Robert James Powles – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Mon, 05 Jun 2017 03:14:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The War On Obesity Is A Waste Of Resources, Aging Is The Real Enemy Thu, 13 Oct 2016 12:48:28 +0000

As the WHO announces support of a sugary drinks tax, are we wasting resources tackling obesity over aging and age-related disease?

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Modified CRISPR Can Act As A Toggle Switch To Silence Genes Sat, 12 Mar 2016 18:47:47 +0000

CRISPR may have burst on the scene as a revolutionary gene editing tool, but it’s proving to be so much more. Tagging the targeting system with a gene silencing component could revolutionise stem cell work and enable a new level of genetic control we’ve never seen before.

A wonder tool

Efficient and accurate, CRISPR may be in the throes of a patent battle but it’s undoubtedly going down in history as a landmark in biological science. There may be other similar systems out there, but CRISPR makes things quick and comparatively cheap — which tends to revolutionise any industry.

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An Interview With The Major Mouse Testing Program: We Talk Longevity Advocacy And Fast Tracking Progress Sat, 12 Mar 2016 13:47:45 +0000

Innovative new project the MMTP aims to fast forward translation from lab to clinic with rapid, parallel mice testing. We caught up with Steve Hill and Elena Milova from the MMTP team to discuss the program and why being pro-actively involved with longevity advocacy is so important.

What’s the gap in the market you’re aiming to fill and the major motivation behind the MMTP?

Steve – The bridge between basic research and taking it to clinical trials. People like The SENS Foundation are spinning a lot of plates doing the high risk, nitty gritty research that isn’t profitable, but crowdfunding can get that done. We want to create a solid gold standard testing platform without the restrictions of government, where any team can come to us for parallel testing and halve development time. The problem with animal testing is there’s this disconnect; it’s not sexy science basically. A common response is let me know when it’s available in humans, but it’s not going to be! No animal data means no human testing, organizations like the FDA, NHS and EMA all insist on a battery of animal testing before human trials. Period. It’s not sexy, it’s not available in humans next week, but if MMTP or other projects don’t get things done on mice for example, it’s never going to get done. It doesn’t matter if one theory turns out to be wrong, let’s get stuck in and find out!

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Nootropic Drug Can Reverse And Prevent Cognitive Decline In Rats Thu, 04 Feb 2016 18:47:40 +0000

Ampakines are known mental stimulants, but in rats they can also shelter the brain from age-related decline and even reverse deterioriation

A number of changes happen in the aging brain and one of these is a dendritic loss which onsets around middle age. In a new study, researchers have shown a particular drug belonging to the ampakine class of compounds, has significant neuroprotective properties.

Shielding the brain

Ampakines have already been shown to aid cognitive function in older rats, and they also appear to boost levels of BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factor, which is associated with staving off neural decline. In the latest study using one such ampakine, older rat brains were compared to adolescent samples. While untreated rats had short dendrites and fewer dendritic branches, after 3 months of treatment older rat brains were identical to younger ones. If that wasn’t enough, they showed enhanced signalling and even had more dendritic spines than the adolescent rats did.

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Breakthrough Diabetes Cell Therapy Could Be A Game Changer Wed, 27 Jan 2016 16:47:24 +0000

Research is edging us closer to a cure for type 1 diabetes, with encapsulated insulin producing cells that could last for years — ending daily injections

Over 400,000 in the UK alone live with type 1 diabetes, and daily injections are far from a ‘cure’ for the condition. Although these have saved millions worldwide, they’re inaccurate in comparison to the body’s own finely tuned insulin producing cells. This leads to progressive damage and complications.

The wonders of cell therapy

In type 1, and some later stage type 2 diabetics, the body lacks capable insulin producing beta cells. These carefully release packets of insulin in response to fluctuating blood sugar levels, and keep your blood sugar in check. Harvesting beta cells from deceased donors has been attempted in the past, but they’re quickly attacked by the immune system and patients must take unpleasant immunosuppressant drugs alongside the treatment.

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Quantum Dots To Fight Drug Resistant Bacteria Mon, 25 Jan 2016 19:47:27 +0000

Researchers at the University of Colorado have created a unique, light-activated nanotherapy to destroy antibiotic resistant bacteria

The pursuit of longevity requires continued, effective antibiotics. Otherwise, you could be as fit as a fiddle at 100 and still be downed by a nasty, resistant strain.

While bacterial strains resistant to current drugs are rapidly rising across the globe, infecting 2 million people last year, researchers are turning to increasingly innovative ways to destroy these populations. Nanotechnology is one such, increasingly promising technology.

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Great Progress In Treating Multiple Sclerosis With Stem Cell Therapy Thu, 21 Jan 2016 14:48:24 +0000

A transplantation procedure to treat multiple sclerosis using a patient’s own stem cells has shown impressive results

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex autoimmune disorder in which myelin, the protective sheath around nerve fibres, begins to get degraded. Progressive inflammation and scarring results in permanent nerve damage which can eventually lead to severe disability. While there has been progress in controlling the disease, no cure currently exists.

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More Than Just Editing: CRISPR Could Control Your Genes Too Tue, 12 Jan 2016 19:47:30 +0000

CRISPR, CRISPR, CRISPR. We’ve all heard about it’s gene editing capability, but it has potential to do so much more — controlling genes and offering a precise delivery system.

More than an editing platform

The CRISPR-Cas9 system does a wonderful job, partly because it targets genes so specifically. It’s not the only system that does this, but it’s the cheapest and easiest to create so far. For those with imagination however, this targeting quality means it could do so much more than simply snip away at sequences. Targeting promoter sequences, delivering a payload to a specific region of DNA…the platform has enormous potential.

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A No Brainer? New Survey Indicates A Majority May Support Healthy Longevity Thu, 07 Jan 2016 15:47:43 +0000

A new survey has discovered a fear of frailty likely prevents widespread support of longevity, but if health is combined with years then it could well be a popular option.

Healthy longevity may convince people

According to the new survey, out of 1500 people 74.4% wished to live to 120 or longer if health was guaranteed, but only 57.4% wished to live that long if it wasn’t.

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