.AI)

AGI Laboratory moving towards artificial general intelligence? Thu, 13 Oct 2022 02:23:00 +0000

Moving towards Artificial General Intelligence?


The following are available for interview:

Kyrtin Atreides — Norn COO and co-inventor.

David J Kelley — Norn founder and originator.

Frits Israel — Norn CEO

To see the system “thinking” live, interview the Norn creators, or CEO, please contact:

Lief anya schneider, head of communications, AGI laboratory.

[email protected].

WhatsApp +44 7,971 950 899

Called Norn, AGI Laboratory believes it “to be the first software system to have independent motivation based on human-like emotions. Its unique configuration means that Norn not only has a memory, but also a rich emotional context for every concept, and the will and ability to grow dynamically in knowledge, scale, and character”.

According to the company “Norn is a real-time and scalable hybrid of AGI-based technology and Collective Intelligence Systems, with a novel graph database-based memory and access to many tools. Its unique architecture means that it is exponentially more energy efficient than other systems.” It is cited as being 90% less data hungry with a 90% reduction in energy use, has an architecture for reducing bias, reduces research time and wrong conclusions from ‘noise’ and can be integrated with other systems.

The system is currently in alpha development and the aim is to produce a commercially developed system before the end of 2023. Evidently, representatives of two national Governments are in initial discussions to become beta testers. Norn is being developed by a team led by “futurist, technocrat, polymath” and eight times Microsoft MVP award winner, David J Kelley.

Ageless Biomarkers & Diagnostics Companies Wed, 20 Jul 2022 19:47:10 +0000

Ageless biomarkers and diagnostics company overview.

So proud of fellow Ageless Partners® coach Kamila Issabayeva for giving such an excellent overview of all the different Biomarkers currently on the market. Also, I had the pleasure of being a co-moderator together with Jason C. Mercurio of this wonderful intellectual presentation.

She talks about the ideal Aging biomarker panel, pricing, accuracy and which tests have the highest correlation Aging.

A highly informative presentation that you would not want to miss!

#Biomarkers #Aging #Longevity #Lifespan

Kamila Issabayeva gives a presentation on biomarkers and diagnostics companies!

Kamila is an Ageless Coach with Ageless Partners®.

Book a session with Kamila today!

Follow us on Social Media:

Live long and age less!
#aging #antiaging #longevity #reverseaging #youthful #biotechnology #biology.
#biohacking #biohackingsuccess #agingparents #agingbackwards #agingskin #aginggorgeously #agingwell #aginginplace #agingwoman #aginggracefully #agingwithgrace.
#nutritioncoach #fasting #fastingchallenge #fastingweightloss #fastingforhealth.
#health #healthy #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthtips #healthcare #healthyeating #healthtips #healthylife #healthy #health.

We thank some of our influencers for sharing their knowledge in the pursuit of age reversal: @BioViva Science @Brent Nally @Johnny Adams @David Sinclair @Humanity Plus.

You may hear, view, or receive information in multiple formats (consultation, PDFs, etc.) with a broad range of views on aging, health, and longevity. Ageless Partners LLC is not liable or responsible for any actions taken due to the information gained.

Ageless Augmented Fasting: Reverse Engineering Biological Immortality Fri, 01 Jul 2022 23:24:26 +0000

Exclusive interview for ageless partners®: augmented fasting; reverse engineering immortality.

I am so happy and intellectually fulfilled to share the following interview I had with Jason C. Mercurio, MFE about Aging and the conclusions I’ve reached after 12 years of intensive research.

Every single person reading this is suffering from Aging.

Also the tool Aging exacts in terms of human suffering is indescribable.

For society and healthcare systems, just slowing down Aging by a few years would save trillions.

In this interview we discuss the following fascinating subjects:

Proven models of enhanced lifespan in mice:

- Ames dwarf mice.

- Caloric Restriction.

- FGF21.

- Alpha-Klotho.

- Glycine & N-AcetylCysteine.

- Metformin — Rapamycin.

- Fast-Mimicking.

- Exercise.

- Ketogenic.

- Lithium & Rapamycin.

Reverse Engineering Immortality.

- Lowering Insulin.

- Pan-PPAR Agonism & FGF21

- Inducing Alpha-Klotho.

- dual nrf2 & antioxidant agonists.

- GLP-1 agonism and HDAC inhibition.

- Dual GSK3b/HDAC Inhibition

Fasting has been used as a health optimization technique for thousands of years. Simon Waslander, an Ageless Coach with Ageless Partners, reviews his augmented fasting techniques and knowledge. We examine actionable insights in the pursuit of better health.

Schedule an Ageless Coaching session today!

You’ll find a list of our coaches here:

Live long and age less!

Today @4 PM Eastern Time! Sun, 08 May 2022 17:04:04 +0000

With Raymond Kurzweil’s co-author Dr. Terry Grossman M.D and Dr. The panel will also awnser Longevity questions live. This is your opportunity to get powerful health insights from the World’s leading thinkers in Life Extension.

Sun, May 8 at 3 PM CDT.


Prome den Noticia Sat, 07 May 2022 03:24:12 +0000

Jeremy Rifkin on How to Manage a Future of Abundance Thu, 09 May 2019 01:42:23 +0000

Get ready for a future in which most things you need to live, food, housing, transportation, and information, are free or nearly free.

The influential economic theorist looks ahead to a world of virtually free energy and zero marginal cost production, and to a desperate race against climate change.

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We Can Now Grow Perfect Human Blood Vessels in a Lab Tue, 22 Jan 2019 15:43:18 +0000

They’ve already yielded a new lead in the hunt for better diabetes…

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Scientists turn carbon emissions into usable energy Tue, 22 Jan 2019 15:02:41 +0000

MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH: A recent study affiliated with UNIST has developed a system that produces electricity and hydrogen (H2) while eliminating carbon dioxide (CO2), the main contributor of global warming. This breakthrough has been led by Professor Guntae Kim in the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering at UNIST in collaboration with Professor Jaephil Cho in the Department of Energy Engineering and Professor Meilin Liu in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology.

In this work, the research team presented a hybrid Na-CO2 system that can continuously produce electrical and hydrogen through efficient CO2 conversion with stable operation for over 1,000 hours from spontaneous CO2 dissolution in aqueous solution.

“Carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) technologies have recently received a great deal of attention for providing a pathway in dealing with global climate change,” says Professor Kim. “The key to that technology is the easy conversion of chemically stable CO2 molecules to other materials.” He adds, “Our new system has solved this problem with CO2 dissolution mechanism.”

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