Prem Vijaywargi – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Thu, 13 Apr 2023 19:24:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Drug that increases human lifespan to 200 years is in the works Thu, 13 Apr 2023 19:24:53 +0000

Taken in pill form, the drug would eliminate cells in the human body that are responsible for advancing the ageing process – potentially doubling our lifespan. But is this desirable?

NASA Just Saw Something Come Out Of A Black Hole For The First Time Ever Sun, 06 Mar 2022 11:02:18 +0000

You don’t need to be an expert in science to understand that black holes often pull things in rather than spit them out. However, NASA has just discovered something quite weird around the supermassive black hole Markarian 335.

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First pig-to-human heart transplant: what can scientists learn? Sun, 16 Jan 2022 04:22:47 +0000

In a first, U.S. surgeons transplant pig heart into human patient.

Unusual opportunity

Last week’s procedure marks the first time that a pig organ has been transplanted into a human who has a chance to survive and recover. In 2021, surgeons at New York University Langone Health transplanted kidneys from the same line of genetically modified pigs into two legally dead people with no discernible brain function. The organs were not rejected, and functioned normally while the deceased recipients were sustained on ventilators.

Aside from that, most research has so far taken place in non-human primates. But researchers hope that the 7 January operation will further kick-start clinical xenotransplantation and help to push it through myriad ethical and regulatory issues.

Brazilian President # JairBolsonaro wants to keep Latin America’s largest economy ticking instead of locking down activities to combat the spread of # coronavirus Wed, 22 Sep 2021 11:43:07 +0000

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Sri Lanka declares food emergency as forex crisis worsens Wed, 01 Sep 2021 16:23:03 +0000

Sri Lanka has declared a state of emergency as the food crisis worsened after private banks ran out of foreign exchange to finance imports.

Our Top Government Officials May Soon Fly in This Plush Supersonic Jet Wed, 01 Sep 2021 06:22:50 +0000

The jet’s interior includes two private suites with VIP seats that can carry 31 passengers.

Is human consciousness creating reality? Tue, 08 Jun 2021 08:23:11 +0000

Is the physical universe independent from us, or is it created by our minds, as suggested by scientist Robert Lanza?

Physics without time Tue, 13 Apr 2021 14:23:06 +0000

Place one clock at the top of a mountain. Place another on the beach. Eventually, you’ll see that each clock tells a different time. Why?

In his book “The Order of Time,” Italian theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli suggests that our perception of time — our sense that time is forever flowing forward — could be a highly subjective projection. After all, when you look at reality on the smallest scale (using equations of quantum gravity, at least), time vanishes.

“If I observe the microscopic state of things,” writes Rovelli, “then the difference between past and future vanishes … in the elementary grammar of things, there is no distinction between ‘cause’ and ‘effect.’”

So, why do we perceive time as flowing forward? Rovelli notes that, although time disappears on extremely small scales, we still obviously perceive events occur sequentially in reality. In other words, we observe entropy: Order changing into disorder; an egg cracking and getting scrambled.

Synthetic organism undergoes cell division in breakthrough study Wed, 31 Mar 2021 16:25:29 +0000

For the first time, a team of scientists has created a synthetic single-celled organism that can divide and grow like a regular living cell. This breakthrough could lead to designer cells that can produce useful chemicals on demand or treat disease from inside the body.

This new study, by scientists from the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and MIT, builds on over a decade’s work in creating synthetic lifeforms. In 2010 a JCVI team created the world’s first cell with a synthetic genome, which they dubbed JCVI-syn1.0.

In 2016, the researchers followed that up with JCVI-syn3.0, a version where the goal was to make the organism as simple as possible. With only 473 genes, it was the simplest living cell ever known – by comparison, an E. coli bacterium has well over 4000 genes. But perhaps it was too simple, because the cells weren’t all that effective at dividing. Rather than uniform shapes and sizes, some of them would form filaments and others wouldn’t fully separate.

Israeli scientist claims to ‘reverse’ aging in blood cells Wed, 31 Mar 2021 16:25:05 +0000

‘This means we can start to look at aging as a reversible disease,’ says Prof Shai Efrati; top geriatrician says he is skeptical, and raises concerns.
