Paul Gonçalves – Lifeboat News: The Blog Safeguarding Humanity Tue, 14 Sep 2021 07:22:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Autos to Integrate AI-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) Tue, 14 Sep 2021 07:22:18 +0000

BCI to enable drivers to use thoughts to control select car functions.

This Brain-Controlled Robotic Arm Can Twist, Grasp—and Feel Sun, 23 May 2021 14:22:18 +0000

Nathan Copeland learned to move a robotic arm with his mind, but it was kind of slow. Then researchers gave him touch feedback.

Towards the end of deep learning and the beginning of AGI Mon, 22 Mar 2021 20:22:25 +0000

How recent research points the way towards defeating adversarial examples and achieving a more resilient, consistent and flexible A.I.

How recent neuroscience research points the way towards defeating adversarial examples and achieving a more resilient, consistent and flexible form of artificial intelligence.

Scientists Discover Ways of Making Old Blood New Again Wed, 10 Mar 2021 18:22:34 +0000

Creating 200 billion-plus brand-new red blood cells a day can take a toll on a body. The capacity to replace components charged with the life-sustaining task of carrying oxygen eventually wears out with aging, resulting in health problems, from anemia to blood cancers.

What if we could halt the aging process and maintain young blood cells for life? With blood cells making up a whopping 90% of the body’s cells, it makes sense that keeping them abundant and fit could boost vitality into our golden years.

Now, a group of researchers, including experts at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, has discovered ways to do just that – keep the blood manufacturing process flowing. The work, recently published in the journal Nature, could open doors to everything from disease-preventive therapies to better blood banks.

Astronomers detect new super-Earth exoplanet orbiting nearby star Thu, 25 Feb 2021 08:22:16 +0000

Using the radial velocity (RV) technique, astronomers have discovered a new super-Earth alien world as part of the HADES and CARMENES programs. The newfound exoplanet, designated GJ 740 b, orbits a bright star some 36 light-years away and is at least three times more massive than the Earth. The finding is reported in a paper published February 18 on the arXiv pre-print server.

Interstellar Lab’s BioPod prepares for plant cultivation on the moon Tue, 09 Feb 2021 06:24:29 +0000

Revealed at the Future Investment Initiative in Riyad, the inflatable, environmentally controlled plant cultivation pod is intended to sustain flora beyond the earth’s surface.

Jupiter Mission Wed, 13 Jan 2021 05:22:31 +0000

China has hinted before that it would like to send missions to the outer planets. Chinese scientists, working with European collaborators, are now solidifying plans for two distinct Jupiter mission concepts, one of which will likely move forward. Both seek to unravel mysteries behind the planet’s origins and workings using a main spacecraft and one or more smaller vehicles.

The competing missions are called the Jupiter Callisto Orbiter and the Jupiter System Observer, or JCO and JSO, respectively. Both would launch in 2029 and arrive in 2035 after one Venus flyby and two Earth flybys. JCO and JSO would study the size, mass, and composition of Jupiter’s irregular satellites—those captured by Jupiter rather than formed in orbit, and often in distant, elliptical and even retrograde orbits—complementing science conducted by NASA’s Europa Clipper and Lucy missions, as well as the European Space Agency’s JUICE mission.

Both JCO and JSO would possibly include CubeSats with particle and field detector payloads to perform the first multi-point study of Jupiter’s magnetic field.

Drug Reverses Age-Related Mental Decline Within Days, Suggesting Lost Cognitive Ability is Not Permanent Sat, 02 Jan 2021 10:22:18 +0000

ISRIB, a new drug that reboots protein production in cells can reverse aging declines in memory and cognition in mice, with no side effects.
